Model Asean Project Guide For International Orgs

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Details here are tailored for those representing ADB, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, IPCC, World Bank, World Food Programme, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNICEF.
The Model ASEAN is designed to simulate the regional integration of the Southeast Asian states, and the international cooperation they have with countries and organizations beyond their borders. Your goal as a class is to respond to three pressing issues of our times with regard to peace, order and security, climate change and food security, and economic and social development. You will also endeavor to address the needs of the ASEAN states through the mechanisms provided for and allowed by the ASEAN Charter.


primary objective is to pressure the ASEAN to act on the issue your organization is fighting for. The foremost question in your mind must be: How do I convince the ASEAN to take up this fight? Furthermore, you have to extract commitments from the ASEAN states, mostly in terms of monetary pledges or projects designed to address a certain need. Note however, that you have no armies. Neither do you have the diplomatic channels to punish those who dont cooperate. But what you have is data and a lot of it. And some of you have money that the Southeast Asian countries badly need for their development. A tactic you can try is to have a dialogue partner host you and present your arguments on your behalf. Furthermore, you will play an invaluable role in the working paper phase when data will be essential. HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE MODEL ASEAN 1. Read up on your assigned organization. Consult almanacs and encyclopaedia to learn of its history from the moment of inception. Conclude by looking at your links with Southeast Asia in both the past and present. 2. Read up on the news and current issues affecting your organization and its relationship with Southeast Asia. Identify trouble spots which you think the ASEAN must prioritize. Read up on initiatives, agreements, and projects your organization initiated relevant to Southeast Asia. 3. Keep up with the lectures in SS2. Like with the mock trials and the summit before it, the Model ASEAN will be prefaced by a series of lectures designed to provide context, background, and hints on how to do your best in the activity. Keep up with the reading assignments from World History Connections to Today and the special reading from The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia.

REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Before the Model ASEAN: Working Paper (40% of project) Draft 1 due: February 24 (Thursday)
Contains a 250-word overview of your organization, a commentary on your countrys involvement in Southeast Asia, and an itemized agenda of concerns you intend to raise during the ASEAN meeting. More importantly, you must provide data and statistics that would pressure the ASEAN to act on your issue. (Think of this like An Inconvenient Truth.) Also make clear recommendations on steps they can possibly take to address the issue. Download an editable template from the blog.

During the Model ASEAN: Actual Performance (15% of project)

I will be observing your every move during the ASEAN meeting particularly in four areas: (a) knowledge of ASEAN meeting protocol, (b) proper decorum, conduct and manner, (c) effectiveness of expression and clarity of communication, and (d) interpolation and debate.

Caucusing and Lobbying (15% of project)

While you cannot deliver a speech in the assembly, you can be very influential in the caucuses. Seek the support of either an ASEAN member or dialogue partner to make sure that your concerns are heard. Only those who gain entry into a caucus can join a technical working group.

Joining Technical Working Groups (30% of project)

Be heavily involved during the working paper phase of the meeting. Provide information and data to the ASEAN for them to make proper resolutions and plans of action.

After the Model ASEAN: Synthesis Paper (50% of Periodic Exam)

This paper will be your FINAL ESSAY in SS2. Specific guidelines will be given towards the end of the year. It will ask you to write about your ASEAN experience, but at the same time asking you to integrate all weve done throughout the school year.

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