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Narional BIuc Ribbon School

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Dear Parents: My goalfor this high school is always to maintain an opportunity for our students to have a great high school experience as well as lasting positive memories. An issue that continues to surface is the actions of some students during schoolsponsored dances. Prior

to me being Principal at WHS, the administration attempted to explore and implement certain policies for dances. These included educating students and parents and implementing a wristband policy. ln my opinion, this was a good first step but it isn't changing the dancing behaviorthat is unacceptable during
a school activity.

to be an opportunity for students to dress-up, be with friends, and enjoy the lt isn't a time for students to dance inappropriately. According to some students I have spoken evening. with, today's dance style appearsto be acceptable asa generationalstyle of dancing. However, to most adults, the provocative appearance and forwant of a betterterm, emulation of "sexual positions" or "sexualactions" is inappropriate in a public high schoolsetting, Students have been reminded that a school dance isn't a club setting. ln the three years as Principal, I consistently receive concerns from parents, students, and staff following a dance. The primary concerns are the style of dancing and the inappropriate sexual positions that are displayed. I have discovered that there are many students who are offended by these actions and some have shared they do not attend dances because of other students'actions. This is unacceptable as I strive for an environment that all students feelsafe and welcomed to participate in school activities.
A school dance needs

to share with you a new expectation for our students and the changes the school will make beginning with our next dance.

My purpose for sending this communication

The new dance policy will be as follows:

o o

Students will need to have a permission slip signed by the student and parent prior to purchasing tickets for the dance. lnformation on this paper will include clear expectations and

parent contact information. Wristbands will no longer be used as a warning system. I have worked with our ASB Student Leadership group and we have agreed that if students are displaying any of the following, they

will be asked to leave the dance. Therefore, students are being warned now. I expect them to adhere to the policies at the dance. Students will be dismissed for the following reasons: o Emulating "sex-like" movements. This includes but is not limited to: hands on the floor, lifting dresses and/or unbuttoning articles of clothing.

o o o . o

Students "rubbing" or displaying a "pelvic thrust" motion with their partner. This will be enforced for same gender dancing as well as opposite gender dancing. Students identify this action as "freak dancing." Students bending at the waist emulating a sexual position.

When students are asked to leave the dance, a parent will be notified.
Any student dismissed for dancing inappropriately, will not be allowed to attend the next dance and will receive FOUR demerits.
The school

will be increasing the adult supervision for all dances so these expectations can be

properly enforced. It is unfortunate that we have to go to these measures to ensure an appropriate environment. However, as a public school, it is our responsibility to make sure we provide a safe and appropriate environment for ALL students. I appreciate your support in this matter and hope you will sit with your child to explain the importance of these changes and the consequences of their actions when they do not follow this policy.
Thank you for partnering with your school to make this the best place for kids.

Jeff Jordan


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