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National Bank of Pakistan

Maryam Naeem MC080202354 MBA (HRM) Session-Feb 2008-Feb 2010 Submission Date: March 22, 2010

Virtual University of Pakistan

Letter of Undertaking


Internship Certificate:

I dedicate this effort to my dear Grand Maa (Late) whose prayers made me able to reach where I am today.

Thanks Amma!



IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL, THE BENEFICENT first of all I would like to bend over my head in front of ALMIGHTY ALLAH. It was HE who direct me in every stage of my life, and who bestow me with capability to accomplish the best and helped me to conquer every attempt and difficulty I faced during my journey of getting professional education at VU. At this important moment of my life when I completed my last project, I am feeling a sense of relief and sadness at the same time, relief for having completed my MBA program and sadness for leaving an institution, which has given me so much. I am great full of all my instructors of Virtual University who have taught me very well. My report will remain incomplete if I do not mention the people who helped me in completing this work but honestly speaking there is an unending list of persons who helped me in completion of my professional education and I think it would be a great injustice on my part if I not thank full to them for provided me required information moral support and cooperation. I extremely thank full to all those people who helped me to complete my report as it is compulsory part of the Master in Business Administration because perhaps I would not be able to write such a report without their help and cooperation. Especially I am very thankful to the Head of Human Resource department of NBP Mr. Ghulam Abbas who organized my internship program and he organized it in such a way that sufficient time was given to each department according to its importance. Besides I

appreciate the staff of Civil Line branch of NBP, which provided me with all the information I needed. Finally, I am very thankful to my family and my sweet friends for their prayers, love and encouragement and their faith in my abilities. The completion of my work is the result of their co-operation and moral support. Without their co-operation and support, a project like this is difficult at best Maryam Naeem

Executive Summary:
This study contains the study of Civil Line main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan regarding Human Resource Management (HRM). This is the age of specialization; every person must be capable in his/her particular field. Some practical experience is necessary to enter the field because only education given in the universities is not enough to compete with the world wide changing situation. The field work is difficult and complicated. This is a good reason why the students of M.B.A are being given a fair chance to get the practical area in which students have to enter after completing education. Internship is a vital part of MBA program. This report is a result of eight week performance in the form of internship at National Bank of Pakistan, civil line, Main Branch; Gujranwala. Experience was full of knowledge regarding various facets of banking sector. This report consists of practical experience, which I achieved during internship program. At the commencement of internship at NBP, I was aware of what I am going to learn and observe. People usually use to say that practical works is quite different from books or what has been educated in colleges and universities. In real life, one has to get in touch with public, and how to deal with them, its not taught in colleges and not in books even. Its what you get through practical work when you enter in market.

All the information in this report is based upon my observation, interviews and practical involvement in different tasks during my internship at NBP This report is being divided into various sections: First is introductory portion which relates to introduction of the Banking sector, the strong banking sector is the back bone of the economy of any country. One aspect of this powerful force is government policies and foreign investments. The banks provide lending, borrowing, safety, availability and transferability of the resources to its customers in a better way. Then describe the brief history of the NBP that it was established on November 9, 1949 as a semi public commercial bank. And now Alhamdolillah, NBP has established more than 1537 branches in all over the country. In this portion it is also describe that it is a public limited company listed in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE), and Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE). Its business volume and its products that it offers different types of products such as NBP Karobar, NBP Advance Salary, NBP Saiban, NBP Kisan Dost, NBP Cash n Gold. In the next portion of Organizational Structure, Organizational Hierarchy chart, how many employees work in the organization, the location of the main offices of the organization such as the head office of the NBP at Karachi and major branches are in almost all big cities of the country. Introduction of all departments of the organization is described. In next step, I portrayed the Plan of my internship program that was organized by the HR Manager of the Civil Line main branch Gujranwala Mr. Ghulam Abbas, and then introduce the branch where I did my internship. And Names of the departments in which I got training those are HR Department, Account Opening, Clearing, and Government department. The duration of my training that was eight weeks. At end, report shows training program in detail i.e. detailed description of the operations/activities of the department(s) I worked in and also the detailed description of the tasks assigned to me and how I was performed them.

Structure and functions of the HR Department is the most important section of the report because it is my specialization area. In the Structure of HR Department, department hierarchy and number of employees working under HR department is described. And in the head of Functions of HR Department; Human resource planning and forecasting, HRP process, Forecasting HR requirements. Employee compensation & benefits, Organizational career management, Employee job changes, Transfer,, Promotion, Demotion, Separations, Layoff, Termination, Resignation, Retirement, g. Labor management relations is described.. Employee recruitment & selection, Employment selection process, Training & development, Employee development, and performance management, and how performance reports are written. In short, overall overview of HR Department is given. In the next portion critical analysis is written by keeping in view the special departments and especially Human Resource Department which describes the present position of the bank. In the last, the SWOT analysis, final Recommendations & Suggestions are given to overcome faults & troubles that are being faced by National Bank of Pakistan. The analysis is prepared by Maryam Naeem.

Table of Contents: Dedication...............................................................................................................................iii Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................1 Executive Summary:................................................................................................................2 Brief introduction of the organizations business sector ........................................................8 Overview of organization.......................................................................................................10 Brief history........................................................................................................................10 Vision.............................................................................................................................11 Mission:..........................................................................................................................11 Nature of the organization..................................................................................................12 Business volume ................................................................................................................12 NBP Product lines:.............................................................................................................12 Services Offered By NBP..................................................................................................15 Competitors:.......................................................................................................................17 Organizational Structure .......................................................................................................18 Organizational Hierarchy chart:.........................................................................................18 Number of employees........................................................................................................20 Main offices........................................................................................................................20 NBP REGIONAL OFFICES;............................................................................................22 NBP OVERSEAS BRANCHES........................................................................................23 Introduction of all departments..............................................................................................24 Deposit Department............................................................................................................25 Account Opening Department:..........................................................................................25 Bills Remittance Department.............................................................................................26 Cash Department................................................................................................................26 Clearing Department..........................................................................................................27 Credit Department;.............................................................................................................27 Government Department;...................................................................................................28 HR Department;.................................................................................................................28 Comments on Organizational structure ................................................................................29 Plan of your internship program:...........................................................................................30 A brief introduction of the branch where you did your internship....................................30 Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your training. .31 Training program ...................................................................................................................31 Huaman Resource Depatment............................................................................................32 (HR Development & Personal Section).............................................................................32 ACCOUNT OPENING DEPARTMENT..............................................................................37 ACCOUNT OPENING AT NBP;.....................................................................................37 RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACCOUNT OPENING DEPARTMENT;..............................38 ACCOUNT OPENING;.....................................................................................................38 DOCUMENTATION:........................................................................................................38 INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT;..............................................................................................39 JOINT ACCOUNT;...........................................................................................................40 SOLE PROPRIETOR ACCOUNT;...................................................................................40 PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNT;...........................................................................................40 COMPANY ACCOUNTS;................................................................................................40

MINOR ACCOUNT;.........................................................................................................41 TYPES OF ACCOUNTS;......................................................................................................42 CURRENT ACCOUNT;....................................................................................................42 PLS SAVINGS ACCOUNT;.............................................................................................42 PROCEDURE OF ACCOUNT OPENING;..........................................................................43 A. ACCOUNT OPENING FORM;...................................................................................43 CONTENTS OF ACCOUNT OPENING FORM;............................................................43 ACCEPTANCE AND VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS:.........................................46 CLOSING OF ACCOUNT;...............................................................................................49 UPDATING OF ACCOUNT.............................................................................................50 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT ...................................................................................50 GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS; ..........................................................................................51 GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS;........................................................................................51 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE PENSION PAYMENTS:..................................51 DOCUMENTATION;...................................................................................................52 SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS;..............................................................................53 TO TREASURY BRANCH:.............................................................................................53 TO STATE BANK:............................................................................................................53 STANDERS:......................................................................................................................53 BRANCH MANAGER DUTY REGARDING PENSION;.............................................54 RESONSIBLITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OFFICERS; .............................................54 DUTIES OF OG-I OFFICER IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT;............................55 DUTIES OF OG-II OFFICER IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT;...........................55 DUTIES OF MESSENGER IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT;..............................56 CLEARING DEPARTMENT............................................................................................57 CLEARING ...................................................................................................................57 LOCAL CLEARING (NIFT); ......................................................................................58 IN CASE OF INSTRUMENT OF NBP............................................................................59 BANK CHARGES FOR OTHER BANKS INSTRUMENT............................................59 ACCEPT CROSS CHEQUE OR REMITTANCE FROM OUR LOCAL BRANCH;...60 PROCEDURE OF CLEARING........................................................................................61 NEXT DAY PROCESS.....................................................................................................62 INWARD CLEARANCE .................................................................................................62 FOLLOWING REQUIREMENT FULFILL.....................................................................62 PROCESS OF CHEQUE RETURN (S.C)....................................................................63 CLEARING SECTION TABLES USED TO KEEP RECORD.......................................64 ORDINARY OUTWARD.................................................................................................65 INTERCITY CLEARING INWARD................................................................................65 INTERCITY CLEARING OUTWARD............................................................................65 SAME DAY CLEARING..................................................................................................65 INPUT TABLE..................................................................................................................66 S.C FANFOLDS................................................................................................................66 RESPONDING ENTRIES.................................................................................................66 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................67 Detailed description of the tasks assigned.............................................................................67 Structure of the HR Department ...........................................................................................69

Department hierarchy.............................................................................................................69 Number of employees working under HR department..........................................................69 Any sub-department if exists under HR department.............................................................70 Functions of HR Department.................................................................................................71 ...............................................................................................................................................71 HRP process.......................................................................................................................71 Employee development .....................................................................................................76 Procedure of Termination:.....................................................................................................87 Resignation ............................................................................................................................88 Retirement .............................................................................................................................89 Labor management relations .................................................................................................89 Critical analysis:.....................................................................................................................90 SWOT analysis:......................................................................................................................91 Conclusion:.............................................................................................................................94 Recommendations:.................................................................................................................95 Reference & Sources used......................................................................................................96 Annexes..................................................................................................................................97

Brief introduction of the organizations business sector

A bank is a financial institution and is licensed by Government. To provide the financial services to its customers is the primary activity of any bank. Bank enriches its investors. Financial activities like investment funds and taking part in financial markets is done by banking sector. Financial institutions, like in Germany, banks have possessed large stakes in industrial businesses but in some other countries like US banks are not allowed for possession of non financial companies. Banks are the link of a cross share holding entity called ZAIBATSU. Government regulations level of banking sector varies broadly from country to country, like ICELAND who is having comparatively light regulations of banking business. Whereas countries like CHINA who have large variety of rules and regulations but have no systematic process that can be followed typical of a communist system. Different definitions give different understanding of different concepts of banking. These are:

Samuelson Says:

Commercial banks provide certain services for customers and in return receive payments from them. Holder Describes: The modern banker is primarily a dealer in credit. According to Crowther: Bank is a dealer of debt, his own and of other people. Gilbert Points of view: A bank is a dealer in capital or dealer in money. He is an intermediary party between the borrowers and lenders.

The banks services were very poorly exaggerated At the time of independence in 1947 and by June 30, 1948, the number of offices of scheduled banks came down to only 81 in the territories comprising Pakistan; but there were following 14 scheduled Pakistani commercial banks with 3323 offices all over the Pakistan and 74 offices in foreign countries by December 31, 1973. National Bank of Pakistan United Bank Limited. Punjab Provincial Cooperative bank limited. Habib bank (Overseas) Limited Muslim Commercial Bank Limited. Bank of Bahawalpur Limited. Standard bank Limited. Australasia bank limited. Commerce bank limited.

Premier bank limited Sarhad Bank limited Pak bank limited. Lahore Commercial bank limited.

Commercial banks have duly played a vital role as a fuel of people's saving to constitute the most important source of financing in country economy. The truth shows that commercial banking has completed marvelous progress and achieved a phenomenal growth since independence.. However it was felt that these bank failed to ensure that the resources so mobilized by them flow in those sectors of economy where they would produce the goods and services needed badly by a very large number of people in Pakistan.

Overview of organization
Brief history
One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals At the freedom of Pakistan the banks services were badly affected by the political conditions of the country and banks were not working according to the mark, in order to cope with the crisis conditions which were developed after trade deadlock with India and devaluation of Indian rupee National Bank of Pakistan was established on November 9, 1949 as a semi public commercial bank under the National Bank of Pakistan. The main purpose of the National Bank of Pakistan at its initial stage is to extend credit to the agriculture sector. At that time the crises were on their peak so the main purpose of National Bank of Pakistan was to face the problems that had arisen with regard to financing of jute trade. National Bank started its functions on November 20, 1949 with its very important eight jute centers in the East Pakistan. Mr.Ghulam Farooq was announced the first chairman of Jute Board and Mumtaz Hassan was announced the first chairman of National Bank of Pakistan. National Bank of Pakistan was remained totally under the Jute Operations till 1950. The first M.D of the National Bank of Pakistan was Mr. M.A. Muhajir. In 1952


Governor of State Bank of Pakistan decided to replace Imperial Bank of India by National Bank of Pakistan. By becoming Mr. Mumtaz Hassan the MD of NBP, the number of branches, deposits and the number of employees had increased significantly as compare earlier, it was all happen by the great struggle of Mr. Mumtaz Hussan. In Dec. 1966 its 600th branch was opened raising the deposits to 2.31 billion, and staff to 14, 963. Up to 1965, the shareholders had received 225% of their original investment. Now it has more than 21549 employees 1537 branches and Rs.208283 million deposits. National Bank Pakistan has a matchless position in the financial sector of Pakistan. It is the agent of the Stats Bank of Pakistan where it has no its own Branch. The National Bank of Pakistan is the largest Commercial Bank of Pakistan and transacts all types of Banking Business. The Head Office of the Bank is at Karachi. National Bank of Pakistan is the first bank in the country to introduce and implement supervised Ruler Credit Programmed help small farmer to obtain loans at his doorsteps on easy terms and conditions. It has also played a pioneering role in introduction of profit and loss sharing System (PLS) as a major towards Islamization of economy. While it continues to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent to the State Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence) it has diversified its business portfolio and is today a major lead player in the debt equity market, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, treasury services and is showing growing interest in promoting and developing the country's small and medium enterprises and at the same time fulfilling its social responsibilities, as a corporate citizen. NBP is 100% owned by the Government of Pakistan (GOP).

To be recognized as a leader and a brand synonymous with trust, highest standards of service quality, international best practices and social responsibility.

NBP will aspire to the values that make NBP truly the Nations Bank by: Creating a distinctive brand identity by giving the highest principles of services


Institutionalizing a merit and performance culture Adopting the best international management practices Discharging our responsibility as a good corporate citizen of Pakistan and in countries where we operate. Maximizing stake holders value

Nature of the organization

National Bank of Pakistan is a banking organization, a public limited company listed in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE), and Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE).

Business volume
Bank paid up capital Net assets Share capital Reserves Earning per share is Rs8969 millions Rs102459218 Rs8154319 Rs15772124 Rs23.34

NBP Product lines:

ATM / Debit Cards Protection Shield Insurance Remittance Facilities Advance Salary (Personal loan) Cash and Gold (loan Secured against Gold) SME / Commercial Financing Trade Finance Facilities Current, Savings, Term, Foreign Currency Accounts Kissan Dost Taquat Cash Management / Financial Institutions Treasury Services to Government Islamic Banking Products Finance / Credit Facilities Loan Syndication Structured Finance Project Finance Financial Advisory Service Investments / Participations Proprietary Equity Trading


(Agriculture) NBP Saibaan (Housing Finance) NBP Karobar (Micro Finance) Commodity Finance Investor Advantage (Margin Financing) NBP Premium Aamdani NBP Premium Saver NBP Karobar

NBP Cash n Gold NBP Kisan Taqat NBP Kisan Dost NBP Pak Remit NBP Protection Shield NBP Saiban NBP Advance Salary NBP Cash Card NBP Investor Advantage

Detail of some of products is as follows: PREMIUM SAVER (your saving reward)PLS Saving Account: In profit and loss saving account you can earn up to 7.25% per year and for it minimum saving balance should be more than Rs. 20,000/- and a maximum balance of Rs. 300,000/-. One can withdraw twice in a month and there is no limit on number of deposit transactions. Profit calculated on monthly and paid on half yearly basis. NBP SAIBAAN(Home Financing) One can purchase ones home, construct ones home, home renovation and purchase of land and built it. NBP ADVANCE SALARY(Personal Loan) The product is for permanent employees of Government, partly Government and independent bodies getting salaries through NBP accounts. Easy payment of 1 to 60 months at ones choice, no lowest income sanctuary and insurance charges required. NBP CASH AND GOLD(Ready Cash against Gold)


Meet need for ready cash against idle gold jewelry with no minimum limits, facility of Rs. 10,000/-against each 10 g of net weight of Gold Ornaments maximum limit of each, repayment after 1 year, no punishment for repayment. AGRICULTURE FARMING PROGRAM NBP has made Agriculture easy by introducing NBP Kisan Taqat & NBP Kisan Dost. Farmers can get up to Rs. 500,000/- for landless farmers against personal guarantee and they can also get suitable technological direction the bank. Loan facility on rotating basis for three years (renewable on yearly basis without documentation and approval) NBP CASH CARD This facility provides by the NBP very efficiently, you can withdraw cash up to Rs. 20,000/- per day. Automatically account balance inquiry, mini statement and NBP also provides PIN Change facility. NBP INVESTOR ADVANTAGE(Financing Facility for Stock Investors) NBP provides many advantages to the investors because there are no security requirements, except customers equity. Customers justice is freely presented for investment. Equity is tolerable in only cash or approved shares. NBP KAROBAR MERA APNA KAROBAR Now one can get up to Rs. 200,000/- and for start ones own Business, and the age for gaining the loan is 18-45 years. Mark up 1 year KIBOR + 2.00p.a. The customer will pay markup at 6% p.a. PREMIUM AAMDANI (Unprecedented safety, unprecedented

return)Monthly income scheme By using Premium Aamdani earn up to 11% per year and for this return minimum amount must be Rs. 20,000/- and maximum deposit of Rs. 5,000,000/- for 5 years. Enjoy the running finance facility up to 90%.


NBP'S INTERNET BASED HOME REMITTANCES SERVICE Pak remit is an internet based Home Remittance Service. This service is accessible to U.S. inhabitants for distribution money to their relatives and associates in Pakistan. This service is available for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fees and exchange rate have been set at spirited levels and the remitters have the ability to track delivery of funds as well. NBP PROTECTION SHIELD NBP provides protection shield for this no documentation required, no medical required, Premium Auto Debit facility & choice of deactivation, Coverage includes death due to: Natural Calamities e.g. Earthquake, Flood, Cyclone etc

Services Offered By NBP

Corporate Finance Working Capital and Short Term Loans Medium Term Loans and Project Financing Loan Structuring and Syndication Cash Management Service International Banking Disbursement of Pensions (EOBI) Musharika Ijara Mudarba PLS Term Deposits PLS Saving Accounts Current Accounts Demand Drafts Utility Bills Provincial Collections Sale and Purchase of Prize Bonds Foreign Remittances National Income Daily Account (NIDA) Commercial Finance Agriculture Financing (Medium to Long Term) Letters of Credit Travelers Cheque Pay Orders Mail Transfers Government Treasury Functions Government Receipt and Payments Farm Credit

Detail of some services is as follows:


DEMAND DRAFTS It is a simple, safe, rapid and reliable way to shift money. For the transformation of the money an individual has an account in the bank or not can purchase it from any branch of NBP at very affordable rates. MAIL TRANSFERS One can move ones money safely and quickly using NBP Mail Transfer service. NBP also offer the most competitive rates in the market. PAY ORDER Another reason to move money from one place to another by using NBPs services is Pay Order. The charges of this service are very reasonable. Pay orders of NBP are a safe and straightforward way to shift money from one place to another. LETTER OF CREDIT NBP is faithful to present its industrial clients the widest variety of options in the part of money move. If someone is interested then Letter of Credit service by NBP is a service for business enterprise and it is fulfill the necessities of commercial enterprises. With rational rates, safety, and easiness of transaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do business transactions. MAIL TRANSFER It is faster mode of transfer money than demand draft. Mail transfer is the inter city transfer of money between two branches of a bank, through mail/currier.


PAYMENT ORDERS If the customer or account holder wants to make payment within the city, then this is done through P.O. It cant be cancelled without the consent of both parties. PLS TERM DEPOSITS In case of fixed deposit account deposit is made for a fixed period and money deposited can be with drawn before the end of period fixed or before giving an advance notice to the Bank. Fixed deposit carries a higher rate of interest than the other type of bank account and the rate of interest rises with the length of the period and the amount of deposit. FOREIGN REMITTANCE The bank offers the overseas remittance services to the student studying out side the country. NBP also offers foreign exchange in the form of travelers cheques to the intending visitors. CURRENT ACCOUNT These accounts are opened with the minimum amount of Rs.1000/ no interest is permissible by the bank. The funds held in the account are payable on demand without any limits on withdrawals. The bank normally opens current account for the business need of the firms.

The competitors of the National Bank of Pakistan are as follows: Askari Bank Habib Bank Limited Faysal Bank Standard Charter


United Bank Limited First Woman Bank Muslim Commercial Bank PICIC Commercial Bank Bank of Punjab Dubai Islamic Bank National Savings Allied Bank Limited Saudi Pak Commercial Bank Ltd Union Bank Limited

Prime Bank Bank Al-Falah My bank Silk Bank Sonehri Bank Metropolitan Bank Arif Habib Bank The Bank of Khaibar Bolan Bank Limited Platinum Commercial Bank Ltd Mashreq Bank

Organizational Structure

Organizational Hierarchy chart:

NBPs Hierarchy is a follows:


Board of Directors

Chairman and President

Board-Sub Committees

President Secretariat

Management Committee

Audit Committee

HRM Sub Committee

Sports and Culture Committee

IT Sub Committee

Islamic Banking and Subsidiaries

Operations Committee

Assets and Liability Committee

Credit Committee

Secretary Board of Director Group

IT Group

Corporate and Investment Banking Group

Special Asset Management Group

Treasury Management Group

Audit and Inspection Group

Compliance Group

HRM and Admin Group

Operation Group

EBD and TD

Islamic Banking Division

Credit Management Group

Commercial and Retail Banking Group

Financial Control Division

Overseas Coordination and management group

29 Regional Offices

Overseas Offices

Regional HR Chief

Regional Operations Chief

Regional Credit Management Chief

Regional Business Chief

Regional Compliance Chief


Number of employees
In Overall Organization=15204 In Civil Lines Branch=50

Main offices
The Head Office of the National Bank of Pakistan is at Karachi. NBP carries on its business all the way through a wide set up of branches those are situated in the country and out of the country very professionally and in point of fact. All branches execute their functions under the rule of local Regional Offices and regional offices are proscribed by the Head Office situated a superb building in the heart of Karachis center. NBP has a wide domestic branch network consist of more than 1500 branches situated in all over the country. NBP has also more than 24 branches out of the country.

SINDH In the Sindh the main offices of the NBP are in the following cities; Karachi Dadu/ Sanghar Hyderabad Jacobabad/ Shikarpur Larkana Mirpurkhas/ Badin Nawabshah/ N' Feroze Sukkur/ Khairpur



PUNJAB; Punjab has the main offices of the NBP in the following cities; Lahore Faisalabad Gujranwala Sialkot/ Narowal Islamabad Jhang Jhelum/ Gujrat/ Chakwal Bahawalpur D.G. Khan/ RYKhan Multan/ Baha'nagar Murree/ Attock/ Gilgit Rawalpindi Sahiwal Sargodha/ Sheikhupura

NWFP In the NEFP main offices are in the following cities; Peshawar Abbott Abad D.I. Khan Kohat


Mardan BALUCHISTAN; Main Branches of NBP are in the following cities; Queta


Karachi (South) Karachi (West) Hyderabad Larkana Sukkur Quetta Gawadar Lahore (Central) Lahore (East) Gujranwala Sialkot Faisalabad Jhang Sargodha Multan Bahawalpur Dera Ghazi Khan Sahiwal Federal Capital Islamabad Rawalpindi Jhelum Gujarat Peshawar Mardan Dera Ismail Khan Abbott Abad Muzaffarabad (A.K.) Mirpur (A.K.) Gilgit (sub-region)



America and Europe Region

1) USA 2) Canada 3) Germany 4) France

Far East Region 1) Hong Kong 2) Japan 3) South Korea 4) China

Middle East, Africa & South Asia Region 1) Bahrain 2) Egypt 3) Bangladesh 4) EPZ

Central Asian Republics 1) Afghanistan 2) Turkmenistan 3) Kyrgyz Republic 4) Kazakhstan


5) Uzbekistan 6) Azerbaijan

Subsidiary; 1. NBP Kazakhstan (Almaty)

Joint Venture; 1. United National Bank (UK)

Representative Off; 1. Canada (Toronto) 2. USA (Chicago) 3. China (Beijing) 4. Uzbekistan (Tashkent

Introduction of all departments

Following are departments in NBP: 1. Deposit Department 2. Account Opening Department 3. Bills Remittance Department 4. Cash Department 5. Clearing Department 6. Credit Department 7. Government Department


8. HR Department

Deposit Department
It is state that deposits are the blood of banks due to entire body of financial institutions to get work. The reason is that the main function of the banks is that they activate the money in the economy. Deposits as the banks get them by borrowing are the liability of the bank and the profit of the bank is measured by the difference between banks borrow and lend the money. The money is borrowed from them who have access capital. The following types of ledgers are concerned with deposit department: Saving Ledgers Current Ledgers Profit and Loss Sharing Ledgers Fixed Deposit Register Cash Book Daily Profit and Loss Summary Book Voucher Register

Account Opening Department:

This department is related to open new accounts of the customers and infect opening of an account is the establishment of the relationship between the bank and customer. By opening an account at a bank a person becomes a customer of the bank. Opening of an account is of essential for a bank, great care should be taken in this matter. NBP has precise the system and method for opening on account which are severely abided by all its branches. Following are the types of accounts open in the NBP; Current PLS SNTDR PLS saving FC


PLS term Premium saver BBA Call deposit NIDA

Bills Remittance Department

Remittance means transfer money from one place to another place. NBP provides number of services to transfer money from one place to another place. Pak remit is an internet based Home Remittance Service. This service is available to U.S. inhabitants for sending money to their relatives and friends in Pakistan. Bills Remittance Department also works on Payment Orders and Short Credit. The following are the main functions of this department. Remittance can take place in three different ways. Demand Draft Mail Transfer Telegraphic Transfer

Cash Department
The most important section in the bank is Cash Department. The reason is that it performs the following three main functions: Bank payments & receipts; Payments against cheques are the bank payments and bank receipts include cash deposits made by account holders. Government receipts & payments; Government receipts means collection of income tax, property tax, sales tax and traffic challans are the Government receipts and Government payments are the salary payments to Government employees and Pension payments. Collection of utility bills; Utility bills include electricity, gas and water bills. It also includes Ptcl bills. The following books are maintained in the cash department:-


Receiving Cashier Books Token Book Paying Cashier Book Scroll Books Cash Balance Book

Clearing Department
It is the place where both the debtors and creditors are different commercial banks and they settle their claims. Clearing is the transfer of funds from one branch of bank to the other branch of the same bank or the other bank on which the instrument is drawn, without involving the cash through state banks clearing house. All commercial banks are the members of the bankers clearing house which make easy the settling of daily balances due between member banks arising from the cheques and cash transactions throughout the country, whether by the general public or individual banks. Following are types of cheques collected for clearing: Clearing cheques Transfer cheques Collection cheques There are two types of clearing: Outward Clearing Inward Clearing .

Credit Department;
The banks lend money by keeping some worthwhile securities, and banks are preferred such types of securities those are not easily depreciate; they also lend money against


promissory note. The main purpose of the banks is to lend money because it is the main source of profit generation for the banks. For this purpose State Bank of Pakistan has approved set of laws named as PRUDENTIAL REGULATIONS, this law is strictly followed by all the banks and if any bank does not obey this law then it should be punished by penalties under the rule of SBP PR(S). Credit Department is associated with other three departments related to financing i.e. Trade Finance Ijarah Corporate Banking

Government Department;
Payment of pension also is being done by this department. Department of Government section receives all the provincial and central receipts. NBP makes payments to following: Retired officers of Armed forces Civilian Retired officers of PAF and families Defense civilian pensioners Others ( KRL, OGDC, PAEC/ PR, RANGERS) Documents required for the pension payments: Pension payment order No and date of NIC Pension book Photographs of the pensioner Two specimen signature, thumb and finger impression.

HR Department;


HR Department provides basic background information about the organization to new employees. All new employees are provided information about the working environment, working hours and vacations by HR Department. It may be an informal introduction or a lengthy formal course. NBP always exhibits a warm and cooperative attitude towards new employees and welcomes them. It is accountability of HR Department to manage employees relations and Job changes outside the organization or within the organization i.e. Promotion, Transfer, and Demotion is also take place under HR Department. Separations like Termination, Layoff, Resignation and Retirement are also HR functions. It relates to hiring, compensation firing, and training of the employees. The functions under HR Department are: Medical Disciplinary cases Staff loan Leave record of employee Performance appraisal Office order Manpower planning

Comments on Organizational structure

Structure of National Bank of Pakistan is Bureaucratic Structure; it is a structure that stress highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, in this structure much formalized rules and regulations are followed, tasks are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command. The structure of National Bank of Pakistan is very centralizes decision are taken on time, Policies are issued by the head office and is implemented within the bank as per the guidelines. There is a branch manager who looks after the overall working of the branch and who directs the working of the bank according


to the instructions. It has the ability of innovation response to changing environment, high ability of conflict resolution. Every person within each department is assigned various tasks which increase their task performing ability via job rotation. No department has interference in the working of other department. It increases the efficiency of the department, as there is no external involvement by any person. Neither they are answerable to any person with whom they are not directly concerned. This reduces the ambiguities and complexities. The works are properly assigned and delegated. Everyone knows whom to report in case of emergency and what to do in time of crisis. The officers are well coordinated and assist each other in their work. There exists a friendly work environment. Every one is given promotion opportunity. Overall, the environment of NB bank is very well established and admirable. The way the organizations structured is brilliant.

Plan of your internship program:

A brief introduction of the branch where you did your internship
I preferred to do my internship at National Bank of Pakistan the reason was that it is largest and leading commercial banks of Pakistan and I want to continue my learning at well reputed organization which would be productive both for the organization and me as well. NBP is responsible to provide all services to its customer. . When I joined the bank, I had no practical experience with regard to working of a regular bank. Then I got an opportunity from the university authorities to join and work with NBP to get experience of the rules and regulations that bank follows. I left the bank with a thirst to learn more. I seek a chance in order to survive in a banking environment. Branch of NBP where I did my internship is the main Branch of Gujranwala and it is located at Civil Line near Civil Hospital Gujranwala. By size, its a large level branch having more than 50 employees working in it. There are 8 office boys working in the bank. All offices are well furnished and managed accurately that there is no confusion or mistake occurs in finding any office. By look its building look is very attractive. The working and learning environment of the bank is very valuable and high quality. Employees are ready to coordinate with you in all of your queries. I worked there for eight


weeks are learned a lot in this very short span of time. The whole staff of NBP bank is very promising and intellectual, expert in their work, well mannered and efficient. When you enter the bank, you can feel the difference at first sight. This branch is on the way of progress by leaps and bound.

Starting and ending dates of your internship

I started my internship in National Bank of Pakistan on 15th November 2009. I worked there for 8 weeks. My internship ended on 15th January 2010.

Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your training
During the short time period of my internship in National Bank of Pakistan, I was given a chance to work in following four departments of the bank; 1. HR Department 2. Account Opening Department 3. Government Department 4. Clearing Department The purpose was to give me a close look of the whole working of a banking institution. I spent 2 weeks in each department to learn more and more from the appointed staff; its really a wonderful learning experience.

Training program
Detailed description of the operations/activities of the department(s) I worked in. During the short time period of eight weeks of my internship in National Bank of Pakistan, I was given an opportunity to work in four departments of the bank. . The purpose was to give me a close look of the whole working of these departments. I spent two weeks in each department and trying to gain maximum knowledge. I have covered following departments in NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN civil lines branch gujranwala.


HR Department Accounts Opening Department Government Department Clearing Department

Huaman Resource Depatment

To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to HRM department: During my internship period I learnt about how to handle different people in diverse state of affairs, how to perform job well etc. In HRM I studied about hoe to handle the human resource and how it will be adjust in desired departments proper planning is required to make every task attainable. I work with Mr. Ghulam Abbass HR Manager (OG-II / MTO) of National Bank of Pakistan civil lines branch Gujranwala and I observed the following duties that must be preformed by HR Manager to deal with human resource effectively and obtain the desired objects and goals. Description of some of duties is as follows:

(HR Development & Personal Section)

He will be responsible to conduct the Job Analysis of the branch. He will be responsible to update HRIS of the branch. He will be responsible to coordinate with Regional Office for the effective implementation of Employee Mentoring / Communication Programs or any other program. He will be responsible to maintain staff rotation records within the branch. He will be responsible to coordinate Training program. Coordinate with Regional Office regarding the effective implementation of TNA for employees development. He will be responsible to conduct/determine skill Gap Analysis of the employees. 32

He will be responsible for pay-for-performance implementation and handle all related issues. He will be responsible for effective implementation of Performance Standards as per laid down procedures. He will be responsible to assist in Manpower Planning Exercise. Maintenance of all HR related records of Executives/Officers/Staff posted at branch. Preparation of Seniority lists. Correspondence relating to Temporary Employees of the branch and maintenance of their list. GHS/VHS correspondence, if any. Preparation/processing of appraisals of Executive/officers/Staff posted at the branch. Preparation of all returns/statistics of staff position to Regional Office/Head Office Processing of Audit & Inspection related to HRM Section of branch. Finalization of payments, salaries/perks and all kind of benefits pertaining to human resource. He will be responsible for processing/correspondence regarding Encashment of LPR/Optional Retirement of Officers/Executives/Staff. He will be responsible for fixation of pay on promotions and revised salaries of Executives/Officers/Staff posted at branch.

Employee Welfare and Benefits Section

He will process staff loans/medical Bills & Facilities/TA Bills to Employees and their dependents. He will follow-up pending cases with RO/HO relating to HR. He will be processing of Medical Bills & Facilities/Hospitalization Bills of retired employees. He will maintain all cases/correspondence files/books pertaining to this section


He will process all cases of Educational Stipend, Marriage Grant, Honorarium for securing 1st position/Hafiz-e-Quran, Transfer Grant, Funeral Charges, office Work expenses and monthly subscription to newspapers/ journals/ magazines/ periodical. He will be responsible for preparation of austerity statement. Frauds and Forgeries. He will be responsible to look after all cases relating to Fraud, Forgery / Dacoit cases pending with Govt/Law enforcement Agencies or Regulators. Preparation/presentation of all ripe cases before the competent authority at Region/HO for final decision. All allied/related correspondence with regard to above assignments and any other duties to be assigned to him/her by his/her superiors. In HRM Department, I observed the following rules and regulations for Leave. Leaves in Days Casual leaves=18 Privilege Leave=30 Sick Leave=20 Maternity Leave=90 Ex Pakistan Leave=45 days for Hajj Staff loan: I observed the following procedure of issuing staff loan to staff members to help them out of financial Problems Staff loan sanctioned by Regional HR Chief. Vouchers are prepared for salary and staff loan. Invoices include all kind of allowances, loan details, tax deduction. Vouchers and invoices are signed by HR manager and operations manager. 34

Documents are sent to transfer terminal. Terminal member punches, credits, and transfers the salary and loan installments to relative PLS Accounts. Demand finance has different kinds of loans. Following is the detail of different Loans


Markup (%age)

Tenure (Years/Days)

Minimum Amount (Rs.)

Maximum Amount (Rs.) 110% of basic salary

House Building 3% Finance (HBF)

20 Years 1200, 000 for Officers

700,000 clerical staff


clerical and non

Motorcar Finance


10 Years

90% of the cost As of Cultus (Officers)



Suzuki minimum amount

90% of the cost 35

of AVP)


(Executives till

90% of the cost of Corolla Excel (SVP/SEVP etc.)



clerical and non Motorcycle Finance Computer Loan 4% 5 Years 50,000(for all) Free of markup 10 Years clerical staff 80,000(for All) As same as

minimum amount As same minimum amount as


months Free of markup

18 months

House Rent per House Rent per month*18 month*18

House Rent

Note: Advance House Rent is taken once by employee and is being deducted from salary every month and amount is covered by bank in 18 months. No markup is required. Medical facility: HRM gives medical allowance in the following manner to help the staff members. 1. within Ceiling Facility: 36

Clerical/Non Clerical 156% of Basic Salary Officers 114% of Basic Salary Executives 102% of Basic Salary Following types of bills can be claimed: Consultancy Bills Lab Test Dental test 2. Hospitalization: Approved by bank E.g. Gondal Complex, Fazal, Chaudhry Application is being approved and then whole procedure is started. 3. In excess of Ceiling (prolonged illness) 12 diseases e.g. sugar, hepatitis, cancer Such patients who have to take medicines monthly and an incentive are given to them in the form of salary.


The opening of an account is the establishment of the banker customer relationship. By opening an account at a bank a person becomes a customer of the bank.



As the opening of an account is of crucial importance for a bank, great care should be taken in this matter. NBP has specified the rules and procedure for opening on account which are strictly abide by all its branches.


Following are the responsibilities of the account opening department; Account opening Documentation at the time of opening of an account Issue cheque book Closure of an account

Whenever a new customer enters in the bank with the intention to open an account, the banker is required to determine his/her category according to his status and needs. NBP has following categories of accounts: Individual Account Joint Account Minor Account Sole proprietor Account Partnership Account Company Accounts Accounts of the Welfare/ Societies/Clubs/ NGOs

Each one of these account has different requirements with regard to the documentation. But the documents which are common in all these categories are:


Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) of the applicant Introducer - the person should be the account holder of the NBP (same or any branch) from last six month and maintaining his/ her account regularly.

This category is further bifurcated into following sub-categories: Business Account Student Account Salaried Person Household Women All these persons are required to fill the same account opening form. The only difference comes in case of the supporting documents. In case of the business account the great care should be taken in inquiring the source of the income. The business proof of the customer is required in shape of the visiting card or the letter head. In case of the student account the college card and the bonafide certificate from the institution is demanded by the bank. For salaried person employment proof is asked at the time of opening an account. The salaried person is required to provide Appointment Letter so that the banker can know about the joining date, salary and designation of the potential customer. While opening the account of household women the routine documentation is done. But the important thing to inquire and consider is that what will be the source of the transaction in this particular account. The banker should be prudent enough to see and point out any unusual volume or number of transaction in this account.


Any number of persons can open a joint account. Every person is required to fulfill the same requirement as mentioned under the head of the individual account in the personal capacity.


NTN No. which should clearly mention the business name, client name and address of the business place Request for the account opening on the Letter head of the business Business stamp

NIC of all partners Partnership deed attested by the Notary Public NTN certificate Form- C (if partnership is registered) Rubber stamp according to following format.

NICs of all the directors Rubber stamp according to their designation List of director attested by chief executive Resolution of the board of director to open bank account (on bank format) Form 29 duly attested by SECP:


This certificate contains the details of directors and officers including Advisor. Article of Association(AOA) / Memorandum of Association(MOA) NTN Certificate of incorporation


Executive, Managing Agent, Secretary, Chief Accountant and Auditors and Legal

All the above documents should be sealed and signed (with stamp) by company secretary.

CNIC of Guardian Business/ Employment Proof of Guardian Bay Form/ Birth Certificate duly original seen by Attorney holder Date of majority of the minor should be mentioned on AOF & SSC Only personal information of guardian on AOF. No information of minor on AOF. No signature of minor on account opening documents Title of account should Minor Name (M)/ Guardian Name (G) (M=Minor, G= Guardian) Stamp affixed on Account opening form and signature specimen card. GUARDIAN WILL OPERATE THE ACCOUNT EVEN IF MINOR ATTAINS MAJORITY. Guardian can operate the account after majority of the minor as mentioned in the stamp.


Resolution (Name & signature of authorized signatories along with CNIC numbers and operating instructions)


CNIC By- laws Registration certificate List of governing bodies Legal opinion Approval form Area Manager and System Operations.

It is the most demanded account in any bank. Individual partners, companies associations, clubs, societies, and NGOs are eligible to open current account. Here are some features of the current account offered at NBP Non interest bearing checking account. Minimum account opening requirement of Rs.10, 000 only. Free debit card can be used to withdraw cash and make purchases at thousands of outlets across Pakistan. This account can be opened in foreign currencies also. No restriction on number of withdrawals and on number of deposits Minimum average balance Rs.10,000/ Rs.100 will be deducted in case of balance maintained below the minimum limit of deposit. No Zakat deduction.


This account helps the customer to earn a handsome amount on their saving. Any one or more individuals or partners can open a PLS saving account with the Bank.


Profit & Loss Sharing Saving Bank Account. Minimum account opening requirement of Rs.5, 000 only. No restriction on number of withdrawals and number of deposits. Profit on PLS saving account is calculated on minimum monthly balance basis. Profit on saving accounts is credited to the customer account on half-yearly basis. Profit rates are subject to charge in response to change in the return earned by the Bank on deployment of funds. Free debit card can be used to withdraw cash and make purchases at thousands of outlets across Pakistan which provides access to funds 24 hours a day. The charges for maintaining the minimum balance in the account are Rs.50 per month. Saving account can be opened in other currencies also i.e. in Euro, Pound Sterling, U.S Dollar etc. Zakat is deductible on balance in this account otherwise an affidavit is provided by the customer.


The first step in the procedure of opening an account is the filling of Account Opening form. At NBP the account opening form is titled as the Relationship Contract. It contains all the requisite information needed to open and operate an account according to the specified rules and regulations.


The following details are required to furnish the Relationship Contract.


1. TITLE OF ACCOUNT: It is the name through which the customer is intended to operate an account. 2. ACCOUNT NUMBER: This is the serial number given to each account number through which an account is accessed whenever it is needed. This serial number starts from a Code, which is different for different types of accounts. These codes help the banker to identify type of an account an account at first sight. The following is the list of codes for different types of account used at NBP. Current Account Saving Account Royal Profit Account Basic Banking Account USD Account Euro Account Pound Sterling Account 3. PERSONAL INFORMATION After giving the title to the account, the personal information of the customer is written down in the Account Opening form, like Name, Fathers name, Mothers name, Employment information (Address of employer, Name of employer, job title) in case of a salaried person, NIC #, Nationality, Residential Address, Phone number etc. In case of joint account the personal information of each account-holder is taken. 4. NEXT OF KIN Mention Name & address of person/next of kin to be contacted for ascertaining consumers whereabouts after the expiry of three years from the date of last operation in his account, to inform him/her of the existence of his account when customer were not available at the given date. 44

5. ADDRESS FOR THE CORRESPPONDECE Address of the customer is needed to contact the customer. 6. CORPORATE ACCOUNT In case of company account the additional information regarding the address of the Head office and Date and Place of the incorporation is required. 7. TYPE OF ENTITY That either the applicant falls under the category of individual, sole proprietor or company etc. 8. NATURE OF THE ACCOUNT e.g. example current account. 9. CURRENCY OF ACCOUNT Customer has to mention the currency, in which he is going to operate. 10. DETAILS OF THE TERM, NOTICE & CALL DEPOSIT It includes No. of receipt, Amount, Period of the deposit. 11. ZKAT DEDUCTION INSTRUCTION 12. INSTRUCTION FOR OPERATION OF ACCOUNT Under this head the applicant specify that how he/ she will operate the account. If applicant is individual then he will select the option of Single but in case of a joint account the customers have to make choice among the options of the Joint and Either or Survivor which means that any of the joint account holder can operate the account. The option of Any one of meant for the Partnership Account.



The introducers name, account no., introducers signature and the signature and stamp of the verifying officer are also required to fill in the account opening form. If the introducer is the account holder in any other branch of the NBP then the account opening officer is bound to obtain the verification from that branch. Introducer should be operating any account from last six month on regular basis that is the account should not be a dormant account. 14. DECLARATION In the end the applicant(s) agree with the rules and regulations governing the account operating activities by signing the Relationship Contracts. In case of sole proprietor or company account the stamp of the business should be affixed. 15. TERMS & CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE ACCOUNT The account opening form of every bank has the terms and condition governing the account as its complementary part so that the customer will be aware of all these terms at the time of entering this contract. These terms and conditions should be read and signed by the applicant(s).


After filling the Relationship contract the bank officer asks the required documents from the customer as mentioned above in case of each entity. The necessary verification is done. 1. VERIFICATION OF THE CNIC According to the regulation of the SBP now the banker is responsible to verify the CNIC from NADRA. For this purpose the customer signs an authority letter by which he/ she gives him the authority to verify the CNIC through the on-line CNIC verification service of NADRA. 2. SIGNATURE DIFFERNET FROM CNIC


If the customer wishes to use a signature to operate his account which is different from the one on his national identity card, then he will give an Undertaking under the witness of the Introducer, that he will be responsible for this change of signature. 3. SIGNATURE SPECIMEN CARD An important and foremost thing to be signed by a customer is the Signature Specimen Card (SSC). Afterward this card is used to match the signature of the customer every time he or she deals with the bank. The original card is sent to the head office after scanning it to the system.

4. ACCOUNT OF THE ILLETERATE PERSON In case of the account of an illiterate person the only photo account can be opened. In this account the customer has to come personally to the bank every time he/ she will deposit to or withdraw from his/ her accounts. So, some additional documents are required to obtain from such applicant at the time of opening a photo account like two photographs of applicant(s), one is put on the account opening form and the other one is out on the signature card. Also a declaration is signed by the customer in order to open a photo account, on which the thumb impression are taken of the customer. This is done under the witness of the introducer. 5. APPLICATION FOR THE ON-LINE CLEARING/TRANSFER/CASH TRANSACTION ARRANGEMENT FOR

If the customer wants to have the account to be on-line, so that he can avail the facility of the on-line banking, then he will sign the application for the use of this facility at time of opening an account or at any time later on. 6. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER (KYC) It is a document which is prepared under the special instruction of the SBP. As per SBP regulation it is very important for the banker to know his customer very well. This form is prepared by the account opening officer according to the information given by the customer


to him. Also the banker is required to update KYC time to time. This form is reviewed by the Branch Manager or Manager Operation. LETTER OF THANKS: After this process a letter of thanks is sent to the customer in order to verify that the address provided by him is correct. But if the customer chooses the Hold Mail Facility then no letter of thanks is sent to him.

ISSUANCE OF CHEQUE BOOK: 1. FIRST TIME ISSUE OF THE CHEQUE BOOK After the account is opened, the customer requires a cheque book to conduct operation in his account. In order to have a cheque book the account holder signs an application to issue a personalized or blank cheque book. PERSONALIZED CHEQUE BOOK: A cheque book having the account title and account number printed on it is called as Personalized Cheque Book. This assures the safety of the cheques to be used. BLANK CHEQUE BOOK: It is the simple cheque book with no account title or account number on it. 2. REISSUANCE OF CHEQUE BOOK When two or three leaves are left in the cheque book, the account holder can demand for a new cheque book, so customer fills requisition slip which is attached in cheque book and gives to banker and receives a new cheque book for continuing the account. An account holder can also any other person to receive the new cheque book by giving the authority in the requisition slip. The authorized person should bring the copy of CNIC to receive the cheque book. 3. CHARGES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NEW CHEQUE BOOK


The cheque book can be issued of 10, 25 or 50 leaves as per the requirements of the customer. The charges are Rs.5 per leaf where the excise duty is also charged. These charges are paid by the customer in cash when the cheque book is issued at first. While at the second issue and so on the charges are deducted from the account. 4. LOSS OF THE CHEQUE BOOK In case the cheque book is lost by the customer then first step the customer should take is to stop the payment of all the cheques. The charges for stopping the payment are Rs.200/- per cheque or Rs.500/- for the whole cheque book. The report the cheque numbers of the remaining cheques at the time of the lost. The officer of the NBP will enter these numbers in the system as stopped. Now no body can encash these cheques all over the Pakistan at any branch. Second move is to issue a new cheque book in lieu of the old one. For this the customer signs a Form B as a request of the loss and requisitions of the cheque book. The charges of the Form-B are Rs.100/- . It is one of the security documents of the bank. The Form-B requires a guarantor to sign on it. Along with the For-B the customer also signs an indemnity form to indemnify the bank from any liability claim or loss that may arise by the misplacement of the cheque book.

There are number of reasons, why an account is closed. Some of most common reasons are mentioned below: At the clients own request Death of account holder Bankruptcy of account holder Liquidation or winding up under the companies act. Dormant account: a dormant account is an account which is not being operated by the customer from last six month. In this case the customer has to request the bank in written form to allow operation in such an account mentioning the reason of not operating the account regularly. 49

PROCEDURE FOR CLOSING AN ACCOUNT When customer wants to close his or her account due to any reason, he gives the written request either on simple page or on the bank format account closure request. Surrender the cheque book with the bank which immediately destroyed by the bank officer. The customer pays a statutory fee of Rs.100 to the bank in case of the current account. There are no charges for the closure in other types of accounts. The account opening officer gets an annexure approved by all the departments and then closes the account. This is a sort of clearance from all the departments. Account closed log file is printed in order to complete the process of closing an account. In the end the account opening form is filed in the closed accounts file. The account which is closed, that account is cancelled and never issued to any other person.

It is the responsibility of the account opening department to update any changes in the account information as they take place. The following changes can be the change in the address, phone number and operating instructions.

Government Department is very important section of the Bank because it is responsible for any penalty imposed by SBP due to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. All officers monitor all heads of Govt. Section for well in time reporting in monthly, quarterly, annual return to controlling office. Departmental Head will be responsible for rectification of inspection / Audit irregularities of his department and coordinate with branch compliance officer for submission of remarks Sheet / clearance certificate.


Government receipts means collection of the following Income tax Property tax Sales tax Traffic challans Court fine Old age receipts Malia

Government payments include; Salary payments Pension Payments Department of Government section receives all the provincial and central receipts. NBP makes payments to following: Civilian Defense civilian pensioners Retired officers of Armed forces Retired officers of PAF and families Others ( KRL, Oil Gas Development Corporation , Pakistan Aero E Complex / PR, RANGERS)


Pension payment order


No and date of CNIC Two specimen signature, thumb and finger impression Photographs of the pensioner Pension book Officer enters them in a ledger to keep permanent record.

Disburser portion of the PPO is filed in serial No and kept in lock and key with accountant. All particular of PPO are entered in PPO register. The first payment is made to pensioner after proper identification. In case any clarification staff referred the pensioner to general accountant or Head office. REIMBURSMENT OF PENSION CLAIM: Branch prepares and send the RBV on link branches along with payment scroll (scroll is the document upon which all vouchers and their payments are recorded) and paid pension bills on the very next day. Link branch consolidate the statement on Performa B including its own receipts and payments. Duplicate copy of the consolidate statement is sent to SBP (State Bank of Pakistan) local office by link branch along with debit credit authority to the bank account. Branch submits monthly statement of receipt / payment on the revised Performa to the link branch. Local treasury branch on the receipt of RBV along with scroll, payment bills and challan etc are debit credit the government account on the same day. Treasury branch report the consolidated receipt and payment figure (not branch wise) including their own receipt and payments to finance division / Head Office.


Branches submit the following documents to respective treasury office. SBP offices under preprinted cover letter in the morning of next working day, through special messenger/registered post.

Following documents are submitted to the Treasury Branch: Government Debit Scroll (Separate scroll) Daily statement of payments inclusive government payments Consolidated daily statement of government payments inclusive others

Following documents are submitted to the Treasury Branch: Letter of reimbursement Consolidated statement (daily of government payments inclusive others)

Standers that have been made by the bank regarding pension payments: Payment of pension to pensioner should take 15 to 20 minutes. Government receipts should take 10 to 15 minutes. Passport fee collection within 5 minutes. Traffic challan within 5 minutes. These entire standards are being fulfilled by the staff within time. But due to the large numbers of customers it makes difficult for the cashier to handle them in time. A single voucher should be cleared within 5 minutes and it is but other customers have to wait for their term for almost half an hour.



Manager has to ensure that correct payment is made and its proper record is maintained. Branch manager has to ensure that no cause of complaint is arising. Hence the pensioner does not go to the Treasury office or State Bank of Pakistan unless any renewal of change is required by him to be fulfilled inevitable. Manager is respectfully managing his duties and is keeping the proper record regarding pension. In case of any confusion and clarification manager refers the pensioner to head office or their relative company office.


The incharge of Govt. and officers shall be held responsible for any penalty imposed by SBP due to the negligence / non completion of work / books and balancing. All officers will monitor all heads of Govt. Section for well in time reporting in monthly, quarterly, annual return to controlling office. The Incharge and officer shall be responsible for: Supervision of all Govt. receipts / collection and transfer there of to SBP / account office well in time. Responding of RBVs of all linked branches for Govt. receipts / payments and transfer there of to SBP well in time and scrolls there of should be submitted to SBP and account office. Daily Railway collection must be transferred in Railway fund with SBP Gujranwala on daily basis. Daily CBR collection should be transferred in SBP account well in time on daily basis.


Proper reporting of summaries / transfer of fund should be made properly and insure no complaint from SBP / any other authority.


OG-I Officer who is work in Government Department is Muhammad Nawaz Cheema and his duties are as follows; Supervision of all Collection Accounts / Payment Transaction / Daily Railway Collection in Govt. Section for transfer their off to SBP / Account Office. Govt. / Railway Pension Payment (Cash / transfer) Renewal / registration of Federal Govt. Arm license Double signatory of all Govt. receipt / Payment voucher Preparation of Govt. Payment Scroll Preparation of all statements / returns. Counter signing of all utility bills Any Other assignment by Operation Manager / Branch Manager


OG-I Officer who is work in Government Department is Asim Qadeer Cheema and his duties are as follows; Govt. receipt cash / transfer Transfer of daily Govt. Receipt / Payments / Railway collection to SBP. Counter signing of all Govt. receipt challan / voucher Dispatch of all Govt. receipt payment scroll and vouchers along with daily summary of Govt. receipt / payment to account office / SBP. Double signatory of all Govt. receipt /payment voucher Any other assignment by the In charge of Govt. section.



Messenger of is Government Department of NBP is Rafaqat Ali and his duties are as follows; Exchange of files within the branches of NBP Copy of files Signature from Manager, Operation Manager etc File Maintaining, Binding etc


According to the observation regarding Govt. Section, the employees in this department tries its best to fulfill their duties but because they are not well educated and trained that is why some problems keep arising time by time. To avoid and to eradicate these problems employees should get training once a year so that they can meet the current challenges and can know new techniques to handle the transactions. Incharge of the department is an experienced person and educated. The way of recording transactions is traditional. No proper bank software (computerized system) is used to make the summaries of the receipts and payments. In result bank do not have any proper record of its previous transaction except hard copies that take so much time when it has to be audited. For example few days before the Incharge of the department need the summary of the day 13th of the month but no record were found except they had to try to find the hard copy of the summary and it took half an hour. But the same work by the computerized system can be completed just in a single click. Not only daily summary but also the monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually summaries can be made in few minutes through computerized system. So if we want to make our banking more efficient and want to create more accuracy we have to adopt the modern computerized techniques to make our work fast and accurate. Employees in Govt. Section are not well familiar with the computer education. Training programs for the current employees are not held because of which the employees can not know the new trends of banking system.


The basic function of clearing department is to provide services to customers in collection of their cheques of other banks, whether they are in city or outside the city. The customer can get the money in his account at NBP from the cheques drawn on another bank. The bank accepts the cheque in the clearing which it is drawn through the clearing house i.e., State Bank of Pakistan.

The transfer of funds from one branch of bank to the other branch of the same bank or the other bank on which the instrument is drawn, without involving cash through State Banks clearing house.

CLEARING HOUSE A clearing house is an association of commercial banks set up in a given locality for the purpose of interchange & settlement of credit claims. TYPES OF CHEQUES COLLECTED BY THE CLEARING DEPARTMENT; a) TRANSFER CHEQUES Transfer cheques are those cheques, which are collected and paid by the same branch of bank. b) TRANSFER DELIVERY CHEQUES Transfer delivery cheques are those cheques, which are collected and paid by two different branches of a bank situated in the same city. c) CLEARING CHEQUES

Clearing Cheques are those cheques which are drawn on the branches of some other bank of the same city or of the same area which covers a particular clearing house TYPES OF CLEARING Clearing department deals with the two type of the clearance; 57

These are stated below: 1) - Outward clearance 2) - Inward clearance

1) - OUTWARD CLEARANCE It means the cheques of another bank, which are presented on our branch by our customers. Outward clearing results into inflow of cash from the payee bank. Our National Bank of Pakistan branch sends the different instrument like payment order, cross cheque, Remittance for the purpose of clearing through two ways. Local Clearing (NIFT) S.C (Short Credit)


NIFT stands for National Institution of Facilitation Technology and it is the source of collection of cheques or instruments, it performs following functions; a. Accept the Cross Cheque or instruments from Account Holders. b. Accept the Cross Cheque or Remittance from our NBP local Branches a. ACCEPT CROSS CHEQUES OR INSTRUMENT FORM ACCOUNT HOLDERS; NIFT accepts the Cross Cheques or instruments from Account Holders by following way; Fill the transfer voucher then receipt is given to the account holder and voucher is kept. Three stamps is place. First cross stamp is placed in the front side, Second clearing stamp of next day date and third payees account will be realized. Enter all the instruments in the NIFT register in Local & Sialkot portion separately.


Sign by the officer in the back side of every instrument. Made the NIFT card in which mention following things Branch Name, No of Instruments, and Total Amount and signed by the Remittance officer. Next day after clearing fanfold came from Dist Court Sialkot in the Name of Our Branch. Deduct the different type of bank charges from those entire people which submit the Instrument or cheque for the purpose of clearing and this instrument belong to Sialkot. According to following rate.


Items Commission Postage F.E.D Charges 0.16 % or Minimum Rs 50 Rs 75 6 % of commission


Items Commission Postage F.E.D Then o Fill the commission voucher as whole o Fill the transfer voucher postage as whole o Fill transfer voucher fro F.E.D as whole o After filling such voucher past the stamp of bank transfer and signed by the officer on all the voucher then transfer these voucher in particular account. Charges 0.16 % or Minimum Rs 50 75 6% of commission



Place two stamp of such instrument, First stamp is place on the back side of each instrument which we collect from our NBP Local branches i-e civil line branch Gujranwala. Our Br Endorsement Confirmed For National Bank of Pakistan Main Br.civil line Gujranwala MANAGER Second clearing stamp on the front side of the instrument and mention next day date in the clearing stamp. Enter all the instruments in the NIFT register in Local & Sialkot portion separately. Sign by the officer in the back side of every instrument. Made the NIFT card in which mention following things Branch Name, No of Instruments, and Total Amount and signed by the Remittance officer. Next day after clearing fanfold came from Dist Court Sialkot in the Name of Our Branch Made the fanfold in name of such NBP local branch which send these instrument DEBIT fanfold send the meaning of DEBIT fanfold is that our bank is transfer amount to another NBP Branch. CREDIT fanfold enter in our system. The meaning of CREDIT fanfold is that we are decreasing our NBP General a/c because we send the amount to another branch.



Instrument Collection Source

From Account Holder

Fill Transfer Slip & Receipt Hand over To Client

From NBP Local Branches

Clearing Stamp Our Branch Endorsement Confirm

Cross Stamp Cleaning Stamp Payee,s Account Will be Realized

Enter in NIFT Register Separately Signed By Officer Separate Transfer Slip & Cheque NIFT Card Hand Over NIFT Agent



From Account Holder
From NBP Local Branches

Deduction of Bank Charges

Made Fanford in The Name of Our NBP Local Branch

Filling Voucher Commission, Postage, F.E.D

Transfer Clearing Amount on Relevant account

It means cheques which are drawn on our bank but are presented to the branch of another bank and on our branch but with in the city. These cheques are handed over to NBP agent in clearing house. Inward clearing results into outflow of cash.


Check all the stamp required Check balance of particular account Check the Drawer signature Check the cheque post dated or out dated Check amount in words and figures Advice received from issuing Branch Payment stopped by the drawer Note: If all the above mention requirement fulfill then cleared the cheque or vise return the instrument through NIFT ii. CHEQUE RETURN FROM S.C (SHORT CREDIT)


When the account holder submit the instrument which is out of station then such instrument send for clearing through S.C(Short Credit) Some of the Cheques are not cleared. The relevant bank returns these cheques with MEMO that document explain what are the main reason of cheque return. In case of Cheque Return from S.C (Short Credit) then bank deduct the service charges from such account holder account which is submit the cheque in our branch. Fill the Debit voucher in which following things mention o Name and Account of particular person o Description (S.C No 425 return charges recovered) Fill the Credit Voucher for (Commission) Fill the Transfer Voucher for ( Postage) Enter this cheque in the cheque return register in which mention following things o Name and Account Number o Date which is mention in the cheque o Instrument Number o Reason return of cheque o Amount






Name and Account Number Date which is mention in the cheque Instrument Number Reason return of cheque Amount Source through which cheque return i-e NIFT, S.C


Postage commission

Commission charges (sample format)

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL

A/c No Amount

Commission 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 350.00

FED 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 21.00

Postage 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 525.00

Total 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 896.00


Net Amount 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 0.00 896.00


ORDINARY INWARD Ordinary Inward table contains the records of all those cheques that are drawn on our branch but are presented in the other branches (HBL, ABL, Bank Alfalah, Faysal Bank etc). These all cheques are sent to our branch through NIFT. NIFT collected all cheques 64

from the banks (Members of NIFT) from all over the country and then send the cheques to the required bank branch.

Ordinary Outward table contains the record of those cheques that are collected in our branch. Our branch customers have different banks cheques that they get from their business customers. Then these cheques are collected to transfer the amount from the drawers account to the drawees account. Our branch records these cheques in the ordinary outward table. Then these cheques are sent to the different banks on which these have been drawn through NIFT.


Intercity includes those cheques that are drawn on the NBP branches from different cities of the country. Intercity Inward means that the cheques that are drawn on our branch but these cheques are presented in other NBP branches from different cities. Same bank branches cheques are named as intercity clearing inward. These intercity cheques are sent to our branch through NIFT in different envelopes with the names of the city from these cheques have been collected. Intercity clearing inward table keeps different tables of different cities. When all intercity cheques are recorded then the credit voucher is prepared with the whole amount of all the intercity cheques.


Intercity outward means we sent the cheques out of city branches. These cheques are drawn on out of city NBP branches but are presented in our branch. Then our branch sends these cheques to the drawers account holding branch to clear the amount of the cheque.


Same day clearing table contains the record of those cheques or other instruments that are drawn on other NBP branches but these branches are exist within in the city. The amount


of the instrument is debited or credited in the same day. The grand total of the instruments is obtained and then a credit voucher is prepared under the head of Clearing Adjustment Account. And on the next day a debit voucher is prepared with the same amount under the head of Clearing Adjustment Account.

Input table contains the amount of the different NBP branches that we have to balance with them. This table contains two sides: Debit side Credit Side The amount with the different branches of NBP is cleared through fanfolds. In the morning our branch gets the debit and credit amount of different NBP branches with our branch. In the afternoon our branch get the amount returned detail through NIFT and is recorded in the return column of the input table. After recording returns we get the Net Difference amount with the other branches. We also get the fanfold (Received fanfolds) to balance the amount with the other NBP branches. After completing the input table branch prepare the F-15 and F-16 fanfolds so that these amounts can be sent to the different branches.

S.C Fanfolds means short credit fanfolds. S.C is received from those branches that do not have the membership with the NIFT. So these branches have to send the cheques and other instrument by making S.C through DAK (by post).

Responding entries table contains the various NBP branches clearing adjustment outstanding entries paid to our branch. These responding entries are made in the result of receiving the fanfolds from various NBP branches. After completing the entries a credit voucher F-51 is prepared under the head of clearing adjustment account.


At the end of the day our branch receives a fax from the State Bank of Pakistan Head Office Karachi. The debit and credit amounts given in the fax must match with the amounts in the clearing summary of our branch. This summary contains the balances of clearing received and clearing delivered amounts. At the end a hard copy of input table, ordinary inward, ordinary outward, responding entries, same day clearing, intercity clearing and summary are kept as record in the files.

Detailed description of the tasks assigned

In HR department, I assist the HR Manager Mr. Ghulam Abbas in performing different asks like described below and learn a lot in this department: I entered data of current and saving accounts into the computer system by using special software called CIF. I match the entries in master file with the given voucher. I entered the expenses in their relevant accounts. I arrange the vouchers by date. I prepared debit and credit vouchers. I prepared office notes. I stamped different bills on the instructions of HR Manager. I was told about how salary is estimated every month. I was told about the whole procedure of staff loan issued to staff members. Accounts department is the basic operations department of national bank of Pakistan. Mr. Shahzad Cheema told me about the working of this department. Working in this department gave me a chance to understand the whole process with interest because as student I have read about it a lot. My assignments in this department were: Provide information to customer what are the benefits for having account with NBP and how can one open the account. I fill the account opening forms in. Recheck the forms to make sure that the forms are error free. I stamped the documents on the instruction.


I checked the essentials to attach with the forms like ID card, Application form. Then I was told about to issue the cheque book. In government section, I worked for two weeks. I tried to learn what is going on in government section. Following are the findings of my work in this section. I learn how to behave with customers if they are in anger because usually pension holders are aged people. I learned how to handle the documents like cheques, account information, stationary bill etc. I observed the behavior of employees and customers. I learned how to keep the records I learned computer operating in this section. I learned how to manage the receipts and payments. I visited the clearing section in the last. Experience at clearing department was awesome. I was given instructions by Mr. Ali who is well qualified as well as experienced person in his work. I learned in this department that fanfolds are used for inter branch transfer of funds. Tasks performed by me were: I assist in separating the fanfold and NIFT (National Institutional Facilitation Technologies) I stamped the cheques for outward intercity clearing. I prepared some memos I recorded intercity clearing entries in required register. I learned how to make bundle of outward clearing cheques. I learned those cheques which have been returned due to some reason must be checked again. In this department, I again prepared debit and credit vouchers. A major issue was balancing the payments. I assist for this also. I learned that it is of tremendous importance to keep the record of previous clearing in hard form.


I helped to keep the cheques separate which are brought in bank for clearing purpose.

Structure of the HR Department

Department hierarchy

Dr. Mirza Abrar Baig SEVP/Group Chief


Institutional Discipline Wing

Legal Affair Wing

OD & Training Wing

Sports Wing

Industrial Relations Division

Personnel Administration Wing

Recruitment and Compensation Wing

Staff Loans and Welfare


HR Policies and Projects wing

Regional HR chief at regional Offices

Number of employees working under HR department

For National Bank of Pakistan the devoted, careful enthusiastic staff is one of the key strengths of the bank. National Bank of Pakistan has been spending as investment in increasing this precious source through requires based education to train and for career


development. NBPs Human Resource purpose is to become an owner of choice and to uphold complete industrialized agreement inside the organization. NBPs new appointing of top class MBAs as Management Trainee Officers (MTOs) and look for aptitude within the bank has assisted in getting ready the second and third level leadership outline which will shape NBPs progression preparation process and at the similar time, and will make sure that with the passageway of time, NBPs employee modification and ability enhancement program carries on. We also have in progress new Employee Communication Program and internal executive periodicals to improve the communication of top and middle level administration with the lower organization. Female employees are being encouraged through female empowerment program under which they are given accountable and demanding coursework. At present, over 60 females are employed as branch managers all over the country and some females hold senior supervision positions.

NAME OF EXECUTIVES Dr. Mirza Abrar Baig Mosin Furqan Muhammad Hanif Mr. Iqbal Qasim Muhammad Afsar Qamar Hussain Muhammad Ishaque Abbasi A. Saeed Khan

DESIGNATION AND RESPECTIVE WING SEVP/ Group Chief HRM and administration Group EVP/Industrial Relation Division, M.D NBP Staff Welfare Foundation EVP/Organization Development and training wing EVP/Sports Wing SVP/Institutional Discipline Wing SVP/HR Policies and projects Wing/Recruitment and Compensation SVP/Personnel Administration, Staff Welfare and Staff Loan Wing SVP/ Legal Affairs Wing

Any sub-department if exists under HR department

There is no any sub department working under HR department of NBP Civil Lines Branch, Gujranwala


Functions of HR Department

The Guidance of HRM Committee of Board is a fuel for HR Team going forward with smart goals

Human resource planning and forecasting: HR Department systematically reviews the requirements of Human Resource to make sure that the required number of workforce with required skills is on hand whenever this force is needed. This process is called Human Resource Planning. Forecasting includes the demand and supply of employees in National Bank of Pakistan

HRP process
Following steps are included in Human Resource Process. 1. Determine Mission of Organization: Overall purpose, scope and operations of National Bank of Pakistan those provide information. As some one rightly said: Goals give you more than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day

2. Scanning the Environment of Organization: This step covers the SWOT analysis of NBP as a whole organization. NBPs HR department identifies strengths, threats, weaknesses and opportunities of National Bank of Pakistan. 3. Lay Down Strategic Goals:


Human resource Planning involves in the setting of short term and long term objectives and Goals. HRP ensures that the goals are measurable, specific, timely, challenging. 4. Devise the Strategic Plan: Guiding principles are devised to accomplish the strategic goals and departmental goals Forecasting HR Requirements: This function emphasizes on the estimated required number and desired skilled employees required by NBP in near future to accomplish its goals. Methods to forecast HR needs: There are various methods to forecast HR needs. 1 a) Zero-base Forecasting: The NBP current level of employment as the starting point To find out the future staff needs in National Bank of Pakistan this method is used by considering the current level of employment as the staring pint. b) Bottom-up Approach: To offer a collective forecast of needs of employment, this method is used by each successive level of the NBP, starting with the lowest It is a forecast method in which each successive level of the NBP, starting with the lowest and forecast its employee requirements in order to ultimately provide an aggregate forecast of employment needs. c) Mathematical model Usage: For forecasting HR requirements, Mathematical model is also used. It shows the connection between needed employees and demands the number of employees. d) Simulation: Try out with real world situation through a mathematical model representing the situation.


Employees recruitment and selection: Recruitment: Recruitment is the process of find out potential candidates for organizational vacancies. Finding out the right person for right job is the main purpose of National Bank of Pakistan by considering the perfect match between the abilities of employees with the requirement of organization. NBP has its own policy of recruitment. According to the recruitment policy of NBP, the requirements are: o Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistan. o She/he should have attained the age of 18 years but not exceeded the age of 35 years. o She/he must be a business graduate; and Sources of candidates: There are two types of sources of candidates, 1. Internal 2. External Internal source is within the NBP and external source is out side NBP. 1. Internal sources: In this category, opportunity is given to NBP lower level managers by promoting them. Following are major categories of the internal recruiting in National bank of Pakistan. o Contacts and referrals o Job posting o Promotion 2. External sources: In this area, opportunity is given to the people outside NBP. Obtain employees with different backgrounds to provide new ideas. These are external source: o Colleges and universities o Unemployed o Older individuals o Military personnel 73

o High schools and vocational schools o Community colleges o Competitors and other firms o Self-employed workers Employment selection process NBP follows the following particular steps in recruitment procedure. These are:

Applications are issued in a prescribed manner against the vacancy published in newspapers. Application forms received are examined and eligible candidates are called for written test. 4 kind of subjects are included in written test o o o o o English Computer General Knowledge Mathematics Written test carries 250 marks.

Those candidates who qualify the written test are called for interview. Interviews are held at GM office. After that the candidates have to experience a medical check up by the prescribed doctor. Appointment letters are issued to those selected candidates, who have to present themselves before the Head Office for signing the following documents as these documents are mandatory to sign. Service Agreement Bond Security Bond Bank Secrecy Bond Appointed candidates are kept on trial for 9 months. They are sent to the NBP observes these things when recruiting employees: Staff College for a 9-months pre-service training.


Team players with excellent interpersonal skills Knowledge and use of information technology Strong analytical and problem solving skills Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

2 c. Training & development Training need assessment In training need assessment following sources help HR department New technology Customer complains Interview with managers Customer satisfaction survey Employee complaint Company records Observation etc Self assessments

In 1949, the first year of operations the NBP has one hundred employees one its payroll but with in two years this number had grown to 1505. By 1960 the figure has risen to 5023. National Bank of Pakistan trained its staff through a series of training programmed both for junior officers and clerical staff during the first ten years. It was clear that one thing more comprehensive was needed and the bank established a staff college Karachi by 1958. Three mote colleges were setup later at Lahore, Islamabad, and Peshawar. These colleges provide rules regulations, supervisor staff and clerks to meet the Banks ever rising skilled staff. This need jumps not only from the stable grown-up for the banks business but the substitute of wastage due to resignation, retirement, sick physical condition or passing away also. The staff college obtains low-ranking bank officers for more preparation in banking sector with the course duration from six to nine weeks having 25 students in each course.


The staff college course are planned not only to tell technological instruction, but also develop traits of decisions, guidance and administration, while these student are expected to be those persons who may expect to the higher most management roles the bank has to present. The bank also employs officers to attend banking tutorial both in Pakistan and out of the country and it adds immense significance to the flow of thoughts, information and facts which can be helpfully add to from these get-togethers. NBP has significant accountability in guarantying that the countryside is fine symbolizes at gatherings of bankers at home and global stage

Employee development
NBP has an accessible Human Resource Development department, which runs to raise the offered abilities of the people to be had or being a part of the organization with the aim of attaining its goals in an extra well-organized and valuable manner. National Bank of Pakistan has two essential training methods. It is associated with the training and development of mid term plans, concerning new customers & middle level staff. Training & development for long-standing plans, concerning the job development of senior level staff. National Bank of Pakistan implements off-job and on-job policies to educate middle and higher level its workers. National Bank of Pakistan training & development school counsels Job rotation to make sure and make easy the creating of all rounder. The source of this task verifies the accessibility of the training plan at least 2 months before the beginning of new coming year, with the aim of making it simple for the meeting natives and orientation of the new employees. 76

National Bank of Pakistan has faith in pre-post training test for on hand staff and post training test for new human resources. The beginners will be required to present back-home action plan, which will be followed up by the Staff/ JNMDC colleges. These plans will assist in assessment and end use of session of training.

Performance management When you write things down, you commit to doing them, if you simply say what you want to do; there is really no commitment to getting it done Performance management is the setting performance standards and

hopes/expectations. Performance standards give the foundation next to which the person can be efficiently assessed. Here are eight (8) situations to think when setting Performance standards: Standards of performance are: 1. Achievable 2. Let for review and modify 3. understood by the worker when performing job 4. Based on the job and not on the individual doing the job 5. As measurable and specific as possible 6. Should be time-oriented 7. Always in writing 8. Settled by both the supervisor and employee Furthermore it is about the member of staffs performance and the responsibility. The productivity of the organization depends upon the criticism given to the worker. Particularly the new coming employee to the business wants to know their work and work setting. The longer service workers also want constructive feedback on the fine things they


perform. National Bank of Pakistan is an organization where the administration thinks regarding the staff. In return, employees will be in state of being an important part of NBP. Human Resource Development section, all the time, takes chance to assess the performance of human resources. The appraisal system also helps the management of the NBP to help the managers with placement, pay, and other HR decisions. The HRD section of the NBP carries out the appraisal for the following uses; It allows the employee, the Manager to take necessary about the improvement of the performance. The system also assists in promotion, increment in salary of the deserving employees after their assessment and also gets ready for the next person for the succession plan.

How performance reports are written How performance reports are written

PERFORMANCE REPORTWRITTEN Employee: _______________ Date Hired: ______________ Job Title: _________________ Salary: __________ Date of Review: ___________






WORKERs_______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONPROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES__________________________________________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ 78





WORK__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONEMPLOYEE OBLIGATIONS___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONADDITIONAL COMMENT______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________________ Date of Next Evaluation: _____________________ Employee Interviewer: _______________________

e. Employee compensation & benefits Type of compensation & benefits

Compensation means all rewards that an employee receives consequently of their employment. Workers of NBP receive benefits and compensation in the form of: Benefit: extra monetary compensations, except basic pay, include sick leaves, holidays, paid vacations, medical allowance.

Non-Financial Rewards: pleasure of work did or a enjoyable running atmosphere are non-financial incentives

Pay: Staff receives for performing assigned and designated tasks.


Some other benefits are: Travel/Meal/Housing Allowance Overtime Pay Benefits including: dental, insurance, medical, vacation, leaves, retirement, taxes Bonuses, Profit Sharing, Merit Pay Commissions Stock Options Base Pay Detail of some of above is: Allowances/Bonuses: Overtime: This kind of bonus is given on extra time given to organization. Rs. 2000/- officers and executives Rs. 1500/- for clerical and non clerical staffs

Salary 100% of basic salary at Eidul -Fitar 100% of basic salary at Eidul Azhaa 55% of Basic Salary in January

Profit Bonus---- is given according to Basic Salary when profit is declared.


Welfare fund is fixed

Medical facility: 1. within Ceiling Facility: Clerical/Non Clerical 156% of Basic Salary Officers 114% of Basic Salary Executives 102% of Basic Salary Following types of bills can be claimed: Consultancy Bills Lab Test Dental test 2. Hospitalization: Approved by bank E.g. Gondal Complex, Fazal, Chaudhry Application is being approved and then whole procedure is started. 3. In excess of Ceiling (prolonged illness) 12 diseases e.g. sugar, hepatitis, cancer Such patients who have to take medicines monthly and an incentive are given to them in the form of salary. Some of them are: Cancer Asthma Sickle cell information


Tuberculosis Hepatitis Diabetics TB Aids

NBP offers excellent working conditions, job satisfaction, superior leadership, and a conductive atmosphere for development, besides a competitive financial package. Organizational career management Employee job changes Job changes must be made in agreement with the public service rules and policies in the classified service. Any individual selected or promoted must be skilled as fit in accordance with and focus to the civil service official procedure. The state personnel director will manage the documentation of each and every promotion & appointment. Job changes with the organization Whenever employee gets a promotion chance in some other organization he/she will leave the existing organization. For this kind of problem there is solution in the form of job changes with the organization but there are some rules that he/she can follow. Change Management Program: National Bank of Pakistan has started as determined Change Management Program for additional training of employees to meet the dares of today necessities. Following are some forms of Job Changes. Promotion Policy of promotion launched in 1979 and its foundation was three parameters. These are: time-span of service Education/Qualification Standard of service


Separate marks were arranged for all parameter objects, after gaining the lowest succeeding marks varying from employee to employee; promotion can be given to the subsequently superior post. While preparing the merit based promotion policy launched in 1999, opinion was given that separate points should not be given for education/skill and service length or time span. Simple reason for this was that the minimum qualification setting, as agreed in the introduction for different levels of chain of command or hierarchy. The other thought for such kind of visions was, in case the worker has enlarged his aptitude for better presentation as compared to fellow colleagues, then the said ability would be mirror on his presentation and this would clearly rate him better than fellowmen. Visions concerning the superiority of a member of staff were alike. So in the merit based policy of 1999, in general, appraisal of an employee was foundation of following. (a) Points Average gained by the employee in his service during preceding three years, (b) Points, he would get in an assessment by the promotion or encouragement committee. The given points by the promotion committee, nevertheless, again abridged the work out to a automatic process as 60% points were fixed for qualification, service time span & standard of service 40% points were given to aim criteria. More improvements in the plans are being considered. Transfer Transfers on request take place only on sympathetic and medical grounds even as another cause is set off by the bank for meeting its administrative or organizational necessities that is to fill the available vacancies


Seniority list is from OG-1 on General Side up to OG-2 T.O on the Cash side had also added the short of progress of workers from one office to other office. Ultimately all the workers turn out to be permanently located at their position of job, whether in head office or the field offices of the Bank. All at once, there was a great deal of movement inside the division/unit of positioning. Worker can remain posted in one unit for up to 3 years and in a division for up to 6 years, yet some offices used to frequently transfer their employees from one unit/division to another. Conversely, at the Head Office level, transfers were rare from one department to another. This had worsened the level of effectiveness together at the head office level and at countryside offices. With the purpose of getting staff ready to accept innovative dares, hire fresh talents and broaden the horizons of knowledge. The subsequent transfer policy has been structured for all categories of workers/employees but clerical and non-clerical staff of bank is not included in this policy. 1. All transfers shall be made by director including the transfer of OG-3, Administration, and OG-4 & above but with the authorization of the Managing Director (MD). 2. Employees who are promoted at the post of OG-4 and above shall always be transferred from the same office/department where they were functioning previous to their promotion. 3. The list of seniority of all OG-1 officers and above is prepared on all-Pakistan basis. Though, employees including those employees of cash department shall remain manageable from one office to another office. 4. An employee transferred from one office to another will be permissible to look for his posting back to his parent place of work or to the office of his selection subject to managerial ease instantly after completion of 3 years of professional experience.


5. Chief Manager can not stay at one office for more than 3 years. 6. The lack of employees at an office can be reduced by appointing the interested employees of the Bank. If no such employees are on hand, the vacancies will be filled through transfers of employees from the other offices of NBP where surplus staff is available. Time of such transfers would be for a period of two years to avoid troubles. Procedures: 1) Candidates are transferred in the subsequent order. o Eligible recruits in same department(as the job opening) o Eligible recruits in other departments(who have requested a transfer) o Eligible recruits being considered for discharge(a reduction in human force) 2) Employees craving for a transfer will have to submit a written request for transfer to head of department. The employee should recognize the specific job in which they are paying attention and are interested. The head of department will forward the request to the Human Resources Management Department for suggested act. 3) HR Department will decide whether the preferred job or an appropriate job opening be presents. If a suitable job is available, the Department of Human Resources will arrange for the employee's application to be reviewed by the department in which the opening exists. 4) Employees will be permissible for vacation with pay for job interviews related to transfers. 5) The result to affect the transfer will be prepared by the department head in which the job opening happens. 6) If employee is transferred to a similar job will be entitled to receive the same pay rate. Demotion


An employee of National Bank of Pakistan may be demoted for disobeying the rules and regulations of the bank by actions such as extreme unpunctuality, bad behavior, or carelessness. In some other cases, an employee may be demoted as employee is being out of work, and National Bank of Pakistan is facing a financial crisis just because of the nonjustice in behavior of employee. Notice: If an appointing authority unwillingly demotes an employee, then this appointing authority will have to give an earlier notice in written form explaining the exact reasons for the demotion of employee. Conditions to demote any employee: An employee may be demoted by appointing authority if any one of the following condition is applicable: 1. The demotion is asked for by the employee and is accepted by the hiring authority. 2. The employee position has been brought to an ended. 3. Employee is not performing adequately. 4. The employee is put out of place by coming back to duty of another employee entitled to the position. 5. The position of employee is downwardly reclassified. 6. The employee is demoted by another employee with more superiority during a decrease in manpower. 7. The employee does not receive an acceptable trial service score.

Separations Separation of an employee happens when an employee ends being a part of NBP staff. The speed of separation of workers in National Bank of Pakistan is the determinant of the speed at which member of staff goes away the bank. Layoff Layoff takes place when there is excess of human resources in NBP. So, layoff is the shortterm suspension or lasting termination of service of an employee or employees group for certain reasons, for instance, decision that some positions are no more essential or a business is slow or disruption in job. 86

System of National Bank of Pakistan is computerized consequently need of staff in no more in some departments. This can be a bigger cause of Layoff.

Termination: Reasons for Termination: Termination can occur due to many reasons: The end of the agreement for which the employee was in employment Employee sickness and incapability to do work Removal from office. Employee Resignation Other reasons

Procedure of Termination:
1. Termination by the Employer: The controller or supervisor must: a) Provide the required notice in writing to employee. b) Inform the General Manager (GM) about employee termination with termination reason. c) Make sure that the termination will not be unkind, unfair or irrational, and will go on only when clause 2.8 of Settlement of Disputes, Grievances, Employee counseling and Disciplinary Action of the Certified Agreement has been distressed. d) Termination Form should be complete signed. Signatures of employee are not necessary. e) Completed form must be forwarded to Assistant Finance Officer for further course of action. f) A copy of the completed form must be placed in the personnel file of employee. 2. Termination by the Employee Employee has to give a written required notice to supervisor. Give the supervisor the required notice in writing. 87

The Supervisor has to acknowledge and admit the resignation Inform the General Manager (GM) of in the near future termination of the employee and cause for termination. Complete filling of Termination Form and signature are required here. The signature of employee is required to complete the form as well. Forward the completed form to the Assistant Finance Officer for processing. Place a copy of the completed form on the employees personnel file.

Whenever resignation from is received, , the concerned Branch Manager, Without any delay, should fill up all columns in the prescribed format up to 13 and forward the same form to the Zonal Manager through his regulator, in conjunction with the Resignation letter. Since the administrative power to acknowledge the resignation of the employees working in branches is the respective Zonal Manager, and Assistant General Manager should put forward the format appropriately done to the Zonal Manager. The following actions must be undertaken when a member of staff resigns from their post in order to ensure that final salary payments are correct. The Member of Staff must o Inform to his line manager in written form about his/her intention to resign by giving the suitable contractual notice time. The Line Manager o Arranges the notice, date of leaving job and verifies annual leaves that are outstanding with the staff member. Any outstanding annual leave remaining should be taken prior to say goodbye to the organization whenever possible. o Takes and forwards resignation in written to Human Resource Management along with verification of: Agreed date of leaving yearly leave situation notice of leaving the bank or transferring to another branch or branch 88

Make sure that the staff member returns data on very last day. HR Office: ensures that decided exit date and outstanding holiday claim is correct Accepts resignation letter in written form and sends Management Accounts File to staff member, CC to Unit Head, Line Manager, Payroll, Pensions, within 3 working days. Monthly payroll deadline must be met. Enters the date of leaving and leaving reason on Resource Link and ends the documentation. Payroll Office Must receive notice from Human Resource Management Department by monthly payroll closing date. Prepares the last salary payment and issues it to leaving member

Procedure: 1. Human Resource Management Department notes down the employee CC line manager direct leaving date. 2. Line manager organizes casual gathering with member of staff to talk about the procedure and verifies right to ask for continuous working. 3. Line manager writes to member of staff verifying meeting CC to Human Resource Department 4. Employee decides to give up work in the form of retirement at the age of 65. 5. Normal retirement process applies.

Labor management relations


There is a harmony among labor and management relations in National Bank of Pakistan. Both cooperate with one another. Human Resource Management Department takes care of the opinions of union. NBP always shows an affectionate and supportive mind-set towards fresh employees and greets these employees. Society for labor welfare is structured inside National Bank of Pakistan, which operates with the aid of National Bank of Pakistan. A good affiliation is formed and it provides;

Arrange variety shows for the employees families educational funds or benefits for the employees Instant aid to any accident. incentives to on the job deceased

Critical analysis:
National Bank of Pakistan is one of the largest banks of Pakistan. Internship at NBP gave a chance to practically experience a government organizations. in this section , I am being asked to critically analyze the organizations and relate the theoretical experience with practical experience, as I read about CRM , organizational culture, etc, at different stages of MBA in different courses, I found most of the things are not present in NBP. Absence of some significant factors can harm the organization .these factors are like; poor customer dealing by bank staff. There is no discipline in organization. Staff is not punctual. most of the staff members come late than on time. Customers have to wait for them. they can be a situation a customer is in emergency, when he comes into the bank, staff is not on his desk, ultimately a bad word of mouth for bank by customers. If any one comes late in office, HR Manager points him /her out, and takes necessary action but no one gives importance or listens the HR Manager. HR Manager of NBP regulates the employees to come in time and their own work, as major part of the work is done by those internees who have been trained by them. This is illegal to get the work done by internees. Staff is careless. Staff training is needed to teach them how to deal efficiently with customers especially with old aged customers. no facility is given to the old aged customers. NBP can get a competitive edge 90

by providing facilities to old aged customers like sitting facility, giving them respect, deal humbly, giving priority to such customers can feel them they are worthy. Ultimately this can give rise in goodwill of the bank. as most of the employees are old aged, they resist to change. Such staff members are not mentally prepared to adopt new technologies to fill the gap. Some staff members are still not happy to convert the paper pencil or offline mode of work to online mode. No proper facility to accommodate the customers and no proper information desk which can provide information to the customers. Reputation of bank is very poor in the minds of customers. Communication among staff members is illicit, even staff usually use to call each other by abusing. No proper check and balance on employees discipline. There is a lack of motivation in the bank. Motivational scale is low to bring innovation in the bank. HR Manager is educated enough to perform his\her duties but somehow, somewhere, he is unable to control the whole situation as this can be done only when cooperation from both sides. Here cooperation from the staff side is missing. They dont want to change the current scenario. Alone HR Manager can not do any thing. Internees are not entertained well. HR Manager is not able to answers of internees. Staff does not give any importance to internees.

SWOT analysis:
According to my observation, Following are some Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for NBP. Strengths: 1. Zonal Branch: NBP, Civil Lines is a zonal branch; it deals with all small branches of NBP. It is head office in Gujranwala. If any branch meets with any problem, it handles it. 2. State bank Agent: Wherever state bank of Pakistan does not have its own branch, National Bank of Pakistan serves as agent of State Bank and perform its functions on behalf of state bank of Pakistan. 3. Maximizing Shares Holder's wealth: Shares holder's wealth is maximizing in NBP and in safe hands. 4. hire Qualified Workers NBP civil lines branch has now more qualified employees who can compete in with the requirements of today. 5. Government Based Bank National Bank of Pakistan is purely nationalized sector. It has full support of government.


6. Well defined Policies and Objectives Policies are well defined to all employees. Each and every employee knows the organizational strategy, goal and mission. 7. Dress code Dress code in NBP is strictly followed. Each employee is in his particular dress defined by organization like pent court for Officers and if some one wants to wear shalwar qameez, he has to wear waskoot also. 8. Pension Distribution: Only NBP civil lines branch distributes pension to pension holders 9. ATM ATM facility is 24 hours available. 10. Western Union: Western Union branch is been opened in civil line branch, Faster and secured transfer of funds is possible now through western union. 11. Lockers Facility of lockers is available at this branch, people can keep their documents and jewelry safe and secured.

1. Poor Discipline/Punctuality It is the major factor of that can harm the organization in achieving goals is that the discipline level in branch is very poor. Employees are not punctual. Customers have to wait for their arrival so that particular procedure can be started. 2. Poor Dealing Employees rudely behave with customers and with each other as well. 3. Lesser number of employees Another factor which can become hurdle in the way of success is that number of employees in civil line branch is very low. Most of the work is done by internees in the branch. 4. Nepotism Too much preferential treatment is there in civil line branch. There is too much discrimination by manager and employees. 5. Compliant Box is not safe: If customer gives any suggestion or does complaint about any employee, top management can not know anything about it because complaint chits have been removed from complaint


box by some of staff members. Here, management is unable to get feedback for further improvements. 6. Security Cameras are good for nothing No benefit is got from security cameras. Cameras are old version and have used more than enough 7. Critical Process There is a critical procedure for some tasks like for loan, and for account opening. This procedure is long as well. Sometimes customers are asked to give some personal information which they tell with some hesitation. 8. Information Desk Information Desk is missing in civil line branch. This results in wastage of time and frustration of customers. 9. Ambiguity in Assessment Procedure Assessment procedure is with fill of ambiguities. Some employees appraise own selves by their own choice of rank.

1. Improved Hiring Policy NBP can have improved policy of hiring employees. 2. Training and Development of employees Training and development is a good opportunity to get a competitive edge. 3. Foreign Exchange: A good opportunity in the form of foreign exchange for civil line branch of NBP in Gujranwala because Gujranwala is an industrial city and huge import and export is done in this region by its people. This can be a good source to earn foreign exchange 4. Deposit Mobilizations: Whole world is in economic crisis. Major Banks are becoming insolvent. Here its a good opportunity for civil line branch of NBP to introduce such products which are deposit mobilization and do not lesser the current liquidity. 5. EEO Equal Employment Opportunity is a big opportunity available in market to gather competent employees whether men or women.

1. Rivalry among competing Banks: 93

It lays stress on rivalry of competing banks. Here NBP has to see how to compete with other banks and to what entrance extent as well. 2. Threat of new: Entrance of any other bank in market can become a threat on transacting in the market. 3. Potential Development of substitute Products: Other banks are offering the same product as substitute of NBP products 4. Political Influence: Politics is too much involved in NBP. Influential political personalities force bank management to select employees of their choice and bank has to agree with them as such personalities have huge bank balance with bank 5. Political Instability: Political Instability of country is another major threat to NBP. 6. Lower interest rates offered by other banks: This is a threat when other banks offer lower interest rates than the interest rates offered by NBP like interest on loan, extra higher service charges.

One of the largest online banks in Pakistan is National Bank of Pakistan. It works according to rules and regulations set by State Bank of Pakistan. If I say, future of overall National Bank of Pakistan is bright, it will not be wrong. But when talking about civil line branch of NBP in Gujranwala, my point of view is totally changed. In my opinion, the future of civil lines branch is in danger. Poor customer relationship management, poor customer dealing, poor discipline are some factors which can harm the branch at macro level and can become a major cause in the fall of civil lines branch in near future. But if branch overcomes its weakness by utilizing its strength and opportunity available in market, then it is a support to the drowning boat of civil line branch of NBP in Gujranwala. This is the only way by which threats can be avoided. HR department has become helpless due to rigid and non changing behavior of Employees. Old employees do not want change actually. Civil line branch is the zonal branch which deals with all small branches in Gujranwala region, if any branch faces any problem; civil line branch handles it as it is the head office in Gujranwala. Paper work of NBP is awesome, but latest technology is as


important as to survive in the market and to be in competition. If NBP in Gujranwala covers all its weaknesses, and takes opportunities at right time, surely it can be on the way of progress InshaAllah and will contribute in overall progress of NBP at national level and as well as at international level.

1. Regulatory authority is highly needed concerning the disciplinary matters. 2. A committee of senior qualified expert staff should be physically present at bank to receive complains by customers and catch the guilty person red handed. 3. Complain box should be such that no one can bring the compliant papers out of box. 4. As only head office deals the pension, so this branch should provide facilities to specially old aged pension holders to increase its good will. 5. Security cameras should be technically alright and latest. 6. Branch must review its strategy whenever any new entrance in market is visible and whenever any product comes in market as substitute product of the products of NBP. 7. NBP should introduce deposit mobilization products. 8. A check and balance should be imposed on all employees 9. A handsome amount of fine should be charge to the guilty employees. 10. training session should be held at different intervals in a financial year to make employees more competent and get a competitive edge overall 11. Rules and regulations should be applied to all employees even to the top management in any way. 12. Account opening, loan issuing and some other procedures should be more convenient and flexible. 13. Make sure tat all employees follow rules and regulations. 14. Any strategy implied for the over all benefit of organization should be accepted by every one, no one should have any objection on it.


15. Appraisal should be fair, transparent, and secured. 16. Separate information desk must be established in bank to facilitate the customers. 17. Prompt reply to the queries of the customers. 18. Favoritism and nepotism should be strictly dealt. Any employee whether of lower rank or upper rank found involved in favoritism and nepotism should be removed on the spot. 19. A separate investigation team should be formed to investigate the market situations and keep the working be up to date. 20. New qualified and competent employee must be hired to fill the gap. 21. All branches of NBP should be online for customer convenience and for best link among all its branches. 22. Bank mangers should not encourage the influence of customers with huge bank balance 23. Higher authority should be free from any influence and pressure by politicians 24. All branches should deal foreign exchange. 25. Internal audit should be held and executed fairly. 26. External audit is of tremendous importance. It should also be held fairly. 27. Differential products should be introduced by NBP. 28. Marketing Strategy should be improved. 29. facilitation should be provided to civil line branch.

Reference & Sources used

HR manager Ghulam Abbas Manager assistant zeeshan National bank web site Orientation books of NBP 96 VU course books Conflict management Human relations Organizational development And customers of NBP












Commission charges of ATM

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTA L

A/c No

Amoun t

Commiss ion 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 350.00

FED 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Posta ge 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00

Total 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 896.0 0

Net Amount 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 128.00 0.00 896.00


525.0 21.00 0


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