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Copyright 2007

Spring 2007

The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers: A New Concept in Medicine by Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.A., M.D., Sc.D. (Cambridge), 1978, de luxe edition in English, 476 pages, Price 22,000 yen, $150, 71 (Out of Print - Free Download at http: Recently it has been demonstrated that all human sera, including those of the cord blood, contain antibodies against the ubiquitous free-living amoebae, either Acanthamoeba or Naegleria, showing that humans of all ages are, or have been infected with these organisms formerly considered non-pathogenic. The foetus is infected transplacentally from the mother. The author demonstrated how, utilizing the property of thermotropism possessed by these organisms, it is possible to cause them to migrate out of all human tissues, but in larger numbers from cases of malignant and rheumatoid disease and related conditions. Tumours, either solid or lymphomatous, yield them in large numbers. The organisms were cultured on appropriate media and proved to be species of Naegleria. They were also shown in ordinary tissue sections by immunoourescent staining using specic antisera against species of Naegleria. A number of substances, including known antiprotozoals, were found which killed the organism in the laboratory and which, when administered to cases of active rheumatoid or auto-immune disease and to various known pre-malignant lesions, which are essentially those of rheumatoid disease affecting the viscera, completely cured these diseases in early or stopped their progress in later cases. These ndings show the active inamatory changes of collagen and auto-immune diseases result from this infection in those subjects which react to the prescence of the organisms in the tissues by virtue of containing certain HLA antigens. Likewise many human benign and malignant tumours originate from premalignant lesions produced by the same infection. This accords with the frequently held idea that both rheumatoid disease and lymphomas are due to chronic antigenic stimulation. Indications are given as to how early rheumatoid disease can be cured, later disease halted and recurrence prevented and the possibility of wiping out rheumatoid disease and avoiding the development of many premalignant lesions and thus of later arising cancer. In the foetus and embryo the organism may cause developmental anomalies and congenital cancers. It is shown how the organism is concerned in the ageing process, mental and neurological disease and diabetes. Among the greatest medical discoveries of this century. Internationale Gesellschaft fr Frherkennung und-bekampfung der Krebskrankheit, Munich. Spring 2007 1

The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers

by Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D. Weve now uploaded to our website (http://www.arthritistrust. http://www.arthritistrust. org; org Books & Pamphlets tab) the whole of Roger Wyburn-Masons 450 page masterpiece, The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers. Excellent before and after patient photos are also found therein. The Prcis -- a 32 page summary of the 450 pages -- has been free on our website for a long time. Now, for the rst time ever, the original book is there, in chapters, easy for you to download! We also included at the bottom of each page all of the corrections and insertions that he desired before he died. Interestingly this book represents the manner in which good medical research was done prior to general reliance on the gold standard, probability (p) values derived from statistical double-blind studies. Youll note in this out-of-print book (which originally cost $150 each in the late seventies) a tremendous amount of synthesis based on clinical work with real case histories as well as the pulling together of many published ndings from outside medical sources. Its a magnicent piece of work -- except for the chapter where he describes how he and protozoologist Vice Admiral Stam discovered the presumed Rheumatoid Disease causative amoeba, Amoeba chromatosa. Our research could not duplicate their ndings. I recently found a letter written by Dr. Wyburn-Mason dated around the time of publication of his book where he corrected this chapter, withdrawing his stance on nding a new causative amoeba, the Amoeba chromatosa, which hed earlier written about in a separate publication. In his statement of discovery withdrawal he ascribed rheumatoid effects to two other common amoeba: Naegleria and Acanthamoeba. From the early 1960s, Englishman Roger Wyburn-Mason experimented considerably -- without FDA approval, thank goodness -- on many different substances that had a positive effect on the course of rheumatoid disease, but most of them were too toxic for general human use, although they certainly solved many arthritic problems around the world. Although his theory on the causative amoeba, based on protozoologists Stamms work, was probably wrong, WyburnMasons treatments healing rheumatoid arthritics worked spectacularly from the 1960s forward. Interestingly, Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. gets a relatively generous amount of support for his mycoplasm theory with a great deal less medical ndings than Wyburn-Mason. Without detracting from Browns research, perhaps someone, somewhere, will take the time to read this superb book after downloading it from our website, and more serious research support will be trained in Wyburn-Masons direction -- not for his theory, but for his treatment successes. Well provide some of his successful case histories in future newsletters. When Dr. Jack Blount purchased several dozen of these books (at $150 each) he had this foundation distribute them to medical libraries. Although each library thanked us for the wonderful contribution, in every case the books were chucked into the wastebasket because everyone knew that rheumatoid arthritis is incurable, therefore the book must be false, and the professors in charge of valuable library shelving didnt want anything false in their medical libraries. Especially if it might wrongly taint the minds and inuence their medical students. The Arthritis Trust 2

The Arthritis Trust of America Website Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., CEO, Secretary

For many years after our 1982 founding our staff was kept busy answering letters and telephone calls -- hundreds weekly. Little by little the internet took over, listing and answering thousands of questions by means of articles usually volunteered by one of our referral physicians. We still answer a few letters and telephone calls, as you can tell from our quarterly newsletter, but the vast majority of those arthritics concerned with getting well now nd their answers quickly on our website. Some of our patrons have told us how to make the site more user friendly, and when resources are available, well do the best we can to comply. Meanwhile we thought it would be useful and interesting to show how we stand, according to a Google search, on several key descriptors (as of January 7, 2007): Descriptor Arthritis Arthritis Cure Arthritis Solution Cure Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis Cures Rheumatoid Disease Rheumatoid Diseases Rank 44 2 1 2 78 1 1 71 48 Out of 41,900,000 3,100,000 1,380,000 3,030,000 1,980,000 1,340,000 1,080,000 1,480,000 6,020,000

Considering that weve not strived for rst place, and that weve linked only with those who we felt provided good information for arthritics -- that is, weve stayed away from commercial sites when exchanging links -- the above ranking shows that were denitely reaching folks. The tough category, of course, is arthritis. Seems like everyone wants that spot, especially those who wish to sell arthritis pain relief, and also our major competitor, The Arthritis Foundation, although we talk of cures, and they talk of nding the cure. When you tune in to our website, youll notice that the bottom of each page contains one or more advertisements. Weve noted above each line of advertisements that we neither endorse nor reject the products advertised. We do want you to know, however, that each time you or another person clicks on one of these ads, Google pays us a small fee, the total of which thru the month offsets the cost of our rather large website. This seemed a small price to pay for the privilege of offering arthritics so much interesting and very valuable information! Were very pleased with our relationship with Google, and its advertisers. By the way, over the years weve been asked to tie in to or endorse one product or another. Our standard answer has been that we can only endorse products under specic conditions: a. Our Board of Directors must approve the product; b. Every label on the product must contain our logo, name and website address. c. Each product distributed (not just sold) must pay a small royalty for use of our logo. You should know that not one of many manufacturers has been serious enough about wanting our endorsement to also be willing to help support us! If you havent already done so, go to our website, as identied above, and enjoy yourself. Youll not be sorry!

. . . a book of major importance. It challenges old ideas, provides new solutions and explains them very clearly. This book is highly readable, unassumable, and avoids scientic jargon. Its practicality lies in how the book informs the reader of the numerous alternative treatment aids which can only benet any patient suffering from arthritis, even though traditional medical dogma totally neglects these areas. This book tells it like it really is with detailed protocol for prevention and treatment of any chronic degenerative disease where ones immune system is suppressed. It is an excellent book for the lay person which I highly recommend. -- Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D.

Arthritis Trust of America 7376 Walker Road Fairview, TN 37062-8141 Published 1988 paperback, 141 pages, send $5, $10, $20, $100, $150, $1000, $250,000 IRS tax deductible donation, while they last! OR, download free of any cost from our website at, Books and Pamphlets tab.
. . . one of the greatest, down-to-earth books for the layman! Rheumatoid Arthritis and other degenerative diseases can be helped, according to complementary treatments described, and especially when the patient and physician work together. I certainly recommend it! -- John M. Baron, D.O.

Published quarterly by the Board of Directors Board Members United States of America Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., M.A., U.S. Executive Director/Secretary Harold Hunter, M.S., U.S. Treasurer/Chairman Lucelyn Verano-Chapdelaine, President, U.S. Paul Jaconello, M.D., Chief Medical Advisor, Canada Curt Maxwell, D.C., N.D., M.D., Mexico The Arthritis Trust of America and The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation are projects of The Roger Wyburn-Mason & Jack M. Blount Foundation for the Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption approved by The United States Internal Revenue Service Chartered in Tennessee Editor-in-Chief: Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr. Internet: E-mail:

Spring 2007

Letters To The Editor

Again, thanks for the service you render! And here is a supporting donation once again. If it werent for you, Id still be ill with polymyalgia reumatica (a so-called incurable rheumatic illness) which was caused by [infection in my] root canals. Ive shared with many what Ive learned through The Arthritis Trust -- just as youve helped me. I donated a copy of Dr. Prosch/di Fabio book, Arthritis, to the public library -- a copy of Root Canal Cover Up to a young dentist who was with my brother, a dentist, and who took over my brothers ofce. Also, Ive given these books to my nephew, an ER [Emergency Room] physician at Summit Hospital (Nashville, TN). (Hed been head of ER at Ft. Campbell before leaving the army.) When down at his place in Nashville in late 1990s I told him, Id like to go by your place, and we did. And, what he said was Why, theyre not here to take advantage of people -- but to help them! Helen H. Green You always send the very best letter. Anyone who gets well, and stays well, deserves our deepest respect! While searching for help for my weak health on the Internet, I found your website. I was intrigued by the hypothesis of Dr. Roger Wyburn-Mason, which regarded the cause of rheumathological diseases, and especially your treatment method! Unfortunately I have not heard about US renowned clinics that conduct precursory pharmacological and surgical treatment. Apparently, it is because of fate that I have got a clue to you. If the described method was really such effective I would do everything to popularize it around the world and to nd necessary funds for investigations, which could improve this method. Sometimes I am a mass media reviewer, so it would be easier for me to do it; however, with help from one of the most inuential person in the United States I could do this for sure. To encourage popularization of this method I would like to ask for the most extreme, reliable and attested materials that describe living people, whose state of health has improved signicantly thanks to use of this method in their treatment. I would also like to ask for information whether you would undertake a treatment of my case (description below) and how much it would cost. I was born weighing 5.15 kg, with height of 63 cm. Until I was 6 years old I was characterized by activeness, curiousness of the world and . . . low morbidity rate. One and only disease that I suffered from during my childhood was severe because not completely recognized pneumonia, when I was 1.5 years old. Unpleasant itching of bones, the result of too fast growth at this age (I was almost a head higher than my peers), made it, that strong setting or stretching the joints made me feel relieved. It also increased my agility, and overburdened my joints. This itching would probably disappear, if I had a diet with a higher dosage of calcium or if I received it in the form of pills. Unfortunately, treating my joints too hard resulted in the fact, that when I was 6, a short lasting, acute pain in my left knee was added (mainly during running), and it made me stop on a dime. After a few moves done without any load, the pain dissipated. The repetitious complaints disturbed my mother so much, that The Arthritis Trust 4 she began searching for help with doctors. During the next 4 years I was diagnosed with various conditions, because of this pain, and I was subjected to various treatments. In one of the Warsaw children clinics they implemented, then new, treatment with steroids. The pain disappeared! I was directed to a sanatorium, where during the following years they tried to . . . discontinue administering steroids, unfortunately with poor results. After each attempt to decrease the dosage my organism went mad of pain. Each such an attempt to stop administering the medicine, made every part of my body hurt! Each decreased dosage of the medicine knocked me off my legs. Literally! I thought, that apart from my bones -- my skin, nails and hair also hurt! I tried to have all the needs as rarely as possible, as it was connected with touch, which was almost a torture to me! I lay under a sheet through all the seasons of the year (I thought, that even this material crushed me) and I shivered in pain -- this trembling also caused the pain to increase, but I couldnt make myself stop. I was in distress! After coming back to the previous dosage, slowly, within the next couple of months, I began to get back to my feet. When I was 8 years old, when my mom was dressing me in my socks, she began to look closely at my feet, and she realized that . . . they stopped growing. Unfortunately she was right! As until that moment I always have been higher than my peers, one might not have noticed that I stopped growing . . . at all! My condition detoriated rapidly. I still felt pains more often, even when I was on steroids. The only difference was, that the centre of pain changed from my knees to hips. A light contracture emerged in my hips. Despite infernal pain, other joints had a full range of movements. As a 10 year old I was directed to the Rheumatology Institute, where almost immediately they discontinued administering steroids (I stopped walking immediately) and for the next 1.5 years they tried to detoxify my organism with weekly blood transfusions and various kinds of IV. It was too late! After a year in the Institute I was directed to another sanatorium in a very bad condition -- I could not walk, eat on my own; I had bedsores because of wearing hip plaster (for a month) that was aimed to reduce contractures in hip joints; however, the result of xation was emergence of new, strong contractures of shoulder joints and wrists. They continued administering antirheumatic medicines . . . mostly painkillers, and antiphlogistic -- I still felt as if I hadnt swallowed any drugs. At the time of maturation commencement pain was relieved signicantly; however it was at the age of 13 (3 years after disusing steroids) when disproportions occurred. Every now and then new lesions in my skeletal system appeared. As steroids caused permanent lesions in my bone structure and destroyed not only the growth cartilage, but also completely dried my joint capsules, joint surfaces came into direct contact with each other and each move caused abrasion of bones and slowly caused one bone to immerse into the other, or for a change they knitted (because the so called living bone tissue was in contact -- like with a bone fracture) or caused (and still causes) easy dislocations (loose ligaments and sinews being the result of bones shortening) . . . currently I walk with a dislocated shank and evidently another one is being created in the other foot. (I am terried by the perspective of sitting in a wheelchair
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again!). This process is not only incredibly painful, but also terrible in effects. For instance, during yawning dislocation of the lower jaw occurred, making it impossible for me to shut my mouth for a moment, after a while my jaw jumped back with a snap to its proper place. After a couple of months of such breathtaking yawning effects, one day my jaw remained in the state of constant dislocation. Trouble with breathing was a direct result of this. These difculties were intensied even more, when one day, when I was laying on my back and wanted to stretch myself, suddenly I felt my cervical spine to dislocate and . . . it resulted in a blockade, making it impossible for me to lift my head, and at the same to unblock my upper air passages. Since then an ordinary catarrh has become a problem to me, and cough has become a torment. Also a massive adhesion of coxofemoral articulations was created with the pelvis in a 90 degree contraction, in a seating position, as I havent been able to walk for some time. While I was qualied for a surgery at the age of 14, the doctors kept saying, that I had no real chances of ever walking again, as due to bone abrasion, my limbs became signicantly shorter, and neither my hands would sustain me, nor my legs would not be able to sustain my body weight. A disproportion, that was created within one year, is just too great. According to specialists calculations I should be 172 cm height. Currently I am 140. Despite such an opinion of the doctors, I was certain I had to ght for the surgeries, that are my only chance of eliminating the coxofemoral articulation adhesions and by that -- enabling them. I had already known, that I would never be fully able, but my curiosity of the world, people, has always been my . . . passion. My struggle for the surgery was long, slow, full of desperation and disappointments, but after 25 years of sitting in a wheelchair and after having been implanted with articial coxofemoral articulations and sties and one knee-joint (my other knee has been stiffened) . . . I began walking again, on a stick at rst, and without it after the rst month. Naturally, in order to stop my bones from further degrading, to ease my breathing and make even partial self-completion possible for me, most probably pioneer surgeries would have to be conducted and medication. Until today the diagnosis in my medical history is arthritis although I have never had any typical symptoms of this disease. The only thing that connects me with it is the pain. And the diastolic medicine is about (Movalis) the analgesic working (for my organism). During the last year a general inefciency was growing progressively worse. It is difcult for me to keep a teaspoon in my hand (and not so long ago, I used to embroider pictures); shoulder and metatarsus dislocation has occurred! I am not going out even for short walks! I suppose that reason of such sudden changes may be instable hormone balance. I am worrying very much about even greater inefciency -- especially because I have been living by myself for many years. When I was 22 years old I suffered from very severe pneumonia again -- it was because I was affected by cold, gusty wind. That disease was also not completely recognized by the doctors. Since than my immune system seems to have crashed; I catch a cold relatively easy and each infection has a very negative impact on me. I would hope to be able enough to be self-reliant in my everyday, personal life painting, to use a computer, to visit a theatre or a concert hall. To enjoy brighter side of the life even in a small amount.

I would be very grateful for this! If the treatment turned out to be efcient I would have one more joyful activity -- popularization of your method! Yours sincerely and hopeful Krystyna Pawlikowska Contact: Krystyna Pawlikowska; Ul. Skalna Gra 13/4; 39-400 Tarnobrzeg, Poland; phone: +48 880 289 999 E-mail: kira1744@yahoo.comSkype: graff_ Ive been sitting in this chair, before a computer screen or typewriter, answering questions about rheumatoid disease since 1982. I was once a rheumatoid arthritis victim, and have been free of the painful, joint destroying disease since the early 1980s. Ive written books and articles under my pen-name or birth name all based on physicians thatve been part of our program. I must say, however, with all that background Im at a loss as to how to answer your letter. My rst problem is, that I dont know if you have one of the 100 or so rheumatoid diseases, or some form of exotic genetic problem. Or, perhaps, a mixture of both. Im not a doctor, and so I guess my rst step is to send your E-mail on to one of our referral physicians. If you have only rheumatoid arthritis the answers are presented to you in the attached article. [See How; to Get Well article.] If otherwise, your best bet is to seek a major clinic consisting of traditional medical practitioners, as they do best at complex diagnosis, but rather poorly at solving arthritic riddles. We need to know exactly what is your biological condition before further recommendations. Im not trying to discourge you, but only suggesting that -- from your description -- your problem sounds much more different than that of rheumatoid disease. Perhaps someone who reads your letter will have suggestions. Your esteemed organisation is contributing fantastically in the eld of Arthritis. In India Arthritis Foundation of India (AFI) a nonprot making NGO wants to carry out similar public awareness, scientic and community activities which are extensively required in a poor & developing country like India. We would request you to kindly let us know if you can help us in any way. The help can be in the form of information, public education modules, publications, nances, making experts available, logistics, training etc At present there is not much activity in India for the people as far as the arthritis is concerned. Neither does there exist any national program on bone and joints by Govt. of India, it is not difcult to understand that the prevalance of arthritis in India runs into millions and therefore a structured program is required. Kindly tell us your views on this issue and help/guide us. Thanks Your Sincerely Saurabh Chhabra (Personnel Manager, AFI) Arthiritis Foundation of India We can assist you via our website, which contains many articles on achieving wellness! All information on our site is free for the taking. We lack good, effective ayurvedic treatments, which should be wide-spread in India. Sure, we can look up various remedies, but we really want to get to the source of the problem. You can also began to nd health professionals willing to join our referral listing -- and you can gradually make that list grow in India for your own purposes.
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Spring 2007

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Arthritis is world-wide and has been among us since the very earliest of times. I would like to share the following with you: For months now I have been holding on to a diet, stress management and an exercising regimen (the last for twenty years, really), as described in the information on the Internet provided by the Arthritis Trust of America. I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and bromyalgia. I do have lots of pain and tiredness, but refuse to take any prescription drugs such as NSAIDs, partly because of a kidney insufciency which causes bleedings. I do the right exercises every morning, for about one and a half hour or so. I only skip exercise when there is too much pain even to sit straight up or stand without falling. Sitting is often a problem because of pain in the ribs. The last time I saw a rheumatologist, about two years ago (I hate consulting conventional doctors), she said there couldnt be much wrong with me because I was able to reach to my toes when bending over. So she didnt believe I had lots of pain and therefore changed my diagnosis: I wasnt diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis anymore! But the bromyalgia stayed in my medical record. One thing must be said: I have had pain since I was fourteen. In a way I am used to it, so I dont yell or sigh so much when something hurts badly. Even for a physiotherapist it isnt easy to establish whether Im experiencing a lot of pain or not. When Im crawling over the carpet, then Im in so much pain even I cannot hide it. A few weeks ago I experienced a new problem in my back: I couldnt feel when I had to go to the toilet. This condition lasted for about two weeks, in which I rested a lot and didnt exercise almost at all. My legs were hurting badly, from buttocks to heels. Whereas that is a normal feeling for me, not being able to experience toilet needs was not. It frightened me, especially because rheumatologists dont see much on X-ray photographs. Other kinds of photos (MRI, etc) were never made. I never met a rheumatologist who believed diets make any difference. They want to prescribe medication and do lots of tests, which arent harmless, so I refuse to undergo them anymore. I dont have a rheumatoid factor in my blood, no HLA-B27, so few doctors will believe I could have any rheumatoid disease at all. Now Im tired of ghting the system and my condition is deteriorating. So now Im looking for a doctor that will help me. I read almost everything that the Arthritis Trust -- I just mentioned -- wrote about diets, exercising, detoxication and more, and I try to do the right things. I myself believe there are a couple of vitamins I just dont absorb very well. I do eat a lot of vitamins in my food, not in pills, so that has to be at least one of the problems. I dont dare to take vitamin pills without consulting a doctor rst. I do eat bee pollen, though. I think I look a lot older than the forty-one year old female that I am. Once a psychologist thought there was another problem in my case: Because I do have a few psychic gifts, as he stated, I could contaminate my own body with symptoms of other people, sometimes in disguised ways -- so to speak -- like Freud. But this possibility seems to be covered by having symptoms because of stress, I may think. Nevertheless it is a possibility that is worth researching. When I help people myself with giving them energy of some sort with my hands (and they get better almost always, so why dont I?), I really do feel better and experience much less pain for hours after the treatment (but I stopped treating people when a family 6 The Arthritis Trust

member accused me of being possessed with the devil, that triggered a big philosophical problem and an enormous set-back of my health). I began studying health psychology instead to be able in a few years to [use] this topic myself. At the moment I have to study Edward P. Saranos textbook on health psychology. Although he describes a biopsychosocial way of looking into diseases, he does really have all the trust in conventional doctors that I have lost since my problems started at age fourteen. One big problem for me is a very badly functioning concentration. I cant concentrate very well, so my psychology study will last for twenty years at this tempo. I read that this symptom belongs to bromyalgia, but I would so very much like to get rid of it. I can say honestly that I can stand a lot of pain, especially through relaxing exercises and, puzzling enough, special concentration. I do study when experiencing lots of pain, but I cant concentrate, even when not experiencing awful lots of pain. Now I really want to nd a nice and caring doctor who knows the real treatment, and is willing to believe there could be more between heaven and earth. So my question to you would be: Do you know such a doctor? And please: in my country???? I hate to admit that I am not a wealthy person who has all the money to travel to America or other countries far away, nor could I travel a lot because of my condition. Therefore I would love to hear that there are good doctors nearby in Europe also, that do have the knowledge of the Arthritis Trust. Could you inform me about this possibility? I would be so grateful. Please accept my apology for not being used to writing in your language. That will change with further study and maybe, some day, I will write you a letter without any fault in it. Yours sincerely, T.v.V. You write very well in English, better than I would in your language, and better than most in this country in English. I wish I could say yes to your question regarding a doctor who knows what to do in Europe or England, but I dont. You really need to read our article, How to Get Well, on our website, and in particular, you need to get intraneural injections. You can check our physician list on our website for one in England, Hungary, Italy, Pakistan, Philippines and Germany. Also, there is no one doctor or dentist in this country that knows everything that must be explored by the victim of rheumatoid diseases. I often advise that rst one learn all they can about causes before hunting for a doctor or dentist. We have one consultant who can usually determine via kinesiology exactly what is wrong and then uses a resonant frequency to either abolish the microorganisms or internal scar tissue involved. Hes done remarkable work bordering on miraculous and, like you, hes quite psychic in that he can pick up accurately quite a bit from an individual that others cannot. Right now hes working with cancer, lyme arthritis disease, ALS, spina bida, and a whole lot of otherwise impossible diseases. Im sure that if you could meet him hed be glad to work with you without charge. (He does accept donations and cost of travel.) Otherwise, the best I can suggest is that well work with whatever doctor you can get to learn from us. We now have on our website site a booklet on intraneural injections which your doctors should learn in order to help you.
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Incidentally, according to some practitioners, psychics are affected by ailments from those they help. If true for you, then you need to learn how to re-experience the happening, and discharge the negative energy. Ive just read Anthony di Fabios published piece regarding the use of effective colostrum. I have been totally disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and related conditions for the last 12 years. My condition has been progressively worsening to the point of now being homebound, despite having been a very healthy executive in healthcare prior and only (currently) 46 years young! I desperately want/need to travel to New Zealand or any other part of the world with hormonefree, gold-standard dairy cattle where I would be welcomed to pay for custom antigen-formulated colostrum treatment for me, specically. Please tell me where can I nd a resource for this anywhere outside the USA. I am able to travel and nancially support this endeavor and only need to know my options as to where to go for the best, safest cattle where the method is being offered to patients. I am unable to do the research without some direction, and hope that you can help (via Anthony di Fabio, perhaps). If you prefer, you may contact me by telephone but Id prefer e-mail, for speedy reply. I am a Registered Nurse by profession and grasp the concept well I just need to know where to go for more information, since its pretty obvious our own government is only going to delay. Surely there must be a contact somewhere in the world for folks like me to receive individualized treatment with something so natural yet effective! This article has given me great hope after receiving no improvement from traditional medicine for the best years of my life. Many thanks! P.K. I wish I could answer your questions effectively, but cannot do so. Those whove beneted best from antigen-specic colostrum either get Iowas Impro products sub-rosa (bootlegged) as the company refuses to sell their excellent product for human use for fear of FDA and Dept. of Agriculture; or folks buy a cow, and do the vet work themselves, or get a vet to do it for them, using their own blood. Any dairyman can purchase Impro products in her/his name, and so can a vet but getting it without Impro knowing its end use is a serious problem. New Zealands product is being manufactured for a U.S. company, and is not antigen-specic in the sense that their cows are only innoculated for a certain common cluster of microorganisms -not for your specic microorganisms. Im attaching an article from our website for you to read, How to Get Well. I believe it would solve your chronic fatigue syndrome if youd nd a doctor to work with you -- although some of the items you can do yourself. For the past 5 years I have been aficted with rheumatoid arthritis. I am given to understand that the cause of this may be anxiety and stress related. I mention this as during the period indicated I can identify certain events which appear to have caused severe air ups which require further medical attention . Can my belief that stress in a contributory factor in initially creating the illness be conrmed please ? With kind regards, M.G.

Stress can, indeed, weaken the immune system and contribute to virtually every disease condition. Please read the two attached articles from our website, How to Get Well, and Stress. After reading your article in The Townsend Letter (Dec. 2006) I am interested in nding a protocol to address my issue. Scrapings taken from my ngernails by an MD dermatologist and sent for review to a mycologist in Michigan who diagnosed some species of candidiasis and rhinocladiela -- a type of lamentous black yeast. Symptoms -- nail is lifting from the nail bed causing the nail as it grows to air up and away from my ngers causing continuous shrinkage/shortening of the nail bed allowing dirt, etc. to accumulate, plus some discoloring of the nail, and sensitive nger tips. Finger nails slope gently up and away from the tips. Keeping my nails long protects my nger tips. Also my toe nails turn up sharply as they grow from the nailbed, occurring in all, but the big toe nail. The latter is not a problem -- no pain, discomfort nor sensitivity. I have tried a variety of products [standardized oregano oil. tannins (Tanilbit from Intensive Nutrition), garlic, thymol 3% solution, homeopathic remedies, Argyntyn 23, standard rife frequencies, standardized allicin recently] but only temporary relief from the continuing shrinkage and then it progresses further. I have an acid system which I am trying to turn more alkaline by using a base powder mix of sodium and potassium bicarbonate etc. Nothing seems to have addressed this systemic condition permanently. Otherwise, at 72 I am healthy, see only alternative practitioners, take a variety of supplements, am very t, use far infra red sauna weekly, etc. I have been sleeping on a magnetic back bad for 10 - 11 years, but obviously it isnt strong enough. I have the option of working with my naturopath with this protocol, but I would prefer to do it myself. Also my husband is a psychiatrist. I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. Please advise what is involved in your protocol and what are my options? I do not have a catalog. J.F. Obviously magnetic energy works as a function of its strength and duration of application. We have an up-coming article in our newsletter on the One Ton Magnet, constructed by someone who followed Dr. Philpotts ndings, increasing magnetic strength. Success with otherwise intransigent health conditions has been rather spectacular. As to your ngernail condition, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright has an answer in his Nutrition and Healing newsletter. Go to our website to the Articles Miscellaneous and Historical, and from there to Saturated Solution Of KI (SSKI) Good for Cysts To Toenail Fungus Some of the items youve tried probably would have been effective over a period of a year had you added a little DMSO to increase penetration. Your husband can help with that. Standardized Rife frequencies are hit and miss, in our opinion, because Rife had the ability to observe the effect of frequencies on microorganisms, and could thus tune in on exactly which frequency and for what duration, required. Without feedback, any kind of Rife frequency is effective by remote chance alone. Dr. John Myers, as described in our Research and Letters section on our website has developed a feedback system that helps determine effectiveness.
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Spring 2007

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I assume by Catalog you mean Philpotts catalog. Its found also in our Research and Letters page under his name. I am exploring your wonderful site . . . thank you for allowing me to do so. Do you have per chance a listing of doctors who I might be able to work with -- in Tasmania Australia? Do you send out a regular newsletter via email? I would like to receive it. Thank you C.M. in Wynyard Tasmania Australia We have no doctors signed up except those you nd in our physician list on our website. If you can nd one, have them sign up with us. Any health professional who is open-minded is welcome! The newsletter is sent out quarterly via snail-mail to all those who contribute $25 or more. Otherwise, you can always read it free on our website. Thanks for your comments and interest!

Plan Us Into Your Future A good way to make your contribution live for years onward is to plan us into your will. A bequest such as those provided by others provides that a specic amount of money, property, or a percentage of your estate be given to The Arthritis Trust of America. A general guideline for making such a provision is this: "I give, devise, and bequeath to The Arthritis Trust of America the sum of $ ----" (or describe the real or personal property). All contributions to The Arthritis Trust of America are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. While easy to write, best that you work this provision out with your attorney or CPA -- and again, many thanks!

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