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FRIDAY Guatemala, March 2nd, 2012

Number: 23,423


Computational Thinking Leadership
Have you realized how essential computing has become?
Nowadays Education has been focusing their priorities in technology with the main purpose to innovate the classroom and improve the teaching learning process. The way we have seen educational improvement regarded to technology is in the science, engineering and mathematics areas because they really involve the students while using computer and the well managed of this skill. And since then she has been an inspiration for innovation and models for achieving goals, but it was required a more systematic approach. Students have shown competency in the basic skills of computational thinking and this would bring out a formal education and require teachers at every grade level and within all content areas to contribute to building students' computational thinking skills.

In 2006, Jeannette Wing provided the world with a new research process stating that computational thinking represents universally applicable attitude.

The case for Computational Thinking and Resources for Creating Systematic Change has been the essential for all students and this computational thinking leadership.

Technology has been the key to open a new educational world.

By Jorge Cervantes


During these years innovations have been taking place within many computational devises and technology is becoming a source of communication, collaboration, publishing, and learning, socializing, and creating. Technology is part of everything that surrounds us. Students are becoming computational thinkers, designers and developers the technology tools even though they create their own applications. Computing's potential for innovation and creative, new designs is an endless way of learning, it includes the ability to expand knowledge and to develop critical thinking in order to solve problems in real-life situations and to deal with future challenges. It would be an excellent challenge to give the opportunity to every student to learn the basics of CT during their education to become a computational thinking reality in their professional lives and daily activities that they will develop.

Adding CT tools in the educational curriculum will allow us to develop a different way of organizing content and to complement further students' skills, styles and learning and abilities. It is very important to use technology with all students and to construct new ideas based on prior knowledge.

By Jorge

CT can help students realize that computers can automate solutions that solve problems more efficiently and extend their own thinking.

Resources for creating Systemic Change

Operational Definition of CT for K-12 Education. It states that there are many CT skills students most have before to graduate from high school. CT Vocabulary and Progression Chart CT concepts are important for the improvement of many technological areas, CT activities grow more sophisticated as students progress through their education. A Model for Systemic Change There is a vital model skills, it prepares students for global competitiveness, and involves academics with real life. Implementation Strategies Guides For each list strategy you will find a guide which describes activities, outcomes and indicators for each group of stakeholders. Talking Points for Stakeholder Groups This includes targeted messages to advocate for CT among various groups.

By Jorge


By Jorge

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