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Section I Owner Conduct and Expectations

PERSONAL CONDUCT POLICY All persons associated with the EMC (Elite Madden Coalition) are required to avoid "conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the Elite Madden Coalition." This requirement applies to owners and officials of the EMC and all others privileged to work with the Elite Madden Coalition. For many years, it has been well understood that rules promoting lawful, ethical, and responsible conduct serve the interests of the League. Irresponsible conduct does more than simply tarnish the offender. It sullies the reputation of others involved in the game, and undermines public respect and support for the EMC. Standard of Conduct: As a member of the EMC or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful. Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline. Discipline may be imposed in any of the following circumstances: Violent or threatening behavior among owners, whether in or outside the chat, message boards, game recaps etc.; Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well being of another person Conduct that is inappropriate in the public realm of EMC, including but not limited to pornography, racial slurs, slandering/libel of other owners, etc. Conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity and reputation of the EMC, other EMC clubs and EMC Owners.

Discipline: Upon learning of conduct that may give rise to discipline, the League will direct an investigation, which may include interviews and information gathering. The AFC/NFC Commissioners (Jamie (Bears) & Pos (Jets)) will promptly advise the league office of any investigation of an owner, as well as of the results of the investigation. As appropriate, the owner will also have the opportunity, to address the conduct at issue. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Head Commissioners (Roy (49ers) and Acqua (Titans)) will have full authority to impose discipline as warranted. Discipline may take the form of, but not limited to draft pick removal, Holy Grail fines, suspensions or banishment from the league and may include a probationary period and conditions that must be satisfied prior to or following reinstatement. The specifics of the

disciplinary response will be based on the nature of the incident, the actual or threatened risk to the participant and others, any prior or additional misconduct (whether or not criminal charges were filed), and other relevant factors. Unless the case involves significant uncalled for actions (racial slurs for example), a first offense will generally result in minor discipline. With respect to subsequent violations, the Head Commissioners may impose discipline on an expedited basis based on the recommendation of the AFC and NFC Commissioners. In such cases, the timing and nature of the discipline will be determined by the Head Commissioners based on several factors including but not limited to: the severity of the initial charge and later charge; the facts underlying the later charge; the length of time between the initial offense and later charge; and the owners compliance with the investigation and suspensions/discipline. Hearing Rights: Following the imposition of discipline, the affected person will have the right to a prompt hearing, to be conducted by the AFC/NFC Commissioner and the Head Commissioners. Reinstatement: Any person suspended indefinitely may seek reinstatement at the end of any suspension from the EMC. Other Provisions: Covered Persons--This policy applies to all owners, prospective owners and past owners of EMC. Owners are strongly encouraged to communicate this policy to prospective owners and to make clear that violations of this policy will be grounds for terminating the Owner EMC relationship. SUSPENSIONS AND STRIKES The League office has the right to issue suspensions and strikes as deemed necessary for breaking of any of the rules listed or the owner conduct policy. Strike: Strike 1: Conference Commissioner Review and suspension from league play TBD by Commissioners Office Strike 2: Head Commissioner Review of owners status in league. Suspensions: 1st Offense: D Player 85-99 Overall 2nd Offense: O & D Players 85-99 Overall 3rd Offense: 2 players for 3 weeks each TBD by Head Commissioners

EMC OWNER GUIDELINES AND EXPECTATIONS Owners must be courteous and considerate to other owners. All disputes can be handled privately between owners and the commissioners/committee. Each Franchise owner is expected to play three (3) games per week before the deadline. New game weeks will open @ 8AM Eastern every Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday Make their absolute best attempt at playing all 16 regular season games as well as any EMC Cup or playoff games. Only email and board postings will count as valid ways of reaching an owner. AIM or League daddy Chat room doesnt count as valid. Game Play Expectations: o Dont Ask Madden o Dont stop short of scoring (unless its in a game winning situation, ie Brian Westbrook famous fantasy kneel) o Do not run up the score o Do not pad stats o Never quit, disconnect or lag on purpose. Any owner who fails to play any 3 games in a season will be put on probation with commissioner review to determine if the owner shall remain in the league.

Section II League Sanctioned Games (LSG)

LSG SETTINGS 10 Minute Quarters All-Madden Setting Fatigue, Injuries and Random Weather (ON) 15 second Accelerated Clock

OWNER REQUIRED TASKS Each owner is responsible for completing the following tasks after each LSG is played. Game Recap o LSG WINNER: Not to be used as a tool of game play criticism 2 Paragraphs minimum Either 2 game photos or video highlights Recaps that seem to want to bend the rules will be counted as not being done.

o If you play against a sub, regardless you must write a recap as per LSG WINNER guidelines above win or lose. o If your game results in a tie, the home team must write a recap as per the LSG WINNER guidelines above. GERNERAL GAME PLAY RULES Disconnects: o Run the clock down to as close as possible to where it was and allow either team to score to get back to the same score and simulate as close as possible the original setting. o It is annoying but at the same time the entire game must be replayed. Stats overall wouldnt be the same, but the score and time, etc would be. o If both teams agree, you do have the option to replay the game. o Although there is no way to prove a purposeful disconnect, EMC takes great pride in no one pulling. If there is a discrepancy and a game is out of hand, someone was going to kick a game winning field goal, etc. These cases may or may not be looked at individually. A final ruling will be made by the conference commissioners as to how to proceed with the game. o Owners are to notify a commissioner immediately if this should occur, via AIM or E-mail if they are not available. Jet Packing aka Click on, click off or Rocket Catch o Put very simply, Jet Packing is when a player clicks onto a receiver or defensive back while the ball is in the air, moving him towards the pass target symbol, then clicking off the receiver or defensive back again to allow the computer to take control. This method confuses the DBs or WR's and significantly increases the receivers chances of catching the ball or the defenders making an interception no matter what the coverage. The receiver will typically get a speed burst or just flat-out out jump any defender. Or the other way around. We are outlawing this style of play as it creates an unfair advantage - will result in owner removal Manual Player Control o You may take control of a receiver while the ball is in the air to manually catch the ball. Do not wildly move the receiver in a crowd in the hopes of getting a Pass Interference Penalty. If this happens, we will outlaw the manual catch altogether. o Any defensive player may be manually controlled, however only FS and SS can be moved pre-snap o Exception: you may move a LB back only if the CPU creeps him to show blitz, however you must return him to his original spot o No manual D-movement on PAT/FG i.e."put the controller down" (of course keep the controller in your hand incase of a fake) Substitutions o The purpose of this rule is to help simulate real life NFL situations. Do not substitute WRs for RBs, WRs for TEs, Ks or Ps through the depth

chart interface. In-game Package subs are allowed - as long as they stay sim and are not abused...IE a package having a CB play on O, not sim, if a package is in question, it probably isnt. o Down and distance, situation and offensive set should have strong consideration for your packages. Special Teams Substitution rules are as follows o No Kick Returners rated under 75OVR as will be allowed. This will eliminate the low rated speed guy being subbed in. o Any player except your #1 RB and #1 WR maybe used as your kick returner. These players would be your highest rated player in that position. o Exceptions will be granted by the commissioners on a case-by-case basis

OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE PLAYBOOK/PLAYCALLING RULES Defense o Any defensive playbook is allowed o 4-6 and 4-4 Situational Rules Short yardage of 3 yards or less Anytime your opponent is inside your 10 yard line. o Running Dime, Quarters and Nickel schemes repeatedly vs. 2WR sets is forbidden on first down and early in a game. o The 1-5-5 (and "nickel odd split") defensive formation are BANNED o On each play you may either shift the D-Line OR LB's ONCE, not both and not multiple times Exception: If the offensive audibles you are allowed to adjust accordingly. o You may use B&R once per every first down sequence. You may run bump and run anytime inside your red zone. You may defensive playmaker a single DB into Bump and Run on any down and distance Offense o Any "team" playbook is legal, except trick playbooks. o Audibling down on offense is not allowed. o Wildcat: Can only be used once per 4 downs. Cannot be used inside the 10 yard line. Cannot be used in short yardage situations (2 yards or less to go) o Do not call same offensive play repeatedly. Change the formation, hot route a pattern, put a man in motion or use Playmaker. Flipping plays does not count. o You are not allowed to use Play action on 3rd and 10 or more. o Do not drop back more than 10 yards, scramble around and then throw. o Goal Line Offense can only be used inside either 5 yard line or on 4th and less the 2. Note, 4th down rules apply. o 4th Down Rules:

You may go for it on 4th down inside 35-20 yard lines if you have inches to go. 20-0 yd line you may go for it with 1 yard to go. Exceptions: During 1st, 2nd quarters if you are behind by 24 or more points, then you may go for it at anytime and anywhere on the field. 3rd Q down by 21 or more you may go for it whenever. 4th Q down by 21 you may go for it whenever. 4th Q down by 14 you may go for it inside the 50. 4th Q down by 7 you may go for it anytime within the final 5 minutes All other situations, Punt or Attempt Field Goal. o Hurry Up/No Huddle offense Allowed anytime within 2 minutes of either half When down by 24 or more points in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Qs When down by 20 or more points in the 4th Q. o Motioning Do not snap the ball while WR in motion is behind the line of scrimmage including the TE on any PASSING play. Your WR must be clear of all other players before snapping. Also, motion to cause defensive players to run into each other restricted. If natural pick plays occur because of a called route, which is ok. Snapping the ball with a TE in motion on a running play is allowed. o Audibles Do not audible more then two times at the line of scrimmage. You cannot run the same scheme every down, and do more than 2 audibles prior to the snap. (IE Coming out and having the dline spread, lbs crunched, in bump and run and then triangle right all before the offense gets on the ball...that is forbidden. Special Teams o Onsides/Squib Kick Until a Glitch is recognized, onsides kicks and squib kicks are allowed at anytime. (Please do not abuse this and keep it realistic) o Fake Punts/Field Goals Can be used 1 time per game at owner's discretion according to these guidelines: May be attempted when AHEAD and 5 yards or less to convert When BEHIND and 5 or less to convert. You must run a Fake Punt or Field Goal with Kickers and Punters. No substations. You may not call a punt or field goal formation, then audible to a regular offensive formation and run a play. Otherwise, fourth down rules apply, also not that this is an exception to the above 4th down rule

You may only fake punt using a fake punt pass play, fake punt runs are prohibited. o 2 Point Conversion Do what a real NFL team would do. Dont get conversion happy.


The Holy Grail (HG) is an spreadsheet housing all of EMCs players contracts, positions and teams financial status within a League Capped Year (LCY) EMC OFF-SEASON & IN-SEASON PROCEDURES AND GUIDLINES Releasing Players o Players may be released during the following time frame: The conclusion of the EMC Superbowl (beginning of new season) final team game played (end of team season) o When a player is released his entire salary and bonus will be cleared from the releasing teams total available cap space. o The players cap hit (or remaining bonus to be paid) will be assessed into the following seasons cap hit penalty (see below on cap hits) o Each team will have available to them a free 3M to release players and not be penalized for it each season. Player Contracts o Playoff teams get a total of 6 re-signs per season 1 of which may sign a player rated 90-99 1 of which may sign a player rated 80-89 1 of which may sign a player rated 75-79 The balance of the re-signs in the 74 and under ratings. o Non-Playoff teams are allowed 8 re-signs per season 2 of which may sign a player rated 85-99 2 of which may sign a player rated 75-84 The balance of the re-signs in the 74 and under ratings. o Player contracts are allowed to be extended, however they can only be extended to fit that players age restrictions. Example, if a 26 year old player is currently under contract for 2 years, you can only resign him for a 2 year extension. o If you extend a contract, the signing bonus of the new contract will be prorated over the life of the entire contract for that player. Example: You sign a player to a 2 year deal with a 1M signing bonus, the contract had 2 years left, making the entire life 4 years. The 1M signing bonus would be 250K per year for the 4 years, the signing bonus would get added to any signing bonus the player is entitled to in his original contract. o Signing Bonuses can only be the following : 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, or 35%

o At this time there is no complete restructuring of contracts at this moment. o Teams will get there full amount of resigns back after the Super Bowl. o Resigns will be valid from the beginning of the resign period until end of week 6, there are no additional resigns, the 6 or 8 resigns a teams has are the only ones available to that team up until the week 6 deadline. o Timeline: Below is a timeline: Super Bowl Ends Teams receive 6 or 8 resigns Teams may only use these 6 or 8 resigns. Conclusion of week 6 - Teams lose the remainder of the 6 or 8 resigns given to them. Age Based Contract Lengths o 25 and under Max of 5 years o 26-28 year old players Max of 4 years o 29-33 year old players Max of 2 years o 34+ year old players Max of 1 year Exception: Starting QB may be signed for max of 2 years. Restricted Free Agency o Players who become free agents, after an initial rookie contract of 3 years expire become restricted free agents. o An RFA list will be distributed to league owners: o Teams whose player is an RFA will have the right to offer a player a 1 year contract at the following levels: 69 and below: 1 year guaranteed contract of $750,000 70-79: 1 year guaranteed contract of $1,000,000 80-89: 1 year guaranteed contract of $1,500,000 90-99: 1 year guaranteed contract of $2,250,000 o Players who are not tendered an offer become a free agent. o After players are tendered an offer, all other teams will have an opportunity to place a claim on a player at the following rates: 69 and below: 1 year guaranteed contract of $1,750,000 70-79: 1 year guaranteed contract of $2,000,000 80-89: 1 year guaranteed contract of $2,500,000 90-99: 1 year guaranteed contract of $3,250,000 In the event of a tie, the team with the worse record will win the claim of the player, and then fall to the end of the priority list. o Priority List will be kept current during RFA.

o If an offer is made to a player, the players original team has 2 options Match the 2nd offer and sign player to guaranteed 1 year contract in which the player becomes a FA at the conclusion of the season. Release tender and claim following draft pick from team offering contract: 69 and below: 5th round pick 70-79: 4th round pick 80-89: 3rd round pick 90-99: 2nd round pick & 4th round pick o Teams can only offer for players in which they have the draft pick to give up, i.e. if you do not have a 3rd round pick you can not place an offer on an 80-89 overall player. Free Agency o Please note, any player signed in free agency can not be traded for 1 full season. A player can be cut at any time. o Blind Free Agency Period Period 1 is after Restricted Free Agency Free Agents will be put out on a list, only these players may be bid on. Period 2 is after the EMC Draft Free Agents will be put out on a list, only these players may be bid on. See below for process: Step 1: In one message, input which players you want to bid on, years of contract and signing bonus number. Step 2: EMC Staff will compile all bids into a spread sheet and sorted through. Step 3: For initial max bids, all owners who tied for players will be contacted and asked to give their highest offer. Step 4: Winning bids will be released. o In-Season Free Agency Period You may not bid on a free agent until he is released by the team on EA During the first three weeks of the season, when you bid on a player, there needs to be 12 hours in between bids before that player is won. Following the first bid, subsequent bids must be a minimum of 1M above the previous bid. At the start of week 4, any player can be picked up with no wait. You must still post your contract offer for HG purposes, but can sign the player immediately. Trading o Trade Process: Step 1: A party in the trade must post the offer in this format:

49ers Trade: HB 67Ovr Michael Robinson Cap Hit 2M Titans Trade: HB 99Ovr Chris Johnson Cap Hit 1.5M 49ers Accept All information listed is required for every player listed. If you are trading draft picks, please include whose draft pick it is. If trading a draft pick following the end of the season before the draft, you MUST list whose draft pick it is as well as what pick number it is, IE: 49ers Round 1 Pick 32 Step 2: All others involved in trade must reply to the post accepting the trade. Step 3: DO NOT process this trade on your own with out EMC Staff approval. Step 4: EMC Staff will discuss the trade and will either approve the trade, or suggest options for it to go through. If the trade is denied and the parties involved can not find another option for the trade, it will be deleted. o Trade deadline is at the conclusion of week 6. o When a player is acquired by a team via trade or free agency, the team can not trade the player for 1 full season. The player can be cut at anytime. Draft o Draft Start The draft will start on the forums generally two days prior to the official draft night. We will have all phone numbers so please be prepared with your draft lists/selections ready two days prior to the draft. You are given a soft five minutes per pick in rounds 1-2. Someone will aim you in advance and ask for multiple options for your pick. If someone goes over their time limit, we WILL skip you if you push the 5 minutes too far. After you have been skipped, we will continue to draft until you make your pick. Same rules apply for rounds 3-4, except you will be given THREE minutes to pick. After three minutes we move to the next pick. Rounds 4-7 will be done very fast. Please be readily available on aim as I will not ask guys more than once at this point. I will aim 5 guys at a time, first to respond gets the pick and I move on. Once the round closes, you can no longer make a selection. So as mentioned, it is imperative you be ready or send us a list. o Player draft rights can be traded, the deadline for this will be the same as the deadline for draft pick signings. o Each team is only allowed 2 first round draft picks per season.

o Draft Pick signings are fixed 1st Round Picks 5 years 2nd - 4th Round Picks 4 years 5th 7th Round Picks 3 Years o Exceptions: Quarterbacks will be assessed on a special basis dependant upon draft slot and in accordance to NFL signings at similar spots. In-Season team salary cap regulation o Injury: If a player becomes injured you may put him on Injured Reserved. This will free up the players salary portion of that years contract (the signing bonus will remain as it is the guaranteed portion of the contract). It will also lessen your roster by 1 spot as well. EMC Salary & Cap Hit Figures o Total Salary Cap 2010 Season: $125,000,000 o Cap Hit (trades, releases, etc.) cannot exceed $8,000,000 o Teams will have a free $3,000,000 in release cap hit space

PLAYER POSITION CHANGES (NEW FOR MADDEN 11) Pleather Intro: We decided to make things more clear this time around. None of the ratings, defenses, etc. will matter anymore as far as position changes. People want to interpret and abuse these rules as they see fit so now they will be very clear. See below: Position Changes o Offensive Changes LT/RT Interchangeable LG/RG Interchangeable o Defensive Changes LE/RE Interchangeable LOLB/ROLB Interchangeable FS/SS Interchangeable If you would like to change a players position and the move does not fit any of the 5 above options, then it will not go through. No special circumstances this year, if a player played it previously, sorry, no dice. o Total Salary Cap 2010 Season: $125,000,000 o Cap Hit (trades, releases, etc.) cannot exceed $8,000,000 o Teams will have a free $3,000,000 in release cap hit space

DEPTH CHART REQUIREMENTS QB-2 HB-2 FB-1 WR-4 TE-2 LT-2 RT-2 LG-2 RG-2 C-2 DE-4 DT-3 OLB-4 MLB-2 CB-4 FS-2 SS-2 K-1 P-1 (above is 44 total players, you need a minimum of 50 to play, max is 55)

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