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ACRS 2004 Chiang Mai, Thailand

B-3.6 Data Processing

Ravi Chauhan

, Nitin K.Tripathi

Sayedur R.Chowdhury

Asian Institute oI Technology, P.O. Box 4

Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120,
Tel: 66-2-524-6392, Eax: 66-2-524-5597 Email:
KEY WORDS: Object oriented classiIication, eCognition, IRS LISS, shrimp Iarm
ABSTRACT: Rapid expansion oI coastal
aquaculture/shrimp Iarming in several
countries has necessitated the inventory and
monitoring oI shrimp Iarms. These are
essential tools Ior decision making on
aquaculture development, including
regulatory laws, environmental protection
and revenue collection. In the context oI
aquaculture development policies oI
respective governments, much attention are
Iocused on the identiIication and
classiIication oI shrimp Iarms, oIten located
in remote areas. This study examines
classiIication oI shrimp Iarms using pan
sharpened IRS LISS-III image oI the
Kandleru creek area oI Andhra Pradesh,
India. IRS satellite image is subjected to
pixel based vis-a-vis object oriented
classiIication Ior improving the
identiIication oI shrimp Iarms in the area.
Most traditional pixel-based classiIication
approaches are based exclusively on the
digital numbers oI the pixels taking only the
spectral inIormation in the scene into
account. It does not consider the visible
characteristics like pattern, texture, shape oI
a ground Ieature. Eeatures having similar
spectral response become diIIicult to
distinguish Irom each other and are oIten
classiIied into the same Ieature type. Active
shrimp Iarms mostly having water depth oI
1-2 meters hardly are diIIerentiated Irom
shallow rivers. Likewise, dry ponds under
preparation, between crop cycles, or
abandoned are not diIIerentiable Irom bare
land or sandy patches depending on the
spectral response. Pan sharpened IRS LISS
image resolution supports visual
identiIication oI the dykes and canals in a
shrimp Iarm otherwise neglected by the
traditional pixel based classiIication. Isodata
unsupervised and supervised maximum
likelihood classiIications were perIormed on
the scene to extract the shrimp ponds both
dry and Iilled. The above problem is Iound
to hinder successIul extraction oI the ponds.
An object-oriented classiIication is
suggested in order to overcome this
limitation. E-Cognition soItware allows the
polygon based classiIication process. It is
based on Iuzzy logic, allows the integration
oI a broad spectrum oI diIIerent object
Ieatures, such as spectral values, shape and
texture. In contrast to classic image
processing methods, the basic processing
units oI object-oriented image analysis are
image objects or segments and not single
pixels. One motivation Ior the object-
oriented approach is the Iact that, in many
cases, the expected result oI most image
analysis tasks is the extraction oI real world
objects, proper in shape and proper in
classiIication. The present study
demonstrates improvements in the
identiIication and extraction oI shrimp Iarms
and ponds irrespective oI their states in the
Iarming cycle using the object based
classiIication oI the Ieatures oI interest only.

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