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; RTW Unit Details spreadsheet-generated unit descriptions ; ;Data entries are as follows ; Type The internal name of the

unit. Note this not necessarily the sam e as the on screen name ; dictionary The tag used to look up the on screen name ; ;Category and class define the rough type of the unit. They're used for setting some ;default attributes and for determining where units go in formation amongst othe r things ; category infantry, cavalry, siege, handler, ship or non_combatant ; class light, heavy, missile or spearmen ; ; voice_type Used to determine the type of voice used by the unit ; ; soldier Name of the soldier model to use (from descr_models_battle.txt) ; followed by the number of ordinary soldiers in the unit ; followed by the number of extras (pigs dogs, elephants, chariots artillery pieces etc attached to the unit) ; followed by the collision mass of the men. 1.0 is normal. Only a pplies to infantry ; officer Name of officer model. There may be up to 0-3 officer lines per unit ; ship Type of ship used if applicable ; engine Type of siege engine used by unit ; animal The type of non ridden on animals used by the unit ; mount Type of animal or vehicle ridden on ; ; mount_effect Factors to add when in combat against enemy units that have the specified mounts ; Up to three factors may be specified, which may be classes of mo unt, or specific types ; ; attributes A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may ha ve. Including ; sea_faring = can board ships ; hide_forest, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hide_anywher e = defines where the unit can hide ; can_sap = Can dig tunnels under walls ; frighten_foot, frighten_mounted = Cause fear to certain nearby u nit types ; can_run_amok = Unit may go out of control when riders lose contr ol of animals ; general_unit = The unit can be used for a named character's body guard ; cantabrian_circle = The unit has this special ability ; no_custom = The unit may not be selected in custom battles ; command = The unit carries a legionary eagle, and gives bonuses to nearby units ; mercenary_unit = The unit is s mercenary unit available to all f actions ; ; formation soldier spacing (in metres) side to side, then front to back for close formation ; followed by the same measurements in loose formation. ; followed by the default number of ranks for the unit ; followed by the formations possible for the unit. One or two of ; square, horde, phalanx, testudo, or wedge

; ; stat_health Hit points of man, followed by hit points of mount or attached a nimal (if applicable) ; Ridden horses and camels do not have separate hit points ; ;Details of unit's primary weapon. If the unit has a missile weapon it must be t he primary ; stat_pri From left to right ; attack factorf ; attack bonus factor if charging ; missile type fired (no if not a missile weapon type) ; range of missile ; amount of missile ammunition per man ; Weapon type = melee, thrown, missile, or siege_missile ; Tech type = simple, other, blade, archery or siege ; Damage type = piercing, blunt, slashing or fire. (I don't think this is used anymore) ; Sound type when weapon hits = none, knife, mace, axe, sword, or spear ; Min delay between attacks (in 1/10th of a second) ; stat_pri_attr ; primary weapon attributes any or all of ; ap = armour piercing. Only counts half of target's armour ; bp = body piercing. Missile can pass through men and hit tho se behind ; spear = Used for long spears. Gives bonuses fighting cavalry , and penalties against infantry ; long_pike = Use very long pikes. Phalanx capable units only ; short_pike = Use shorter than normal spears. Phalanx capable units only ; prec = Missile weapon is only thrown just before charging in to combat ; thrown = The missile type if thrown rather than fired ; launching = attack may throw target men into the air ; area = attack affects an area, not just one man ; ;Details of secondary weapons. If the unit rides on, or has attached animals or vehicles ;then the secondary weapon details refer to their attacks. If the unit has missi le weapons ;the secondary weapon will be the one used for melee ;If the unit has a primary melee weapon, it may have a secondary side arm ; stat_sec As per stat_pri (a value of no means no secondary weapon) ; stat_sec_attr As per stat_pri_attr ; ; stat_pri_armour Details of the man's defences ; armour factor ; defensive skill factor (not used when shot at) ; shield factor (only used for attacks from the front of left) ; sound type when hit = flesh, leather, or metal ; ; stat_sec_armour Details of animal's or vehicle's defenses (note riden horses do not have a separate defence) ; As per stat_pri_armour, except that the shield entry is ommi ted ; ; stat_heat Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates ; ; stat_ground Combat modifiers on different ground types. From left to rig ht

; scrub, sand, forest, snow ; stat_mental The base morale level, followed by discipline and training ; discipline may be normal, low, disciplined or imperuous. Imp etuous units may charge without orders ; training determines how tidy the unit's formation is ; ; stat_charge_distance Distance from the enemy that the unit will begin charging ; stat_fire_delay Ectra delay over that imposed by animation, hetween volleys ; ; stat_food No longer used ; stat_cost Number of turns to build, ; Cost of unit to construct ; Cost of upkeep ; Cost of upgrading weapons ; Cost of upgrading armour ; Cost for custom battles ; stat_ownership List of factions and cultures that may have this unit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Vanilla Test Units ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NEW EB UNITS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Boats ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;12 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;104 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes generic ship baitaz generic_ship_baitaz ; Baitaz Flotilla ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 1, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 2, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 20, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 2000, 800, 200, 200, 2000 germans, slave generic ship covered liburnes generic_ship_covered_liburnes ; Covered Liburnes Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;105 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;106 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour

1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 23, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 11, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 6000, 2300, 320, 520, 6000 seleucid, slave generic ship currmar generic_ship_currmar ; Currmar Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 9, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 6000, 1500, 200, 600, 6000 spain, slave generic ship currtaho generic_ship_currtaho ; Currtaho Flotilla ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 2, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;141 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;209 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 2200, 800, 200, 500, 2200 spain, slave generic ship great pirate generic_ship_great_pirate ; Great Pirate Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 42, 0, 1 flagship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 4, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 3, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 6, 6000, 0, 600, 600, 6000 slave generic ship kerkuroi generic_ship_kerkuroi ; Kerkuroi Fleet ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 4, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 2000, 500, 150, 400, 2500 romans_julii, romans_scipii, numidia, egypt, romans_brutii, sab

a, slave ;210 type generic ship lemboi dictionary generic_ship_lemboi ; Lemboi Fleet category ship class light voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 ship light warship attributes sea_faring formation 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square stat_health 1, 0 stat_pri 6, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 13, 1, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 25, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 2, 2300, 700, 150, 400, 2300 ownership dacia, thrace, parthia, romans_brutii, greek_cities, macedon, r omans_julii, numidia, carthage, romans_scipii, slave ;211 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;215 type dictionary category class generic ship liburnes generic_ship_liburnes ; Liburnes Fleet ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 21, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 10, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 5900, 2200, 200, 500, 5900 seleucid, slave generic ship navas generic_ship_navas ship heavy

; Huge poliremes

voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ties ;220 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;84 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri

General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 36, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 25, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 30, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 4, 20000, 9000, 1000, 1000, 20000 romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, romans_julii, thrace, greek_ci

generic ship oneraria generic_ship_oneraria ; Oneraria Fleet ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 1, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 8, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 20, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1800, 1000, 200, 200, 1800 seleucid, slave generic ship penteconterai generic_ship_penteconterai ; Penteconterai ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 10, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1

stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 1, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 25, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 2, 2500, 700, 200, 500, 2500 ownership egypt, dacia, thrace, parthia, greek_cities, macedon, romans_ju lii, numidia, carthage, romans_scipii, seleucid, slave, romans_brutii,saba ;224 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership rthage, saba ;109 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat generic ship pentere generic_ship_pentere ; Pentere Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 flagship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 34, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 18, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 30, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 4, 11000, 4000, 700, 700, 11000 greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, egypt, thrace, ca

generic ship poeni penterai generic_ship_poeni_penterai ; Poeni Penterai ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 34, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 18, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;85 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;226 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, 0, 0 30, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 4, 9500, 3400, 600, 600, 9500 egypt, britons generic ship poeni tetrerai generic_ship_poeni_tetrerai ; Poeni Tetrerai ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 30, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 16, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 30, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 8500, 3000, 520, 520, 8500 egypt, slave generic ship ponto generic_ship_ponto ; Ponto Flotilla ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 2, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 2200, 800, 200, 500, 2200 gauls, scythia, britons, slave, spain

;227 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;228 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;229 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship

generic ship pontomora generic_ship_pontomora ; Pontomora Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 9, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 6000, 1500, 200, 600, 6000 gauls, scythia, slave, britons, spain generic ship pontones generic_ship_pontones ; Pontones Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 flagship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 12, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 22, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 10000, 2900, 600, 600, 10000 gauls, scythia, slave generic ship quadrireme generic_ship_quadrireme ; Quadrireme Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 flagship

attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;230 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;260 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour

sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 30, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 16, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 4, 11500, 4600, 600, 600, 11500 seleucid generic ship quinquireme generic_ship_quinquireme ; Quinquireme Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 flagship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 34, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 18, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 30, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 4, 13500, 5000, 700, 700, 13500 seleucid generic ship sea warriors generic_ship_sea_warriors ; Sea Warriors ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 3, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 2, 1, 0, flesh

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;263 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;264 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food

0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 3000, 0, 300, 600, 3000 slave generic ship skipaz generic_ship_skipaz ; Skipaz Fleet ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 6, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 4, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 3000, 900, 300, 600, 3000 germans, slave

generic ship small pirate generic_ship_small_pirate ; Small Pirate Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 4, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 3, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership

5, 2500, 0, 520, 520, 2500 slave

;276 type generic ship tetrere dictionary generic_ship_tetrere ; Tetrere Fleet category ship class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 ship flagship attributes sea_faring formation 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square stat_health 1, 0 stat_pri 30, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 16, 1, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 25, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 4, 10000, 3600, 600, 600, 10000 ownership greek_cities, macedon, thrace, romans_julii, egypt, numidia, ca rthage, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, saba ;278 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;279 type dictionary category generic ship transport generic_ship_transport ; Transport Boats ship light General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 light warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 0 1, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 3, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 20, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2700, 800, 200, 200, 2700 dacia, parthia, armenia, slave, pontus generic ship trihemiola generic_ship_trihemiola ship

; Trihemiola Fleet

class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 ship heavy warship attributes sea_faring formation 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square stat_health 1, 0 stat_pri 28, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 13, 1, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 30, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 3, 6500, 1800, 200, 520, 6500 ownership greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, carthage, romans_ scipii, slave, thrace, seleucid, romans_brutii, egypt ;280 type generic ship triere dictionary generic_ship_triere ; Triere Fleet category ship class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 ship heavy warship attributes sea_faring formation 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square stat_health 1, 0 stat_pri 20, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 11, 1, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 25, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 3, 5500, 1700, 200, 700, 5500 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, carthage, romans_scipii, egypt, romans_brutii, saba ;281 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier ship attributes formation generic ship trireme generic_ship_trireme ; Trireme Fleet ship heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 13, 0, 1 heavy warship sea_faring 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square

stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;472 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;27 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 0, 0, 1 officer officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec

1, 0 21, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 25 ,1 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 11, 1, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 25, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 3, 6500, 2700, 200, 700, 6500 seleucid, saba generic militia generic_militia ;Generic pathetic militia infantry light General_1 generic_militia_apeuletheroi, 50, 0, 0.85 horse -4 sea_faring 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square 1, 1 1, 2, stone, 30, 8, thrown, archery, blunt, none, 25 ,1 thrown 3, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.06 no 1, 4, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, -3 6, low, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1450, 350, 50, 70, 1450 slave celtic cavalry chieftain brihentin celtic_cavalry_brihentin ; Gallic General's Bodyguard cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_brihentin_remimairepos_lavotuxri_marhathegnoz, 1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer heavy horse elephant -4, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

no 11, 13, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2017, 0, 38, 178, 2017 gauls, scythia, slave

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB African ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;487 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes y formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;129 type dictionary lephants category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes y formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr african elephant forest african_elephant_forest ; African Forest Elephants cavalry heavy Medium_1 hellenic_elephant_archer, 6, 6, 1 elephant forest untowered horse +3, chariot +3 sea_faring, can_run_amok, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, hard 7, 9, 13, 13, 1, square 1, 3 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 5, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, other, blunt, none, 0 ,0.2 area, ap, launching 12, 6, 0, leather 23, 7, leather 0 0, 0, -4, -3 8, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 2, 10000, 2500, 270, 400, 10000 egypt, numidia, saba, slave, seleucid african elephant forest towered african_elephant_forest_towered

; Towered African Forest E

cavalry heavy Medium_1 hellenic_elephant_archer, 6, 3, 1 elephant forest horse +3, chariot +3 sea_faring, can_run_amok, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, hard 7, 9, 13, 13, 1, square 1, 4 4, 0, arrow, 160, 30, missile, siege, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 5, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, other, blunt, none, 0 ,0.2 area, ap, launching

stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;127 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes y formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;484 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist

14, 8, 0, leather 23, 7, leather 1 0, 0, -5, -3 8, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 2, 10000, 2500, 270, 400, 10000 egypt african elephant bush african_elephant_bush ; African Bush Elephants cavalry heavy Medium_1 hellenic_elephant_archer, 9, 3, 1 elephant african horse +3, chariot +3 sea_faring, can_run_amok, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, hard 7, 11, 13, 16, 1, square 1, 4 4, 0, arrow, 160, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 5, 60, no, 0, 0, melee, other, blunt, none, 0 ,0.2 area, launching, ap 14, 6, 0, leather 25, 7, leather 0 0, 0, -5, -4 4, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 2, 17000, 4250, 250, 370, 17000 egypt, numidia, saba, slave african infantry garamantines african_infantry_garamantines ; Garamantines Infantry infantry spearmen General_1 african_infantry_garamantines, 50, 0, 1.05 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 57.8, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 1, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, -3 11, impetuous, untrained 35

stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 1248, 312, 95, 224, ownership gauls, scythia, slave, rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia,

1248 britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s armenia, saba

;526 type african infantry maures dictionary african_infantry_maures ; Maures Infantry category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_infantry_maures, 50, 0, 1 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.8, 3.2, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 4, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 3, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1500, 375, 120, 230, 1500 ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, bri tons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid ;535 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost african infantry maures mercenary african_infantry_maures ; Maures Infantry infantry missile General_1 african_infantry_maures, 50, 0, 1 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, 1.4, 1.6, 2.8, 3.2, 6, square 1, 1 5, 4, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 3, 10, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, -2 11, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1500, 375, 20, 30, 1500

ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, bri tons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid ;482 type african missile numidian archers dictionary african_missile_numidian_archers ; Numidian Archers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_missile_numidian_archers, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, can_sap formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 170, 20, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 3, 11, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1081, 270, 40, 60, 1081 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;483 type african missile numidian archers mercenary dictionary african_missile_numidian_archers_mercenary ; Mercenary Num idian Archers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_missile_numidian_archers, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, h ide_long_grass, can_sap formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 170, 20, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 3, 11, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1081, 270, 40, 60, 1081 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro

mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;216 type african missile cavalry numidian dictionary african_missile_cavalry_numidian ; Numidian Cavalry category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_cavalry_numidiancavalry, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 24, javelin, 60.5, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 3, 24, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2076, 519, 150, 70, 2076 ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scythia, da cia, germans, spain, egypt, armenia, pontus, seleucid ;459 type african cavalry numidian nobles dictionary african_cavalry_numidian_nobles ; Numidian Nobles category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_cavalry_numidiannoblecavalry, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 30, javelin, 60.5, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 6, 11, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 15, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2932, 733, 40, 60, 2932 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave

;299 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership dacia, seleucid ;420 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;219 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect

african infantry nubian spearmen african_infantry_nubian_spearmen ; Nubian Spearmen infantry spearmen Medium_1 eastern_infantry_indian_nubian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.05 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 0, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, trained 35 0 30, 600 1, 1074, 269, 37, 224, 1074 numidia, egypt, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, saba,

african infantry nubian spearmen rebel african_infantry_nubian_spearmen ; Nubian Spearmen infantry spearmen Medium_1 eastern_infantry_indian_nubian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.05 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 0, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, trained 35 0 30, 600 1, 1074, 269, 37, 224, 1074 slave african skirmisher javelinmen african_skirmisher_javelinmen ; Numidian Javelinmen infantry missile Medium_1 african_missile_numidianjavelinman, 50, 0, 0.9 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2

attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon g_grass formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 2, javelin, 60.5, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 12, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 987, 247, 20, 30, 987 ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, bri tons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid ;401 type arabian infantry ethiopian spearmen dictionary arabian_infantry_ethiopian_spearmen ; Ethiopian Spearmen category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier arabian_infantry_saba_citizen_ethiopian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 1338, 346, 37, 224, 1338 ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, bri tons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid ;517 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes g_grass formation stat_health african missile ethiopian archers african_missile_ethiopian_archers ; Ethiopian Archers infantry missile Medium_1 african_missile_ethiopian_sabean_archers, 40, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1

stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 179.2, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 5, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 884, 221, 40, 60, 884 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;518 type african cavalry ethiopian dictionary african_cavalry_ethiopian ; Ethiopian Cavalry category cavalry class light voice_type Medium_1 soldier african_cavalry_ethiopian, 25, 0, 1 mount medium horse mount_effect chariot +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3 stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2088, 522, 95, 311, 2088 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, eg ypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, armenia, po ntus, seleucid, saba ;514 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec african infantry machimoi african_infantry_machimoi ; Machimoi infantry light Medium_1 african_infantry_machimoi_ethiopian_swordsmen, 40, 0, 1.05 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 4, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11

stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -3 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1173, 293, 85, 386, ownership gauls, scythia, slave, rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia,

1173 britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s armenia, saba

;515 type african infantry ethiopian swordsmen dictionary african_infantry_ethiopian_swordsmen ; Ethiopian Swordsmen category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier african_infantry_machimoi_ethiopian_swordsmen, 40, 0, 1.1 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenar y_unit formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 12, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -3 stat_mental 13, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1628, 407, 85, 386, 1628 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;541 type african missile slingers dictionary african_missile_slingers ; African Slingers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_missile_african_iberian_rhodian_slingers, 30, 0, 0.85 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon g_grass, mercenary_unit formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 1, 0, stone, 162.8, 25, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 1, flesh

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership leucid

0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -1 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 520, 130, 40, 60, 520 slave, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, spain, se

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Arabian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;376 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;400 type dictionary guiasim category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour arabian cavalry saba citizen cavalry arabian_cavalry_saba_citizen_cavalry ; Abbir Ezra'him cavalry heavy General_1 arabian_cavalry_saba_citizen_cavalry, 25, 0, 1 heavy horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, -2 15, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2789, 697, 95, 311, 2789 saba, slave arabian missile cavalry tribal levies arabian_missile_cavalry_tribal_levies

; Parashim Aravim Me

cavalry missile General_1 arabian_cavalry_tribal_levy_cavalry, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 24, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 3, 24, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 3, 10, 2, leather

stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -2 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1998, 500, 50, 70, 1998 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;287 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;396 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food arabian infantry assilinmodarra arabian_infantry_assilinmodarra ; Lo'hamim Azzilim infantry heavy General_1 arabian_infantry_noble_spearmen, 40, 0, 1.18 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_sap 1, 1.2, 2.4, 3, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 6, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1636, 409, 177, 623, 1636 saba, slave arabian infantry saba kings elites arabian_infantry_saba_kings_elites ; King's Elites infantry heavy General_1 arabian_infantry_assilinmodarra_deaisbard, 20, 0, 1.18 sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 9, 13, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -1, -3 18, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;397 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;398 type dictionary m category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;520 type dictionary category class voice_type

1, 2095, 0, 177, 623, 2095 saba arabian infantry saba citizen spearmen arabian_infantry_saba_citizen_spearmen ; Dorkim Ezra'him infantry spearmen General_1 arabian_infantry_saba_citizen_ethiopian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, can_sap 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0 no 4, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, -3 13, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1338, 335, 60, 90, 1338 saba, slave arabian infantry redsea axemen arabian_infantry_redsea_axemen

; Giusim Aravim 'im Garzeni

infantry heavy General_1 arabian_infantry_redsea_axemen, 50, 0, 1.1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 8, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 2, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, -2 11, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1226, 307, 50, 80, 1226 saba, romans_julii, numidia, slave arabian infantry east coast levies arabian_infantry_east_coast_levies infantry light General_1

; East Coast Levies

soldier arabian_infantry_east_coast_levies, 60, 0, 1.05 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -3 stat_mental 9, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1027, 257, 60, 90, 1027 ownership parthia, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, slave, carthage, gauls , scythia, britons, germans, dacia, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;358 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;399 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr arabian missile northern arab levy arabian_missile_northern_arab_levy ; Giusim Aravim Tsfonim infantry missile General_1 eastern_missile_eransahrarshtbara_northernarab, 40, 0, 0.95 horse -2, elephant +1, chariot +4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, arrow, 196, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 9, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, -2 9, normal, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 842, 211, 149, 50, 842 saba arabian skirmisher tribal levies arabian_skirmisher_tribal_levies ; Bnei Shevet Aravim infantry missile General_1 arabian_infantry_tribal_levy_skirmisher, 50, 0, 0.95 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3, 6, square 1, 1 5, 2, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown

stat_sec 14, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1298, 325, 20, 30, 1298 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;402 type arabian missile arab slingers dictionary arabian_missile_arab_slingers ; Arab Slingers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_missile_shubanfradakshana_arabslingers, 30, 0, 0.85 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, h ide_long_grass formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 1, 0, stone, 162.8, 25, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 7, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 505, 126, 40, 60, 505 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;516 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour arabian missile sabean archers arabian_missile_sabean_archers ; Sabean Archers infantry missile General_1 african_missile_ethiopian_sabean_archers, 40, 0, 0.85 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.4, 1.8, 2.8, 3.6, 5, square 1, 1 4, 0, arrow, 170, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 1, 6, 2, flesh

stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -3 stat_mental 9, low, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 645, 161, 40, 60, 645 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Carthaginian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;86 type dictionary rasim Ponnim category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;91 type dictionary ard category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour carthaginian cavalry ezrahim parashim feeniki carthaginian_cavalry_ezrahim_parashim_feeniki

; Ezrahim Pa

cavalry light General_1 carthaginian_cavalry_citizencavalry, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 3, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 9, 10, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -4, -2 12, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2210, 553, 60, 80, 2210 egypt, slave carthaginian cavalry generals bodyguard carthaginian_cavalry_generals_bodyguard

; General's Bodygu

cavalry heavy General_1 carthaginian_cavalry_sacredband, 10, 0, 1 half armoured horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 35, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 14, 13, 2, metal

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2216, 0, 110, 160, 2216 egypt, slave

;96 type carthaginian cavalry haabbirim haqdosim abbirim dictionary carthaginian_cavalry_haabbirim_haqdosim_abbirim ; Ha'Abbir im Ha'Qdosim Abbirim category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier carthaginian_cavalry_sacredband, 25, 0, 1 mount half armoured horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 35, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 11, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 14, 13, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -2 stat_mental 18, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 4432, 1108, 80, 120, 4432 ownership egypt, slave ;90 type carthaginian infantry aanatim afrikanim aloophim dictionary carthaginian_infantry_aanatim_afrikanim_aloophim ; Aanatim Aloopim category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 18, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 7, 5, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -3

stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;94 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;97 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;93

15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2936, 734, 70, 100, 2936 egypt carthaginian infantry aanatim leebim carthaginian_infantry_aanatim_leebim ; Aanatim Leebim infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_aanatimleebim, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 10, 8, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -1, -3 11, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1337, 334, 40, 60, 1337 egypt carthaginian infantry dorkim kdoshim carthaginian_infantry_dorkim_kdoshim ; Dorkim Kdosim infantry spearmen General_1 carthaginian_infantry_sacredbandphalanx, 30, 0, 1.22 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 14, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -3 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3185, 796, 80, 110, 3185 egypt, slave

type carthaginian infantry dorkim leebi-feenikim meshoorianim dictionary carthaginian_infantry_dorkim_leebi_feenikim_meshoorianim ; Dorkim Leebi-Ponnim Mesoorianim category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier carthaginian_infantry_libyphoenicianinfantry_syracusanhoplites, 40, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit formation 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 9, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1905, 476, 60, 90, 1905 ownership egypt, slave ;92 type carthaginian infantry dorkim leebi-feenikim mookdamim dictionary carthaginian_infantry_dorkim_leebi_feenikim_mookdamim ; Do rkim Leebi-Ponnim Mookdamim category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier carthaginian_infantry_libyphoenicianinfantry_syracusanhoplites, 40, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -3 stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1367, 342, 60, 90, 1367 ownership egypt ;95 type dictionary carthaginian infantry meshoorianim leebim carthaginian_infantry_meshoorianim_leebim

; Mesoorianim Le

ebim category class voice_type soldier 0, 0, 1.18 officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;87 type dictionary t Izrahim Tsorim category class voice_type soldier 1.18 mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;88 type dictionary t Izrahim Tsorim category class voice_type

infantry spearmen General_1 carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_scortamavera, 4 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 8, 4, javelin, 36.8, 2, thrown, siege, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, -3 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1489, 372, 40, 60, 1489 egypt carthaginian infantry mishteret izrahim feenikim carthaginian_infantry_mishteret_izrahim_feenikim

; Mistere

infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_taxeishoplitai_poenicitizenmilitia, 40, 0, elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest 0.8, 1, 2, 2.6, 4, square 1, 1 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 5, 7, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, -2 9, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 809, 202, 30, 40, 809 egypt carthaginian infantry mishteret izrahim feenikim rebel carthaginian_infantry_mishteret_izrahim_feenikim ; Mistere infantry spearmen General_1

soldier 1.18 mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;89 type dictionary loopim category class voice_type soldier 1.2 officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;493 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes

hellenistic_infantry_taxeishoplitai_poenicitizenmilitia, 40, 0, elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit 0.8, 1, 2, 2.6, 4, square 1, 1 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 5, 7, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, -2 9, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 809, 202, 30, 40, 809 slave carthaginian infantry dorkim afrikanim aloophim carthaginian_infantry_dorkim_afrikanim_aloophim

; Dorkim A

infantry heavy General_1 carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_dunaminaca, 40, 0, ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, pilum, 36.8, 3, thrown, siege, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 13, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2042, 511, 90, 130, 2042 egypt carthaginian cavalry libyphenician carthaginian_cavalry_libyphenician ; Libyphenician Cavalry cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_lonchophoroi_libyphenician, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;536 type dictionary hoenician category class voice_type soldier 2 officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 10, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3137, 784, 80, 120, 3137 egypt carthaginian infantry picked libyphoenician carthaginian_infantry_picked_libyphoenician

; Picked Libyp

infantry heavy General_1 carthaginian_infantry_picked_libyphoenicianinfantry, 30, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 14, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -3, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3163, 791, 60, 504, 3163 egypt

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Celtic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;26 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes wer_charge formation celtic chariot cidainh celtic_chariot_cidainh ; Cidainh cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_charioteer, 20, 10, 1 celtic heavy chariot elephant -5, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_forest, frighten_foot, command, very_hardy, po 7, 9, 15, 15, 3, square

stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

2, 2 5, 50, javelin, 57.8, 25, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , thrown 12, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 0 ,1 ap, launching, area 7, 11, 4, flesh 10, 5, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 16, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3349, 837, 20, 196, 3349 britons, gauls, scythia, slave

;18 type celtic chariot cidainh bodyguards dictionary celtic_chariot_cidainh ; Cidainh category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_charioteer, 10, 5, 1 mount celtic heavy chariot mount_effect elephant -5, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, frighten_foot, command, very_hardy, power_charge formation 7, 9, 15, 15, 2, square stat_health 2, 2 stat_pri 5, 50, javelin, 57.8, 25, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 12, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, none, 0 ,1 stat_sec_attr ap, launching, area stat_pri_armour 7, 13, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 10, 7, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -2 stat_mental 16, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1675, 0, 20, 196, 1675 ownership britons, slave ;17 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 5, 0, 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health celtic cavalry brihentin celtic_cavalry_brihentin ; Brihentin cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_brihentin_remimairepos_lavotuxri_marhathegnoz, 2 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer heavy horse elephant -4, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1

stat_pri 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3100, 775, 95, 444, 3100 ownership gauls, scythia, britons, slave, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, sp ain, seleucid, saba, pontus, armenia ;291 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 5, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;59 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr celtic cavalry remimairepos celtic_cavalry_remimairepos ; Remi Mairepos cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_brihentin_remimairepos_lavotuxri_marhathegnoz, 2 heavy horse elephant -4, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 11, 13, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4034, 1009, 95, 444, 4034 gauls, scythia, britons, slave celtic skirmisher cavalry curepos celtic_skirmisher_cavalry_curepos ; Curepos cavalry missile General_1 celtic_cavalry_leuceepos_equitesgallovrum, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 1 4, 30, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap

stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1983, 496, 40, 60, 1983 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave ;58 type celtic skirmisher cavalry leuce epos dictionary celtic_skirmisher_cavalry_leuce_epos ; Leuce Epos category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_cavalry_leuceepos_equitesgallovrum, 25, 0, 1 mount medium horse mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 30, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1983, 496, 40, 60, 1983 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;327 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour belgae cavalry taramonnos belgae_cavalry_taramonnos ; Taramonnos cavalry missile General_1 belgae_cavalry_taramonnos_myrcharn, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 5, square 1, 2 6, 27, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 3, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 1, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;328 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;438 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food

2 0, 0, -3, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2060, 515, 63, 109, 2060 britons, gauls, scythia, slave celtic cavalry myrcharn celtic_cavalry_myrcharn ; Myrcharn cavalry missile General_1 belgae_cavalry_taramonnos_myrcharn, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 4, 27, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 2, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 0, 9, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -3, -1 9, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1329, 332, 75, 37, 1329 britons celtic cavalry ligurian celtic_cavalry_ligurian ; Liguriae Epos cavalry missile General_1 celtic_cavalry_goidiliccavalry_liguriancavalry, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 5, square 1, 1 4, 27, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -2, -2 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost 1, 2291, 573, 40, 60, 2291 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;527 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;530 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;14 celtic cavalry caledonian nobles celtic_cavalry_caledonian_nobles ; Caledonian Nobles cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_caledonian_nobles_celto_germanic, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 15, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 8, 10, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, 0 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2804, 701, 95, 444, 2804 britons, scythia, gauls, slave celtic cavalry celtogermanic celtic_cavalry_celtogermanic ; Celto-Germanic Cavalry cavalry heavy Heavy_1 celtic_cavalry_caledonian_nobles_celto_germanic, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 6, 15, javelin, 35, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 8, 10, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, 0 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2867, 717, 95, 444, 2867 germans, gauls, scythia, slave

type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 2 officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

celtic infantry arjos celtic_infantry_arjos ; Arjos infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_arjos_rycalawre_solduros_kuarothoroi, 40, 0, 1. ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit 0.85, 1, 1.4, 1.8, 4, square 1, 1 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2092, 523, 80, 130, 2092 scythia, slave

;15 type celtic infantry bagaudas dictionary celtic_infantry_bagaudas ; Bagaudas category infantry class light voice_type Light_1 soldier celtic_infantry_bagaudas_kluddobro_kluddolon, 50, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1254, 314, 31, 109, 1254 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scip ii, saba, spain, egypt, seleucid, thrace, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, cartha ge, dacia, armenia, parthia, pontus, germans ;82 type dictionary category celtic infantry batacorii celtic_infantry_batacorii infantry

; Batacorii

class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_gaelaiche_batacorii, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 12, impetuous, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1410, 353, 50, 70, 1410 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, nu midia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, a rmenia, pontus, germans, spain, seleucid, saba, dacia ;66 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;77 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier celtic infantry bataroas celtic_infantry_bataroas ; Bataroas infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_bataroas_northerncuroas, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 12, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1503, 376, 196, 374, 1503 gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry botroas celtic_infantry_botroas ; Botroas infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_botroas_southerncuroas, 50, 0, 1.1

officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;21 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;25 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes

ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 1, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1376, 344, 50, 70, 1376 britons, gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry calawre celtic_infantry_calawre ; Calawre infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_calawre_carnute_kleruchoi_neitos, 30, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, command 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 9, 10, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 0, -2 15, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2163, 541, 112, 436, 2163 britons celtic infantry carnute cingetos celtic_infantry_carnute_cingetos ; Carnute Cingetos infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_calawre_carnute_kleruchoi_neitos, 30, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, druid, command, mercenary_unit

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;65 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;29 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec

1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 8, 8, javelin, 39.2, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 12, 12, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 0, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3328, 832, 84, 532, 3328 gauls, slave celtic infantry neitos celtic_infantry_neitos ; Neitos infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_calawre_carnute_kleruchoi_neitos, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 12, 10, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 0, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2134, 534, 80, 130, 2134 gauls, scythia, egypt, seleucid, slave celtic infantry cwmyr celtic_infantry_cwmyr ; Cwmyr infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_cwmyr_roscaithrera, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, command 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;67 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;78 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat

no 6, 12, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, -1 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1726, 432, 75, 420, 1726 gauls, britons, scythia, slave celtic infantry curoas celtic_infantry_northern_curoas ; Golberi Curoas infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_bataroas_northerncuroas, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 6, 12, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1534, 384, 196, 374, 1534 gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry enoci curoas merc celtic_infantry_southern_curoas ; Enoci Curoas infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_botroas_southerncuroas, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 1, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, 1, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1376, 344, 50, 70, 1376 britons, gauls, scythia, slave

;61 type celtic infantry gaeroas dictionary celtic_infantry_gaeroas ; Gaeroas category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_gaeroas_balroae, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, archery, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 10, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1208, 302, 50, 70, 1208 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, ro mans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, sel eucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba, germans ;36 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay celtic infantry gaesatae celtic_infantry_gaesatae ; Gaesatae infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_gaesatae_tindanotae, 30, 0, 1.22 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 2, 1 8, 12, javelin, 38.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 15, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, -1 22, impetuous, untrained 35 0

stat_food stat_cost ownership ;48 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;28 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;99 type dictionary

30, 600 1, 3356, 839, 95, 224, 3356 gauls, scythia, egypt, slave celtic infantry kluddargos celtic_infantry_kluddargos ; Kluddargos infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_kluddargos_hundaskapiz_lugian, 30, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_forest, command 1.8, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 1 13, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.285 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 11, 13, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 16, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 3109, 777, 60, 90, 3109 britons, slave, gauls, scythia celtic infantry kluddobro celtic_infantry_kluddobro ; Kluddobro infantry light General_1 celtic_infantry_bagaudas_kluddobro_kluddolon, 50, 0, 1 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 10, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, -1 9, impetuous, untrained 30 0 30, 600 1, 675, 169, 31, 109, 675 britons celtic infantry lugoae celtic_infantry_lugoae

; Lugoae

category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_frankamannoz_lugoae, 60, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 13, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 9, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 859, 215, 50, 70, 859 ownership gauls, scythia, britons, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba, slave ;83 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;64 type dictionary category class voice_type celtic infantry milnaht celtic_infantry_milnaht ; Milnaht infantry heavy General_1 belgae_infantry_milnaht, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_officer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy 0.85, 1.1, 1.6, 2, 3, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 13, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -1 15, impetuous, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1848, 462, 50, 70, 1848 britons, gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry mori gaesum celtic_infantry_mori_gaesum infantry spearmen General_1

; Mori Gaesum

soldier celtic_infantry_morigaesum, 40, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 0.8, 1, 1.6, 2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 16, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 9, 10, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -1 stat_mental 14, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1942, 486, 80, 130, 1942 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;72 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 2 officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;76 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 2 officer celtic infantry rycalawre celtic_infantry_rycalawre ; Rycalawre infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_arjos_rycalawre_solduros_kuarothoroi, 30, 0, 1. ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_forest, command, hardy 0.85, 1.2, 1.8, 2.6, 3, square 1, 1 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 12, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3193, 798, 80, 130, 3193 britons celtic infantry solduros celtic_infantry_solduros ; Solduros infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_arjos_rycalawre_solduros_kuarothoroi, 30, 0, 1. ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer

mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;329 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;320 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri

elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 0.85, 1.2, 1.8, 2.6, 3, square 1, 1 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 12, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3193, 798, 80, 130, 3193 gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry gaelaiche celtic_infantry_gaelaiche ; Gaelaiche infantry spearmen General_1 celtic_infantry_gaelaiche_batacorii, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 12, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -1 11, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1220, 305, 69, 218, 1220 britons, gauls, scythia, slave celtic infantry cemmeinarn celtic_infantry_cemmeinarn ; Cemmeinarn infantry spearmen General_1 celtic_infantry_cemmeinarn_aljazgae_gaecori, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 4, 6, javelin, 55, 2, thrown, archery, piercing, spear, 10 , 1

stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;321 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;322 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour

prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -1 10, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1273, 318, 60, 262, 1273 britons, slave celtic infantry aljazgae celtic_infantry_aljazgae ; Aljaz-Gae infantry spearmen Heavy_1 celtic_infantry_cemmeinarn_aljazgae_gaecori, 50, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_celtic_officer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 0.76, 1.1, 1.4, 2, 5, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, archery, piercing, spear, 10 , prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, 0 11, impetuous, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1422, 356, 105, 262, 1422 gauls, scythia, germans, slave celtic infantry gaecori celtic_infantry_gaecori ; Noricene Gaecori infantry spearmen General_1 celtic_infantry_cemmeinarn_aljazgae_gaecori, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, very_hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, archery, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 prec, thrown 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 13, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 13, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1536, 384, 105, 262, 1536 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, slave, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;370 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 1.15 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;469 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat celtic infantry pictones celtic_infantry_pictones ; Pictones Neitos infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_sahsnotoz_pictones_cherusciiswordsmen, 30, 0, ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy 0.85, 1.2, 1.4, 2, 3, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 1, 15, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -1 17, impetuous, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 2681, 670, 71, 44, 2681 gauls, scythia, britons celtic infantry teskatos celtic_infantry_teskatos ; Teskatos infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_teceitos_tekastos, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 4, 8, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 7, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 12, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1569, 392, 50, 70, 1569 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;468 type celtic infantry kluddacorii dictionary celtic_infantry_kluddacorii ; Kluddacorii category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_kluddacorii_karotovas, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 12, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1189, 297, 50, 70, 1189 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;437 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes y formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental celtic infantry gaemile liguriae celtic_infantry_gaemile_liguriae ; Gaemile Liguriae infantry spearmen General_1 celtic_infantry_gaemile_liguriae, 50, 0, 1.1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hard 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 6, 10, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 0, -2 11, disciplined, highly_trained

stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1407, 352, 20, 30, 1407 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;436 type celtic infantry appea gaedotos dictionary celtic_infantry_appea_gaedotos ; Appea Gaedotos category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_appea_gaedotos, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_celtic_officer officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 0.85, 1, 1.6, 2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 9, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 6, 11, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1155, 289, 80, 130, 1155 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;470 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental celtic infantry teceitos celtic_infantry_teceitos ; Teceitos infantry light General_1 celtic_infantry_teceitos_tekastos, 40, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 6, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, 0 11, impetuous, untrained

stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1148, ownership britons, eleucid, thrace, macedon, arthage, armenia, pontus,

287, 50, 70, 1148 gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c parthia, saba, greek_cities

;445 type celtic infantry mistophoroi keltohellenikoi dictionary celtic_infantry_mistophoroi_keltohellenikoi ; Mistophoroi Keltohellenikoi Hoplitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier celtic_infantry_keltohellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.18 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hard y formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 8, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1250, 312, 70, 498, 1250 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;444 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat celtic infantry keltohellenikoi celtic_infantry_keltohellenikoi ; Keltohellenikoi Hoplitai infantry spearmen Light_1 celtic_infantry_keltohellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 8, 10, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1250, 312, 70, 498, 1250 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, numidia , romans_julii, carthage ;443 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;442 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost celtic infantry drwdae celtic_infantry_drwdae ; Drwdae infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_drwdae_cordinauorca, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_forest, command, mercenary_unit, druid 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 12, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 0, -2 15, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1744, 436, 112, 436, 1744 gauls, scythia, britons, slave celtic infantry cordinau orca celtic_infantry_cordinau_orca ; Cordinau Orca infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_drwdae_cordinauorca, 30, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.12 no 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 25 ,1 no 14, 12, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 0, -3 16, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3151, 788, 112, 436, 3151

ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;441 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes y_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership celtic infantry lugian celtic_infantry_lugian ; Lugian Swordsmen infantry heavy Medium_1 celtic_infantry_kluddargos_hundaskapiz_lugian, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, command, mercenar 1.8, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 1 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.285 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 3, 15, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 0, 0 16, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 2647, 662, 60, 90, 2647 britons, slave, gauls, scythia, germans, dacia

;440 type celtic infantry uirodusios dictionary celtic_infantry_uirodusios ; Uirodusios category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_uirodusios_wodanawulfoz, 40, 0, 1.18 mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy, co mmand formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 8, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 13, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 16, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 1402, 351, 95, 224, 1402 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba

;528 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

celtic infantry boii celtic_infantry_boii ; Boii Swordsmen infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_boii_swordsmen, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 7, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 2, -1 11, disciplined, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1485, 371, 50, 70, 1485 britons, gauls, scythia, germans, dacia, macedon, thrace, slave

;452 type celtic infantry siluri dictionary celtic_infantry_siluri ; Siluri Birnai category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_missile_northern_skirmisher_siluri, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 6, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1177, 294, 40, 60, 1177 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;529 type celtic infantry caturiges

dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;282 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;283 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes

celtic_infantry_caturiges ; Caturiges Spearmen infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_vellinica_caturiges, 40, 0, 1.1 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 5, 10, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 16, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 13, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 13, impetuous, trained 20 0 60, 300 1, 1427, 357, 50, 70, 1427 gauls, scythia, britons, spain, egypt, germans, slave celtic missile iaosatae celtic_missile_iaosatae ; Iaosatae infantry missile General_1 dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai_iaosatae, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +2, elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square 1, 1 1, 2, stone, 162, 35, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 ap 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 7, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, -1 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 551, 138, 40, 60, 551 gauls, scythia, britons celtic missile iaosatae regional celtic_missile_iaosatae ; Iaosatae infantry missile General_1 dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai_iaosatae, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +2, elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_uni

t formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 1, 2, stone, 162, 35, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 551, 138, 40, 60, 551 ownership slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, mac edon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, par thia, armenia, germans, saba ;101 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;102 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr celtic missile sotaroas celtic_missile_sotaroas ; Sotaroas infantry missile General_1 germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.95 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square 1, 1 3, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 411, 103, 30, 40, 411 britons, gauls, scythia celtic missile sotaroas merc celtic_missile_sotaroas ; Sotaroas infantry missile General_1 germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.95 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass, 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square 1, 1 3, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no

stat_sec 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 392, 98, 30, 40, 392 ownership slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, mac edon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, par thia, armenia, saba ;23 type celtic skirmisher balroae dictionary celtic_skirmisher_balroae ; Balroae category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier celtic_infantry_gaeroas_balroae, 50, 0, 1.05 mount_effect chariot +4, elephant -1, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, h ide_long_grass formation 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.2, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 12, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1236, 309, 62, 47, 1236 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, s eleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, slave, saba ;512 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr celtic infantry imannae celtic_infantry_imannae ; Imannae infantry missile General_1 germanic_infantry_swainoz_imannae, 50, 0, 0.95 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 1.6, 2, 2.6, 4, 6, square 1, 1 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 13, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear

stat_pri_armour 1, 10, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 675, 169, 30, 40, 675 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Dacian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;53 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;372 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 0, 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec dacian cavalry komatai hippeis dacian_cavalry_komatai_hippeis ; Komatai Hippeis cavalry light Light_1 germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, square 1, 2 4, 24, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 8, 24, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 3, 10, 3, leather 0, 1, flesh 2 0, 0, -2, 0 13, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1906, 477, 60, 80, 1906 dacia dacian cavalry ktistai dacian_cavalry_ktistai ; Ktistai cavalry missile Light_1 steppe_cavalry_early_sarmatian_yuezhi_nobles_saka_ktistai, 25, ebofficer_dracones heavy horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, cantabrian_circle 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 30, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 5, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;332 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;30 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist

ap 11, 13, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, 0 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4189, 1047, 56, 233, 4189 dacia dacian cavalry tarabostes dacian_cavalry_tarabostes ; Tarabostes cavalry heavy Light_1 dacian_cavalry_tarabostes, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones heavy horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 10, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 8, 11, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, 0 17, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2948, 737, 60, 90, 2948 dacia, slave dacian infantry drapanai dacian_infantry_drapanai ; Drapanai infantry heavy Light_1 dacian_infantry_drapanai_bastarnoz_swaiut, 40, 0, 1.18 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1.6, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 1 9, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.26 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 12, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, 0 15, impetuous, untrained 40

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership slave ;42 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;56 type dictionary Stratiotai category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;285 type dictionary

0 60, 300 1, 872, 218, 100, 25, 872 dacia, gauls, britons, scythia, spain, armenia, pontus, thrace,

dacian infantry getikoi stratiotai dacian_infantry_getikoi_stratiotai ; Getikoi Stratiotai infantry spearmen Light_1 dacian_infantry_thorakitai_getikoi_stratiotai, 40, 0, 1.2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy 0.8, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 7, 10, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, 0 13, normal, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1188, 297, 50, 70, 1188 dacia, armenia, slave dacian infantry komatai thorakitai stratiotai dacian_infantry_komatai_thorakitai_stratiotai

; Thorakitai

infantry spearmen Light_1 dacian_infantry_thorakitai_getikoi_stratiotai, 40, 0, 1.22 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -1, -1 15, disciplined, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1972, 493, 50, 70, 1972 dacia, slave dacian infantry taxeistribalii dacian_infantry_taxeistribalii

; Taxeis Triballoi

category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

infantry heavy Light_1 dacian_infantry_taxeistribalii, 40, 0, 1.18 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 8, 9, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 2, 0 14, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1850, 462, 30, 40, 1850 dacia, macedon, numidia, thrace, romans_julii, slave

;451 type dacian infantry rhompharoi thorakitai dictionary dacian_infantry_rhompharoi_thorakitai ; Thraikioi Rhomphaia phoroi category infantry class heavy voice_type Light_1 soldier dacian_infantry_rhompharoi_thorakitai, 30, 0, 1.18 mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 1.6, 1.4, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.285 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 11, 1, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 15, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2899, 725, 100, 25, 2899 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;41 type dictionary otoxotai category class voice_type soldier dacian missile cavalry getikoi hippotoxotai dacian_missile_cavalry_getikoi_hippotoxotai

; Getikoi Hipp

cavalry missile Light_1 steppe_cavalry_sarmatianhorsearchers_getikoihippotoxotai, 25, 0

, 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;54 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes ss formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;57 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health

ebofficer_dracones light horse chariot +3, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 12, arrow, 170, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 10, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 2, 10, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, 0 13, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1883, 471, 60, 90, 1883 dacia, slave dacian missile komatai sphendonitai dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai ; Komatai Sphendonitai infantry missile Light_1 dacian_missile_komatai_sphendonitai_iaosatae, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy, hide_long_gra 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square 1, 1 1, 2, stone, 148, 25, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 ap 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 7, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, 0 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 524, 131, 40, 60, 524 dacia, slave dacian missile komatai toxotai dacian_missile_komatai_toxotai ; Komatai Toxotai infantry missile Light_1 germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 40, 0, 0.9 chariot +2, elephant +1, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1

stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;49 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;330 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes ss formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat

4, 0, arrow, 160.2, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 3, 8, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 10, low, untrained 35 0 60, 300 1, 809, 202, 60, 80, 809 dacia dacian missile komataiagrianai dacian_missile_komataiagrianai ; Komatai Agrianai infantry missile Light_1 dacian_missile_komatai_agrianai, 40, 0, 0.95 chariot +4, horse -2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 4, arrow, 179.2, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 8, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 4, 10, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 2, 0 13, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1273, 318, 30, 40, 1273 dacia, slave dacian missile peltastaithrakioi dacian_missile_peltastaithrakioi ; Thrakioi Peltastai infantry missile Light_1 dacian_missile_peltastaithrakioi, 40, 0, 1.1 elephant +1, chariot +2, horse -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy, hide_long_gra 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 7, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.26 ap 10, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, -1, -1 12, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1437, 359, 40, 60, 1437 dacia, macedon, slave

;331 type dacian missile peltastaithrakioi merc dictionary dacian_missile_peltastaithrakioi_merc ; Thrakioi Peltastai category infantry class missile voice_type Light_1 soldier dacian_missile_peltastaithrakioi, 40, 0, 1.11 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy, hide_long_gra ss, mercenary_unit formation 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 7, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.26 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -1 stat_mental 12, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1472, 369, 40, 60, 1472 ownership romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus ;51 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership dacian skirmisher komatai dacian_skirmisher_komatai ; Komatai infantry missile Light_1 dacian_missile_komatai_epilektoikomatai, 50, 0, 0.95 chariot +4, elephant +2, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 6, square 1, 1 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 3, 9, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, 0 11, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 868, 217, 30, 40, 868 germans, armenia, dacia, slave

;463 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes ide_long_grass formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;491 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes ong_grass formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;427 type dictionary category class

dacian skirmisher komatai epilektoi dacian_skirmisher_komatai_epilektoi ; Komatai Epilektoi infantry heavy Light_1 dacian_missile_komatai_epilektoikomatai, 30, 0, 1.15 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, very_hardy, h 1.2, 1.6, 3, 4, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 9, 13, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, -1 16, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2968, 742, 30, 40, 2968 dacia dacian infantry komatai kostobokon dacian_infantry_komatai_kostobokon ; Komatai Kostobokon infantry heavy Light_1 germanic_infantry_kirslininkas_komataikostobokon, 40, 0, 1.05 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit, hide_l 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 4, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 2, 0 13, impetuous, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1048, 262, 50, 70, 1048 dacia, slave dacian cavalry phylakes daoi dacian_cavalry_phylakes_daoi cavalry heavy

; Phylakes Daoi

voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

Light_1 dacian_cavalry_phylakes_daoi, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones heavy horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 13, 13, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, 0 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2558, 0, 56, 233, 2558 dacia

;462 type dacian infantry thraikioi doryphoroi dictionary dacian_infantry_thraikioi_doryphoroi ; Thraikioi Doryphoro i category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier germanic_infantry_karasviras_traikioidoryphoroi, 60, 0, 1.1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, hide_long_grass formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 6, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 13, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 10, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 9, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 926, 232, 37, 224, 926 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;532 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes dacian infantry agema orditon dacian_infantry_agema_orditon ; Agema Orditon infantry heavy Light_1 dacian_infantry_agema_orditon, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;543 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;544 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes y_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour

0.8, 1, 1.8, 2.6, 4, square 1, 1 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 13, 10, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3123, 781, 80, 130, 3123 dacia dacian infantry galathraikes dacian_infantry_galathraikes ; Galathraikes infantry light General_1 dacian_infantry_galathraikes_ilergeta, 40, 0, 1.1 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 10, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, 0 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1711, 428, 40, 60, 1711 thrace, dacia, macedon, carthage dacian infantry galathraikes regional dacian_infantry_galathraikes ; Regional Galathraikes infantry light General_1 dacian_infantry_galathraikes_ilergeta, 40, 0, 1.1 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenar 1.2, 1.6, 2.2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 10, 3, flesh

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership s, scythia

0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, 0 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1711, 428, 40, 60, 1711 greek_cities, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, slave, gaul

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Eastern ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;10 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;208 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat eastern cavalry aspet hetselazor eastern_cavalry_aspet_hetselazor ; Aspet Hetselazor cavalry light General_1 eastern_cavalry_aspet_kappadocian_mediancavalry, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 8, 9, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -3, 0 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2798, 700, 75, 280, 2798 romans_scipii, slave eastern cavalry katpatuka asabara eastern_cavalry_katpatuka_asabara ; Katpatuka Asabara cavalry heavy General_1 eastern_cavalry_aspet_kappadocian_mediancavalry, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 12, 9, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;212 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, -3, -1 13, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2985, 746, 40, 90, 2985 carthage eastern cavalry mada asabara eastern_cavalry_mada_asabara ; Mada Asabara cavalry light General_1 eastern_cavalry_aspet_kappadocian_mediancavalry, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.15 no 7, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 8, 8, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -3, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2176, 544, 40, 90, 2176 romans_brutii, romans_julii, egypt, parthia, pontus, saba

;267 type eastern cavalry nakhararakan aspet dictionary eastern_cavalry_nakhararakan_aspet ; Nakhararakan Aspet category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_nakhararakanaspet_zradhapahlavans_hyesparapet_sa kalatecataphract, 25, 0, 1 mount half armoured horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1.4, 3.5, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 37, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 10, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 18, 13, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, leather stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300

stat_cost ownership

1, 4457, 1114, 80, 100, 4457 romans_scipii

;271 type eastern cavalry zradha pahlavans dictionary eastern_cavalry_zradha_pahlavans ; Zradha Pahlavans category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_nakhararakanaspet_zradhapahlavans_hyesparapet_sa kalatecataphract, 25, 0, 1 mount hellenistic kataphraktoi horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 1.2, 3, 3, 5, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 10, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 20, 10, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 4710, 1178, 80, 100, 4710 ownership parthia ;479 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;120 type eastern cavalry kambojas eastern_cavalry_kambojas ; Kambojas cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_baktrianbodyguard_kambojas, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 6, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -2, 0 13, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2923, 731, 40, 60, 2923 romans_julii, parthia, pontus, slave eastern infantry nizag gund

dictionary eastern_infantry_nizag_gund ; Nizag Gund category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_nizaggund_hainizagamartik, 50, 0, 1.15 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 0.8, 1, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 9, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1416, 354, 50, 70, 1416 ownership parthia, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, slave, carthage, gauls , scythia, britons, germans, dacia, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;121 type eastern infantry kavakaza sparabara dictionary eastern_infantry_kavakaza_sparabara ; Kavakaza Sparabara category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_kavakazasparabara_sarmatianspearmen_sakaspearm en, 60, 0, 1.1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 9, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 896, 224, 50, 70, 896 ownership parthia, armenia, romans_scipii, slave, carthage, gauls, scythi a, britons, germans, dacia, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_j ulii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;122 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier eastern infantry hai nizagamartik eastern_infantry_hai_nizagamartik ; Hai Nizagamartik infantry spearmen General_1 eastern_infantry_nizaggund_hainizagamartik, 50, 0, 1.15

attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;221 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;222 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri

sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0 no 3, 9, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, 0 11, normal, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1323, 331, 50, 70, 1323 romans_scipii, slave eastern missile cavalry azad asavaran eastern_missile_cavalry_azad_asavaran ; Azad Asavaran cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_azadasavaran, 25, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.2, 3, 3, 5, 4, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 20, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -5, -1 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4785, 1196, 80, 100, 4785 parthia eastern missile cavalry dehbed asavara eastern_missile_cavalry_dehbed_asavara ; Dehbed Asavara cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_alannobles_dehbedasavara_roxolaninobles, 25, 0, ebofficer_dracones saddle horse heavy chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 2 5, 34, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1

stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;223 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;9 type dictionary zik category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr

no 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 9, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, 0 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2667, 667, 80, 100, 2667 parthia eastern missile cavalry zradha shivatir eastern_missile_cavalry_zradha_shivatir ; Zradha Shivatir cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_zradhashivatir_zrahakirnetadzik, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 44, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 20, 8, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -5, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3672, 918, 80, 100, 3672 parthia eastern missile cavalry zrahakir netadzik eastern_missile_cavalry_zrahakir_netadzik

; Zrahakir Netad

cavalry heavy General_1 steppe_cavalry_zradhashivatir_zrahakirnetadzik, 25, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 5, 44, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 4, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap

stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

20, 8, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4165, 1041, 274, 1276, 4165 romans_scipii

;113 type eastern missile eransahr arshtbara dictionary eastern_missile_eransahr_arshtbara ; Eransahr Arshtbara category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_missile_eransahrarshtbara_northernarab, 40, 0, 0.95 mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 0, arrow, 175, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, low, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 618, 155, 40, 70, 618 ownership romans_brutii, parthia, armenia, romans_scipii, germans, spain, seleucid, pontus, carthage, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, egypt, numidia, rom ans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon ;114 type dictionary ra category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental eastern missile eransahr arshtbara merc eastern_missile_eransahr_arshtbara_merc

; Eransahr Arshtba

infantry missile General_1 eastern_missile_eransahrarshtbara_northernarab, 40, 0, 0.95 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 4, 0, arrow, 175, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 11, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, -1 8, low, trained

stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 618, 155, 40, 70, 618 ownership romans_brutii, parthia, slave, armenia, romans_scipii, germans, spain, seleucid, saba, pontus ;126 type eastern missile indian longbowmen dictionary eastern_missile_indian_longbowmen ; Indian Longbowmen category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_missile_indianlongbowmen, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect horse -2, elephant +3, chariot +4 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 2, arrow, 170, 16, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.26 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 10, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1130, 283, 30, 40, 1130 ownership romans_brutii, slave, armenia, pontus, romans_julii, numidia, m acedon, thrace, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, dacia, germans, spain, seleucid, saba, greek_cities, gauls, britons, scythia ;115 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost eastern missile thanvare payahdag eastern_missile_thanvare_payahdag ; Thanvare Payahdag infantry missile General_1 eastern_missile_thanvarepayahdag, 40, 0, 0.85 ebofficer_dracones chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 4, 0, arrow, 192.5, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 2, 6, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, -1 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 692, 173, 30, 50, 692

ownership romans_scipii, parthia, carthage, romans_julii, saba, numidia, romans_brutii, armenia, slave, pontus, egypt, seleucid, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon ;116 type eastern missile thanvare payahdag merc dictionary eastern_missile_thanvare_payahdag_merc ; Thanvare Payahdag category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_missile_thanvarepayahdag, 40, 0, 0.85 officer ebofficer_dracones mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 0, arrow, 192.5, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 6, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, low, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 692, 173, 30, 50, 692 ownership romans_scipii, parthia, carthage, romans_julii, numidia, romans _brutii, armenia, slave, pontus, egypt, seleucid ;335 type eastern skirmisher artishpada dictionary eastern_skirmisher_artishpada ; Artish Pada category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_skirmisher_artishpada, 60, 0, 0.85 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon g_grass formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 2, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 7, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 6, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 810, 203, 45, 93, 810 ownership egypt, romans_brutii, saba, romans_scipii, seleucid, parthia, c arthage, romans_julii, numidia, armenia, pontus, macedon, greek_cities, thrace, britons, gauls, scythia, germans, dacia, spain, slave

;11 type eastern skirmisher cavalry nizakahar ayrudzi dictionary eastern_skirmisher_cavalry_nizakahar_ayrudzi ; Nizakahar A yrudzi category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_cavalry_nizakaharayrudzi_medianjavelin, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy formation 2.2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 24, javelin, 57.8, 14, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 24, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1970, 493, 60, 80, 1970 ownership parthia, slave, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia , germans, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, thrace, gre ek_cities, macedon, seleucid, romans_scipii ;7 type dictionary sh Asabara category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership eastern skirmisher cavalry harauvatish asabara eastern_skirmisher_cavalry_harauvatish_asabara

; Harauvati

cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_arachosiancavalry_dahaeskirmisher, 25, 0, 1 javelin horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 12, javelin, 57.8, 14, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , thrown 7, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 1, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, -2, 0 11, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1983, 496, 106, 31, 1983 romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, macedon, saba, thrace, gr

eek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, seleucid, slave, pontus, ar menia, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain ;354 type eastern infantry kavakaza kofyaren dictionary eastern_infantry_kavakaza_kofyaren ; Kavakaza Kofyaren category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_kavakaza_verkhana, 50, 0, 1 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, can_sap formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 5, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1413, 353, 100, 140, 1413 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave ;355 type eastern infantry verkhana kofyaren dictionary eastern_infantry_verkhana_kofyaren ; Verkhana Kofyaren (Hy rkanian Hillmen) category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_kavakaza_verkhana, 50, 0, 1.05 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, mercenary_un it, very_hardy, can_sap formation 1.4, 1.6, 3, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 8, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 1, 12, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 15, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1796, 449, 118, 78, 1796 ownership parthia, carthage, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, da cia, germans, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, thrace,

greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, romans_scipii ;292 type eastern missile shubanfradakshana dictionary eastern_missile_shubanfradakshana ; Shuban Fradakshana category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_missile_shubanfradakshana_arabslingers, 30, 0, 0.85 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 2, 0, bullet, 185, 30, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 6, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 569, 142, 75, 47, 569 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, saba, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, rom ans_scipii, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;363 type eastern missile syrian archers dictionary eastern_missile_syrian_archers ; Syrian Archers category infantry class missile voice_type Female_1 soldier eastern_missile_syrian_archers, 40, 0, 1.05 mount_effect chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 2, arrow, 192.5, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 10, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1452, 363, 50, 386, 1452 ownership romans_scipii, parthia, pontus, carthage, romans_julii, numidia , romans_brutii, egypt, seleucid, slave, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, germa ns, spain, dacia, saba, thrace, greek_cities, macedon ;351

type eastern infantry agema hellenikon dictionary eastern_infantry_agema_hellenikon ; Agema Hellenikon category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_baktrioiagema_hellenikon_indogreeknoblehop lite, 30, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 0.8, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 13, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3221, 805, 60, 504, 3221 ownership pontus ;295 type dictionary avy Infantry category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;296 type dictionary apah category eastern infantry babylonian heavy infantry eastern_infantry_babylonian_heavy_infantry

; Babylonian He

infantry spearmen Female_1 eastern_infantry_babylonian_nakhararakantiknapah, 40, 0, 1.2 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, can_sap 1, 1.2, 2.4, 4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 8, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 ap 9, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -1, -3 11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1367, 342, 45, 374, 1367 slave, parthia, romans_julii, romans_scipii eastern infantry nakhararakan tiknapah eastern_infantry_nakhararakan_tiknapah infantry

; Nakhararakan Tikn

class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

spearmen General_1 eastern_infantry_babylonian_nakhararakantiknapah, 30, 0, 1.22 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 1.2, 2.4, 4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 11, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 0, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3081, 770, 70, 100, 3081 romans_scipii

;298 type eastern infantry indian spearmen dictionary eastern_infantry_indian_spearmen ; Indian Spearmen category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_indian_nubian_spearmen, 50, 0, 1.05 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, can_sap formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -3 stat_mental 10, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 1105, 276, 37, 224, 1105 ownership slave, pontus, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, romans_julii, gree k_cities, macedon, thrace, carthage, armenia, parthia ;383 type eastern infantry mardig swordsmen dictionary eastern_infantry_mardig_swordsmen ; Mardig Sooseramartik category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_mardig_georgian_swordsmen_pontic_thorakitai_pa rthohellenikoi_thureophoroi, 40, 0, 1.15 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1

stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

prec, thrown 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 9, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, -1 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1897, 474, 196, 374, 1897 romans_scipii, slave

;384 type eastern infantry georgian swordsmen dictionary eastern_infantry_georgian_swordsmen ; Kartvelebi Dashna-Me brdzolebi category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_mardig_georgian_swordsmen_pontic_thorakitai_pa rthohellenikoi_thureophoroi, 50, 0, 1.1 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 12, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1458, 365, 196, 374, 1458 ownership romans_scipii, slave ;457 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground eastern infantry scythian axemen eastern_infantry_scythian_axemen ; Scythian Axemen infantry light General_1 eastern_infantry_anatolian_scythian_axemen, 40, 0, 1.05 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, very_hardy, can_sap 1.2, 1.4, 2.6, 3, 4, square 1, 1 8, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 2, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, 0

stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1194, 299, 100, 140, 1194 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;456 type eastern infantry anatolian hillmen dictionary eastern_infantry_anatolian_hillmen ; Anatolian Hillmen category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_anatolian_scythian_axemen, 50, 0, 1.05 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, can_sap formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.6, 3, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1149, 287, 100, 140, 1149 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;447 type dictionary dyguard category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist eastern cavalry persian early bodyguard eastern_cavalry_persian_early_bodyguard

; Persian Early Bo

cavalry heavy Heavy_1 eastern_cavalry_persianheavy_earlybodyguard, 10, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 17, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -2 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;534 type dictionary dyguard category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;446 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0 60, 300 1, 2322, 0, 39, 311, 2322 carthage eastern cavalry persian early bodyguard hayasdan eastern_cavalry_persian_early_bodyguard ; Persian Early Bo cavalry heavy Heavy_1 eastern_cavalry_persianheavy_earlybodyguard, 10, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 10, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 ap 17, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2306, 0, 39, 311, 2306 romans_scipii eastern cavalry persian heavy eastern_cavalry_persian_heavy ; Persian Heavy Cavalry cavalry heavy General_1 eastern_cavalry_persianheavy_earlybodyguard, 25, 0, 1 half armoured horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, mercenary_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 5, square 1, 1 4, 37, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 9, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 15, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3430, 858, 39, 311, 3430 romans_scipii, carthage, parthia, romans_julii, slave

;450 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

eastern infantry kardaka eastern_infantry_kardaka ; Kardaka infantry spearmen General_1 eastern_infantry_kardaka, 40, 0, 1.2 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 0.76, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 7, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, 0 11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1250, 313, 80, 498, 1250 slave, carthage, parthia, romans_scipii

;485 type eastern infantry parthohellenikoi thureophoroi dictionary eastern_infantry_parthohellenikoi_thureophoroi ; Parthohel lenikoi Thureophoroi category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_mardig_georgian_swordsmen_pontic_thorakitai_pa rthohellenikoi_thureophoroi, 40, 0, 1.13 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 7, 9, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1208, 302, 196, 374, 1208 ownership parthia ;490 type dictionary category class voice_type eastern cavalry taxilan agema eastern_cavalry_taxilan_agema cavalry light General_1

; Taxilan Agema

soldier iberian_cavalry_ambakaro_epones_taxilanagema, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse heavy mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, c antabrian_circle formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 15, javelin, 50.4, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 12, 13, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 16, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 4311, 1078, 60, 90, 4311 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;480 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;501 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes eastern cavalry bactrian kambojas eastern_cavalry_bactrian_kambojas ; Bactrian Kambojas cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_baktrianbodyguard_kambojas, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 6, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -2, 0 13, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2923, 731, 40, 60, 2923 romans_brutii eastern missile parasupattyasreni eastern_missile_parasupattyasreni ; Parasu Pattya Sreni infantry heavy General_1 eastern_missile_parasupattyasreni, 30, 0, 1.15 elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1.8, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 1 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.285 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 10, 13, 1, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -1, -2 16, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 2745, 686, 30, 40, 2745 romans_brutii, romans_julii, parthia, pontus, saba, slave

;500 type eastern infantry katpatuka zanteush dictionary eastern_infantry_katpatuka_zanteush ; Katpatuka Zanteush category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_tabarganeeranshar_katpatukazanteush, 50, 0, 1 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, can_sap formation 1.6, 2, 2.8, 3.6, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1503, 376, 100, 140, 1503 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;499 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 05 mount_effect attributes can_sap formation stat_health stat_pri eastern infantry tabargane eranshar eastern_infantry_tabargane_eranshar ; Tabargane Eranshar infantry light General_1 eastern_infantry_tabarganeeranshar_katpatukazanteush, 50, 0, 1. elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 60.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1

stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 10, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1454, 364, 100, 140, 1454 ownership carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, pontus, romans_julii, romans_ brutii, saba, slave ;509 type eastern cavalry medium generic dictionary eastern_cavalry_medium_generic ; Medium Generic Estern Cav alry category cavalry class light voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_cavalry_aspet_kappadocian_mediancavalry, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse light mount_effect chariot +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, very_hardy formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 10, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2176, 544, 40, 90, 2176 ownership parthia, slave, romans_scipii, pontus, armenia, gauls, scythia, britons, dacia, spain, germans, saba, carthage, numidia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, egypt, romans_brutii, romans_julii ;510 type dictionary eneric Cavalry category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes , mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri eastern cavalry light generic skirmisher eastern_cavalry_light_generic_skirmisher

; Eastern Light G

cavalry missile General_1 eastern_cavalry_nizakaharayrudzi_medianjavelin, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 2 4, 24, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1

stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 24, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 10, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1964, 491, 60, 80, 1964 ownership parthia, slave, carthage, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, t hrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, romans_scipii ;504 type eastern infantry pontic thorakitai dictionary eastern_infantry_pontic_thorakitai ; Pontic Thorakitai category infantry class heavy voice_type Heavy_1 soldier eastern_infantry_mardig_georgian_swordsmen_pontic_thorakitai_pa rthohellenikoi_thureophoroi, 40, 0, 1.15 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 9, 9, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2 stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1813, 453, 196, 374, 1813 ownership carthage ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Galatian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;380 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 5, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec celtic cavalry lavotuxri celtic_cavalry_lavotuxri ; Galatikoi Lavotuxri cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_brihentin_remimairepos_lavotuxri_marhathegnoz, 2 saddle horse heavy elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;38 type dictionary oi category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;39 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes it, very_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground

no 11, 11, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, 0 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4038, 1010, 60, 90, 4038 numidia, macedon, romans_julii, carthage, romans_scipii, slave galatian infantry galatikoi kleruchoi galatian_infantry_galatikoi_kleruchoi

; Galatikoi Kleruch

infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_calawre_carnute_kleruchoi_neitos, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 12, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -1, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2196, 549, 112, 523, 2196 numidia, saba galatian infantry kluddolon galatian_infantry_kluddolon ; Galatikoi Kluddolon infantry light General_1 celtic_infantry_bagaudas_kluddobro_kluddolon, 50, 0, 1.05 chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, mercenary_un 1.2, 1.4, 2, 2.6, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 12, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, 0

stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1254, 314, 31, 109, 1254 ownership gauls, scythia, britons, spain, saba, romans_julii, romans_scip ii, romans_brutii, egypt, numidia, carthage, dacia, germans, thrace, greek_citie s, macedon, seleucid, parthia, slave, pontus ;40 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 18 mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;338 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost galatian infantry kuarothori galatian_infantry_kuarothori ; Galatikoi Kuarothoroi infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_arjos_rycalawre_solduros_kuarothoroi, 40, 0, 1. elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_forest 0.85, 1.1, 1.8, 2.6, 4, square 1, 1 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -1, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2092, 523, 80, 130, 2092 carthage, romans_julii, seleucid, macedon celtic infantry galatiantindanotae celtic_infantry_galatiantindanotae ; Galatikoi Tindanotae infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_gaesatae_tindanotae, 30, 0, 1.22 elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 2, 1 8, 12, javelin, 40.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 15, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, 0 20, impetuous, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 3356, 839, 95, 224, 3356

ownership ;382 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes rcenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

carthage, romans_julii, numidia celtic infantry galatiantindanotae mercenary celtic_infantry_galatiantindanotae ; Galatikoi Tindanotae infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_gaesatae_tindanotae, 30, 0, 1.22 elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy, me 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 2, 1 8, 12, javelin, 40.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 5, 15, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 2, 0 20, impetuous, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 3356, 839, 95, 224, 3356 carthage, romans_julii, numidia, slave

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Germanic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;69 type germanic cavalry ridoharjoz dictionary germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz ; Ridanz category cavalry class light voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount light horse mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 1.8, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 27, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2745, 686, 60, 80, 2745 ownership germans, slave, romans_julii, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, mac edon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii

;70 type germanic cavalry ridoharjoz mercenary dictionary germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_mercenary ; Ridanz Drugule category cavalry class light voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount light horse mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit, cantab rian_circle formation 1.8, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 27, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 12, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2823, 706, 60, 80, 2823 ownership germans, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, seleucid ;16 type germanic infantry bastarnoz swaiut dictionary germanic_infantry_bastarnoz_swaiut ; Druhtiz Bastarnisku category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier dacian_infantry_drapanai_bastarnoz_swaiut, 40, 0, 1.18 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.6, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 11, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.26 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 14, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1370, 343, 100, 25, 1370 ownership germans, dacia, gauls, scythia, armenia, pontus, thrace, macedo n, carthage, slave ;32 type germanic infantry frameharjoz

dictionary germanic_infantry_frameharjoz ; Dugunthiz category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_dugunthiz_chattispearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 0.76, 1, 1.4, 2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 8, javelin, 30, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 11, impetuous, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1233, 308, 81, 140, 1233 ownership germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, parthia, gauls, britons, scythia, spain, dacia, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, seleucid, saba, slave ;34 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;422 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier germanic infantry frankamannoz germanic_infantry_frankamannoz ; Gaizoz Frije infantry spearmen General_1 germanic_infantry_frankamannoz_lugoae, 60, 0, 1.1 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square 1, 1 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 10, impetuous, untrained 35 0 30, 600 1, 859, 215, 37, 224, 859 germans germanic infantry frankamannoz slave germanic_infantry_frankamannoz ; Gaizoz Frije infantry spearmen General_1 germanic_infantry_frankamannoz_lugoae, 60, 0, 1.1

mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 10, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 859, 215, 37, 224, 859 ownership gauls, scythia, britons, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba, slave ;37 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;135 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health germanic infantry gaisaz harjoz germanic_infantry_gaisaz_harjoz ; Speutagardaz infantry spearmen General_1 germanic_infantry_gaisazharjoz, 40, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 16, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 7, 12, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 1, 0 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1606, 402, 125, 174, 1606 germans, slave germanic infantry gastiz germanic_infantry_gastiz ; Thegnoz Drugule infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_ferulharjoz_gastiz, 30, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 0.85, 1.2, 1.2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1

stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 19, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 14, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2829, 707, 80, 130, 2829 ownership germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, slave, seleucid, saba ;136 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;43 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr germanic infantry general ferulharjoz germanic_infantry_ferulharjoz ; Herthaganautoz infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_ferulharjoz_gastiz, 20, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, general_unit 0.85, 1.2, 1.2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 9, 14, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 0, -1 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1924, 0, 80, 130, 1924 germans, slave germanic infantry habukoz swaiut germanic_infantry_habukoz_swaiut ; Druhtiz Habukisku infantry spearmen General_1 germanic_infantry_habukozswaiut_skandzaswaiut, 50, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 2, 4, square 1, 1 7, 8, javelin, 30, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear

stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

2, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 1, 0 11, impetuous, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1310, 328, 50, 70, 1310 germans, slave

;73 type germanic infantry sahsnotoz dictionary germanic_infantry_sahsnotoz ; Herunautoz category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_sahsnotoz_pictones_cherusciiswordsmen, 40, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy formation 0.85, 1.2, 1.4, 2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 8, javelin, 30, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 13, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1646, 412, 50, 70, 1646 ownership germans, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, dacia, parthia, armenia, pontus, s eleucid, saba ;74 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat germanic infantry skandza swaiut germanic_infantry_skandza_swaiut ; Druhtiz Skandzisku infantry spearmen General_1 germanic_infantry_habukozswaiut_skandzaswaiut, 50, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 5, square 1, 1 7, 10, javelin, 30, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;80 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;364 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, 2, 0 12, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1310, 328, 50, 70, 1310 germans, slave germanic infantry swainoz germanic_infantry_swainoz ; Jugunthiz infantry light General_1 germanic_infantry_swainoz_imannae, 50, 0, 0.95 chariot +4, horse -2, elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 4, 5, square 1, 1 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 13, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 1, 10, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 753, 188, 30, 40, 753 germans, slave germanic infantry klumbokarlaz germanic_infantry_klumbokarlaz ; Slanganz infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_swardimannoz_klumbokarlaz, 50, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 7, 8, javelin, 30, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 ap 1, 12, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 2, 0 12, impetuous, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1214, 303, 10, 78, 1214 germans, slave

;507 type germanic infantry chatti spearmen dictionary germanic_infantry_chatti_spearmen ; Chatti Spearmen category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_dugunthiz_chattispearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit formation 0.76, 1, 1.4, 2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 8, javelin, 31.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1357, 339, 81, 140, 1357 ownership germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, egypt, carthage, parthia, gauls, britons, scythia, spain, armenia, pontus, roma ns_scipii, seleucid, saba, slave ;19 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;414 type dictionary category germanic missile bugimannoz germanic_missile_bugimannoz ; Skutjanz infantry missile General_1 germanic_missile_bugimannoz_sotaroas_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.9 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square 1, 1 4, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 12, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 1, 8, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 8, low, untrained 25 0 60, 300 1, 467, 117, 299, 47, 467 germans, slave germanic infantry kirslininkas germanic_infantry_kirslininkas infantry

; Kirslininkas

class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_kirslininkas_komataikostobokon, 50, 0, 1.05 mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 6, javelin, 31.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 9, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 12, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 11, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1370, 343, 50, 70, 1370 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;415 type germanic missile lankininkas dictionary germanic_missile_lankininkas ; Lankininkas category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_missile_lankininkas_medininkas, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect chariot +2, elephant -2, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 0, arrow, 160, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 12, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 8, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 657, 164, 299, 47, 657 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;416 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect germanic missile medininkas germanic_missile_medininkas ; Medininkas infantry missile General_1 germanic_missile_lankininkas_medininkas, 40, 0, 0.95 chariot +2, elephant -2, horse -2

attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 0, arrow, 187, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 14, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 12, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1021, 255, 299, 47, 1021 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;417 type germanic infantry karas viras dictionary germanic_infantry_karas_viras ; Karas Viras category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_karasviras_traikioidoryphoroi, 60, 0, 1.1 mount_effect elephant -3 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 13, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 10, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 35 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 30, 600 stat_cost 1, 1113, 278, 37, 224, 1113 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;421 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health germanic infantry swardimannoz germanic_infantry_swardimannoz ; Chatti Clubmen infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_swardimannoz_klumbokarlaz, 50, 0, 1.05 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1

stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;81 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes rcenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;467 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat

5, 8, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 8, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 ap 1, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, 0 10, impetuous, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 675, 169, 10, 78, 675 germans germanic infantry wodanawulfaz germanic_infantry_wodanawulfaz ; Skaduganganz infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_uirodusios_wodanawulfoz, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, frighten_foot, very_hardy, me 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3, square 1, 1 8, 12, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 18, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 1, 15, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, 0 18, impetuous, untrained 35 0 30, 600 1, 2513, 628, 95, 224, 2513 germans, slave germanic infantry karotovas germanic_infantry_karotovas ; Karotovas infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_kluddacorii_karotovas, 50, 0, 1.1 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 2, 12, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 3

stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1407, 352, 50, 70, 1407 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, slave, egypt, s eleucid, thrace, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, c arthage, armenia, pontus, parthia, saba, greek_cities ;488 type dictionary n category class voice_type soldier 1.1 officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership germanic infantry cheruscii swordsmen germanic_infantry_cheruscii_swordsmen

; Cheruscii Swordsme

infantry heavy General_1 germanic_infantry_sahsnotoz_pictones_cherusciiswordsmen, 40, 0, ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer elephant -4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 0.85, 1.2, 1.4, 2, 4, square 1, 1 8, 8, javelin, 31.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 1, 13, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, 0 15, impetuous, highly_trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1646, 412, 50, 70, 1646 germans, slave

;531 type germanic infantry wargoz dictionary germanic_infantry_wargoz ; Wargoz category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_wargoz, 30, 0, 1.15 mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, frighten_foot, mercenary_unit formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 10, javelin, 31.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 15, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 16, impetuous, untrained

stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;496 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 5, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

40 0 60, 300 1, 2633, 658, 50, 70, 2633 germans, slave germanic cavalry marhathegnoz germanic_cavalry_marhathegnoz ; Marhathegnoz cavalry heavy General_1 celtic_cavalry_brihentin_remimairepos_lavotuxri_marhathegnoz, 2 medium horse elephant -4, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 6, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 12, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 11, 11, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, 0 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4034, 1009, 95, 444, 4034 germans

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Goidilic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;439 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food celtic cavalry goidilic celtic_cavalry_goidilic ; Craid Nechdmach cavalry light Medium_1 celtic_cavalry_goidiliccavalry_liguriancavalry, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 1 5, 27, javelin, 45, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 5, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -2, -1 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;137 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;394 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;139 type dictionary category class

1, 2742, 689, 40, 60, 2742 gauls, scythia, britons, slave, spain goidilic infantry daernaght goidilic_infantry_daernaght ; Goidilic Daernaght infantry spearmen Medium_1 celtic_infantry_vellinica_caturiges, 60, 0, 1.05 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 6, 4, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 2, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 10, normal, trained 20 0 60, 300 1, 908, 227, 50, 70, 908 britons, gauls, scythia, spain, slave goidilic infantry laecha goidilic_infantry_laecha ; Goidilic Laecha infantry light Medium_1 goidilic_infantry_laecha, 50, 0, 1.05 elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 26.3, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 2, 12, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1254, 314, 363, 374, 1254 gauls, scythia, britons, spain, slave goidilic infantry ordmhornaght goidilic_infantry_ordmhornaght infantry heavy

; Goidilic Ordmhornaght

voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;286 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

Medium_1 african_infantry_ethiopiai_agemata_ordmhornaght, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy 1.8, 1.6, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square 1, 1 10, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.31 ap 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 6, 15, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 1, -1 18, impetuous, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 2661, 665, 50, 80, 2661 britons, gauls, scythia, spain, slave goidilic infantry deaisbard goidilic_infantry_deaisbard ; Deaisbard infantry heavy Medium_1 arabian_infantry_assilinmodarra_deaisbard, 30, 0, 1.18 elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.4, 1.6, 2, 3, 3, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 9, 14, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, 1, -1 16, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3003, 751, 30, 40, 3003 britons, gauls, scythia, spain, slave

;423 type goidilic infantry uachtarach duboGaiscaocha dictionary goidilic_infantry_uachtarach_dubogaiscaocha ; Uachtarach D uboGaiscaocha category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thorakitaiargyraspidai_Dosidataskeli_uacht arachdubogaiscaocha, 30, 0, 1.25 mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 3, square stat_health 1, 1

stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 17, 12, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3639, 910, 120, 150, 3639 gauls, scythia, britons, spain

;424 type goidilic infantry uachtarach dubogaiscaocha slave dictionary goidilic_infantry_uachtarach_dubogaiscaocha ; Uachtarach D uboGaiscaocha category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thorakitaiargyraspidai_Dosidataskeli_uacht arachdubogaiscaocha, 30, 0, 1.25 mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 17, 12, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 18, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3639, 910, 120, 150, 3639 ownership slave ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Greek ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;183 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec greek cavalry hippeis greek_cavalry_hippeis ; Hippeis cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;184 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;153 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier raordinarii, 25, mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground

no 7, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -4, -2 12, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2151, 538, 40, 60, 2151 greek_cities, thrace, slave, seleucid greek cavalry mistophoroi hippeis greek_cavalry_mistophoroi_hippeis ; Misthophoroi Hippeis cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 7, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -4, -2 12, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2151, 538, 40, 60, 2151 greek_cities, thrace, slave, seleucid greek cavalry hippeis thessalikoi merc greek_cavalry_hippeis_thessalikoi ; Hippeis Thessalikoi cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_xystophoroi_thessalian_kleruchoihippeis_ext 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 13, 11, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2

stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;154 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier raordinarii, 25, mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4021, 1005, 80, 120, 4021 macedon, thrace, greek_cities, slave greek cavalry hippeis xystophoroi greek_cavalry_hippeis_xystophoroi ; Hippeis Xystophoroi cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_xystophoroi_thessalian_kleruchoihippeis_ext 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 13, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3088, 772, 80, 120, 3088 greek_cities, slave

;146 type greek infantry chaeonian agema dictionary greek_infantry_chaeonian_agema ; Chaonion Agema category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 19, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 9, 5, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -3 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0

stat_food stat_cost ownership ;150 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 1 officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

60, 300 1, 4056, 1014, 50, 80, 4056 thrace greek infantry ekdromoi hoplitai greek_infantry_ekdromoi_hoplitai ; Ekdromoi Hoplitai infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_ekdromoihoplitai_redseahoplites, 40, 0, 1. ebofficer_hellenic_officer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 7, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 0, -2 11, normal, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1257, 314, 30, 40, 1257 greek_cities, slave

;155 type greek infantry iphikratous hoplitai dictionary greek_infantry_iphikratous_hoplitai ; Iphikratous Hoplitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_iphikratoushoplitai_misthophoroihoplitai_i ndohellenikoihoplitai, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 0.7, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1275, 319, 50, 70, 1275 ownership greek_cities, slave

;156 type greek infantry misthophoroi hoplitai dictionary greek_infantry_misthophoroi_hoplitai ; Misthophoroi Iphikr atous Hoplitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_iphikratoushoplitai_misthophoroihoplitai_i ndohellenikoihoplitai, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 0.7, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1275, 319, 50, 70, 1275 ownership greek_cities, slave, seleucid ;390 type hellenistic infantry indohellenikoi hoplitai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_indohellenikoi_hoplitai ; Hoplitai In dohellenikoi category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_iphikratoushoplitai_misthophoroihoplitai_i ndohellenikoihoplitai, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 0.7, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1325, 331, 50, 70, 1325 ownership romans_brutii, pontus

;178 type greek infantry epikletoi hoplitai dictionary greek_infantry_epikletoi_hoplitai ; Thorakitai Hoplitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_basilikonagema_epikletoihoplitai_easternau xilia, 40, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 12, 9, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3 stat_mental 15, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1902, 478, 60, 90, 1902 ownership greek_cities, slave ;157 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;171 type dictionary greek infantry hypaspistai greek_infantry_hypaspistai ; Hypaspistai infantry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_infantry_hypaspistai_massiloi_hoplitai, 30, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 14, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3250, 813, 60, 90, 3250 macedon, romans_julii, thrace greek infantry pheraspidai greek_infantry_pheraspidai

; Pheraspidai

category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

infantry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_infantry_pheraspidai, 30, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 7, 8, javelin, 36.8, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 13, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3205, 801, 60, 90, 3205 macedon, romans_julii, romans_brutii, slave, thrace

;173 type greek infantry taxeis hoplitai dictionary greek_infantry_taxeis_hoplitai ; Hoplitai Haploi category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_taxeishoplitai_poenicitizenmilitia, 40, 0, 1.18 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 0.8, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 9, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 9, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 809, 202, 30, 40, 809 ownership greek_cities, macedon, thrace, slave, carthage, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, parthia, seleucid ;176 type dictionary eroi category class greek infantry taxeis phalangitai hellenistic_infantry_taxeis_phalangitai infantry spearmen

; Phalangitai Deut

voice_type soldier 0, 1.4 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;177 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 0, 0, 1.18 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;172 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier

Light_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeisphalangitai, 60, ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, light_spear 7, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 8, 4, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 9, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1479, 370, 40, 50, 1479 macedon, thrace greek infantry thorakitai greek_infantry_thorakitai ; Thorakitai infantry spearmen Female_1 carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_scortamavera, 4 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -3 13, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1910, 478, 40, 60, 1910 romans_brutii, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, thrace greek missile sphendenotai greek_missile_sphendenotai ; Sphendonetai infantry missile Heavy_1 hellenistic_missile_sphendenotai_accensi, 30, 0, 0.85

mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 2, 0, bullet, 185, 30, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 6, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 569, 142, 75, 47, 569 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, p arthia, armenia, pontus ;181 type greek missile toxotai dictionary greek_missile_toxotai ; Toxotai category infantry class missile voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_missile_toxotai, 30, 0, 0.85 mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 3, 0, arrow, 143, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 6, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 411, 103, 40, 60, 411 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;142 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes greek skirmisher akontistai greek_skirmisher_akontistai ; Akontistai infantry missile General_1 hellenistic_missile_akontistai, 60, 0, 0.85 elephant +2, chariot +2, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy, hide_long_grass

formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 2, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 7, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 6, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 810, 202, 20, 30, 810 ownership greek_cities, macedon, thrace, numidia, slave, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, egypt, romans_scipii, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, dac ia, germans, carthage, parthia, seleucid, saba, spain ;167 type greek skirmisher peltastai dictionary greek_skirmisher_peltastai ; Peltastai category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_missile_peltastai, 40, 0, 1.05 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1218, 305, 85, 386, 1218 ownership greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, slave, numidia, thrace, ca rthage, romans_brutii, parthia, seleucid, romans_scipii ;168 type greek skirmisher peltastai mercenary dictionary greek_skirmisher_peltastai_mercenary ; Misthophoroi Peltas tai category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_missile_peltastai, 40, 0, 1.05 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1

stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1218, 305, 85, 386, 1218 ownership greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, slave, numidia, thrace, ca rthage, romans_brutii, parthia, seleucid, romans_scipii ;412 type greek infantry lucanian spearmen dictionary greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen ; Aichmetai Leukanoi (Luc anian Light Infantry) category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen, 40, 0, 1 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har dy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1066, 267, 50, 70, 1066 ownership greek_cities, thrace, egypt ;413 type greek infantry lucanian spearmen merc dictionary greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen_merc ; Aichmetai Leukanoi (Lucanian Light Infantry) category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier greek_infantry_lucanian_spearmen, 40, 0, 1 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har dy, mercenary_unit formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;326 type dictionary tai category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;435 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat

light_spear 6, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -2 11, normal, trained 25 0 60, 300 1, 1066, 267, 50, 70, 1066 greek_cities, thrace, egypt, slave hellenistic infantry spartiateshoplitai hellenistic_infantry_spartiateshoplitai

; Spartiates Hopli

infantry heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_spartiateshoplitai, 30, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 13, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -3, -3 17, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3095, 774, 60, 504, 3095 greek_cities, egypt greek infantry greek general greek_infantry_greek_general ; Greek General's Bodyguard infantry heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_epikletoi_hoplitai, 20, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit, hardy 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 14, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5

stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;461 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, -3, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2077, 0, 60, 504, 2077 greek_cities greek infantry epilektoi hoplite greek_infantry_epilektoi_hoplite ; Epilektoi Hoplitai infantry heavy General_1 hellenistic_infantry_epikletoi_hoplitai, 30, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 14, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -3, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3123, 781, 60, 504, 3123 greek_cities

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Hellenistic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;13 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist hellenistic cavalry hippeis baktrioi hellenistic_cavalry_baktrioi_hippeis ; Baktrioi Hippeis cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_baktrioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 half armoured horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 37, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 8, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 10, 11, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -3, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;275 type dictionary rategou category class voice_type soldier , 10, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;522 type dictionary rategou category class voice_type soldier , 10, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food

0 60, 300 1, 3150, 788, 193, 903, 3150 romans_brutii hellenistic cavalry generals bodyguard hellenistic_cavalry_generals_bodyguard

; Somatophylakes St

cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 41, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 18, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -5, -3 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2307, 0, 100, 160, 2307 macedon hellenistic cavalry generals bodyguard 2 hellenistic_cavalry_generals_bodyguard

; Somatophylakes St

cavalry heavy Female_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 41, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 18, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -5, -3 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;523 type dictionary rategou category class voice_type soldier , 10, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;430 type dictionary rategou category class voice_type soldier , 10, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1, 2307, 0, 100, 160, 2307 romans_julii hellenistic cavalry generals bodyguard 3 hellenistic_cavalry_generals_bodyguard

; Somatophylakes St

cavalry heavy Medium_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 41, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 18, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -5, -3 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2307, 0, 100, 160, 2307 numidia hellenistic cavalry molossianagema bodyguard hellenistic_cavalry_generals_bodyguard ; Somatophylakes St cavalry heavy Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, very_hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 12, 13, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1850, 0, 100, 160, 1850 thrace

;186 type dictionary ataphraktoi category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;161 type dictionary ema Hippeis category class voice_type soldier raordinarii, 25, mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;162 type

hellenistic cavalry hellenikoi kataphraktoi hellenistic_cavalry_hellenikoi_kataphraktoi

; Hellenikoi K

cavalry heavy Female_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hellenikoikataphraktoi, 25, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 10, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 22, 8, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -4, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4021, 1005, 90, 140, 4021 romans_julii, romans_brutii, slave hellenistic cavalry kleruchoi agema hippeis hellenistic_cavalry_kleruchoi_agema_hippeis

; Kleruchoi Ag

cavalry heavy Medium_1 hellenistic_cavalry_xystophoroi_thessalian_kleruchoihippeis_ext 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 13, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -3 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3088, 772, 80, 120, 3088 numidia hellenistic cavalry machimoi hippeis

dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;274 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier , 25, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;371 type dictionary toxotai category class voice_type

hellenistic_cavalry_machimoi_hippeis ; Machimoi Hippeis cavalry light Medium_1 hellenistic_cavalry_machimoihippeis_illyrioihippeis, 25, 0, 1 medium horse chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 7, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 4, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, -3, -3 10, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1763, 441, 40, 60, 1763 numidia, slave hellenistic cavalry successor hetairoi hellenistic_cavalry_successor_hetairoi ; Hetairoi cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 41, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 18, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -5, -3 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 4613, 1153, 100, 160, 4613 macedon, romans_julii, numidia hellenistic cavalry baktrioi hippotoxotai hellenistic_cavalry_baktrioi_hippotoxotai cavalry missile General_1

; Baktrioi Hippo

soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;352 type dictionary ai category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership , slave ;356 type dictionary ekephoroi category class voice_type soldier , 1.15 officer

hellenistic_cavalry_baktrioi_hippotoxotai, 25, 0, 1 hetairoi companion horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 1 5, 22, arrow, 170, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 9, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 12, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, leather 3 0, 0, -4, -1 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3405, 851, 72, 498, 3405 romans_brutii greek infantry kleruchoi hoplitai greek_infantry_kleruchoi_hoplitai

; Klerouchikoi Phalangit

infantry spearmen Medium_1 hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiphalangitai, 60, 0, 1.4 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 17, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, spear 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 8, 6, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 11, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2002, 501, 40, 50, 2002 numidia, romans_julii, thrace, macedon, carthage, romans_brutii

hellenistic infantry agrianaipelekephoroi hellenistic_infantry_agrianaipelekephoroi

; Agrianikoi Pel

infantry light Light_1 hellenistic_infantry_agrianaipelekephoroi_asturainaxemen, 40, 0 ebofficer_hellenic_officer

attributes g_grass formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 9, 10, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, 0 15, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1833, 458, 65, 623, 1833 macedon, thrace

;144 type hellenistic infantry baktrioi agema dictionary hellenistic_infantry_baktrioi_agema ; Baktrioi Agema category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_baktrioiagema_hellenikon_indogreeknoblehop lite, 30, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 0.8, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 13, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3221, 805, 90, 120, 3221 ownership romans_brutii ;145 type hellenistic infantry basilikon agemata dictionary hellenistic_infantry_basilikon_agemata ; Basilikon Agema category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_basilikonagema_epikletoihoplitai_easternau xilia, 30, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 17, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 14, 11, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3121, 780, 60, 90, 3121 numidia

;118 type hellenistic infantry doryphoroi pontikoi dictionary hellenistic_infantry_doryphoroi_pontikoi ; Doryphoroi Pont ikoi category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier eastern_infantry_doryphoroipontikoi_voinuspearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, mercenary_un it, hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1183, 296, 50, 70, 1183 ownership carthage, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace , greek_cities, egypt, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, spain, pontus, ar menia, slave, seleucid, saba ;169 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri hellenistic infantry heavy pezhetairoi hellenistic_infantry_heavy_pezhetairoi ; Pezhetairoi infantry spearmen Light_1 hellenistic_infantry_pezhetairoi_koinonphalangitai, 60, 0, 1.4 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 17, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17

stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

long_pike, light_spear 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 6, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -5, -3 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2077, 519, 50, 80, 2077 romans_brutii, macedon, thrace, romans_julii, numidia, slave

;170 type hellenistic infantry misthophoroi phalangitai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_misthophoroi_phalangitai ; Misthophor oi Phalangitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pezhetairoi_koinonphalangitai, 60, 0, 1.4 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 17, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 10, 6, 5, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -3 stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2077, 519, 50, 80, 2077 ownership slave, thrace, romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, carthage, n umidia, romans_brutii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, parthia, romans_sc ipii ;207 type dictionary llenikoi category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec hellenistic infantry indo greek hoplite hellenistic_infantry_indo_greek_hoplite

; Peltastai Indohe

infantry missile General_1 hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_iudaioitaxeis, 40, 0, 1.05 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.4, 1.8, 2.6, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 5, 4, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, siege, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 15, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;158 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;377 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay

light_spear 8, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1188, 297, 30, 40, 1188 romans_brutii, pontus, parthia, slave hellenistic infantry iudaioi taxeis hellenistic_infantry_iudaioi_taxeis ; Iudaioi Taxeis infantry light Female_1 hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_iudaioitaxeis, 50, 0, 1.05 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 8, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 12, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1503, 378, 30, 40, 1503 romans_julii, numidia, saba, romans_scipii hellenistic infantry iudaioi taxeis slave hellenistic_infantry_iudaioi_taxeis ; Iudaioi Taxeis infantry light Female_1 hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_iudaioitaxeis, 50, 0, 1.05 elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 8, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 12, normal, trained 30 0

stat_food stat_cost ownership

60, 300 1, 1503, 378, 30, 40, 1503 slave

;160 type hellenistic infantry kleruchoi agemata dictionary hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoi_agemata ; Kleruchoi Agema category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 19, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 5, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -4 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3996, 999, 50, 80, 3996 ownership numidia ;163 type dictionary ngitai category class voice_type soldier 0, 1.35 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food hellenistic infantry machimoi phalangitai hellenistic_infantry_machimoi_phalangitai

; Machimoi Phala

infantry spearmen Medium_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeisphalangitai, 60, ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, light_spear 5, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 7, 4, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -5, -3 9, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership

1, 1318, 330, 40, 60, 1318 numidia, slave

;164 type hellenistic infantry pantodapoi dictionary hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi ; Pantodapoi category infantry class spearmen voice_type Female_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 60, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -1 stat_mental 8, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 896, 224, 50, 70, 896 ownership romans_julii, numidia, carthage, greek_cities, parthia, romans_ scipii, saba, slave, romans_brutii, thrace, macedon, egypt, armenia, pontus, dac ia, germans, seleucid, spain, gauls, britons, scythia ;166 type dictionary halangitai category class voice_type soldier 0, 1.35 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership hellenistic infantry pantodapoi phalangitai hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_phalangitai

; Pantodapoi P

infantry spearmen Female_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeisphalangitai, 60, ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, light_spear 5, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 8, 4, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -5, -2 8, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1324, 331, 40, 60, 1324 romans_julii, romans_brutii, carthage, parthia, romans_scipii,

saba ;314 type dictionary halangitai category class voice_type soldier 0, 1.35 officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership hellenistic infantry pantodapoi phalangitai slave hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_phalangitai ; Pantodapoi P infantry spearmen Female_1 hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_machimoi_taxeisphalangitai, 60, ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 16, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, light_spear 7, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 8, 4, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -4, -2 8, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1479, 370, 40, 60, 1479 slave

;277 type hellenistic infantry thorakitai argyraspidai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_thorakitai_argyraspidai ; Thorakitai Argyraspidai category infantry class heavy voice_type Female_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thorakitaiargyraspidai_Dosidataskeli_uacht arachdubogaiscaocha, 30, 0, 1.25 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, siege, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 19, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -3 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3751, 938, 120, 150, 3751



;179 type hellenistic infantry thureophoroi dictionary hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi ; Thureophoroi category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_aanatimleebim, 40, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1337, 334, 70, 498, 1337 ownership romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, carthage, numidia, romans_ brutii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, parthia, thrace, romans_scipii ;180 type hellenistic infantry thureophoroi mercenary dictionary hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_mercenary ; Misthophoroi Thureophoroi category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thureophoroi_aanatimleebim, 40, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1337, 334, 70, 498, 1337 ownership slave, thrace, romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, carthage, n umidia, romans_brutii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, spain, parthia, romans_sc ipii

;182 type dictionary stai category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership romans_scipii ;353 type dictionary stai category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;290 type

hellenistic skirmisher cavalry hippakontistai hellenistic_skirmisher_cavalry_hippakontistai

; Hippakonti

cavalry missile Heavy_1 iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, very_hardy 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 4, 12, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 6, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 3, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -3, -1 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1435, 359, 34, 180, 1435 numidia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, carthage,

hellenistic skirmisher cavalry hippakontistai slave hellenistic_skirmisher_cavalry_hippakontistai ; Hippakonti cavalry missile Heavy_1 iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1 light horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit, ver 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 4, 12, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 6, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 3, 8, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -3, -1 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1435, 359, 34, 180, 1435 slave hellenistic cavalry tarentinoi

dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;548 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes cenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;316 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier

hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi ; Hippeis Tarantinoi cavalry light Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 1 5, 15, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 10, 9, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -3, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3016, 754, 56, 272, 3016 thrace, greek_cities, slave hellenistic cavalry tarentinoi merc hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi ; Hippeis Tarantinoi Merc cavalry light Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_tarentinoi, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, hardy, mer 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square 1, 1 5, 15, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 10, 9, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -3, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3016, 754, 56, 272, 3016 thrace, greek_cities, slave hellenistic cavalry illyrioihippeis hellenistic_cavalry_illyrioihippeis ; Illyrioi Hippeis cavalry light Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_machimoihippeis_illyrioihippeis, 25, 0, 1

mount medium horse mount_effect chariot +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 7, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 4, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1872, 468, 47, 109, 1872 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, s eleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba, slave ;366 type hellenistic cavalry thrakioi hippeis dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis ; Thrakioi Hippeis category cavalry class light voice_type Light_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 mount medium horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2313, 578, 53, 226, 2313 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba ;419 type dictionary is category class voice_type soldier mount hellenistic cavalry thrakioi hippeis merc hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis_merc cavalry light Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 medium horse

; Thrakioi Hippe

mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest, mercenary_unit, c antabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2313, 578, 53, 226, 2313 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba ;368 type hellenistic infantry chalkaspidai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_chalkaspidai ; Chalkaspidai category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 18, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 7, 5, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -2 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2936, 734, 224, 877, 2936 ownership carthage ;304 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes hellenistic missile cretan archers hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers ; Toxotai Kretikoi infantry missile General_1 hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers, 40, 0, 0.95 chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har

dy formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 2, arrow, 201.6, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 9, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 1, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1424, 356, 30, 50, 1424 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, romans_br utii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, g ermans, spain, parthia, pontus, seleucid, slave, saba ;418 type hellenistic missile cretan archers merc dictionary hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers_merc ; Toxotai Kretikoi category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_missile_cretan_archers, 40, 0, 0.95 mount_effect chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, mer cenary_unit, hardy formation 1.4, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 2, arrow, 201.6, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 9, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 7, 10, 1, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1511, 378, 30, 50, 1511 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, romans_br utii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, g ermans, spain, parthia, pontus, seleucid, slave, saba ;340 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation hellenistic cavalry prodromoi hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi ; Prodromoi cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square

stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership utii ;341 type dictionary i category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;342 type dictionary dromoi category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr

1, 1 3, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 11, 8, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 12, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2316, 579, 109, 280, 2316 macedon, thrace, greek_cities, romans_julii, numidia, romans_br

hellenistic cavalry prodromoithrakioi hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoithrakioi

; Thraikioi Prodromo

cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.12 no 12, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3013, 753, 109, 290, 3013 dacia hellenistic cavalry prodromoithrakioi merc hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoithrakioi_merc

; Thraikioi Pro

cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_prodromoi, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap

stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership romans_brutii ;313 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier , 25, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.12 no 12, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -3, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3013, 753, 109, 290, 3013 macedon, thrace, greek_cities, romans_julii, carthage, numidia,

hellenistic cavalry molossianagema hellenistic_cavalry_molossianagema ; Molosson Agema cavalry heavy Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 11, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 12, 13, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3990, 998, 112, 358, 3990 thrace

;336 type hellenistic infantry argyraspidai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_argyraspidai ; Argyraspidai category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 19, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no

stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

11, 9, 5, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -5, -3 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3996, 999, 269, 654, 3996 macedon, romans_julii

;337 type hellenistic infantry hysteroi pezhetairoi dictionary hellenistic_infantry_hysteroi_pezhetairoi ; Hysteroi Pezhe tairoi category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_kleruchoiagema_eliteafricanpikeman_chaeoni anagema_argyraspidai_hysteroi_chalkaspidai, 60, 0, 1.45 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit formation 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 18, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 stat_pri_attr long_pike, light_spear stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 12, 7, 5, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -3 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2936, 734, 269, 691, 2936 ownership macedon ;333 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour hellenistic infantry hoplitai hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai ; Hoplitai infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 11, 8, 4, leather 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -3 stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1367, 342, 80, 498, 1367 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, romans_brutii, num idia, carthage, britons, gauls, scythia, germans, egypt, seleucid, parthia, roma ns_scipii, dacia, armenia, spain, slave, saba ;334 type hellenistic infantry hoplitai merc dictionary hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_merc ; Misthophoroi Hoplitai category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.22 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit formation 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 4, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -3 stat_mental 12, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1367, 342, 80, 498, 1367 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, romans_brutii, num idia, carthage, britons, gauls, scythia, germans, egypt, seleucid, parthia, roma ns_scipii, dacia, armenia, spain, slave ;357 type dictionary ikoi category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour hellenistic infantry hoplitai hellenikoi hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi

; Hoplitai Hellen

infantry spearmen Heavy_1 hellenistic_infantry_hoplitai_hellenikoi, 40, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 12, 8, 4, metal

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;388 type dictionary lenikon category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -2 11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1407, 352, 80, 573, 1407 pontus hellenistic cavalry saka agema hippeis hellenistic_cavalry_saka_agema_hippeis

; Agema Hippeon Hel

cavalry heavy Heavy_1 steppe_cavalry_scythiannobles_sakaagemahippeis, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, siege, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 10, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, 0 13, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3234, 809, 40, 60, 3234 pontus

;425 type hellenistic infantry massiloi hoplitai dictionary hellenistic_infantry_massiloi_hoplitai ; Massiliotes Hopli tai (Massilian Medium Hoplites) category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_hypaspistai_massiloi_hoplitai, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 4, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2

stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1479, 370, 60, 90, 1479 greek_cities, gauls, scythia, slave

;426 type hellenistic infantry massiloi hoplitai merc dictionary hellenistic_infantry_massiloi_hoplitai_merc ; Massiliotes Hoplitai (Massilian Medium Hoplites) category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_hypaspistai_massiloi_hoplitai, 40, 0, 1.2 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 0.76, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 9, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 4, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1479, 370, 60, 90, 1479 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba ;465 type dictionary ophoroi category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental hellenistic cavalry hetairoi aspidophoroi hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_aspidophoroi

; Hetairoi Aspid

cavalry heavy Light_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoiaspidophoroi_campanian, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 15, javelin, 45, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 10, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -4, -2 12, disciplined, highly_trained

stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;147 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;112 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

30 0 60, 300 1, 2409, 602, 56, 272, 2409 macedon, greek_cities, thrace, numidia, romans_julii hellenistic chariot scythed hellenistic_chariot_scythed ; Scythed Chariots cavalry heavy Female_1 eastern_chariot_crew, 10, 10, 1 scythed chariot elephant -4, horse -2 sea_faring, frighten_foot, can_run_amok, power_charge 7, 9, 15, 15, 2, square 1, 2 10, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,1 area, ap, launching 10, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,1 area, ap, launching 24, 8, 0, metal 14, 5, metal 3 0, 0, -6, -3 6, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3600, 900, 100, 140, 3600 romans_julii eastern chariot scythed eastern_chariot_scythed ; Scythed Chariots cavalry heavy Heavy_1 eastern_chariot_crew, 10, 10, 1 pontic scythed chariot elephant -4, horse -2 sea_faring, frighten_foot, can_run_amok, power_charge 7, 9, 15, 15, 2, square 1, 2 10, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,1 area, ap, launching 10, 50, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,1 area, ap, launching 20, 8, 0, metal 14, 5, metal 3 0, 0, -6, -3 6, impetuous, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3500, 875, 100, 140, 3500 carthage

;458 type dictionary Phalangitai category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

hellenistic infantry koinon phalangitai hellenistic_infantry_koinon_phalangitai

; Koinon Hellenon

infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_pezhetairoi_koinonphalangitai, 60, 0, 1.4 ebofficer_hellenic_officer ebofficer_hellenic_standardbearer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.1, 1, 2.2, 2, 6, square, phalanx 1, 1 17, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.17 long_pike, light_spear 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 11, 6, 5, leather 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -5, -3 11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2129, 532, 50, 80, 2129 greek_cities

;489 type hellenistic missile thureopheromenoi toxotai dictionary hellenistic_missile_thureopheromenoi_toxotai ; Thureophero menoi Toxotai category infantry class missile voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_missile_thureophorontes, 40, 0, 1.05 mount_effect chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 2, arrow, 180, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -1 stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1469, 367, 30, 50, 1469 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba, seleucid ;494 type hellenistic cavalry lonchophoroi

dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_lonchophoroi ; Lonchophoroi Hippeis category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_lonchophoroi_libyphenician, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse heavy mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 10, 9, 4, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -2 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3137, 784, 80, 120, 3137 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba ;389 type hellenistic cavalry baktrian bodyguard dictionary hellenistic_cavalry_baktrian_bodyguard ; Somatophylakes St rategou (Baktrian Early Bodyguard) category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_baktrianbodyguard_kambojas, 10, 0, 1 mount half armoured horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, general_unit formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 39, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 11, 22, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 14, 13, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2040, 0, 40, 60, 2040 ownership romans_brutii ;471 type dictionary ktoi category hellenic cavalry hetairoi kataphraktoi hellenic_cavalry_hetairoi_kataphraktoi cavalry

; Hetairoi Kataphra

class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;503 type dictionary dyguard category class voice_type soldier , 10, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;502 type dictionary oplites category class voice_type soldier

heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_kataphractoi, 10, 0, 1 grivpanvar horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit_upgrade 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 47, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 29, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -4, -1 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2924, 0, 80, 100, 2924 romans_brutii hellenistic cavalry pontos late bodyguard hellenistic_cavalry_pontos_late_bodyguard

; Pontos Late Bo

cavalry heavy Heavy_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoi_molossianagema_ponitclatebodyguard hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit_upgrade, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 15, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -2 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2122, 0, 100, 160, 2122 carthage hellenistic infantry indogreek nobles hellenistic_infantry_indogreek_nobles

; Indogreek Nobles H

infantry spearmen General_1 hellenistic_infantry_baktrioiagema_hellenikon_indogreeknoblehop

lite, 30, 0, 1.22 mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit formation 0.8, 1, 1.6, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 13, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3221, 805, 60, 504, 3221 ownership pontus, romans_brutii ;497 type hellenistic infantry uazali dictionary hellenistic_infantry_uazali ; Uazali category infantry class light voice_type Female_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_uazali, 50, 0, 1.12 mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1463, 366, 40, 60, 1463 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba, seleucid ;498 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier attributes y_unit formation stat_health stat_pri hellenistic infantry uazali mercenary hellenistic_infantry_uazali_merc ; Mercenary Uazali infantry light Female_1 hellenistic_infantry_uazali, 50, 0, 1.12 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, mercenar 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 5, 6, javelin, 45, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1

stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1463, 366, 40, 60, 1463 ownership dacia, macedon, greek_cities, numidia, thrace, romans_brutii, r omans_julii, romans_scipii, egypt, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, br itons, scythia, germans, spain, slave, saba ;506 type hellenistic infantry illyrian thureophoroi dictionary hellenistic_infantry_illyrian_thureophoroi ; Illyrian Thur eophoroi category infantry class spearmen voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_illyrian_thureophoroi, 50, 0, 1.1 mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, can_sap formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 6, javelin, 45, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1444, 361, 196, 374, 1444 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;505 type hellenistic infantry illyrian pirate dictionary hellenistic_infantry_illyrian_pirate ; Illyrian Pirates category infantry class heavy voice_type Heavy_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_illyrian_pirate, 40, 0, 1.05 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hide_long_grass, ver y_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.14 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1

stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 7, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1071, 268, 40, 60, 1071 ownership thrace, macedon, romans_julii, greek_cities, numidia, slave, ro mans_brutii, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, ger mans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;519 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 15 officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ave ;508 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 40, 0, 1.22 mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour hellenistic infantry red sea hoplites hellenistic_infantry_red_sea_hoplites ; Red Sea Hoplites infantry spearmen Medium_1 hellenistic_infantry_ekdromoihoplitai_redseahoplites, 40, 0, 1. ebofficer_hellenic_officer sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 6, 10, 4, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 1, -3 11, normal, trained 40 0 60, 300 1, 1170, 293, 30, 40, 1170 numidia, romans_julii, macedon, thrace, saba, romans_brutii, sl

hellenistic infantry syracuse hoplite hellenistic_infantry_syracuse_hoplite ; Syracuse Hoplite infantry spearmen Light_1 carthaginian_infantry_libyphoenicianinfantry_syracusanhoplites, elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 12, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

4 0, 0, -2, -3 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1905, 476, 80, 573, 1905 macedon, thrace, greek_cities, seleucid, slave

;540 ;540 type hellenistic missile rhodian slingers dictionary hellenistic_missile_rhodian_slingers ; Rhodian Slingers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier african_missile_african_iberian_rhodian_slingers, 30, 0, 0.85 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon g_grass formation 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 2, 0, bullet, 195, 30, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 9, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 4, 6, 1, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 10, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 988, 247, 40, 60, 988 ownership macedon, thrace, greek_cities, seleucid, numidia, romans_julii, romans_scipii, carthage, dacia ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Iberian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;193 type iberian cavalry generals bodyguard dictionary iberian_cavalry_generals_bodyguard ; Lusotannan Bodyguards category cavalry class light voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_cavalry_ambakaro_epones_taxilanagema, 10, 0, 1 mount saddle horse heavy mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, general_unit, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass , very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 60.5, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 11, 13, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;195 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;428 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist

1 0, 0, -2, -2 18, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1820, 0, 60, 100, 1820 spain, slave iberian cavalry heavy lancearii iberian_cavalry_heavy_lancearii ; Iberi Lanceari cavalry heavy Medium_1 iberian_cavalry_lancearii, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 43, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 9, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 16, 8, 2, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -3, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3815, 954, 60, 100, 3815 spain, egypt iberian cavalry heavy lancearii slave iberian_cavalry_heavy_lancearii ; Iberi Lanceari cavalry heavy Medium_1 iberian_cavalry_lancearii, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 43, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 9, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 16, 8, 2, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -3, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;190 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;187 type dictionary beerim category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0 60, 300 1, 3815, 954, 60, 100, 3815 slave iberian cavalry light curisii iberian_cavalry_light_curisii ; Iberi Curisi cavalry light Medium_1 iberian_cavalry_curisii, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer saddle horse light chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 8, 9, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, -2 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2481, 710, 40, 60, 2481 egypt, spain, slave iberian infantry dorkei hatkafa ibeerim iberian_infantry_dorkei_hatkafa_ibeerim

; Dorkei Hatkafa I

infantry heavy Medium_1 carthaginian_infantry_iberianassaultinfantry, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, pilum, 36.8, 3, thrown, siege, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 14, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 0, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2239, 560, 90, 130, 2239 egypt, slave

;188 type iberian infantry light caetratii dictionary iberian_infantry_light_caetratii ; Iberi Caetrati category infantry class light voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_infantry_caetratii, 50, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 3, 4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 4, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1437, 359, 30, 40, 1437 ownership egypt, spain, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, mace don, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scy thia, dacia, germans, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;196 type iberian infantry light milites dictionary iberian_infantry_light_milites ; Iberi Milites category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_infantry_milites, 60, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har dy formation 1, 1.4, 3, 4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 4, javelin, 45, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 4, 9, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 9, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1041, 260, 30, 40, 1041 ownership egypt, spain, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, mace don, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scy thia, dacia, germans, armenia, pontus, seleucid, saba

;194 type iberian infantry loricatii caetratii dictionary iberian_infantry_loricatii_caetratii ; Loricati Caetrati category infantry class light voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_infantry_caetratii, 40, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, mer cenary_unit, very_hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 3, 4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 8, 11, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 13, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1752, 438, 30, 40, 1752 ownership spain ;198 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;200 type dictionary category iberian infantry medium scutarii iberian_infantry_medium_scutarii ; Iberi Scutari infantry spearmen Medium_1 iberian_infantry_scutarii, 40, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver 1, 1.2, 1.8, 3, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 8, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1785, 446, 50, 70, 1785 egypt, spain, slave iberian infantry scutarii merc iberian_infantry_medium_scutarii infantry

; Mercenary Scutari

class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_infantry_scutarii, 40, 0, 1.1 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 1.2, 1.8, 3, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 6, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 8, 11, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1785, 446, 50, 70, 1785 ownership egypt, spain, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, mace don, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, armenia, gauls, britons, scy thia, pontus, parthia, seleucid ;191 type iberian skirmisher cavalry equites caetratii dictionary iberian_skirmisher_cavalry_equites_caetratii ; Iberi Equit es Caetrati category cavalry class missile voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse light mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, cantabrian_c ircle, very_hardy formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 12, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 2, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1850, 462, 30, 50, 1850 ownership egypt, spain, slave ;201 type dictionary category class iberian skirmisher velites iberian_skirmisher_velites infantry missile

; Iberi Velites

voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_missile_velites_roman_leves, 60, 0, 0.9 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 2, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 12, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 985, 246, 30, 40, 985 ownership egypt, spain, slave, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, mace don, thrace, greek_cities, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, britons, scy thia, dacia, germans, armenia, pontus, saba ;373 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;374 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation iberian missile balearic slinger iberian_missile_balearic_slinger ; Balearic Slinger infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_balearic_slinger, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square 1, 1 3, 2, stone, 175, 20, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 ap 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 1, 9, 1, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1118, 280, 63, 47, 1118 spain, egypt, slave iberian missile balearic slinger mercenary iberian_missile_balearic_slinger ; Balearic Slinger infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_balearic_slinger, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +4, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square

stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 3, 2, stone, 175, 20, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1118, 280, 63, 47, 1118 ownership spain, egypt, slave, carthage, seleucid, gauls, scythia, briton s, germans, dacia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, romans_julii, romans_scipii, r omans_brutii, saba, numidia, pontus, armenia, parthia ;375 type dictionary nfantry category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;403 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer attributes dy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec iberian missile balearic light infantry iberian_missile_balearic_light_infantry

; Balearic Light I

infantry light Medium_1 iberian_missile_balearic_light_infantry_caetranann, 40, 0, 1.05 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 6, square 1, 1 6, 4, javelin, 60.5, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 5, 11, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -2 14, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1744, 436, 30, 40, 1744 egypt iberian infantry loricati scutarii iberian_infantry_loricati_scutarii ; Loricati Scutari infantry heavy Medium_1 iberian_infantry_loricati_scutarii, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, solifera, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

ap 10, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, 1, -2 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1941, 485, 196, 374, 1941 egypt, spain, slave

;404 type iberian infantry dosidataskeli dictionary iberian_infantry_dosidataskeli ; Dosidataskeli category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_thorakitaiargyraspidai_Dosidataskeli_uacht arachdubogaiscaocha, 30, 0, 1.25 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 17, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 23, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 6 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -3 stat_mental 18, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3796, 949, 120, 150, 3796 ownership spain ;405 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental iberian skirmisher iovamann iberian_skirmisher_iovamann ; Iovamann infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_iovamann, 60, 0, 0.85 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square 1, 1 3, 2, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 7, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 1, 6, 1, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, 0 8, low, untrained

stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;406 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;407 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost

30 0 60, 300 1, 721, 180, 30, 40, 721 spain, slave, scythia, britons, gauls, dacia, germans iberian infantry caetranann iberian_infantry_caetranann ; Caetranann infantry light Medium_1 iberian_missile_balearic_light_infantry_caetranann, 50, 0, 1.05 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 4, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 5, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1402, 350, 30, 40, 1402 spain, gauls, scythia, britons, slave, dacia, germans iberian infantry gestikapoinann iberian_infantry_gestikapoinann ; Gestikapoinann infantry spearmen Medium_1 iberian_infantry_gestikapoinann, 50, 0, 1.12 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 14, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 6, 10, 4, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 2, -2 11, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1525, 381, 40, 60, 1525

ownership ;408 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 0, 0, 1.15 officer attributes dy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

spain, gauls, scythia, britons, slave, dacia, germans iberian infantry scortamavera iberian_infantry_scortamavera ; Scortamareva infantry spearmen Medium_1 carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_scortamavera, 4 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 11, 9, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -2 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1951, 488, 40, 60, 1951 spain, slave

;409 type iberian infantry scortamavera merc dictionary iberian_infantry_scortamavera ; Mercenary Scortamareva category infantry class spearmen voice_type Medium_1 soldier carthaginian_infantry_lybianspearmen_thorakitai_scortamavera, 4 0, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, har dy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 6, javelin, 49.5, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 15, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 3, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, -2 stat_mental 13, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1951, 488, 40, 60, 1951 ownership spain, gauls, scythia, britons, egypt ;410 type iberian infantry ambakaro

dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

iberian_infantry_ambakaro ; Ambakaro infantry light Medium_1 iberian_infantry_ambakaro, 30, 0, 1.1 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 60.5, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 12, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 12, 11, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -2 18, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3111, 778, 50, 80, 3111 spain, slave

;411 type iberian cavalry ambakaro epones dictionary iberian_cavalry_ambakaro_epones ; Ambakaro Epones category cavalry class light voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_cavalry_ambakaro_epones_taxilanagema, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse heavy mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 60.5, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 11, 11, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 18, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3804, 951, 60, 90, 3804 ownership spain, slave ;455 type dictionary category class voice_type iberian infantry roscaithrera regional iberian_infantry_roscaithrera_regional infantry heavy Medium_1

; Roscaithrera

soldier officer mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;454 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;453 type dictionary rmisher category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation

celtic_infantry_cwmyr_roscaithrera, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 5, 13, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1797, 449, 75, 420, 1797 gauls, scythia, britons, egypt, slave iberian infantry roscaithrera iberian_infantry_roscaithrera ; Roscaithrera infantry heavy Medium_1 celtic_infantry_cwmyr_roscaithrera, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 7, 8, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 5, 13, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1797, 449, 75, 420, 1797 spain iberian missile northern skirmisher iberian_missile_northern_skirmisher

; Iberian Northern Ski

infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_northern_skirmisher_siluri, 60, 0, 0.95 elephant +2, horse -1, chariot +4 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square

stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 2, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 13, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 2, 10, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 836, 209, 40, 60, 836 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;486 type iberian infantry asturian axemen dictionary iberian_infantry_asturian_axemen ; Asturian Axemen category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_agrianaipelekephoroi_asturainaxemen, 40, 0 , 1.15 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy formation 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 6, solifera, 38.5, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 9, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 7, 12, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1818, 455, 65, 623, 1818 ownership spain, egypt, gauls, scythia, slave, pontus, armenia, britons, dacia, germans, saba, romans_scipii, parthia, carthage, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, greek_cities, seleucid ;513 type iberian cavalry equites cantabrii dictionary iberian_cavalry_equites_cantabrii ; Equites Cantabrii category cavalry class missile voice_type Medium_1 soldier iberian_cavalry_equitescantabrii, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, cantabrian_c ircle, very_hardy formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square

stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 12, javelin, 57.8, 14, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1930, 483, 30, 50, 1930 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;538 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier 1.18 officer attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership iberian infantry dunaminaca iberian_infantry_dunaminaca ; Dunaminaca infantry heavy Medium_1 carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_dunaminaca, 40, 0, ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hide_long_grass, ver 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 5, 8, solifera, 35, 3, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 12, 8 , no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 9, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -2 15, impetuous, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1965, 491, 90, 130, 1965 spain, gauls, scythia, slave

;539 type iberian infantry dunaminaca mercenary dictionary iberian_infantry_dunaminaca ; Mercenary Dunaminaca category infantry class heavy voice_type Medium_1 soldier carthaginian_infantry_elite_african_infantry_dunaminaca, 40, 0, 1.18 officer ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, hide_long_grass, ver y_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square stat_health 1, 1

stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;542 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes g_grass formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;545 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes g_grass formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour

5, 8, solifera, 35, 3, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 12, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 9, 11, 3, leather 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, 1, -2 15, impetuous, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1965, 491, 90, 130, 1965 seleucid, egypt, spain, gauls, scythia, slave iberian missile slingers iberian_missile_slingers ; Iberian Slingers infantry missile Medium_1 african_missile_african_iberian_rhodian_slingers, 30, 0, 0.85 horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square 1, 1 1, 0, stone, 148, 25, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1 ap 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 1, 7, 1, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, 0 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 483, 121, 40, 60, 483 spain, egypt, slave, britons, gauls, scythia, germans iberian infantry ilergeta iberian_infantry_ilergeta ; Ilergeta infantry heavy Medium_1 dacian_infantry_galathraikes_ilergeta, 40, 0, 1.12 ebofficer_lusitanian_carthaginian_officer elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, hide_lon 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 7, 12, 3, leather

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;546 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;547 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes mercenary_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food

0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 13, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1763, 441, 40, 60, 1763 spain, egypt, seleucid, gauls, scythia, slave iberian skirmisher celtiberian iberian_skirmisher_celtiberian ; Celtiberian Skirmishers infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_lusitanian_celtiberian_skirmishers, 60, 0, 0.9 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square 1, 1 5, 2, javelin, 57.8, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 13, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.125 light_spear 3, 9, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1035, 259, 30, 40, 1035 egypt, spain, seleucid, gauls, scythia, slave iberian skirmisher lusitanian iberian_skirmisher_lusitanian ; Lusitanian Skirmishers infantry missile Medium_1 iberian_missile_lusitanian_celtiberian_skirmishers, 60, 0, 0.9 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square 1, 1 6, 2, javelin, 63.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 11, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.124 light_spear 3, 9, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 2, -1 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership

1, 1035, 259, 30, 40, 1035 egypt, spain, seleucid, gauls, scythia, slave

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Illyrian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;206 type illyrian infantry taxeis illyrioi dictionary illyrian_infantry_taxeis_illyrioi ; Phyletichoi Illyrioi category infantry class spearmen voice_type Light_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_pantodapoi_illyrian, 60, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_hellenic_officer attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 8, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 896, 224, 50, 70, 896 ownership slave, saba, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thr ace, greek_cities, carthage, armenia, pontus, romans_scipii, parthia, gauls, bri tons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, seleucid ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Indian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;131 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost indian elephant armored indian_elephant_armored ; Armored Indian Elephants cavalry heavy Female_1 elephant_javelinmen, 9, 3, 1 elephant indian cataphract horse +4, chariot +4 sea_faring, can_run_amok, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted 7, 11, 13, 16, 1, square 1, 4 5, 0, javelin, 57.8, 20, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 5, 63, no, 0, 0, melee, other, blunt, none, 0 ,0.2 area, launching, ap 14, 6, 0, metal 30, 7, metal 4 0, 0, -5, -4 7, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 2, 23000, 5750, 270, 400, 23000


numidia, romans_julii, romans_brutii, pontus

;130 type indian elephant standard dictionary indian_elephant_standard ; Indian Elephants category cavalry class heavy voice_type Female_1 soldier hellenic_elephant_archer, 9, 3, 1 mount elephant indian mount_effect horse +4, chariot +4 attributes sea_faring, can_run_amok, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, hard y formation 7, 11, 13, 16, 1, square stat_health 1, 4 stat_pri 4, 0, arrow, 170, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 5, 55, no, 0, 0, melee, other, blunt, none, 0 ,0.2 stat_sec_attr area, launching, ap stat_pri_armour 14, 6, 0, leather stat_sec_armour 24, 7, leather stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -5, -4 stat_mental 7, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 2, 13000, 3250, 270, 400, 13000 ownership thrace, macedon, numidia, romans_julii, romans_brutii, pontus, parthia, slave, saba ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Roman ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;233 type roman cavalry camillan eqvites dictionary roman_cavalry_camillan_eqvites ; Eqvites Romani category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier roman_cavalry_equitesromani, 25, 0, 1 mount medium horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -2 stat_mental 12, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3042, 761, 60, 80, 3042 ownership seleucid, slave, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia , greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, numidia, romans_julii, romans_scipii, ro

mans_brutii, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, saba ;234 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;237 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;245 type roman cavalry polybian eqvites roman_cavalry_polybian_eqvites ; Eqvites Romani cavalry heavy General_1 roman_cavalry_equitesromani, 25, 0, 1 medium horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 8, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 12, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2848, 713, 40, 60, 2848 seleucid, slave roman cavalry eqvites consvlares roman_cavalry_eqvites_consvlares ; Equites Consulares cavalry heavy General_1 roman_cavalry_equitesconsulares, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_early_standard saddle horse light elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, ;no_custom 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 10, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1777, 0, 80, 120, 1777 seleucid, slave

roman cavalry eqvites praetoriani

dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;236 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;249 type dictionary category class voice_type

roman_cavalry_eqvites_praetoriani ; Equites Praetoriani cavalry heavy General_1 roman_cavalry_equitespraetoriani, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_standard saddle horse heavy elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 8, 27, javelin, 38.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 13, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3551, 888, 100, 140, 3551 seleucid, slave roman cavalry eqvites singvlares roman_cavalry_eqvites_singvlares ; Equites Singulares cavalry heavy General_1 roman_cavalry_equitessingulares, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_standard saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square 1, 1 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 13, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 13, 11, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1783, 0, 120, 160, 1783 seleucid, slave roman infantry camillan rorarii roman_infantry_camillan_rorarii infantry spearmen General_1

; Rorarii

soldier roman_infantry_rorarii, 60, 0, 1.05 officer ebofficer_roman_early_standard attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 6, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, javelin, 55, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 4, 9, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -2 stat_mental 8, low, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 959, 240, 20, 30, 959 ownership seleucid, slave, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia , greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, numidia, romans_julii, romans_scipii, ro mans_brutii, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, saba ;235 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer ;officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;238 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation roman infantry evocatae roman_infantry_evocatae ; Cohortes Evocata infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorsimperatoria_evocata, 40, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square, testudo 1, 1 5, 4, pilum, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2079, 520, 80, 120, 2079 seleucid, slave roman infantry hastati roman_infantry_hastati ; Hastati infantry light General_1 roman_infantry_hastati_principes, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_roman_early_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square

stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1, 1 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 9, 9, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -1, -3 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1066, 267, 50, 70, 1066 seleucid, slave

;239 type roman infantry hastati early dictionary roman_infantry_hastati_early ; Hastati category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier roman_infantry_hastatiearly, 40, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_roman_early_centurion officer ebofficer_roman_early_standard mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 7, 9, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 2 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -3 stat_mental 11, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1006, 252, 50, 70, 1006 ownership seleucid, slave, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia , greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, numidia, romans_julii, romans_scipii, ro mans_brutii, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, saba ;253 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec roman infantry imperial vigiles roman_infantry_imperial_vigiles ; Vigiles infantry spearmen General_1 roman_infantry_vigiles_westernauxilia, 60, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_centurion sea_faring, hide_forest 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 6, square 1, 1 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;241 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;524 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes y_name formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground

no 5, 9, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 8, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1121, 280, 50, 70, 1121 seleucid, slave roman infantry legionary cohort i roman_infantry_legionary_cohort_i ; Cohortes Reformata infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorsreformata, 50, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, square, testudo 1, 1 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1790, 448, 100, 160, 1790 seleucid, slave roman infantry first legionary cohort i roman_infantry_legionary_first_cohort_i ; First Cohort infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorsreformata, 50, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, command, legionar 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, square, testudo 1, 1 5, 4, pilum, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2

stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;242 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;525 type dictionary toria category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes y_name formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay

15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1914, 479, 100, 160, 1914 seleucid

roman infantry legionary cohort ii roman_infantry_legionary_cohort_ii ; Cohortes Imperatoria infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorsimperatoria_evocata, 50, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, square, testudo 1, 1 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1790, 448, 100, 160, 1790 seleucid, slave roman infantry first legionary cohort ii roman_infantry_legionary_first_cohort_ii

; Cohortes Impera

infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorsimperatoria_evocata, 50, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy, command, legionar 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, square, testudo 1, 1 5, 4, pilum, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -2, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0

stat_food stat_cost ownership ;240 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;250 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;246 type

60, 300 1, 1914, 479, 100, 160, 1914 seleucid roman infantry marian antesignani roman_infantry_marian_antesignani ; Antesignani infantry light General_1 roman_infantry_antesignani, 30, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_roman_centurion sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_sap, very_hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 6, 4, javelin, 47.3, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 17, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 12, 11, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, 0, -2 16, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3160, 790, 50, 70, 3160 seleucid, slave roman infantry polybian triarii roman_infantry_polybian_triarii ; Triarii infantry spearmen General_1 roman_infantry_triarii, 40, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_roman_early_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, square 1, 1 15, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 12, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1524, 381, 30, 40, 1524 seleucid, slave roman infantry praetorian cohort i

dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;247 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;248 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer

roman_infantry_praetorian_cohort_i ; Cohortes Praetoriana infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_cohorspraetoriana, 40, 0, 1.2 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square, testudo 1, 1 5, 4, pilum, 36.8, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 14, 10, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3533, 883, 80, 120, 2204 seleucid, slave roman infantry principes roman_infantry_principes ; Principes infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_hastati_principes, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_roman_early_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 11, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 12, 8, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -3 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1185, 296, 50, 80, 1185 seleucid, slave roman infantry principes early roman_infantry_principes_early ; Principes infantry heavy General_1 roman_infantry_principesearly, 40, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_roman_early_centurion

officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;251 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;231 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri

ebofficer_roman_early_standard chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square 1, 1 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 prec, thrown, ap 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 9, 9, 4, flesh 0, 0, flesh 2 0, 0, -1, -3 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1046, 262, 50, 80, 1046 seleucid, slave roman infantry triarii early roman_infantry_triarii_early ; Triarii infantry spearmen General_1 roman_infantry_triariiearly, 40, 0, 1.22 ebofficer_roman_early_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 0.76, 1, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 15, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 14, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -3 14, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1623, 406, 50, 697, 1623 seleucid, slave roman missile accensi roman_missile_accensi ; Accensi infantry missile General_1 hellenistic_missile_sphendenotai_accensi, 30, 0, 0.85 chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy 2.8, 3.5, 3.4, 4.8, 5, square 1, 1 1, 0, stone, 133.2, 25, missile, archery, blunt, none, 15 ,1

stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;232 type dictionary ia category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

ap 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 1, 6, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 336, 84, 40, 60, 336 seleucid, slave roman missile archer auxilia roman_missile_archer_auxilia

; Levantine Saggitarius Auxil

infantry missile General_1 roman_missile_levantinesaggitariusauxilia, 40, 0, 1.05 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_standard chariot +4, horse -1, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 10, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 10, 8, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -1, -2 11, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1444, 361, 80, 100, 1444 seleucid, slave

;243 type roman skirmisher leves dictionary roman_skirmisher_leves ; Leves category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier iberian_missile_velites_roman_leves, 60, 0, 0.9 mount_effect elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 attributes sea_faring, can_sap, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, mer cenary_unit, very_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 7, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 2, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 12, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 2, flesh

stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;252 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount_effect attributes y_hardy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;311 type dictionary raordinarii category class voice_type soldier 18 officer officer attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental

0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 8, low, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 848, 212, 30, 40, 848 seleucid, slave roman skirmisher velites roman_skirmisher_velites ; Velites infantry missile General_1 roman_missile_velites, 50, 0, 0.95 elephant +2, chariot +4, horse -2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 6, square 1, 1 4, 2, javelin, 55, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 11, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 4, 11, 2, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, -2 11, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1038, 260, 30, 40, 1038 seleucid, slave roman infantry auxilia peditesextraordinarii roman_infantry_auxilia_peditesextraordinarii

; Pedites Ext

infantry heavy General_1 samnite_infantry_heavyinfantry_peditesextraordinarii, 40, 0, 1. ebofficer_roman_early_centurion ebofficer_roman_early_standard sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 6, 6, javelin, 35, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 14, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -2, -3 15, disciplined, highly_trained

stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;360 type dictionary aordinarii category class voice_type soldier raordinarii, 25, mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

25 0 60, 300 1, 2109, 527, 104, 697, 2109 seleucid roman cavalry auxilia equitesextraordinarii roman_cavalry_auxilia_equitesextraordinarii

; Eqvites Extr

cavalry heavy General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_xystophoroi_thessalian_kleruchoihippeis_ext 0, 1 saddle horse heavy elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 13, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -4, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3088, 772, 112, 342, 3088 seleucid

;361 type roman cavalry auxilia equitesgermanorum dictionary roman_cavalry_auxilia_equitesgermanorum ; Eqvites Germanor vm (Germanic Auxiliary Cavalry) category cavalry class light voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_cavalry_ridoharjoz_komataihippeis, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_roman_early_standard mount medium horse mount_effect elephant -2, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 27, javelin, 31.5, 4, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0

stat_food stat_cost ownership

60, 300 1, 2901, 725, 50, 163, 2901 seleucid

;362 type roman cavalry auxilia equiteshispanorum dictionary roman_cavalry_auxilia_equiteshispanorum ; Eqvites Hispanor vm (Hispanic Auxiliary Cavalry) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier iberian_cavalry_equitescaetratii_hippakontistai, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_roman_early_standard mount medium horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle, hide_long_ grass, very_hardy formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 15, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 8, 8, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2350, 588, 56, 241, 2350 ownership seleucid ;379 type roman cavalry auxilia eqvitesthracum dictionary roman_cavalry_auxilia_eqvitesthracum ; Eqvites Thracvm (T hracian Auxiliary Cavalry) category cavalry class light voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_thrakioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_roman_early_standard mount heavy horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, very_hardy, hide_improved_forest, cantabrian_circle formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 9, 8, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -1 stat_mental 11, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;339 type dictionary Gallic Auxiliary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;391 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1, 2515, 629, 53, 327, 2515 seleucid roman cavalry auxilia equitesgallorum roman_cavalry_auxilia_equitesgallorum ; Eqvites Gallorvm ( Cavalry) cavalry light General_1 celtic_cavalry_leuceepos_equitesgallovrum, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_early_standard saddle horse light elephant -2, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 30, javelin, 55, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 3, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 9, 8, 2, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 11, impetuous, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2232, 558, 44, 257, 2232 seleucid roman infantry western auxilia roman_infantry_western_auxilia ; Western Auxilia infantry spearmen General_1 roman_infantry_vigiles_westernauxilia, 50, 0, 1.15 ebofficer_roman_centurion ebofficer_roman_standard elephant -1 sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy, can_sap 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square 1, 1 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 no 10, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -2 11, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1619, 405, 50, 70, 1619 seleucid

;392 type roman infantry eastern auxilia dictionary roman_infantry_eastern_auxilia ; Eastern Auxilia category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_infantry_basilikonagema_epikletoihoplitai_easternau xilia, 50, 0, 1.15 officer ebofficer_roman_centurion officer ebofficer_roman_standard mount_effect elephant -1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_sap formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 10, 8, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1694, 424, 50, 70, 1694 ownership seleucid ;393 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership roman cavalry ala imperatoria roman_cavalry_ala_imperatoria ; Ala Imperatoria cavalry light General_1 roman_cavalry_ala_imperatoria, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_roman_standard saddle horse light elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, cantabrian_circle 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 27, javelin, 57.8, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 9, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 9, 4, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -1 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3116, 779, 40, 60, 3116 seleucid

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Italic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;378

type samnite infantry swordsmen merc dictionary samnite_infantry_swordsmen_merc ; Samnitici Milites (Samni te Heavy Infantry) category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier samnite_infantry_heavyinfantry_peditesextraordinarii, 40, 0, 1. 18 mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 7, 6, javelin, 36.8, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 10, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 9, 10, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 13, impetuous, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1957, 489, 60, 80, 1957 ownership slave, egypt, thrace, romans_julii, macedon, numidia, greek_cit ies, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, part hia, carthage, pontus, armenia, saba, spain, seleucid ;255 type samnite infantry spearmen dictionary samnite_infantry_spearmen ; Hastati Samnitici (Allied Samn ite Medium Spearmen) category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier samnite_infantry_spearmen, 40, 0, 1.15 mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 9, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1262, 316, 50, 70, 1262 ownership seleucid ;432 type samnite infantry spearmen merc dictionary samnite_infantry_spearmen_merc e Medium Spearmen)

; Hastati Samnitici (Samnit

category infantry class light voice_type General_1 soldier samnite_infantry_spearmen, 40, 0, 1.15 mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1, 1.2, 2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 4, javelin, 35, 3, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown stat_sec 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 9, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -1, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 25 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1262, 316, 50, 70, 1262 ownership slave, egypt, thrace, romans_julii, macedon, numidia, greek_cit ies, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, part hia, carthage, pontus, armenia, saba, spain, seleucid ;533 type italic infantry bruttian dictionary italic_infantry_bruttian ; Bruttian Infantry category infantry class light voice_type Heavy_1 soldier roman_infantry_hastatiearly, 40, 0, 1.18 mount_effect chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 4, 4, pilum, 35, 2, thrown, blade, piercing, spear, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr prec, thrown, ap stat_sec 10, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 8, 7, 4, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -2, -2 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1487, 372, 50, 70, 1487 ownership seleucid, slave, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia , greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, numidia, romans_julii, romans_scipii, ro mans_brutii, carthage, armenia, parthia, pontus, saba ;466 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier italic cavalry campanian italic_cavalry_campanian ; Campanian Cavalry cavalry missile General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoiaspidophoroi_campanian, 25, 0, 1

mount mount_effect attributes dy formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

medium horse elephant +1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit, har 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 15, javelin, 45, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 thrown 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 ap 13, 8, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 4 0, 0, -3, -2 12, normal, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2615, 654, 56, 272, 2615 macedon, greek_cities, thrace, slave, egypt, seleucid

;537 type italic infantry nuraghi dictionary italic_infantry_nuraghi ; Nuraghi category infantry class missile voice_type Heavy_1 soldier italic_infantry_nuraghi, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant -2 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, hide_long_grass formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 3, 2, arrow, 157.3, 15, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 12, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, -1 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 775, 194, 30, 40, 775 ownership gauls, scythia, slave, britons, germans, romans_julii, romans_b rutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, s pain, seleucid, dacia, pontus, parthia, armenia, saba ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EB Steppe ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;124 type dictionary saeg category class voice_type soldier en, 50, 0, 1.05 steppe infantry sauromatae arc aexsaeg steppe_infantry_sauromatae_arc_aexsaeg

; Saurmatae Arc Aex

infantry spearmen General_1 eastern_infantry_kavakazasparabara_sarmatianspearmen_sakaspearm

attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, mercenary_unit, hardy formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 12, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 971, 243, 50, 70, 971 ownership armenia, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, slave, seleucid, saba, pontus, gauls, scythia, britons, germans, spain, dacia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon ;125 type steppe infantry voinu spearmen dictionary steppe_infantry_voinu_spearmen ; Voinu Spearmen category infantry class spearmen voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_infantry_doryphoroipontikoi_voinuspearmen, 50, 0, 1.1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, frighten_foot formation 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 14, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_pri_attr light_spear stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 11, 3, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 13, impetuous, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1183, 296, 50, 70, 1183 ownership slave, romans_julii, numidia, romans_brutii, macedon, thrace, g reek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, dacia, germans, spain, arm enia, pontus, seleucid, saba ;5 type steppe missile cavalry aursa baexdzhyntae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_aursa_baexdzhyntae ; Aursa Baexdzhy ntae (Aorsi Riders) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_aorsiriders_scythianlightcavalry, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount light horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle

formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 7, 27, arrow, 225, 60, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 2, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 6, 10, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1146, 287, 60, 90, 1146 ownership carthage, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, gauls, britons, scythia , dacia, germans, spain, parthia, armenia, pontus, slave, seleucid, saba, egypt, numidia, romans_julii, greek_cities, macedon, thrace ;266 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier hers, 25, 0, 1 mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;265 type dictionary dzhyntae (Steppe category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes , mercenary_unit steppe missile cavalry ayrudzi netadzik steppe_missile_cavalry_ayrudzi_netadzik ; Ayrudzi Netadzik cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_ayrudzinetadzik_pahlavashivatir_scythianhorsearc medium horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 12, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 1, 9, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, -2, 0 9, normal, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1556, 389, 60, 90, 1556 romans_scipii, armenia, slave steppe missile cavalry bydirag baexdzhyntae steppe_missile_cavalry_bydirag_baexdzhyntae ; Bydirag Baex Riders) cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_dahaecavalry_steppecavalry, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones light horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle

formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 27, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 2, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 0, 9, 1, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -2, 0 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1590, 396, 60, 90, 1590 romans_scipii, carthage, slave

;107 type steppe missile cavalry daha baexdzhyntae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_daha_baexdzhyntae ; Daha Baexdzhynt ae (Daha Riders) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_dahaecavalry_steppecavalry, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount light horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 27, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , 1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 3, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1855, 464, 60, 90, 1855 ownership romans_brutii, slave, parthia, pontus, armenia, dacia, carthage , romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, spain, romans_julii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, seleucid, saba ;111 type dictionary Nobles category class voice_type soldier 0, 1 officer mount steppe missile cavalry early yuezhi nobles steppe_missile_cavalry_early_yuezhi_nobles

; Early Yuezhi

cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_early_sarmatian_yuezhi_nobles_saka_ktistai, 25, ebofficer_dracones medium horse

mount_effect attributes ry_unit, command formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 6, 30, arrow, 201.6, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 3, 12, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, -3, 0 15, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2176, 544, 80, 100, 2176 pontus, slave

;268 type steppe missile cavalry pahlava shivatir dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_pahlava_shivatir ; Pahlava Shivatir category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_ayrudzinetadzik_pahlavashivatir_scythianhorsearc hers, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount medium horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 12, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 9, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1323, 331, 60, 90, 1323 ownership parthia, romans_julii, romans_brutii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, gauls, britons, scythia, seleucid, pontus, saba, dacia, spain, germans ;110 type steppe missile cavalry ragon sauromatae uaezdaettae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_ragon_sauromatae_uaezdaettae ; Rago n Sauromatae Uaezdaettae category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_early_sarmatian_yuezhi_nobles_saka_ktistai, 25,

0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount half armoured horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 9, 33, arrow, 225, 60, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 8, 33, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 10, 11, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, leather stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 13, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2508, 627, 80, 100, 2508 ownership armenia, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scythia, parthia, slave , spain, germans, egypt, saba, carthage, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, t hrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;256 type steppe missile cavalry rauxsa-alanna baexdzhyntae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_rauxsa_alanna_baexdzhyntae ; Rauxsa -alanna Baexdzhyntae (Roxolani Riders) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_roxolanilancers, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse light mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 34, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 5, 11, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 13, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2125, 531, 80, 100, 2125 ownership armenia, parthia, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, slave, pontus, spain, germans, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;257 type steppe missile cavalry rauxsa-alanna uaezdaettae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_rauxsa_alanna_uaezdaettae alanna Uaezdaettae (Roxolani Nobles) category cavalry class missile

; Rauxsa-

voice_type soldier 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

General_1 steppe_cavalry_alannobles_dehbedasavara_roxolaninobles, 25, 0, ebofficer_dracones hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 44, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 12, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3623, 906, 80, 100, 3623 armenia, gauls, britons, scythia, slave, pontus

;269 type steppe missile cavalry sauromatae fat aexsdzhytae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_sauromatae_fat_aexsdzhytae ; Saurom atae Fat Aexsdzhytae category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_sarmatianhorsearchers_getikoihippotoxotai, 25, 0 , 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount light horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena ry_unit formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 7, 12, arrow, 200, 60, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1089, 272, 60, 90, 1089 ownership armenia, slave, pontus, parthia ;258 type steppe missile cavalry skuda baexdzhyntae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_skuda_baexdzhyntae ntae (Scythian Riders)

; Skuda Baexdzhy

category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_aorsiriders_scythianlightcavalry, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount medium horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena ry_unit formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 27, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , 1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 3, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 1, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1527, 382, 60, 90, 1527 ownership slave, parthia, pontus, romans_scipii, armenia, carthage, gauls , britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;270 type steppe missile cavalry skuda fat aexsdzhytae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_skuda_fat_aexsdzhytae ; Skuda Fat A exsdzhytae (Scythian Horse-Archers) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_ayrudzinetadzik_pahlavashivatir_scythianhorsearc hers, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount light horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena ry_unit formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 12, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1089, 272, 60, 90, 1089 ownership slave, parthia, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germa ns, spain, dacia, egypt, saba, romans_scipii, carthage, romans_brutii, numidia,

romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;4 type steppe missile cavalry yancai uaezdaettae dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_yancai_uaezdaettae ; Yancai Uaezdaet tae (Alan Nobles) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_alannobles_dehbedasavara_roxolaninobles, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount saddle horse light mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena ry_unit formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 34, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , 1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 5, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 8, 13, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 16, disciplined, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3593, 898, 274, 405, 3593 ownership slave, armenia, parthia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, germa ns, dacia, spain, egypt, saba, romans_scipii, carthage, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;108 type steppe skirmisher cavalry daha rog baexdzhyn aefsad dictionary steppe_skirmisher_cavalry_daha_rog_baexdzhyn_aefsad ; Daha Rog Baexdzhyn Aefsad (Daha Tazig) category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_arachosiancavalry_dahaeskirmisher, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit, ver y_hardy formation 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 6, 12, javelin, 60.5, 14, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 , 1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 7, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 0, 11, 2, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 11, normal, untrained

stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1791, 448, 60, 80, 1791 ownership slave, armenia, parthia, romans_scipii, romans_brutii, romans_j ulii, carthage, gauls, britons, scythia, dacia, germans, spain, pontus, egypt, s aba, numidia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;301 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership steppe cavalry saka cataphracts steppe_cavalry_saka_cataphracts ; Saka Cataphracts cavalry heavy General_1 steppe_cavalry_saka_cataphracts, 25, 0, 1 hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 10, 25, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 18, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3483, 871, 39, 324, 3483 pontus

;318 type steppe cavalry hyesparapet dictionary steppe_cavalry_hyesparapet ; Hye Sparapet category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_nakhararakanaspet_zradhapahlavans_hyesparapet_sa kalatecataphract, 10, 0, 1 mount grivpanvar horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, general_unit_upgrade, hide_forest formation 1.4, 3.5, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 47, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 10, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 24, 12, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -1 stat_mental 18, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;317 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

1, 2929, 0, 39, 311, 2929 romans_scipii steppe cavalry grivpanvar steppe_cavalry_grivpanvar ; Grivpanvar cavalry heavy General_1 steppe_cavalry_grivpanvar_sahiganpahr, 25, 0, 1 grivpanvar horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest 1.2, 3, 3, 5, 4, square 1, 1 5, 47, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 25, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 5114, 1279, 80, 100, 5114 parthia

;323 type steppe missile hallatamtithanvare dictionary steppe_missile_hallatamtithanvare ; Hallatamti Thanvare (E lamite Archers) category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_foot_archer_hallatamtithanvare_sakae_skuda, 40, 0, 0.95 mount_effect horse -1, chariot +4, elephant +4 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, very_hardy formation 1, 1.6, 1.8, 2.2, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 10, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 7, 8, 0, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 10, normal, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1236, 309, 85, 199, 1236 ownership parthia, carthage, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scythia, da cia, germans, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, romans_scipii ;324

type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

steppe missile sakaefootarchers steppe_missile_sakaefootarchers ; Saka Foot Archers infantry missile General_1 steppe_foot_archer_hallatamtithanvare_sakae_skuda, 40, 0, 0.85 ebofficer_dracones horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, arrow, 209, 25, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 no 2, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 9, low, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 926, 232, 125, 87, 926 pontus

;325 type steppe missile scythianfootarchers dictionary steppe_missile_scythianfootarchers ; Skuda Fistaeg Fat Aex sdzhytae category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_foot_archer_hallatamtithanvare_sakae_skuda, 40, 0, 0.85 officer ebofficer_dracones mount_effect horse -2, elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 971, 243, 125, 87, 971 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_scipii, numidia, macedon, thrace, greek_cities, egypt, carthage, spain, s eleucid, dacia, parthia, armenia, slave, saba ;310 type dictionary category steppe cavalry early saka nobles steppe_cavalry_early_saka_nobles cavalry

; Early Saka Nobles

class voice_type soldier 0, 1 officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;319 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;293 type dictionary ers category class

missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_early_sarmatian_yuezhi_nobles_saka_ktistai, 25, ebofficer_dracones half armoured horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 33, arrow, 201.6, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 33, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 ap 10, 11, 0, metal 0, 0, leather 3 0, 0, -3, 0 15, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2572, 643, 137, 467, 2572 pontus steppe cavalry aeldaryaembaltae steppe_cavalry_aeldaryaembaltae ; Aeldary Aembaltae cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_aeldaryaembaltae, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones hetairoi companion horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit, hide_forest, hardy, mercenary_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 10, 44, arrow, 225, 60, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 ap, bp, launching 15, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 22, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2067, 0, 55, 212, 2067 armenia, slave steppe missile fistaegfataexsdzhytae steppe_missile_fistaegfataexsdzhytae infantry missile

; Sarmatian Foot Arch

voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_missile_sarmatian_mardian_footarchers, 40, 0, 0.85 officer ebofficer_dracones mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, very_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 9, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 939, 188, 125, 87, 939 ownership armenia, romans_scipii, parthia, pontus, carthage, romans_bruti i, romans_julii, egypt, numidia, greek_cities, macedon, thrace, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain, seleucid, slave, saba ;294 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;385 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount steppe missile mardian footarchers steppe_missile_mardian_footarchers ; Mardian infantry missile General_1 steppe_missile_sarmatian_mardian_footarchers, 40, ebofficer_dracones horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap, mercenary_unit, 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square 1, 1 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, no 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 no 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 1, 0 9, low, untrained 40 0 60, 300 1, 830, 208, 125, 87, 830 parthia, romans_scipii

Foot Archers

0, 0.85 hardy none, 15 ,1 ,0.1

steppe missile cavalry aorsi nobles steppe_missile_cavalry_aorsi_nobles ; Aorsi Nobles cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_aorsinobles_sakariders, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones half armoured horse

mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;386 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes ry_unit formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;312 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation

chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 30, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 9, 30, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 9, 11, 2, leather 0, 0, leather 2 0, 0, -3, 0 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2595, 649, 80, 100, 2595 parthia, armenia, romans_scipii, pontus, slave steppe missile cavalry saka riders steppe_missile_cavalry_saka_riders ; Saka Riders cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_aorsinobles_sakariders, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones medium horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 27, arrow, 198, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 8, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.15 no 3, 10, 2, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -3, 0 11, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1648, 412, 80, 100, 1648 pontus, slave steppe cavalry saka lancers steppe_cavalry_saka_lancers ; Saka Lancers cavalry light General_1 hellenistic_cavalry_baktrioi_hippeis, 25, 0, 1 saddle horse light chariot +1 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square

stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;387 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;449 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec

1, 1 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 8, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, axe, 0 ,0.165 ap 6, 11, 0, leather 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, -3, 0 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1977, 494, 97, 133, 1977 parthia, pontus, slave, romans_scipii, armenia steppe cavalry scythian nobles steppe_cavalry_scythian_nobles ; Scythian Nobles cavalry heavy General_1 steppe_cavalry_scythiannobles_sakaagemahippeis, 25, 0, 1 half armoured horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 1 4, 35, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 ap 9, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 12, 9, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -3, 0 13, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2617, 654, 80, 100, 2617 parthia, dacia, armenia, romans_scipii, carthage, slave steppe missile cavalry sphanvade steppe_missile_cavalry_sphanvade ; Sphanvade Pahlavanig cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_sakaarmorednobles_sphanvade, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 44, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4

stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;429 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;464 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier en, 50, 0, 1.05 attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist

ap 20, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2220, 0, 80, 100, 2220 parthia steppe cavalry parthian general steppe_cavalry_parthian_general ; Sahigan Pahr cavalry heavy General_1 steppe_cavalry_grivpanvar_sahiganpahr, 10, 0, 1 grivpanvar horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, general_unit_upgrade, hide_forest, mercenary_unit 1.2, 3, 3, 5, 4, square 1, 1 5, 47, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 11, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 26, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 5 0, 0, -4, -1 18, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 2583, 0, 80, 100, 2583 parthia eastern infantry saka spearmen eastern_infantry_saka_spearmen ; Saka Spearmen infantry spearmen General_1 eastern_infantry_kavakazasparabara_sarmatianspearmen_sakaspearm sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 5, square 1, 1 14, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 light_spear 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, no, no, none, 0 ,0 no 1, 11, 3, flesh 0, 0, flesh 1 0, 0, 0, 0 10, normal, untrained 40

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;448 type dictionary Nobles category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;481 type dictionary odyguard category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist

0 60, 300 1, 1419, 355, 50, 70, 1419 pontus steppe missile cavalry saka armored nobles steppe_missile_cavalry_saka_armored_nobles

; Saka Armored

cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_sakaarmorednobles_sphanvade, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 44, arrow, 201.6, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 19, 10, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 15, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3231, 808, 80, 100, 3231 pontus steppe missile cavalry saka early bodyguard steppe_missile_cavalry_saka_early_bodyguard

; Saka Early B

cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_sakaarmorednobles_sphanvade, 10, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones hellenistic kataphraktoi horse elephant -1, chariot +2 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, general_unit 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 44, arrow, 201.6, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 5, 44, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 19, 12, 0, metal 0, 0, metal 4 0, 0, -4, -1 16, disciplined, highly_trained 30

stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

0 60, 300 1, 1966, 0, 80, 100, 1966 pontus

;460 type steppe cavalry saka late cataphract dictionary steppe_cavalry_saka_late_cataphract ; Saka Late Cataphract category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_nakhararakanaspet_zradhapahlavans_hyesparapet_sa kalatecataphract, 10, 0, 1 mount grivpanvar horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit_upgrade formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 47, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 10, 28, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, blunt, mace, 0 ,0.165 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 21, 12, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 5 stat_ground 0, 0, -4, -1 stat_mental 18, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2127, 0, 39, 311, 2127 ownership pontus ;492 type dictionary er category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost steppe missile cavalry saka horse archer steppe_missile_cavalry_saka_horse_archer

; Saka Horse Arch

cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_saka_yuezhi_horsearcher, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones light horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square 1, 2 5, 12, arrow, 187, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 no 7, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 no 0, 9, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, -3, 0 9, normal, untrained 30 0 60, 300 1, 1209, 302, 60, 90, 1209

ownership ;284 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

parthia, pontus, armenia, slave steppe cavalry dahauazdaettae steppe_cavalry_dahauazdaettae ; Daha Uazdaettae cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_dahauazdaettae, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones half armoured horse chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 37, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 37, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 14, 9, 0, metal 0, 0, leather 3 0, 0, -3, 0 13, disciplined, trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 3222, 806, 137, 654, 3222 parthia, pontus, armenia

;521 type steppe missile thanvare kavakaza dictionary steppe_missile_thanvare_kavakaza ; Caucasian Archers category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_foot_archer_thanvarekavakaza_subeshi, 40, 0, 0.85 mount_effect horse -2, chariot +2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, can_sap, ver y_hardy formation 1.6, 2, 3.2, 4, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 0, arrow, 180, 28, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 2, 6, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 2, 0 stat_mental 8, low, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 722, 181, 30, 50, 722 ownership armenia, romans_scipii, parthia, pontus, carthage, romans_bruti i, romans_julii, egypt, numidia, greek_cities, macedon, thrace, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain, seleucid, slave, saba

;273 type steppe missile subeshi dictionary steppe_missile_subeshi ; Subeshi Fistaegfataexsdzhytae category infantry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_foot_archer_thanvarekavakaza_subeshi, 40, 0, 0.9 mount_effect chariot +2, horse -2, elephant +1 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, very_hardy, mercenary_unit formation 1.4, 1.8, 2.8, 3.6, 5, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 0, arrow, 198, 35, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 8, 0, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 0 ,0.1 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 3, 9, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 1, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 40 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 926, 232, 125, 87, 926 ownership armenia, romans_scipii, parthia, pontus, carthage, romans_bruti i, romans_julii, egypt, numidia, greek_cities, macedon, thrace, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain, seleucid, slave, saba ;511 type steppe missile cavalry yuezhi horse archer dictionary steppe_missile_cavalry_yuezhi_horse_archer ; Yuezhi Horse Archer category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier steppe_cavalry_saka_yuezhi_horsearcher, 25, 0, 1 officer ebofficer_dracones mount light horse mount_effect chariot +3 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, mercena ry_unit formation 3, 4, 6, 6, 5, square stat_health 1, 2 stat_pri 5, 12, arrow, 198, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 ,1 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 7, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr no stat_pri_armour 0, 9, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, 0 stat_mental 9, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 1209, 302, 60, 90, 1209 ownership parthia, slave, carthage, armenia, pontus, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, germans, spain, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, t

hrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid, romans_scipii ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; EB Recruitable General ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;473 type african general numidian nobles dictionary african_general_numidian_nobles ; African General category cavalry class missile voice_type Heavy_1 soldier african_cavalry_numidiannoblecavalry, 25, 0, 1 mount javelin horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, general _unit, no_custom formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 27, javelin, 60.5, 8, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 4, 27, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 160 ,0.33 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 6, 11, 2, leather stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 1 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -2 stat_mental 16, impetuous, trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2932, 733, 40, 60, 2932 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;474 type italic general campanian cavalry dictionary italic_general_campanian_cavalry ; Italic General category cavalry class missile voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_hetairoiaspidophoroi_campanian, 25, 0, 1 mount medium horse mount_effect elephant +1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit, har dy, general_unit, no_custom formation 2, 4, 4, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 6, 15, javelin, 47.3, 6, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 stat_pri_attr thrown stat_sec 9, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 13, 9, 3, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -2 stat_mental 14, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0

stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 3362, 841, 56, 272, 3362 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;475 type eastern general persian cavalry dictionary eastern_general_persian_cavalry ; Eastern General category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier eastern_cavalry_persianheavy_earlybodyguard, 25, 0, 1 mount half armoured horse mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, mercenary_unit, hide_forest, hardy, general_unit, n o_custom formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 37, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 11, 18, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 15, 13, 0, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, metal stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 4333, 1083, 39, 311, 4333 ownership britons, gauls, scythia, germans, spain, dacia, carthage, numid ia, greek_cities, thrace, macedon, egypt, romans_julii, romans_brutii, romans_sc ipii, saba, pontus, armenia, parthia, slave, seleucid ;476 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer mount mount_effect attributes _unit, no_custom formation stat_health stat_pri 1 stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental steppe general rauxsa-alanna baexdzhyntae steppe_general_rauxsa_alanna_baexdzhyntae ; Steppe General cavalry missile General_1 steppe_cavalry_roxolanilancers, 25, 0, 1 ebofficer_dracones saddle horse light chariot +3 sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, cantabrian_circle, general 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square 1, 2 6, 34, arrow, 190.4, 40, missile, archery, piercing, none, 15 , no 4, 34, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 200 ,0.4 ap 5, 11, 0, metal 0, 0, flesh 3 0, 0, -3, 0 15, disciplined, highly_trained

stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2174, 544, 80, 100, 2174 ownership armenia, parthia, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, slave, pontus, spain, germans, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;477 type germanic general gastiz dictionary germanic_general_gastiz ; Germanic General category infantry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier germanic_infantry_ferulharjoz_gastiz, 30, 0, 1.18 officer ebofficer_germanic_standardbearer mount_effect elephant -4 attributes sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, mercenary_unit, g eneral_unit, no_custom formation 0.85, 1.2, 1.2, 2.4, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 13, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 18, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 0 ,0.13 stat_sec_attr light_spear stat_pri_armour 9, 14, 2, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 4 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2829, 707, 80, 130, 2829 ownership armenia, parthia, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, slave, pontus, spain, germans, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;478 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer officer mount_effect attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental celtic general neitos celtic_general_neitos ; Celtic General infantry heavy General_1 celtic_infantry_calawre_carnute_kleruchoi_neitos, 40, 0, 1.18 ebofficer_celtic_officer ebofficer_celtic_standardbearer elephant -3 sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit, no_custom 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 4, square 1, 1 6, 8, javelin, 47.3, 2, thrown, simple, piercing, spear, 10 ,1 prec, thrown 11, 8, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.225 no 12, 10, 3, metal 0, 0, flesh 5 0, 0, -1, -2 15, disciplined, highly_trained

stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 2134, 534, 80, 130, 2134 ownership armenia, parthia, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, slave, pontus, spain, germans, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;495 type hellenistic general lonchophoroi dictionary hellenistic_general_lonchophoroi ; Hellenistic General category cavalry class heavy voice_type General_1 soldier hellenistic_cavalry_lonchophoroi_libyphenician, 25, 0, 1 mount saddle horse heavy mount_effect elephant -1, chariot +2 attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, general_unit, no_custom, mercen ary_unit formation 1.5, 4, 3, 6, 4, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 5, 32, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, spear, 180 ,0.38 stat_pri_attr ap stat_sec 11, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, slashing, sword, 0 ,0.11 stat_sec_attr ap stat_pri_armour 10, 11, 4, metal stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 3 stat_ground 0, 0, -3, -1 stat_mental 16, disciplined, highly_trained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 4071, 1018, 80, 120, 4071 ownership armenia, parthia, carthage, romans_scipii, gauls, britons, scyt hia, dacia, slave, pontus, spain, germans, egypt, saba, romans_brutii, numidia, romans_julii, thrace, greek_cities, macedon, seleucid ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;EB Siege;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;343 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour generic siege 3span generic_siege_3span ; Triaspanai Katapeltai siege missile Light_1 greek_artillery_crew, 24, 8, 0.85 scorpion sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 12, 2, scorpion, 350, 30, siege_missile, blade, piercing, none, ap, bp 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh

stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 7, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 5000, 1900, 30, 40, 5000 ownership romans_brutii, romans_julii, numidia, macedon, saba, thrace, gr eek_cities, egypt, carthage, romans_scipii, parthia, seleucid, slave, pontus, ar menia, gauls, britons, scythia, germans, dacia, spain ;344 type generic siege 3cubit dictionary generic_siege_3cubit ; Triakubitai Katapeltai category siege class missile voice_type Light_1 soldier greek_artillery_crew, 16, 4, 0.85 engine catapulta attributes sea_faring formation 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 20, 2, ballista, 280, 30, siege_missile, blade, piercing, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr ap, bp, launching stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 7, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 9000, 2500, 30, 40, 9000 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, egypt, sp ain, romans_brutii, seleucid, saba, slave, carthage ;345 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental generic siege 30mina generic_siege_30mina ; Triakontaiminai Lithoboloi siege missile Light_1 greek_artillery_crew, 20, 2, 0.85 30Mballista sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 40, 2, boulder, 200, 30, siege_missile, blade, blunt, none, 25 ap, bp, area, 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 7, normal, untrained

stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 15000, 3200, 30, 40, 15000 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, egypt, sp ain, romans_brutii, seleucid, saba, slave, carthage ;346 type generic siege 1talent dictionary generic_siege_1talent ; Monotalanta Lithoboloi category siege class missile voice_type Light_1 soldier greek_artillery_crew, 15, 1, 0.85 engine 1Tballista attributes sea_faring formation 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square stat_health 1, 1 stat_pri 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 stat_pri_attr no stat_sec 60, 2, big_boulder, 160, 30, siege_missile, blade, blunt, none, 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr ap, bp, area, launching stat_pri_armour 1, 7, 0, flesh stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh stat_heat 0 stat_ground 0, 0, 0, 0 stat_mental 7, normal, untrained stat_charge_dist 30 stat_fire_delay 0 stat_food 60, 300 stat_cost 1, 30000, 4500, 30, 40, 30000 ownership thrace, greek_cities, macedon, romans_julii, numidia, egypt, sp ain, romans_brutii, seleucid, saba, slave, carthage ;347 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food roman artillery scorpio roman_artillery_scorpio ; Vitruvian Scorpions siege missile General_1 greek_artillery_crew, 24, 8, 0.85 ebofficer_roman_centurion scorpion sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 14, 2, scorpion, 380, 30, siege_missile, blade, piercing, none, ap, bp 1, 6, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 7, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300

stat_cost ownership ;348 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;349 type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership ;350

1, 5000, 1900, 30, 40, 5000 seleucid, slave roman artillery catapulta roman_artillery_catapulta ; Vitruvian catapulta siege missile General_1 greek_artillery_crew, 16, 4, 0.85 ebofficer_roman_centurion catapulta sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 24, 2, ballista, 310, 30, siege_missile, blade, piercing, none, ap, bp, launching 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 7, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 9000, 2500, 30, 40, 9000 seleucid, slave roman artillery 30mina roman_artillery_30mina ; Vitruvian 30 mina stone thrower siege missile General_1 greek_artillery_crew, 20, 2, 0.85 ebofficer_roman_centurion 30Mballista sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 45, 2, boulder, 220, 30, siege_missile, blade, blunt, none, 25 ap, bp, area, 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 7, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 15000, 3200, 30, 40, 15000 seleucid, slave

type dictionary category class voice_type soldier officer engine attributes formation stat_health stat_pri stat_pri_attr stat_sec 25 ,1 stat_sec_attr stat_pri_armour stat_sec_armour stat_heat stat_ground stat_mental stat_charge_dist stat_fire_delay stat_food stat_cost ownership

roman artillery 1talent roman_artillery_1talent ; Vitruvian 1 talent stone thrower siege missile General_1 greek_artillery_crew, 15, 1, 0.85 ebofficer_roman_centurion 1Tballista sea_faring 1.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 3, square 1, 1 8, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 0 ,0.04 no 65, 2, big_boulder, 180, 30, siege_missile, blade, blunt, none, ap, bp, area, launching 1, 7, 0, flesh 0, 0, flesh 0 0, 0, 0, 0 7, disciplined, highly_trained 30 0 60, 300 1, 30000, 4500, 30, 40, 30000 seleucid, slave

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