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A. DOCUMENTATION What is documentation? It is the proper, systematic and permanent recording of information It is an organized way of documenting data as per time place, circumstances, and attribution Nursing documentation serves many diverse, complex and important functions from ensuring consistency of clinical care and good communication between practitioners, to providing evidence in a court of law that patients have received appropriate, high-quality, evidence-based care

Important concepts that play a role in documentation:

Safety. In documentation, safety is to provide care for the client and to yourself by means of recording all the assessments, planning, actions, and the interventions youve done with the client. Consistency of purpose. Recording all the assessment, planning, implementation, and other procedures done with the client, from the diagnosis to prognosis. Standardization. Using the standard way of recording all the data gathered for the patients care and all the procedures done to him/her Improvement. Assessing whether the clients condition has improved with all the interventions done to him/her to meet your goal.

B. EVALUATION Reflection and Analysis: It is instrument is designed to assess learning progress and behavioral change through analysis of written statements in reflection papers. The open-ended nature of the writing is intended to encourage self-directed reflection and expression of both feelings and thoughts. Examining the activity or event for trends and patterns and for evidence of teacher or student strengths and weaknesses are the key element of analysis. The analysis has to include reflection on the intended learning outcomes of the lesson and the real outcomes of it. It has to show the essential strengths and weaknesses of the lesson, as well as a reflection on what can be done to improve the delivery of the lesson and the learning outcomes.

To achieve these goals the analysis has to answer to the following questions: What were the essential strengths and weaknesses of the lesson? What specifically might have been changed to improve the delivery of the lesson? What specifically might have been changed to improve the learning outcomes? What were the unintended and unanticipated learning outcomes of the lesson? What factors negatively or positively affected the success of the lesson?

What specifically was learned as a result of developing, planning and teaching this lesson? Why is this experience significant in order to become an effective teacher?

This type of analysis requires in-depth, honest self-appraisal and focused introspection. Integrative: A learning theory describing a movement toward integrated lessons in helping students make connections across curricula. This higher education concept is distinct from the elementary and high school "integrated curriculum" movement.

Integrative Learning comes in many varieties: connecting skills and knowledge from multiple sources and experiences; applying skills and practices in various settings; utilizing diverse and even contradictory points of view; and, understanding issues and positions contextually.

C. Action Three Levels of Organization:

Organizational Level - strategic, design/structure, and deployment of resources Process Level - process improvement and reengineering interventions Job/Performer Level - coaching, performance management, and training interventions

Three Performance needs that need to be met at each level of organization: Goals - specific standards or expectations that customers have for products or services Design - configurations that enables goals to be met efficiently Management - practices that ensure goals are up-to-date and are achieved

Combining the three levels of organizations with the three performance needs results in nine performance variables. Failure to manage these nine performance variables will lead to a failure to manage the business holistically. Thus, every performance improvement effort must be viewed through this matrix.

Submitted by: Pindalina Bakil Krista Ayara Cabaron Joseph Cornelio Nolbin Chiong BSN IV-D

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