Course 2 Irregular Plurals and Word Formation

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Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

Many medical terms do not follow the simple rule of pluralisation, that is, adding -s or -es. They have specialised forms due to their Latin or Greek origin. However, despite having an irregular plural form, many English nouns also have a regular one. This may be the case of carcinoma or serum. Here are some examples: SINGULAR -a -en -ex, -ix, -yx -is -ma -nx, -anx, -inx, -ynx -on -um -us 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. PLURAL -ae -ina -ices -es -mata -nges -a -a -i EXAMPLE gingiva/ gingivae foramen/ foramina appendix/ appendices thesis/ theses stigma/ stigmata larynx/ larynges spermatozoon/ spermatozoa ovum/ ova embolus/ emboli 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. diverticulum embolus fibulae foramina fungi genera gingiva glomerulus humerus hypothesis irides larva medium naris phalanx pharynx radius septum serum spermatozoon stratum synthesis thesis vertebra testes villi schemata


omenta ova

Fill in the missing singular or plural forms in the table below: Singular alga appendix atrium bacterium calyx cervix chorda conchae condylomata corneae corpora apices axes bases bronchi Plural


cortex criterion datum diagnosis

Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

2. Use the nouns in the box to fill in gaps 1-10: exchange network structure information organelle unit material reactions bilayer metabolism nucleus from the cytosol. The nuclear membrane has many nuclear pores which facilitate and regulate the 9. ...... of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle which forms an interconnected 10. ...... of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae within cells. Through these cisternae synthesised proteins are transported. Verbs can be changed into nouns through suffixation. Some such common suffixes are: SUFFIX -age -al -ance -ation -ence -ing -ion -ment -our -sion (verbs ending in -d or -t) -sis -tion -ure -y 3. VERB pass arrive insure investigate depend read select develop behave expand emphasise compete fail discover NOUN passage arrival insurance investigation dependence reading selection development behaviour expansion emphasis competition failure discovery

The body can be studied from its simplest to its most complex level, beginning with the cell. The cell is the functional basic 1. ...... of life. Cells are the functional units of all living organisms. There are many different types of cells in the human body. They carry out 2. ......, the sum of all of the physical and chemical activities which occur in the body. The chemical ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provides the energy for metabolic 3. ......, generally described as the energy compound of the cell. A cell has several components: - nucleus - nucleolus - genetic material - nuclear membrane - endoplasmic reticulum - ribosome - cytoplasm - mitochondrion - lysosome - centriole - Golgi apparatus - plasma membrane The nucleus is a highly specialised 4. ...... which serves as the information processing and administrative centre of the cell. It has two major functions: it stores the hereditary 5. ...... of the cell, that is the DNA, and it coordinates the activities of the cell, which include growth, intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, and reproduction. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear 6. ...... that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. It is composed of proteins and nucleic acids found within the nucleus. Genetic material is used to store the genetic 7. ...... of an organic life form. For all known living organisms, the genetic material is almost exclusively deoxyribonucleic acid, that is, DNA. On the other hand, some viruses use ribonucleic acid, RNA, as their genetic material. The nuclear membrane is a double lipid 8. ...... that encloses the genetic material. It serves as the physical barrier separating the contents of the

Change the word in brackets to make a noun that fits in the gap:

Ribosomes are the 1. ...... (COMPOSE) of cells that make proteins from amino acids. They are made from complexes of RNAs and proteins. The cytoplasm is enclosed within the cell membrane. It contains organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria, each necessary for the 2. ...... (REPRODUCE) and survival of the cell. The area of the cytoplasm outside the individual organelles is called the cytosol. Since it composes 54% of the total volume of the cell, it is the largest structure in the cell. The cytosol contains thousands of enzymes responsible for the 3. ...... (CATALYSE) of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and for the biosynthesis of sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids. The cytosol breaks molecules down in order for the individual organelles to use them.

Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

A mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle. Mitochondria supply cellular energy. In addition to this, they are involved in a range of other processes, such as 4. ...... (SIGNAL), cellular 5. ...... (DIFFERENTIATE), cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth. They also play a role in the aging process. Lysosomes are the garbage disposal system of the cell. They are used for the 6. ...... (DIGEST) of macromolecules or foreign bacteria that invade a cell. Lysosomes also help to repair damage to the plasma membrane by serving as a membrane patch, sealing the wound. A centriole is a barrel-shaped cell structure. Its position determines the position of the nucleus and plays a crucial role in the spatial 7. ...... (ARRANGE) of the cell. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to process and package macromolecules, such as proteins and lipids, after their synthesis. It also plays a particularly important role in the processing of proteins for 8. ...... (SECRETE). The plasma membrane, also called cell membrane or plasmalemma, is a thin and structured bilayer of phospholipid and protein molecules that envelopes the cell. It separates the interior of a cell from its surroundings and controls the exchanges that take place. Cell surface membranes often contain cell adhesion proteins and receptor proteins. Apart from these, there are other proteins with a 9. ...... (VARY) of functions. Membrane proteins are important for the regulation of cell 10. ...... (BEHAVE) and the organisation of cells in tissues. Nouns can be formed from adjectives as well through the same process of suffixation. Here is a list of suffixes: SUFFIX -ance -cy -ence -ion -ness -ity -y ADJECTIVE important malignant present perfect sick alkaline modest NOUN importance malignancy presence perfection sickness alkalinity modesty 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Use suffixes from the table above to make words that fit in the gaps: Undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system may easily lead to ...... (HYPERSENSITIVE). Lack of iron in haemoglobin results in iron-...... (DEFICIENT) anaemia. The method used to trace the ...... (INHERIT) of a gene throughout a family is called gene tracking. Anarthria is the condition when the patient loses the ...... (ABLE) to speak words properly. The ...... (INCOMPETENT) of the nurse was something I found shocking. Anaemia is often associated with ...... (WEAK). There are patients who cannot recognise their body image and cannot tell the ...... (DIFFERENT) between right and left. The cellular intricacy of the endothelium is evidenced by the ...... (MULTIPLE) of cell types participating after injury. Ultraviolet rays can cause temporary ...... (BLIND). Eustachian tube ...... (PATENT) refers to how much the Eustachian tube is open. There are numerous disorders that have their roots in childhood or ...... (ADOLESCENT). The patient is suffering from a renal ...... (INSUFFICIENT). Put in laymans terms, myopia means ...... (NEARSIGHTED). A frozen shoulder is characterised by a period of ...... (IMMOBILE) of the joint. Pneumonia may occur if a persons ...... (RESISTANT) is lowered by a bout of flu. During general anaesthesia the patient loses...... (CONSCIOUS). Glucose ...... (TOLERANT) test is carried out to test a patient for diabetes mellitus. The ...... (COMPLEX) of the tumour puzzled the scientists. Multiple sclerosis gets progressively worse and causes ...... (NUMB) in the limbs. Nature is a persons genetic make-up which directly affects ...... (PERSONAL), behaviour or risk of diseases.

Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

Nouns can be suffixed in order to form adjectives. Some such suffixes can be found in the table below: SUFFIX -able -al -ant -ary -ful -ic -ical -ish -ive -less -ly -ous -ular -y 5. NOUN reason structure brilliance heredity harm cyst period fever expense harm day poison tube fault ADJECTIVE reasonable structural brilliant hereditary harmful cystic periodical feverish expensive harmless daily poisonous tubular faulty allow movement. Nerve tissue contains two types of cells: neurons and glial cells. Nerve tissue has the ability to generate and conduct 7. ...... (ELECTRICITY) signals in the body. The nerve tissue in the brain then receives these electrical messages and transmits them down the 8. ...... (SPINE) cord to the body. The simplest tissues are membranes. 9. ...... (MUCUS) membranes secrete mucus, a thick fluid that lubricates surfaces and protects the underlying tissue. Serous membranes line body cavities and cover organs. They secrete a thin, 10. ...... (WATER) fluid. In their turn, tissues are arranged into organs which serve specific functions. The organs themselves are grouped into body systems. These systems function as a whole, they are not independent of the others, in order to maintain the stability of the body, called homeostasis. Apart from nouns, verbs can also be suffixed to become adjectives. Here are some such suffixes: SUFFIX -able -ible -ive -ate -ent 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. VERB rely respond abuse consider refer ADJECTIVE reliable responsible abusive considerate referent

For gaps 1-10 make an adjective from the noun in capitals:

Tissues are 1. ...... (CELL) organisational levels intermediate between cells and a complete organism. The cells that make up a tissue are not necessarily 2. ...... (IDENTITY), but together they carry out a specific function. The organs are formed by the 3. ...... (FUNCTION) grouping together of multiple tissues. The human body comprises four primary tissue types: - 4. ...... (CONNECTION) tissue - 5. ...... (EPITHELIUM) tissue - muscle tissue - nerve tissue. The cells of the epithelial tissue are closely knit together to form continuous sheets that function as linings in different parts of the body. This helps to keep the organs of the body separate, in place and protected. There are many types of connective tissue in the body. Connective tissue adds support and structure to the body. Most types of connective tissue contain 6. ...... (FIBRE) strands of the protein collagen that add strength to connective tissue. Muscle tissue is a specialised tissue which can contract. It contains the specialised proteins actin and myosin which slide past one another and

Make adjectives from the verbs in brackets: A ...... (CONCLUDE) diagnosis has not been made yet. The patient refused the dinner saying that it was not ...... (EAT). Teens who are drug ...... (DEPEND) are at risk for less achievement socially and economically when they become adults. Old Mrs Sanders is not vey ...... (COOPERATE) today, she keeps refusing to eat. The explanation of the procedure did not prove to be ...... (COMPREHEND) to the patient. There are several hospital ...... (MANAGE) jobs in todays paper. Are these treatments any ...... (DIFFER)? There are two main varieties of rabies in humans: the furious one with an extremely ...... (REST) patient or the paralytic one. I am afraid that the treatment has not been very ...... (EFFECT) so far.

Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

10. Please find the list of ...... (ACCEPT) medication on the back of your referral. Adjectives can become verbs if certain suffixes are added to them. Here is a list of such verbal suffixes: SUFFIX -ate -en -ise -ify 7. 1. ADJECTIVE active dark popular ample VERB activate darken popularise amplify 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Change the nouns in the box into verbs and use them in the sentences below: crystal haste decor identity pustule emphasis length urine granule note

Make verbs from the adjectives in brackets, paying attention to verb forms:

It would ...... (SAD) me to hear that poor old Mr Jefferson passed away. 2. Failure to ...... (INTENSE) the therapy may lead to suboptimal control of the patients condition. 3. The intention is to ...... (PRIVATE) as many clinics as possible. 4. In patients with a disc prolapsed, the back may ...... (STIFF). 5. The hospital has been closed down to be ...... (MODERN). 6. The easiest way to ...... (PURE) water is to boil it for 10 minutes to kill any disease-causing bacteria. 7. I went to the chemists to ask for something to ...... (THICK) my hair. 8. Dora intends to ...... (SPECIAL) in endocrinology. 9. Apply the plaster cast as quickly as possible as the cement may ...... (SOLID) and become completely unusable. 10. Put a compress on that eye of yours if you dont want it to ...... (BLACK). Suffixes can be added to nouns in order to form verbs. SUFFIX -en -ify -ate -ise NOUN strength class chlorine priority VERB strengthen classify chlorinate prioritise

We will need to ...... the cause of the infection. There are several causes of having to ...... frequently. Potassium iodide and potassium iodate ...... at different temperatures. A sliding buccal gingival flap is elevated from around the teeth and advanced forward, leaving the posterior defect to ...... . 5. Please ...... the surgeon about the availability of the theatre. 6. I would like to ...... the importance of the post-surgical follow-up. 7. When the doctor saw the consultant, he started to ...... the nurses. 8. Have your boil seen by a dermatologist if you do not want it to ...... . 9. I know you would like to have been discharged already but unfortunately we will need to ...... the period of your treatment. 10. This waiting room looks awful, we will need to ...... a little. Roots describing diseases ROOT alg(o); algi(o); algesi(o) carcin(o) cyst(o); cyst(i) lith onc(o) path(o) py(o) pyr(o); pyret(o) scler(o) tox(o); toxic(o) MEANING pain cancer, carcinoma unusual growth in the body shaped like a pouch calculus, stone tumour disease pus fever, fire hard poison EXAMPLE algophobia carcinogenesis cystadenoma enterolith oncology pathology pyogenic pyretic sclerosis toxicology

Irregular plural of nouns and word formation

9. Use the following words to complete the sentences below: algesimeter cholelith pyocele atherosclerosis oncolytic pyothorax toxaemia cholangiocarcinoma pathophysiology pyrexia

1. 2. 3. 4.

Any infected mucocele is known as a ...... . ...... is the presence of poisonous substances in the blood. Use a(n) ...... in order to measure the sensitivity of the skin to pain. If too many fats and minerals are deposited on the walls of an artery, the patient will inevitably develop ...... . 5. A(n) ...... is a crystalline body formed within the body by accretion or concretion of normal or abnormal bile components. 6. ...... of unknown origin is a condition in which the patient has a high temperature but despite investigations physicians cannot find an explanation. 7. ...... is the study of unusual or diseased organs. 8. Most current ...... viruses are engineered for tumour selectivity. 9. ...... , also known as bile duct cancer, is a malignant growth in one of the ducts that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine. 10. ...... is an accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.

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