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Functional Behavioral Assessment: Part 1 (Description) Date: Student Name: Case 1 ID: DOB: Case Manager: Roxin Codruta

Data Sources: Observation | Student Interview | Teacher Interview | Parent Interview | Rating Scales | Normative Testing Description of Behavior (No. 1 ): Student answers boldly and imposes his point of view among his colleagues sometimes even making use of force. When it comes to this, he tries to inflict as little pain as he can in order for the other party to submit to his way of thinking. Setting(s) in which behavior occurs: In classes and breaks. Frequency: When personal matters are involved.

Intensity (Consequences of problem behavior on student, peers, instructional environment): Some of his peers avoid talking to him and even his friends treat him with much caution. His academic results are fluctuating and homework assignments mainly not done, in class too, he does only some of the tasks assigned. Duration: Three days in a row, every time his parents argue at home Describe Previous Interventions: Classroom counseling, asking the other children to try not to distance themselves, try reasoning and still being there for him. Educational impact: Decline of academic results, lack of appropriate socialization, disturbance of group work

Name: Case 1_________________ Functional Behavioral Assessment: Part 2 (Function) Date: ______________ Function of Behavior (No. ____): Specify hypothesized function for each area checked below Affective Regulation/Emotional Reactivity (Identify emotional factors; anxiety, depression, anger, poor self-concept; that play a role in organizing or directing problem behavior): Student has a mixed combination of anger, need for attention and need for selfesteem. He tries to become the focus of attention of the teacher and other students, sometimes the leader of a group by either being rude or by resorting to physical violence when defied. Cognitive Distortion (Identify distorted thoughts; inaccurate attributions, negative self-statements, erroneous interpretations of events; that play a role in organizing or directing problem behavior) : The student tries to compensate the lack of attention from his parents by becoming an important figure, or so he believes, among his classmates. Has a distorted self-image. Reinforcement (Identify environmental triggers and payoffs that play a role in organizing and directing problem behavior): Antecedents: Consequences: Modeling (Identify the degree to which the behavior is copied, who they are copying the behavior from, and why they are copying the behavior): Family Issues (Identify family issues that play a part in organizing and directing problem behavior): Parents central focus is not their child. They treat everything he does as meaningless and criticize his value as a person. They also seem to be heading towards divorce. Physiological/Constitutional (Identify physiological and/or personality characteristics; developmental disabilities, temperament; that play a part in organizing and directing problem behavior): Lack of appropriate self-esteem, misdirected anger Communicate need (Identify what the student is trying to say through the problem behavior): It seems he wants his parents and other people to acknowledge him as a valuable person, to get approval from his parents mainly . Curriculum/Instruction (Identify how instruction, curriculum, or educational environment play a part in organizing and directing problem behavior):

Behavioral Intervention Plan Student Name: Case 1 Behavior Number(s) 1 ID: DOB: Case Manager: Intervention(s) & Frequency of Intervention A. Group work activities and pair work activities, weekly B. Daily monitoring of friendship interaction B. Cease angry remarks C. Improvement of self-esteem through friendly means D. Better academic results

Date: __________

Expected Outcome(s) Goal(s) A. Non-violent interaction with his peers

Person Responsible

Goal/Intervention Review Notes Showing best improvement in goal A and D, thus intervention A, B and D seem to be effective. Slightly improvement in goals B and C. Need to increase intervention C and need parent-child counseling.

Teacher Teacher

C. Daily reinforcement of positive thinking and self-visualization Parents, teacher D. Special attention to school work, daily

* Review Codes: GA = Goal Achieved | C = Continue | DC = Discontinue Expected Review Dates: __________ | __________ Signatures: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Roxin Codruta

Specializare: Japoneza-Engleza, an III

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