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Lovely Professional University, Punjab INSTRUCTION PLAN

Term: 2

Course No. CHE101 Textbook: Other specific books:

Course Title: Chemistry 1. R. Chang, Chemistry, Ninth Edition Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi,2008. 2. J. Paula, P. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 7th Edition, W. H. Freeman, 2001.

L: 3 T: 1 P:0 Cr: 4

3. R.T. Morison & R.N.Boyd,Organic Chemistry,6th Edition,Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.N.Delhi,2004 4. S. M. Mukherji and S. P. Singh, Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Macmillan India, 2000.
Other readings: S.No. 5 6 7 8 Journal articles as compulsory readings (Specific articles, Complete reference)

Chemical Kinetics: As Important As The Second Law Of Thermodynamics? The Chemical Educator, Volume 3, Number 2 / April, 1998, Solid state electrochemical CO2 gas sensor using zircon-based sodium ionic conductors, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 28, Number 8 / January, 1993, Synthesis and material and electronic properties of conjugated polymers. Journal of Materials Science, Volume 25, Number 9 / September, 1990, Metalceramic composite layers on stainless steel through the combination of electrophoretic deposition and galvanic processes. Journal of Materials Science, Volume 42, Number 12 / June, 2007,
Web address (Exact page address) Salient Features

Relevant websites: S.No. 9 en_Chem_Pages/12kineticpage/kineticsmain.htm mTopicLabs/vol%2014/Demo_Summaries_Concept_ vol14.pdf


The most commonly demonstrated oscillator reaction. The color of the solution oscillates between clear, brown, and deep blue. There are many other demonstration present here. KineticsDemonstration Summaries and Concepts


Iodate and metabisulfite are dispensed at concentrations where the 1


clock reaction requires about 10 seconds when the equal volumes of solutions are mixed. Students alter the conditions to make the color change in exactly 30 seconds. Students with minimal knowledge about kinetics usually succeed by applying scientific reasoning. First-Aid Hot packs, containing either calcium chloride or magnesium sulfate, plus water, demonstrate a spontaneous exothermic solution process. These can be passed around to students. Polarizing power of polymers (short video film) The formation of Nylon 6-10 (short video film) Slime away (short video film) Silly polymer (short video film) What happened to polymer? e.g. Styrofoam cup (short video film) Video of (SN1 Reaction) Video of (SN1 and SN2) Video of (SN1 Reaction) Naming Coordination Compounds (nomenclature) d-Orbitals in an Octahedral Field (downloadable animation with actual control)

12 en_Chem_Pages/06thermopage/thermochemistry .htm Y&feature=related bo&feature=related &feature=related em162U_spr03/handout_Lecture_May28.pdf AnOctahedralField/


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Note : Serial no. of text book , other specific books , other readings and websites should be in continuity and can go to any number, as illustrated in the format.

Detailed Plan for Lectures Week No. Lecture No. Topic Chapters/ Sections of Textbook/ other reference1

Homework/ Task to be assigned to students3

Pedagogical tool Pedagogical tool Date Delivered Demonstration/ Demonstration/ (Mention case study/ case study/ images/ Regular (R) / images/ animations animations Make Up (M) 4 etc.planned etc.actually used class)

Part 1 (one fourth of total number of lectures) 1

1 2

Quantum Theory and the electronic structure of atoms From classical physics to quantum theory, Plancks quantum theory The photoelectric effect, Bohrs theory of the hydrogen atom Dual nature of electron

Chapter 7 pp- 266 Chapter 7 pp- 268 -272 Section 7.1 Chapter 7 pp- 272 279/ Section 7.2 and7.3 Chapter 7 pp- 274 283/ Section 7.3 and7.4
Term paper (A)

Photoelectric effect Animation

Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Numbers

Chapter 7 pp- 283 288/ Section 7.3 and7.4

Atomic orbitals, Electronic Configuration, The building Up principles

Chapter 7 pp- 288 301/ Section 7.3 and7.4

Home work 1

Orbital and Electronic Configuration animation, Demonstratio n9 Simulation Demonstration10 The rate of
reaction Animation

Chemical Kinetics: The rate of Reaction, The Rate Law

Chapter 13. pp 546 557/Section 13.1 & 13.2

The relation between reactant concentration and time, First order reaction Second order reaction and Zero order reaction

Chapter 13. pp 557 564 Section 13.3 Chapter 13. pp 564 567 Section 13.3

Demo Kit1,2,3 Demonstration11

Part 2 ( another one fourth of total number of lectures)


Activation energy and temperature dependence of rate constant, Collision theory of chemical Kinetics, Arrhenius Equation Reaction Mechanism, Rate laws and elementary steps, Experimental supports of

Chapter 13. pp 568 575 Section 13.4

H.W Based Test 1

Article Reading5


Chapter 13. pp 575 579 Section 13.5 4

Home work 2

Activation Energy Animation

reaction mechanism


Electrochemistry: Review on Redox Reactions, Balancing redox reactions. Galvanic Cells, Standard reduction potentials, Electrochemical series

Chapter 19. pp 819 822 Section 19.1 Chapter 19. pp 823 830 Section 19.2 & 19.3 Chapter 19. pp 839 844 Section 19.6 Chapter 19. pp 839 844 Section 19.6 Chapter 19. pp 844 848 Section 19.7 Chapter 22. pp 936 940 Section 22.1& 22.2 Chapter 22. pp 940 946 Section 22.3

Redox Reaction Simulation, Article Reading6 Article Reading7 Cell Reaction Animation



Batteries: Dry Cell battery, The mercury Battery, The lead Storage Battery, The Lithium ion Battery, Fuel cells Corrosion




Transition metal chemistry and Coordination Compounds: Properties of transition metals, Chemistry of Iron and Copper Coordination compounds


H.W Based Test 2

Ball and stick model for tetrahedral geometry

7 7 7

Spill over lecture Spill over lecture Spill over lecture

Revision/Test Revision/Test Revision/Test


Part 3 (another one fourth of total number of lectures) 8


Bonding in Coordination compounds: Crystal field Theory , CFT in Complexes Octahedral

Chapter 22. pp 949 953 Section 22.5 Chapter 22. pp 949 953 Section 22.5 Chapter 22. pp 949 953 Section 22.5 Chapter 22. pp 949 953 Section 22.5 Chapter 1. pp 19-32 section 1.34 Chapter 1. pp 19-32 section 1.34 Chapter 2.pp 59-63 section 2.44 6 Demo 22



CFT in Tetrahedral and Square Planer Complexes, Reaction of Coordination Compounds, Applications of Coordination Compounds Basics of Electron displacement effects:Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance effect and hyperconjugation effect Reactive intermediates:-Free radicals, carbocationStability, carbanions and


Home work 3





their stability


Classes of Compounds, Hydrocarbons

Organic Aliphatic

Chapter 24. pp 1004 1008 Section 24.1& 24.2 Chapter 24. pp 1009 1011 Section 24.2 Animation



Alkanes: Reactions of Alkanes, Optical Isomerism in alkanes, Cycloalkanes

Part 4 (another one fourth of total number of lectures)



Alkenes, cis and trans isomerization, Reactions of alkenes Alkynes reactions of alkynes

Chapter 24. pp 1011 1015 Section 24.2 Chapter 24. pp 1011 1015 Section 24.2 Chapter 2. pp 43-45 section 2.14 Chapter 2. pp 43-45 section 2.14

H. W based Test 3 Home work 4





Types of organic reactions: Substitution reaction and addition reactions Nucleophilic substitution reactions:-SN1and SN2. Difference between transition state and intermediate. Addition or chain-growth polymerization,



Demo 18 20
SN1 and animation SN2



Chapter 25. Term paper (S) pp1040 43 Section 25.2 7



Free radical vinyl polymerization

Chapter 25. pp1040 43 Section 25.2



Zeigler-Natta polymerization

Chapter 25. pp1040 - 43 Section 25.2 Chapter 25. pp1040 - 43 Section 25.2 Chapter 25. pp1040 - 43 Section 25.2 Revision/Test Revision/Test Revision/Test

H.W. based Test 4

Demo 13-17 polymer Video Article Reading8



vinyl polymers,



Condensation or step growth polymerization, Polyesters Spill over lecture Spill over lecture Spill over lecture

14 14 14

Details of Homework and Case Studies Planned: Homework No. Topics of the homework 1.

Nature of Homework (Group/individual/fieldwork)

Actual DoA

Actual DoS

Actual date of task evaluation

Quantum Theory and the electronic structure of atoms, From classical physics to quantum theory, Plancks quantum theory, The photoelectric effect, Bohrs theory of the hydrogen atom, The dual nature of electron, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Numbers, Atomic orbitals, Electronic Configuration, The building Up principles. The rate of Reaction, The Rate Law, The relation between reactant

Group: Theoretical, conceptual as well as numerical based problem will be assigned

concentration and time, First order reaction. 2. Second order reaction and Zero order reaction, Activation energy and temperature dependence of rate constant, Collision theory of chemical Kinetics, Arrhenius Equation, Reaction Mechanism, Rate laws and elementary steps, Experimental supports of reaction mechanism Electrochemistry: Review on Redox Reactions, Blancing redox reactions, Galvanic Cells, Standard reduction potentials, Electrochemical series, Batteries: Dry Cell battery, The mercury Battery, The lead Storage Battery, The Lithium ion Battery, Fuel cells, Corrosion, Properties of transition metals, Chemistry of Iron and Copper, Coordination compounds, Structure of Coordination Compounds, Bonding in Coordination compounds: Crystal field Theory , CFT in Octahedral Complexes, CFT in Tetrahedral and Square Planer Complexes, Reaction of Coordination Compounds, Applications of Coordination Compounds,Basics of Electron displacement effects:-Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance effect and hyperconjugation effect Reactive intermediates:-Free radicals, carbocation, carbanions and their stability. Alkane ,alkenes, Reactions of alkenes cis and trans isomerization, Alkynes reactions of alkynes Types of organic reactions:Substitution reactions and addition reactions, 9 Group: Theoretical, conceptual as well as numerical based problem will be assigned

Group: Theoretical, conceptual as well as numerical based problem will be assigned

Group: Theoretical, conceptual as well as numerical based problem will be assigned

Nucleophilic substitution reactions:-SN1and SN2. Difference between transition state and intermediate, classes of organic compound.
Term paper to be allotted by lecture no. 10 (should be allotted before the end of 4th week of teaching and should be due at least two weeks before the last day of classes). The term paper should be evaluated before the last day of classes and the marks communicated to the students All The detailed homework problems to be submitted attached as annexure Scheme for CA: (out of 100) Component Homework based tests/quizzes Frequency 4/term (best out of three) Term paper Any other: specify. Home work written 1/term 4/term (best out of three) Total 100 25 7 25 21 Marks for each 18 Total Marks 54

List of suggested topics for term paper [at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)
S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Topic

Adhesives Carbon Nanotubes Catalytic converter Liquid crystals Surfactants Geometries of Coordination compounds 10

7. 8. 9.

Biosensors Stereochemistry of organic reactions Application of microwaves

10. New developments in solar cells 11. Chemistry of LCD 12.


13. Classical approach to quantum theory 14. Substitution reactions. 15. Nuclear reactors.

Plan for Tutorials : (Plan for 6 x T before MTE , 6 x T after MTE) S. No. Topic (s) Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis, problem solving, test, role play, business game etc) Pedagogical tool actually used mention the title. (case analysis, problem solving, test, role play, business game) Date held for group A. Date held for group B


Numerical based on Quantum Theory and the electronic structure of atoms, From classical physics to quantum theory and Plancks quantum theory, The photoelectric effect, Numerical based on Bohrs theory of the hydrogen atom, The dual nature of electron,

Problem solving


Problem solving


Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Numbers, Atomic orbitals, Electronic Configuration, The building Up principles.

Numerical based on the rate of Reaction, The Rate Law, The relation between reactant concentration and time, First order reaction. Numerical baesd on Second order reaction and Zero order reaction,Activation energy and temperature dependence of rate constant, Collision theory of chemical Kinetics, Arrhenius Equation, Reaction Mechanism, Rate laws and elementary steps, Experimental supports of reaction mechanism

Problem solving


Problem solving


Numerical based on Electrochemistry: Review Problem solving/Test on Redox Reactions, Blancing redox reactions, Galvanic Cells, Standard reduction potentials, Electrochemical series, Batteries: Dry Cell battery, The mercury Battery, The lead Storage Battery. The Lithium ion Battery, Fuel cells, Corrosion, Problem solving/Test Properties of transition metals, Chemistry of Iron and Copper, Coordination compounds, Structure of Coordination Compounds, Bonding in Coordination compounds: Crystal field Theory , CFT in Octahedral Complexes.



CFT in Tetrahedral and Square Planer Complexes, Reaction of Coordination Compounds, Applications of Coordination Compounds,Basics of Electron displacement effects:-Inductive effect, electromeric effect.

Problem solving



resonance effect and hyperconjugation effect Reactive intermediates:-Free radicals, carbocation, carbanions and their stability.

Problem solving


Types of organic reactions:- Substitution reactions and addition reactions, Nucleophilic substitution reactions:-SN1and SN2. Difference between transition state and intermediate, classes of organic compound. Alkane ,alkenes, Reactions of alkenes cis and trans isomerization, Alkynes reactions of alkynes Addition or chain-growth polymerization, Free radical vinyl polymerization, Zeigler-Natta polymerization vinyl polymers, Condensation or step growthpolymerization, Polyesters

Problem solving

10. 11.

Problem solving Problem solving


Problem solving/Test

Prepared by: Dr.Gulshan (Instruction Planner: Name, signature & date)

Comments of Coordinator of Specialisation (COS) wherever this designation exists/ CoD-F (if any)

Signature & Date

Comments of HoD-F / HOF (if there is no HOD-F)


Signature & Date

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