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Introduction Current Statement of the


System... 3

Problem... 4

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New Proposed Objectives of the Significance of the


System. 7


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Scope and

Limitation.9 VIII. Program Specification

VIII.1 Processing and Validation10 VIII.2 Message used in the program.11-12 VIII.3 File Specification.13 VIII.4 Screen Design14-15

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IX.1 IX.2 IX.3 X.

Testing Test Plan..16 Test Cases.17-22 Test Log..23 Program

Listing 24-36

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Implementation Hardware Configuration.. Software Configuration..38-43 Users manual..38-43 Conclusion

XI.1 XI.2 XI.3


XII.1 Program Strength

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XII.2 Program Weaknesses XII.3 Program Enhancement




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Mr. and Mrs. Mileton and Febe Gabia, together with Neville Muir, are the Founders and the developers of the school Fishermen of Christ Learning Center (FCLC). It is a school for the deaf and

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mute people. This school aims to serve the deaf and train them in sign language, vocational skill and make them feel that they are still part of our society. FCLC was first built in Polangui,Albay in 1981. They were only renting the place and they have only 13 students, that is why the school never lasted a long time. In 1983, another FCLC was built in Batang,Ligao City which is now the main school. It is headed by the Executive-Director, Mrs. Richelda Ramos Luna. The school is under the Department of

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Education (DepEd) and is a private/NGO school. This school offers 3 courses which are kindergarten, elementary and high school. They also have college but not yet formal. The school has another branch in Bariw,Malinao,Albay which was built in 1990.

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Fishermen of Christ Learning Center had few students before, but in every enrollment the enrollees increase, that is why they are lacking in facilities like rooms, chairs, books, etc. They are still using library cards in borrowing books. Sometimes, some books are never returned to the library because of lost or misplaced library cards. FCLC still uses the manual system in accepting new enrollees. Sometimes it is hard for them to find the files of the students because of the numerous piles of the students records/documents.

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In every enrollment the enrollees increase, thats why they encounter some problems such as:

Taking too much time in manually listing the files of the students using pencil or ball pen. Some records are accidentally lost or misplaced. Taking too much time finding the records of the students.

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After taking a look at the old system, the researcher decided to make this project that can help the user to lessen their work and time. From the information she gathered from the interview she arrived at the features of the system- Fishermen of Christ Learning Center Enrolment System.

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Enrollment System is software that can be used in taking some information needed in an enrollment, information such as name, last name, middle initial, address, grade level, gender and age of the students using the computer instead of putting it in folders.

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Fishermen of Christ Learning Center will now use computerized system. Basically, the system is composed of five (5) modules namely, Add New Record, Delete Record, Search Record, Display Record, and Back to intro.

The Add New Record module in the program is used to enter records of a newly enrolled student. When the Add New Record is chosen, the program will allow the user to add record, and then it will prompt to

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enter the Student name, last name, middle initial, address, grade level, gender and age. After entering the required information, the program will ask if you want to save it or not by pressing Y if yes and N if no. Then it will ask if you want another transaction to continue adding records.

The Delete Record module is for deleting the existing file that you entered in the Add New Record. The user must enter the name of the student that he/she wants to delete. If the code was found, the program will

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ask if you want to delete the record. You have to choose Y if yes and N if no. If you choose Y, the program will show a message File deleted!. If you choose N, the program will show a message, File not deleted!

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The Search Record module allows the user to search for existing files of the student. The user must enter the name of the student that he/she is looking for. If the code is found, it will give the user the information

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that she needs such as the name, last name, middle initial, address, grade level, gender and age of the student. Then the program will ask if the user wants another transaction to continue searching for another record.

The Display Record module allows the user to see all the existing files of the students. It has 7 fields, which are the name, last name, middle initial, address, grade level, gender and age of the students.

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If the Back to intro module is chosen, the program will go back to the introduction of the system.

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To lessen the task and effort of user during listing the records of the students To monitor the records of the students.

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To save some of the records of the students in the database for easy finding. To have an accurate record using computer.

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Nowadays, computers are very useful to us now, especially in terms of business because it helps us to finish our works easily and lessen our efforts. Thats why I came up with this system to make every transaction easier with the help of computer. The idea of creating this system will be very useful to school in terms of enrollment because it will lessen their task and will provide an automated version of the usual manual transaction that is done in every enrollment.

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The proposed system will just monitor the records or the files of the student if it is still exist. It will just provide the user some information and the list of the students records but not the general information.

The system will not tackle the students background.

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It will not also tackle how many students of a particular grade level are enrolled.

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VIII. PROGRAM SPECIFICATION 8.1 Processing and Validations

1. Student name

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The student name that should be entered must be in alphabet form (A-Z) and the parameter is 20.

2. Student last name

The entry for student last name is in alphabet form (A-Z) and the parameter is 20.

3. Student M.I

The entry for student middle initial is in alphabet form (A-Z) and the parameter is 5.

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4. Student address

In the student address, the entry is in alphabet form (A-Z), and the parameter is 20.

5. Student grade level

The entry for student grade level is in alphabet form (A-Z) and the parameter is 20.

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6. Student gender

The entry for student grade level is in alphabet form (A-Z) and the parameter is 8.

7. Student age

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In the student age, the entry may be in numeric and alphabet form, whether it is a letter or number it will still display the record.

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8.2 Message used in the Program

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Add New Record

Do you want to save? [Y]es [N]o As choosing Y (yes), File added! As choosing N (no), File not added!

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Wrong Choice! if the user uses wrong character from Y and N upon saving and

asking for another transaction.

Another Transaction? [Y]es or [N]o?-if you are going to continue adding file.

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Delete Record
Are you sure you want to delete the file?

[Y]es or [N]o?
File deleted! as encoding Y (Yes). File not deleted! as encoding N (No).

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Wrong Choice! if the user uses wrong character from Y and N upon saving and asking for another transaction. Another transaction?[Y]es or [N]o? if you are going to continue deleting some files.

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Search Record
Wrong Choice!- If the user chooses wrong character from Y and N when asking

for another transaction. Another Transaction?[Y]es or [N]o? if you are going to search for another file.

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Display Record
[..>>>>next page]

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Back to intro
When the letter E in the desired transaction is selected the program will go back to

the introduction of the system.

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8.3 File Specification NO.



Name of the student

Data Type



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Last name of the

2 3 4 5

Last name M.I Address Grade Level

student Middle Initial

Char Char Char Char

20 5 20 20


Address of the student Grade level of the student

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6 7

Gender Age

Male or female Age of the student

Char Char

8 5

A-Z A-Z or 1-100

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8.4 Screen Design

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Sta.Luisa de Marillac Desired Transaction [A]. Add New Record [B]. Delete Record [C]. Search Record [D]. Display Record ccccccc [E]. Back to intro

Select Choice:__

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Sta.Luisa de Marillac Add Record Student name Student lastname D Student M.I Student Address :xxx :Racines :B :Polangui D

Sta.Luisa de Marillac Delete Record Enter student id to delete? xxx Are you sure you want to delete the file? [Y]es or [N]o? File Deleted! Another Transaction? [Y]es or [N]o?

Student Grade level:highschool Student Gender Student Age :Male :16

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Fishermen of Christ Learning Center Search Record Enter Student id: xxx

Student name Student lastname Student M.I Student Address

:xxx :Racines :B :Polangui

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xxx Female

Garcia 10





D _____________________________________________________________________
[next page>>>>]

Display Record

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School level



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IX. TESTING 9.1 Test Plan

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Test Cases
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

To check that the correct entry are in form of alphabet options (A-E) in the desired transaction or else it will display a message Invalid Choice!. To check that when choosing A in the desired transaction it will let you Add File. To check that when choosing B in the desired transaction it will let you Delete File.

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Case 4 Case 5

To check that when choosing C in the desired transaction it will let you Search File. To check that when choosing D in the desired transaction it will let you Display File. To check that when choosing E in the desired transaction it will go back to the introduction of the system.

Case 6

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9.2 Testing- Test Cases

Test Case Objectives Test Data

:1 : To check for the correct entry of the options in the Desired Transaction. : Enter number 1 to test

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Expected Test Result :If number 1 is entered, as it is not in a range within A-E, therefore the screen will display a message Invalid Choice! Actual Result Conclusion : As shown below : Succeeded. Invalid Choice message was displayed when the test data entered.

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Test Case Objectives Test Data

:2 : To check that when choosing A in the desired transaction it will let you Add File. :a

Expected Test Result :If you enter small or capital letter A, the program will go to the Add Record and allow you to add file. Actual Result : As shown below.

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: Succeeded. It lets you add new record.

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Test Case


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Objectives Test Data

: To check that when choosing B in the desired transaction it will let you Delete the File. :b

Expected Test Result :If you enter small or capital letter B, the program will go to the Delete Record and allow you to delete file. Actual Result Conclusion : As shown below. : Succeeded. It lets you delete a record.

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Test Case Objectives Test Data

:4 : To check that when choosing C in the desired transaction it will let you Search File. :c

Expected Test Result :If you enter small or capital letter C, the program will go to the Search Record and allow you to search the file.

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Actual Result Conclusion

: As shown below. : Succeeded. It lets you search the file.

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Test Case


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Objectives Test Data

: To check that when choosing D in the desired transaction it will let you Display File. :d

Expected Test Result :If you enter small or capital letter D, the program will display all the name, lastname, M.I, address, grade level, gender and age of the student that were added in the system. Actual Result : As shown below.

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: Succeeded. It displays the file that you add in the system.

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Test Case


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Objectives Test Data

: To check that when choosing E in the desired transaction it will go back to the introduction of the system. :e

Expected Test Result :If you enter small or capital letter E, it will display the introduction. Actual Result Conclusion : As shown below. : Succeeded. It displays the introduction of the system.

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9.3 Testing- Test Log

Test Cases Case 1

Status Successful

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Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful

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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<io.h>

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void frame(); void menu(); void add(); void del(); void search(); void disp();

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void another_page(); char studname[20],lastname[20],mi[5]; char address[20],gradelevel[20],gender[8]; char age[5]; char dem; char choice;

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FILE *fp,*temp; void main() { do{ clrscr(); frame();

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gotoxy(20,14);textcolor(15);cprintf("Fishermen of Christ Learning Center is a school for\n"); gotoxy(10,16);textcolor(15);cprintf("the deaf and mute people.This school aims to serve the deaf"); gotoxy(10,18);textcolor(15);cprintf("and train them in sign language and vocational skill.\n"); gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(15);cprintf("FCLC in Batang,Ligao City is the main school.It was\n"); gotoxy(10,24);textcolor(15);cprintf("headed by the Executive-Director,Mrs.Richelda Ramos Luna.");

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gotoxy(10,26);textcolor(15);cprintf("This kindergarten,elementary,\n");






gotoxy(10,28);textcolor(15);cprintf("and high school."); gotoxy(30,40);textcolor(15);cprintf("PRESS [C] TO CONTINUE...."); scanf("%s",&choice); switch(choice)

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{ case 'c': case 'C': menu();break;

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default:gotoxy(35,45);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Wrong choice..");

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getch(); } }while(choice!=2); }

void menu()

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{ clrscr(); frame(); char ans; gotoxy(27,12);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf(""); gotoxy(31,14);textcolor(15);cprintf("DESIRED TRANSACTION\n");

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gotoxy(27,16);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf(""); gotoxy(24,20);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(22,22);textcolor(3);cprintf("[A]ADD NEW RECORD\n"); gotoxy(24,24);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(45,20);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(44,22);textcolor(3);cprintf("[B]DELETE RECORD\n");

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gotoxy(45,24);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(24,28);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(22,30);textcolor(3);cprintf("[C]SEARCH RECORD\n"); gotoxy(24,32);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(45,28);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(44,30);textcolor(3);cprintf("[D]DISPLAY RECORD\n");

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gotoxy(45,32);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(30,34);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(32,36);textcolor(3);cprintf("[E]BACK TO INTRO\n"); gotoxy(30,38);textcolor(13);cprintf(""); gotoxy(33,40);textcolor(RED);cprintf("SELECT CHOICE:"); scanf("%s",&ans);

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switch(ans) { case 'A': case 'a':add();break; case 'B': case 'b':del();break;

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case 'C': case 'c':search();break; case 'D': case 'd':disp();break; case 'E': case 'e':gotoxy(32,45);textcolor(RED);cprintf("You choose to exit");break;

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default:gotoxy(33,45);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Invalid choice!"); getch(); } getch();

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} void add() { clrscr(); frame();

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fp=fopen("D:\\Student.txt","a+"); gotoxy(30,12);textcolor(13);cprintf("---------------------"); gotoxy(35,14);textcolor(2);cprintf("ADD rECoRD"); gotoxy(30,16);textcolor(13);cprintf("---------------------"); gotoxy(20,20);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student name :");

gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student lastname :");

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gotoxy(20,24);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student M.I


gotoxy(20,26);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student address :"); gotoxy(20,28);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student grade level:"); gotoxy(20,30);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student gender gotoxy(20,32);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Student age :"); :");


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gotoxy(41,22);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(lastname); gotoxy(41,24);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(mi); gotoxy(41,26);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(address); gotoxy(41,28);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(gradelevel); gotoxy(41,30);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(gender); gotoxy(41,32);textcolor(RED);fflush(stdin);gets(age);

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gotoxy(20,34);textcolor(15);cprintf("Do You want to save??\n"); gotoxy(20,35);textcolor(15);cprintf("[Y]es or [N]o: "); scanf("%s",&dem); switch(dem) { case 'Y':

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case 'y':fprintf(fp,"\n%s %s %s %s",studname,lastname,mi,address,gradelevel,gender,age);




gotoxy(34,36);textcolor(13+BLINK);cprintf("\nFile added!");break; case 'N': case 'n':gotoxy(34,36);textcolor(13+BLINK);cprintf("File not added!");break; default:gotoxy(33,36);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Wrong choice!");

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getch(); }

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fclose(fp); gotoxy(30,38);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------"); gotoxy(31,39);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Another transaction?\n"); gotoxy(30,40);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------"); gotoxy(33,42);textcolor(3);cprintf("[Y]es or [N]o:");

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scanf("%s",&dem); switch(dem) { case 'Y': case 'y':add();break; case 'N':

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case 'n':menu();break; default:gotoxy(33,44);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Wrong choice!"); getch(); } menu(); getch();

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void del() { clrscr(); frame();

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char todelete[20];

gotoxy(30,12);textcolor(13);cprintf("---------------------"); gotoxy(33,14);textcolor(2);cprintf("DELETE rECoRD"); gotoxy(30,16);textcolor(13);cprintf("---------------------"); gotoxy(20,18);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nEnter name to delete:");

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fflush(stdin);gets(todelete); gotoxy(20,25);textcolor(15);cprintf("Are you sure you want to delete the file?\n"); gotoxy(20,27);textcolor(15);cprintf("[Y]es or [N]o??"); scanf("%c",&dem); switch(dem) {

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case 'Y': case 'y':

temp=fopen("D:\\temp.txt","a+"); fp=fopen("D:\\Student.txt","r+"); do{

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fscanf(fp,"\n%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",studname,lastname,mi,address,gradelevel,gender,age); if(strcmp(studname,todelete)==0) {

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} else {

fprintf(temp,"\n%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",studname,lastname,mi,address,gradelevel,gender,age); }

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}while(!feof(fp)); fclose(fp); fclose(temp);

remove("D:\\Student File.txt"); rename("D:\\Temp.txt","D:\\Student.txt");

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gotoxy(33,33);textcolor(13+BLINK);cprintf("File deleted!");break;

case 'N': case 'n':gotoxy(33,33);textcolor(13+BLINK);cprintf("File not deleted!");break; default:gotoxy(33,33);textcolor(13+BLINK);cprintf("Invalid choice!"); getch();

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} gotoxy(30,36);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------"); gotoxy(31,37);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Another transaction?"); gotoxy(30,38);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------"); gotoxy(33,40);textcolor(3);cprintf("[Y]es or [N]o:"); scanf("%s",&dem);

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switch(dem) { case 'Y': case 'y':del();break; case 'N': case 'n':menu();break;

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default:gotoxy(33,43);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Wrong choice!"); getch(); } menu(); getch(); }

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void search() { clrscr(); frame();

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char toFind[20];


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gotoxy(33,14);textcolor(2);cprintf("SEARCH rECoRD"); gotoxy(30,16);textcolor(13);cprintf("---------------------"); gotoxy(20,18);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nEnter name:"); fflush(stdin); gets(toFind);

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do { fscanf(fp,"\n%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",studname,lastname,mi,address,gradelevel,gender,age); if(strcmp(toFind,studname)==0) { gotoxy(20,20);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nStudent name : %s",studname);

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gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nStudent lastname : %s",lastname); gotoxy(20,24);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nStudent M.I : %s",mi);

gotoxy(20,26);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nstudent address : %s",address); gotoxy(20,28);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nstudent grade level: %s",gradelevel); gotoxy(20,30);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nstudent gender gotoxy(20,32);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nstudent age : %s",gender); : %s",age);

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getch(); }

else {

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} }while(!feof(fp)); fclose(fp); gotoxy(30,36);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------");

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gotoxy(31,37);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Another transaction?"); gotoxy(30,38);textcolor(15);cprintf("----------------------"); gotoxy(33,40);textcolor(3);cprintf("[Y]es or [N]o:"); scanf("%s",&dem); switch(dem) {

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case 'Y': case 'y':search();break; case 'N': case 'n':menu();break; default:gotoxy(33,43);textcolor(RED);cprintf("Wrong choice!");

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getch(); } menu(); getch(); }

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void disp() { clrscr(); frame(); int row=22;

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int next=1;

fp=fopen("D:\\Student.txt","r+"); gotoxy(30,12);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf("\n "); gotoxy(30,14);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf("\n "); gotoxy(32,13);textcolor(11);cprintf("\n DISPLAY RECORD");

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gotoxy(4,18);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(5,19);textcolor(11);cprintf(" NAME LEVEL GENDER AGE "); LASTNAME M.I ADDRESS GRADE

gotoxy(4,20);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf(" "); textcolor(WHITE);

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do { fscanf(fp,"%s %s %s %s %s",studname,lastname,mi,address,gradelevel,gender,age); gotoxy(6,row);printf("%s",studname); %s %s

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gotoxy(16,row);printf("%s",lastname); gotoxy(28,row);printf("%s",mi); gotoxy(34,row);printf("%s",address); gotoxy(46,row);printf("%s",gradelevel); gotoxy(62,row);printf("%s",gender); gotoxy(73,row);printf("%s",age);

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printf("\n"); row++; if(row==30) {

gotoxy(32,44);cprintf("[.._next page]");

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getch(); row=22; next++;

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another_page(); }



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menu(); } void another_page() { clrscr(); frame();

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gotoxy(30,12);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf("\n "); gotoxy(30,14);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf("\n "); gotoxy(32,13);textcolor(11);cprintf("\n DISPLAY RECORD"); gotoxy(4,18);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf("

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"); gotoxy(5,19);textcolor(11);cprintf(" NAME GRADE LEVEL GENDER AGE "); LASTNAME M.I ADDRESS

gotoxy(4,20);textcolor(GREEN);cprintf(" "); textcolor(WHITE);

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getch(); }

void frame() { clrscr();

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gotoxy(1,1);textcolor(RED);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(2,2);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"); gotoxy(2,3);textcolor(1);cprintf(""); gotoxy(55,3);textcolor(1);cprintf(""); gotoxy(31,4);textcolor(BLUE);cprintf("FISHERMEN OF CHRIST");

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gotoxy(31,5);textcolor(2);cprintf(" LEARNING CENTER");

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gotoxy(31,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf(""); gotoxy(1,1);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,2);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,3);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,4);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,5);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nF");

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gotoxy(1,6);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI"); gotoxy(1,7);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nS"); gotoxy(1,8);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nH"); gotoxy(1,9);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(1,10);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(1,11);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nM");

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gotoxy(1,12);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(1,13);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(1,14);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,15);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,16);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nO"); gotoxy(1,17);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nF");

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gotoxy(1,18);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,19);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,20);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nC"); gotoxy(1,21);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nH"); gotoxy(1,22);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(1,23);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI");

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gotoxy(1,24);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nS"); gotoxy(1,25);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nT"); gotoxy(1,26);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,27);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,28);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nL"); gotoxy(1,29);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE");

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gotoxy(1,30);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nA"); gotoxy(1,31);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(1,32);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(1,33);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI"); gotoxy(1,34);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(1,35);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nG");

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gotoxy(1,36);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,37);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,38);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nC"); gotoxy(1,39);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(1,40);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(1,41);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nT");

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gotoxy(1,42);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(1,43);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(1,44);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no");

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gotoxy(1,45);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,46);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,47);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(1,49);textcolor(4);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(2,48);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo");

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gotoxy(2,47);textcolor(1);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(80,1);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,2);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,3);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,4);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no");

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gotoxy(80,5);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,5);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nF"); gotoxy(80,6);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI"); gotoxy(80,7);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nS"); gotoxy(80,8);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nH"); gotoxy(80,9);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE");

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gotoxy(80,10);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(80,11);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nM"); gotoxy(80,12);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(80,13);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(80,14);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,15);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no");

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gotoxy(80,16);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nO"); gotoxy(80,17);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nF"); gotoxy(80,18);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,19);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,20);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nC"); gotoxy(80,21);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nH");

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gotoxy(80,22);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(80,23);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI"); gotoxy(80,24);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nS"); gotoxy(80,25);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nT"); gotoxy(80,26);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,27);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no");

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gotoxy(80,28);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nL"); gotoxy(80,29);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(80,30);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nA");

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gotoxy(80,31);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(80,32);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(80,33);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nI"); gotoxy(80,34);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(80,35);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nG"); gotoxy(80,36);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no");

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gotoxy(80,37);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,38);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nC"); gotoxy(80,39);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE"); gotoxy(80,40);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nN"); gotoxy(80,41);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nT"); gotoxy(80,42);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nE");

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gotoxy(80,43);textcolor(2);cprintf("\nR"); gotoxy(80,44);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,45);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,46);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(80,47);textcolor(15+BLINK);cprintf("\no"); gotoxy(2,2);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,3);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,4);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,5);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,6);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,7);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,8);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,9);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,10);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,11);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,12);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,13);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,14);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,15);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,16);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,17);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,18);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,19);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,20);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,21);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,22);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,23);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,24);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,25);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,26);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,28);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,29);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,30);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,31);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,32);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,33);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,34);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,35);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,36);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,37);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,38);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,39);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,40);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,41);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(2,42);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,43);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,44);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,45);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(2,46);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,2);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,3);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,4);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,5);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,6);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,7);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,8);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,9);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,10);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,11);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,12);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,13);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,14);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,15);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,16);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,17);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,18);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,19);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,20);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,21);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,22);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,23);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,24);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,25);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,26);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,27);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,28);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,29);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,30);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,31);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,32);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,33);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,34);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,35);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,36);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,37);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,38);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,39);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,40);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,41);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n");

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gotoxy(79,42);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,43);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,44);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,45);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); gotoxy(79,46);textcolor(1);cprintf("\n"); getch();

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XI. IMPLEMENTATION 11.1 Hardware Configuration:

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Normal Pentium machine with the following requirements: Minimum 4MB RAM Minimum 10MB of hard disk free space

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11.2 Software Configuration:

Windows XP Turbo C++

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11.3 Users Manual

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The captured screen shown above shows the menu, which displays 5 options for the user to choose from. They are the Add New Record, Delete Record, Search Record, Display Record and Back to intro. Add New Record option allows the user to add new file, to choose this option, type A. Delete Record option allows the user to delete file, to choose this option, type B. Search Record allows the user to look or search for the existing file, to choose this option, type C.

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Display Items allows the user to see all the list of files that are available; it shows the name, last name, M.I, address, grade level, gender and age, to choose this option, type D.

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Back to intro allows the system to go back to the introduction. To choose this option, type E. The acceptable entry for this menu is from A-E. If the user entered character not in the option an Invalid Choice! message will prompt.

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In entering letter A in the desired transaction, the program will let the user to Add Record of the student as shown below.

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In choosing B in the desired transaction, the program will let the user to Delete Record of the student as shown below.

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In choosing C in the desired transaction, the program will let the user to Search Record of the student as shown below.

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In choosing D in the desired transaction, the program will display all the files that are available including the name, last name, middle initial, address, grade level, gender and age of the student as shown below.

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If the user wants to go back to the introduction, just choose E in the desired transaction as shown below.

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12.1 Program Strengths

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I conclude that Ill accept all the comments, questions and suggestions about my whole system. As a whole, my system consists of five (5) modules. The user has to choose from the 5 options (A-E) from the desired transaction. Upon choosing A, it will allow you to input or add the details of the certain information that you are going to add in the record. If you choose B, it will let you Delete Record and ask you if you really want to delete the name that you inputted. You have to choose from Yes or No. If yes, the program will tell that the file was completely deleted. If you choose no, it will tell that file not deleted. Search Record option is

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used if you want to look for specific details of the student. You just have to enter the name of the student, and then it will give you the details of that specific student. To prove that all the saved record are really saved, just choose letter D in the desired transaction, then the program will display all the list of the students that you have added.

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12.2 Program Weaknesses

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Due to time necessity, I only has one Student Record module for students record. In the Display Record, the user might have a hard time looking for the specific file like the grade level of each student. It would be easier for the user if I have a separate record in every grade level in the display module.

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12.3 Program Enhancement

In the future, this system will have a separate record for every grade level. It will display the record for elementary, high school and college in different module. Later on, the program will also tackle how many students are enrolled in a particular grade level.

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You will never succeed without the help of others. In making this document, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the persons who helped me in this project; to my parents who supported me financially and morally, who gave me strength and courage to finish my studies. And also to my instructors, Sir Jeff, who helped me in my program.

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Checking for the errors of the program and giving me examples and advices on how and what should I do to make this system. To Maam Menguito, our English teacher who helped me checks my documentations grammars and guided us to make this documentation. I really appreciate all their efforts. And to my classmates who rendered their time and effort in undertaking this project and lastly to our Almighty God for the guidance, the knowledge and wisdom in the fulfillment of this project.

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