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1. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse) Crystals & Electromagnetism Workshop, Part 2 Bashar through Darryl Anka

Q: Are there any particular crystals that are more appropriate to be reflective, refractive, etc.? B: From time to time, yes, there can be. Now, in general, you will find that what you call the clear quartz crystal, depending upon the configuration, depending upon the individual that is attracted to use it, can be perhaps the strongest representative of almost all the levels. However, in many cases, variations of the quartz and the different colorations of the quartz can be very specifically representative of different ideas. The first step especially being reflective, in the sense that what you would call rose quartz will be very reflective of things that you wish to deal with on an emotional level. Smoky quartz will be very reflective of things that you wish to deal with on unconscious and subconscious levels of your mentality, and what have you in that nature.

There can be variations from time to time that are very representative of some of the other factors. One in particular that

you would call not only transmittive but also storative will be the substance that you call hematite, in that way, as it is a very highly magnetic mineral, and in this way can be caused to lay down patterns and impressions and have a grounding effect on the entire ability of an individual to get in touch with whole aspects of nature all at once, in that sense, and draw from the storehouse of that magnetic matrix, that electromagnetic matrix represented by the hematite, the entire understanding mentally, all in one gestalt flash, of all the aspects of what you call the Mineral Kingdom, entirely. It can be used in that way as well.
The substance that you call tourmaline in the sense that it exhibits both reddish and greenish properties will be very highly conducive to telempathic function, as it touches not only the overall vibration of Nature itself, and the crystalline form that represents the transformation of your planet now, the green emerald ray vibration, but also the idea of the heart energy, the love energy, the emotional energy, and can be very conducive to sparking telepathic junctions between individuals, in that way. Will this suffice? Q: That's a good beginning. B: All right. (Audience chuckles.) B: We are not here in your terms to catalogue all the specifics. The idea is for you to trust your imagination, and when you find yourself attracted to any particular and peculiar crystalline form, to allow your imagination to feel itself ignited and use you visualization to understand why and in what way that crystal can serve you. Understand? Q: Yes. B: But that can be a general foundation from which to begin. Q: Thank you. B: Well, thank you very much!

2. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse)


3. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse) Q: Uh, once previously you had mentioned something about the precision cutting of crystalsB: Yes. Q: -For specific purposes. Yes. Q: Could youB: Some of this will be representative of the level in which your technology is evolving. In other words, in what you call the very near future, as you begin to experiment more and more with the idea of the transmittal style of crystals, those that transmit pure energy through themselves in that way, you will begin to configure machines, as it were, devices, as it were, that are simply, as you are doing now, with no moving parts, almost entirely of crystalline construction, that can create energy pulses, energy surges, and direct and focus energy in ways that can allow you to extract from that focus all the power you need for many different applications upon your planet. The idea simply is that for the most purely functioning devices, you would require crystals that are very, in your terms, clear and very, in terms of mathematical precision, very precisely cut and arranged in different configurations relative to one another, based

upon their prospective property, so that they can take advantage of the different interactions, of the different ratios and relationships that they have as energy transmitters and receivers, to evoke a number of different effects in your world. One we have suggested is that, if you take what you call very clear, very pure quartz crystals, and polish them and cut them in their natural six-sided configuration, with a very symmetrical point on one end, and either what you would call an absolute flat or a perfectly spherical other end, and some times, depending upon the application, a slightly concave other end, and if you arrange these crystals so that they are all pointing inwards, forming a circle, and then arrange not only one circle of these crystals, but many, many circles of these crystals, all stacked in what you would call a cylindrical fashion, so that there is an opening, a hole, a tunnel, all the way through the center, lined with all the inward-pointing points, you will have an energy gate, a literal dimensional gate, of very, very, very high power. So high, in that sense, that we would warrant caution in placing yourself in the center of that field. Now from time to time, this can be augmented by the idea of also wrapping these crystals, either individually or the whole construction, with what you might call a conductive metallic substance, such as your copper, although some of the super conductors your society is now inventing would also be of benefit in this way. In creating this particular type of coil, this tube, this cylinder, as it were, you would literally have something that can direct a focus of energy in such a way as to literally open a dimensional gate in the center of that coil. It depends upon the size that you construct it to be. Other variations of this idea can also project a very strong beam of energy from the middle of the center of the coil or I shall say, the cluster. There are various things you are going to discover as a society, that you can utilize crystals for in direct application of technologies, so that you will not necessarily have to have as many moving parts as you have now, in that sense. And so it will be more representative of a direct extraction of the power inherent within the electromagnetic field of your planet, without having to, in your terms, generate (quote/unquote) "artificial" power. Understand? Yes. Does this answer your question sufficiently? Well, I think we can-(Audience murmurs.)

4. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse)

5. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse) B: In your terminology, they have already been upset many times, with the understanding that several individuals in your history already have had regarding this ability, and have in your terminology, because of what you have structured your society to be, suppressed the information, which does exist on your planet. One of the individuals most paramount in your history that understood this, of your recent history, was the individual you call Nicola Tesla. And in your terminology, yes, they were up obsessed. But the idea is to understand, again, that this is available to all beings, and when it is seen, not as a matter of losing power, but of gaining self-empowerment will force yourselves anyway to have no other alternative. Because if you cannot get there through the auspices of what you call ease of recognition, then you will create as you have begun to create the idea of negativity and resistance and the depletion of the natural state of your world to the point where you are arriving very rapidly at a place where you have almost no other

alternative, other than to extract the power directly that your planet has always offered you. Understand? Will this suffice? Q: I--that's fine for that. I had another thought. This is just a thought. Perhaps you can give me some idea of what will happenB: Maybe. (Audience chuckles.)

6. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse)

7. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse) Q: -perhaps. If you had the pyramid-shaped, base to base, of different crystalline substances, could you give me any idea of what might happen? B: Four-sided or three-sided? Q: I would probably think, probably three-sided. B: There will be differences in both. The three-sided will represent in the full tetrahedral structure, the top and its mirror image, things that will tap directly into the fundamental core of the template itself. There can be many applications, again depending upon the materials used. But all of those applications of a three-sided pyramid and another three-sided pyramid, base to base, will tap directly into the template level itself. Out of which all materiality is created. It is a very powerful, powerful tool in that sense.

The four-sided is also powerful but will have a more strongly electromagnetic focus, in the sense that it acts like a lens for electromagnetism much in the same way that what you call your magnifying glass acts as a lens for light, focusing down to a specific point in that way, that will allow you to take advantage of the effects of that particular focus at precise mathematical places within that pyramidal structure. These precise mathematical locales have already been delineated by many of you by examining and exploring the ratios of the chambers within what you call the Great Pyramid, within your Egyptian area. For the technology was understood at that time, as to exactly how to place the focusing chambers within the pyramidal structure to receive the benefits of exactly how the electromagnetic field of your planet in that area would be focused within the internal structure of the pyramid. Most of these ideas, where it concerns pyramids, have to do with communication devices, communications of very strong, strong enhancement of telepathy. Both of them will do this, but in different ways. And some of them can also be conducive to creating within the atmosphere around your body the necessary vibrations to promote what you would call astral or out-of-body projections. Which is one of the primary things that your Great Pyramid was actually used for. The initiation rite that took place within its chambers were for the purpose of allowing individuals to connect into the higher realms, and in your terms promote the idea of astral projection. Understand? Q: Yes. B: So experiment all you wish. Will that suffice? Q: Yes, thank you very much. ~Bashar

8. lfdeale (il y a 30 mois | rponse) Continued from 3. 1987 Bashar discusses the Crystal skulls mentioned in my book and dramatized in the movie by Stephen Spielburg; Indiana Jones

9. lfdeale (il y a 7 mois | rponse) ELIAS: This element of quartz, of crystals as you term them, has been used as an energy conductor throughout your history. Therefore, they hold significance with respect to the particular individuals and cultures that produce them in certain manners. Throughout your history, you have always moved in the direction of using these particular stones in mystical manners. You attach many mystical significances to them. Therefore, you also attach mystical qualities to these skulls. This is not to say that there is not an energy produced about these particular objects, for much energy has been projected to them and surrounding them, and this particular element or stone is a tremendous conductor of energy. This particular type of stone may be used quite efficiently and effectively within this dimension as a focal point, to be not only conducting energy but directing energy. It also holds the ability to hold energy. This is not a belief system. These stones, being elements of consciousness, do hold the ability to hold energy, for as you have created these stones within this physical dimension, you have designated this function to these links of consciousness which create the physical matter of these particular stones. Therefore, energy may be projected to these stones and it may be held by these stones, as designated by the individuals projecting the energy. The stones themselves do not misunderstand do not hold the ability to be manipulating energy. They may hold energy as you designate them to, but they do not move energy or manipulate energy. THAT is a belief system, that the stones themselves manipulate energy. They do not. YOU manipulate energy, but they also may be a placeholder, so to speak, for energy, for energy deposits, for specific reasons. In this, you offer yourselves objective imagery within this present time period of these particular stones ... which have been carved into these shapes, for these stones do not naturally grow in the manner that you have created them to grow into these shapes.

But in this, they have been created to be holding certain types of energy that individuals may be accessing, and this shall be mirrored back to them in a manner that shall allow them to be easily connecting to their own energy field. Let me express an example. This is the action that these stones have been designated for, the energy that has been projected into them for this reason, in like manner to a mirror. If you are standing before a mirror, you view before you a reflection of your physical form. It reflects back to you the image of your physical form. These skulls, the energy that has been designated to them which they hold within them, its function is to be mirroring to you the mirror image of your energy field ... not within a visual. You do not visualize your energy field before you as you visualize your physical form within a mirror, but the action is to allow you the mirroring of your energy field that you may feel. Therefore, within their presence, if you are allowing yourself an openness to this energy, you shall feel physical sensations. This is the energy that is mirroring to you your own energy field. Therefore, there is a sensation of penetration, for that energy which is held extends outwardly and penetrates your energy field which surrounds your physical form. Are you understanding? Elias - 320

10. lfdeale (il y a 2 mois | rponse) Introducing The Essassani Contact Crystal Essassani Contact Crystal with Japanese Translation Essassani Contact Crystal

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