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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide


EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

Revision History
Product Version Document Version R1.0 R1.1 Serial Number Reason for Revision First published

Date 2010-11-20 2011-06-06 Document Version R1.0 R1.1 Prepared by Wang Zhengwei Wang Zhengwei Reviewed by Li Huashan Wu Yun Approved by Wu Yun Li Bin

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2012 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.


EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

Intended audience: CDMA network planning and optimization engineers

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

About This Document

Chapter 1 Overview 2 Basic Knowledge About ColorCode 3 Significance of ColorCode Planning 4 ColorCode Planning 5 SectorID Planning Suggestions Description Introduces the ColorCode planning. Introduces the basic knowledge about ColorCode. Introduces the ColorCode planning significance. Introduces the ColorCode planning principle, reuse principle, and planning cases. Gives the suggestions for ColorCode planning.

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

1 Overview 1 2 Basic Knowledge About ColorCode.............................................................................2 3 Significance of ColorCode Planning............................................................................4 4 ColorCode Planning......................................................................................................5 4.1 ColorCode Planning Principles........................................................................................5 4.2 ColorCode Reuse.............................................................................................................6 4.3 ColorCode Planning Cases..............................................................................................7 5 SectorID Planning Suggestions..................................................................................12 5.1 Naming Criteria...............................................................................................................13

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Figure 2-1 UATI Structure................................................................................................2 Figure 2-2 UATI Update When an AT Crosses the Subnet............................................3 Figure 4-3 ColorCode Planning.......................................................................................5 Figure 4-4 ColorCode Reuse............................................................................................7 Figure 4-5 ColorCode Planning When the Sites are Few...............................................8 Figure 4-6 ColorCode Planning According to Administrative Areas............................9 Figure 4-7 Planning According to the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot...............................10 Figure 4-8 Planning According to the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot...............................11

Table 5-1 SectorID Format.............................................................................................12 Table 5-2 Province Codes of China Telecom................................................................13 Table 5-3 SectorID24 Planning Principle.......................................................................14

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

With the acceleration of 3G network construction, the EVDO network scale is enlarged gradually. Then the planning and optimization of the EVDO network will be performed in a more refined way. ColorCode is an important radio parameter in the EVDO network and is closely related to the planning of the subnet. The planning of the subnet will directly affect some key performances of the EVDO network, such as UATI (unicast access terminal identification) update, paging success rate, and system resource utilization. Therefore, it is necessary to perform proper ColorCode planning. This document provides the work concept and method for EVDO ColorCode planning and provides suggestions for SectorID planning as well.

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only

Basic Knowledge About ColorCode

In the EVDO system, an access terminal (AT) is identified by a unicast AT identifier (UATI) on the Um interface. UATI is a temporary address allocated to the AT by the access network (AN). It comprises 128 bits and contains two parts: Most significant 104 bits, which are used to identify its subnet Least significant 24 bits, which are used to identify the AT in the same subnet

ColorCode is a protocol parameter, which is an 8-bit abbreviation used to represent the 104-bit subnet mask. It represents a subnet in the AN. UATI024 is the last 24 bits of the UATI, that is, UATI [23:0]. To avoid the128-bit UATI (which is too long) transmitted over the Um interface, the 8-bit abbreviation is adopted. That is, ColorCode is used to represent the 104-bit subnet mask and it is combined with the last 24 bits to identify the AT in a subnet.

Figure 2-1 UATI Structure

3GPP2 stipulates that when the AT receives the OVERHEAD broadcast message, if the SubnetMasks in UATISUBNETMASK and OVERHEAD are different, or the SubnetAddress (UATI|UATISUBNETMASK) according to the UATI and that (SECTORID| SUBNETMASK) contained in OVERHEAD are different, the AT will be considered to cross the subnet. Then it will send the UATIREQUEST message and reallocate the UATI.

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Figure 2-2 UATI Update When an AT Crosses the Subnet

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Significance of ColorCode Planning

ColorCode planning is closely related to the planning of the EVDO subnet. In the EVDO system, the subnets are divided mainly for the following two reasons: 1. Borders are needed to be established between the sectors of different administrative areas or operators. The number of the ATs in one subnet exceeds the number allowed by the UATI.


When an EVDO network user stays on the overlapping areas of two or more ColorCode areas, frequent UATI updates will happen and the BSSAP load of the system will increase, which is represented by high CPU utilization rate of the BSC boards and BTS boards. If the number of users on the border is large, the BSSAP load will be greatly affected and paging success rate will decrease. Therefore, proper ColorCode planning has significant meaning to paging success rate and board utilization rate.

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ColorCode Planning
Figure 4-3 ColorCode Planning


ColorCode Planning Principles

1. In one PCF module, it is unnecessary to identify areas by different ColorCodes. When there are EVDO subnets and one AT crosses the border of the subnets, the AT should obtain the UATI of the newly accessed subnet before accessing the subnet. Therefore the load of the access and control channels of the border cell will increase and the load of the BTS and BSC of the border cell will increase as well, leading to the high CPU utilization rate of the BTS and BSC boards. Therefore, you had better not divide areas by ColorCodes if unnecessary. 2. Because the network scale supported by the current system is limited, the size of the Colorcode area should not be too large. Limited by the processing capability of the current hardware and software, the large subnet scale (for example, there are 500 BTSs in one subnet) may lead to the heavy paging load of the subnet, representing by the high CPU utilization rate of the HMP and ABES boards of the BSC. It is recommended that the number of BTSs in one ColorCode subnet should be less than 100 and 60 is favorable.

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EVDO ColorCode Planning Guide Internal Use Only


The division of the ColorCode areas is not for identifying the locations of ATs. The borders of the ColorCode areas are set among the radio networks of different administrative areas or operators and not for identifying the location of one AT. In some scenarios with mobility limitation, the registration based on the distance should be used to identify the location of the AT. Registration based on the distance: When an AT is far enough from the last registration (exceeding the threshold), it will send a registration initiation message to the network. Usually an AT registers at different places and in different periods of time. If registration based on the distance is used, ping-pong registration on the borders will be avoided and load will be distributed.

4. 5. 6. 7.

ColorCodes of neighbor subnets should be different. Sites with one ColorCode should be consecutive geographically. Sites on the borders of ColorCode areas should be as fewer as possible. For one site, the number of adjacent ColorCode areas should be no more than 2.


ColorCode Reuse
If the network should be divided into more than 256 ColorCode areas, the following ColorCode reuse scheme can be used.

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Figure 4-4 ColorCode Reuse

As shown in the above figure, the reuse factor is 7 and there are 36 ColorCodes available for white areas and 37 ColorCodes for grey areas. It should be noted that the ColorCodes of adjacent ANs should not be reused. For example, if ColorCode = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are used in AN-A, they should not be used in the ANs which are adjacent to AN-A.


ColorCode Planning Cases

According to the ColorCode planning principles, ColorCode areas are divided according to the site distribution in the service area. The following methods are used to divide ColorCode areas: 1. No dividing when there are few sites in the network When the EVDO sites in the network are few (fewer than 60), it is unnecessary to divide ColorCode areas.

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Figure 4-5 ColorCode Planning When the Sites are Few


Dividing according to their administrative areas When the sites are in different administrative areas and there are few sites on the borders of the administrative areas, divide ColorCode areas according to their administrative areas.

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Figure 4-6 ColorCode Planning According to Administrative Areas


Dividing according to the traffic 1. When the sites are densely distributed in the hotspots and sparsely distributed in other areas As shown in the following figure, when the sites are densely distributed in the hotspots and sparsely distributed in other areas, you should adopt the planning scheme: one ColorCode for the hotspot and another for other areas. Advantage: easy to apply Disadvantage: The border of the subnets may be long and the areas affected by the division may be large.

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Figure 4-7 Planning According to the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot


When the sites are densely distributed in both the hotspots and other areas If the sites in the non-hotspots are many, divide the area into N ColorCode areas. As shown in the following figure, the non-hotspots are divided into four ColorCode areas. Advantage: The border of two subnets is short. Disadvantage: There will be many subnets, and it is possible that two or more subnets are adjacent.

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Figure 4-8 Planning According to the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot

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SectorID Planning Suggestions

SectorID consists of two parts: subnet mask (n bits) and the only ID of the sector (128n) in the subnet. Usually n is 104, that is, the subnet mask is 104-bit and the only ID of the subsector is 24-bit. The SectorID should be the only one in every cell, sector, and the global network. The recommended SectorID format is as follows.

Table 5-1 SectorID Format 7 0 1(P) 6 0 01(T) MNC (12 bits) Prov (6 bits) Res (23 bits) IP Address (32 bits) Color Code (8 bits) Sector ID (24 bits) MCC: mobile country code, 12 bits MCC: mobile network code, 12 bits Prov: province code, 6 bits. For example, China Telecom allocates Prov on the basis of provinces. Res: reserved code, 23 bits IP Address: IP Address of the BSC, 32 bits ColorCode: used to identify different subnets, 8 bits SectorID: used to identify different sectors in subnets, 24 bits. 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 MCC (12 bits) MNC 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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This format for SectorID can be used to identify the sector in the DOA (EVDO RevA) network globally.


Naming Criteria
1. MCC (12 bits): It is recommended to use BCD (binary coded decimal) coding scheme and add 0 before the value with less than 12 bits. For example, current china MCC is 460 and its BCD code is 0100 0110 0000. MNC (12 bits): It is recommended to use BCD coding scheme and add 0 before the value with less than 12 bits. For example, the current MCC of China Telecom is 03 and its BSC code is 0000 0000 0011. Prov (6 bits): It is recommended to plan it by the operator. It is used to identify the location of the cell. For example, China Telecom uses 24 in the decimal system for Jiangsu province, which is 011000 in the binary system.



Table 5-2 Province Codes of China Telecom Province Beijing Shanghai Guangdong Liaoning Hubei Sichuan Shanxi Tianjin Shandong Jilin Heilongjiang Hebei Henan Xinjiang Ningxia Gansu 4. 5. Code (Decimal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Province Qinghai Shanxi Inner Mongolia Zhejiang Fujian Hainan Anhui Jiangsu Jiangxi Hunan Guangxi Guizhou Yunnan Chongqing Tibet 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Code (Decimal)

Res (23 bits): It is recommended to set it to 00000000000000000000000. IP Address (32 bits): It is the logical IP address allocated by the operator or the A10 interface address. For example, the IP address of the BSC3 is, which is 00001010 10000001 00000001 00011111 in the binary system.

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ColorCode: Its value range is 0255. It is planned by the operator or network planning and optimization engineers according to the planning principles described in Chapter 4. It is recommended to use the ColorCode of which the fourth bit to seventh bit are all 1 for border areas. This parameter is configured in the subnet parameter table of the BSC. 1. The number of BTSs in one ColorCode area should be no more than 100 and 60 is favorable. ColorCodes of cells in adjacent BSCs should be different. The sites in one ColorCode area should be consecutive geographically, and the borders of subnets should be set in the area with sparse population.

2. 3.


SectorID (24 bits): It is used to identify cells and displayed in the hexadecimal system. It is closely related to the network charging. Its planning principle is shown in the following table.

Table 5-3 SectorID24 Planning Principle 2316 bits ANID Supports 255 AN codes. 154 bits BTSID Supports 4096 sites. 30 bits CELLID Supports 16 sectors.

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