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Our Life Together: 4th - 11th March 2012

Wednesday 7th
Home Groups: 7:30pm L & D Oakleys 7:30pm P & R Dallistons 8:00pm Kath Lewis

Enjoying God, Blessing Others

Sunday 4th

10:00am Communion Service (plus Sunday School) Speaker David 11:30am Morning Tea 12:00pm Mission Group Meeting 2:00pm Harbourside Lodge Service

Sunday 4th March 2012

Welcome to our service. We are so glad you are with us. We are a company of ordinary people who love Jesus and want to share his love and care with everybody. It is our prayer that God will speak with you today.

Thursday 8th March

9:00am KYB Ladies Study Group at Lois Browns home 9:30am Walking Group - meet at Fawthrop Centre carpark 2:00pm Music Glenelg Concert at Portland Baptist Church

Friday 9th

Monday 5th

7:00pm Music Practice - all Team members for this 1st Monday

Saturday 10th

Tuesday 6th

9:30am Walking Group - meet at Fawthrop Centre carpark 10:30am Prayer Meeting at Church House 7:30pm Home Group at Honeybuns

Sunday 11th

10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6 Speaker David 11:30am Morning Tea 4:30pm Prayer Afternoon & Tea in the Hall

Our Upcoming Highlights

Mission Group Meeting: Today after morning tea - 12:00pm Monthly Service at Harbourside Lodge: This Afternoon - 2:00pm Music Glenelg Concert at PBC: Next Saturday 10th March - 2:00pm Our Monthly Prayer Afternoon & Tea: Next Sunday 11th - 4:30pm BWF AGM in the Hall: Tuesday week, 13th - 2:00pm FUEL Youth: Friday week, 16th - 7:30pm Farewell Lunch in the Hall: Sunday 18th March
To contact Pastor David Jones please call church phone 5523 2257


notices in the bulletin, please contact Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email by 10am Thursdays. Thank you.

Roster: 11th March 2012

Door Greeting: Dianne Adams Door & Offering: David Hein Downstairs D&O: Roy Hope Childrens Talk: Peter Dalliston Media Desk: Dave A, Karissa, Paul Morning Tea: Goldsworthy & Caddick Offering Counting: D Hein & P Westlake Lawns & Garden: Smith Ch. House Clean: Lois Brown Church Cleaning: Dalliston Hall/Kitchen Clean: Adams

Thank you to everyone

Loaves & Fishes

Glenn Sobey 73 Coates Road Allestree Ph: 5529 2439 M: 0409 258 135

for your faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; soup; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer basket or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .

Dianne Adams 5523 6202 Paul Adams 5521 1875 Jim Blake 5523 2347 David Hein 5523 3958

Bruce Honeybun Nathan McLean Doug Smith Glenn Sobey Jan Westlake 5523 6750 5526 5293 5523 6950 5529 2439 5523 3639

Our website:

In the Loop . . .
Thank you to everyone who attended our Church Meeting last Sunday. Please note the following items from both the Business meeting and the Deacons meeting on Monday. At the Business and Special meeting: Appointment of Glenn Sobey as Deacon The three people to sign our documents - Paul Adams, Glenn Sobey and Doug Smith From the deacons: On consideration the deacons have decided to employ a surveyor to survey the current church/church house block. This needs to be done to complete a section 32 document which is required if we wish to sell our property. Glenn Sobey accepted nomination and was appointed as church Secretary. David Hein accepted nomination and was appointed as church Treasurer. Jan Westlake has accepted the role of Home Groups Coordinator. The church phone (5523 2257) has been diverted to a mobile phone carried by David Jones. There will be a farewell lunch for the Honeybuns, Mark and Alex Westlake, Graham Dart and Lyn on Sunday 18th March after church.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

January total Offering: $17,195 Monthly Budget: $15,150 Weekly Target: $ 3,500 Weekly Average $ 3,439 (avg. from 1st January 2012) Week 1st January $2,836 Week 8th January $2,407 Week 15th January $5,782 Week 22nd January $4,294 Week 29th January $1,876
Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Please continue to pray for those with ongoing health needs - Dick Hayman; Stuart Oakley; Matthew Harris; Neil Mitchell; Colin Colston, Rita and family; Daryl Hobbs; Phillip Brown; Peter Berry Jim & Judy Blake - Better health and safe holidays David & Ruth - safe travel each week, God bless their ministry Victorian floods - all those affected and future cleanup/rebuilding Bushfires/Grassfires - prevention of outbreak, protection of people Christian Education in schools presently under threat Monday Peter & Mandy Malseed, Jason, Karissa Tuesday Neville & Julie Manson, Jacinta, Claire Wednesday Sylvia McEwen Thursday Ailene McGarvie Friday Rod & Cindy McGarvie, Adin, Eli, Jo, Kezia, Tessa Saturday Nathan & Elly McLean, Dale Sunday Neil McLean

Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869

Building Fund
January Donations:
$ 985 Total B/F to 31st Jan. $528,660 Purchase of Land $360,000 Other fees & costs $ 71,538 Current available balance: $ 97,122

All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes which are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044

Weekly Prayer Group

Our weekly Prayer Group meets each Tuesday at the Church House from 10:30-11:30am. All welcome to share in this vital ministry.

Lets press on in faith!

Music Team
Meets tomorrow - the first Monday of the month is a special practice beginning at 7:00pm with general practice for an hour. After that time, anyone not on Sundays roster may go, and those on roster will do the regular Sunday practice.

Mens BBQ
Saturday 17th March - 6pm
At the BBQ near Skate park BYO meat, $5 for salad & drink RSVP to Mark Atwell by the 11th.

Our Monthly Prayer Afternoon

Next Sunday 4:30 - 6:00pm at the Hall
Everyone is welcome to join us next Sunday afternoon for our special monthly prayer time. Please bring a plate of finger-food to share in a friendly and informal Tea afterwards.

Mission Meeting
The Mission Support Group (MSG) will have a planning meeting in the Sunday School room Today at 12:00pm. Everyone is most welcome to come along. Please contact Debbie on 5521 7164 for any queries about MSG.

Mission Support Group Meeting: In the Sunday School room after morning tea TODAY - 12:00pm Harbourside Lodge Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm Music Team Practice: Special first Monday of the month practice. Tomorrow - 7:00pm Prayer Meeting at Church House: Every Tuesday - 10:30am Walking Group: Meets at Fawthrop Centre carpark on Tuesdays & Fridays 9:30am - all welcome Music Glenelg Concert at PBC: Next Saturday 10th March Monthly Prayer Afternoon: Next Sunday 11th March - 4:30pm BWF AGM at the Hall: Tuesday 13th March - 2:00pm FUEL Youth - Diamond Smugglers Friday 16th March - 7:30pm Mens BBQ: Saturday 17th March - at BBQ near the Skate park - 6:00pm


Parents are welcome to use the Parents room just off the foyer, with activities for children up to 2 years, if your child is unsettled. It is soundlinked to the auditorium. The Preschooler Sunday School runs all year round during the service, with Bible stories, activities and crafts. For ages 2 years to Prep, downstairs (door just past side gate).

Special Catering Event

Next Saturday 10th March
Our Catering Committee will be providing a light lunch and morning tea on Saturday 10th March for Music Glenelg, which is running a workshop at Portland Baptist Church for a large choral group, including choristers from Box Hill and Adelaide. We are seeking donations of several types of foods including: Sandwiches or club sandwiches, sausage rolls, mini quiches, slices and fresh fruits. Please see Rosemary or Wilma asap if you are available to help. We will also need a few helpers on the day. This will be a major fund-raiser for the Church Building Fund. Please note: That afternoon at 2:00pm a concert of Sea Shanties/ Songs of the Sea Festival will be performed at PBC by the choirs and guest artists as part of the festivities in Portland during the first two weeks of March. For information about the Music Glenelg events please collect a flyer from the foyer or the piano downstairs.

New info on our Web Site:

Go to our web site and listen to Also Cameron Youngs message,

Noah Obeyed God, 12th Feb Check out the PBC pictures of Relay For Life Davids Sermon of 26th Feb.

It's farewell time!

It is never easy to say "Good-bye" to those whom we have come to love and treasure. In the last 12 months, we have had to farewell quite a number of dear friends. Now, as a church family, we are once again offering our blessings to other friends who are leaving us for distant places. On Sunday 18th March we are having a special farewell luncheon to express our thanks and to wish God's blessing on Bruce, Sue and Paul Honeybun as they leave us for a brand new chapter of their lives in Darwin, Mark and Alex Westlake as they head for a wonderful adventure at the El Questro Station in the Kimberlies of WA, and Graham Dart as he and Lyn move to Horsham for a new work assignment. We acknowledge with gratitude to God all that these good friends have meant to us - all greatly loved and appreciated. Please be with us at the luncheon when we will be able to express our thanks and offer our prayers for these brothers and sisters in Jesus.

Many Thanks . . . Greetings from the Portland SUFM team!

We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude at your encouragement of our team and at your generous financial assistance. It is a joy and comfort to know that we have your continued support and it makes our job a whole lot easier as we endeavour to reach out to the community and share the love of God. We had steady numbers over our time at the Bentinck Street lawns and we were delighted to see many of you among them, as well as other regular attendees. We were also thrilled to meet new participants and get to know them as well! Over our mission this year we were greatly heartened by Gods abundant blessings including generous community support, temperate weather for our first week of mission, harmonious team life and the encouragement and support of the local Christian Community. There is nothing left but to again express our heartfelt thanks to you all and to Praise the Lord for his goodness! Love and God Bless, Camille Alexander, Tim Evans and Renee Barnden

NO Youth Friday 9th b/c of the long weekend Returning in style with . . . on Friday 16th March In the church hall, 7:30-9:30pm. Wear dark clothing, cost $4.


Portland SUFM Directors 2012

... and a letter from the YG&DMS ...

On behalf of the Yarra Glen & District Mens Shed, may I offer a hearfelt thank you to Portland Baptist Church for its very kind donation of the Portland Community Care Service Trailer. Upon receipt of the trailer, the Mens Shed committee was blown away by the Churchs generosity. The YG&DMS has promoted far and wide its intention to assist the elderly and infirm to stay in residence within their own homes by offering a minimal cost/donation service for minor repairs. Your kind donation of the trailer and tools will achieve that very aim. I am also happy to further inform you that Bunnings has come on board with a further donation of tools. George Miller President

ALSO watch this space for info on the Youth Bible Study start-up for 2012. Were hoping to have this up & running soon!

A dear friend graduates

Many of us have fond memories of the times when Mr and Mrs Chenoweth used to worship with us. Our contact with Mrs Chenoweth continued until 18 months ago through BWF. Just a short time ago, at age 93, Mr Chenoweth went to be with Jesus. Throughout his life he followed Jesus and was an inspiring example of a Christ-shaped life for his family and countless others. Our memories of him are fond ones indeed. As we thank Jesus for the example of his life, we continue to cover Mrs Chenoweth and her family with our thoughts and prayers.

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