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Computerized Library system with Database Connectivity Prepared by : Sikandar Niaz ID: 3348, Submitted to: Sir Hamood

Ur Rehman

A complete Design of Computerized Library system with Log in/out menu, User account, back up procedure, Restore, Books information, Borrowers information, issued books and returned books.

Computerized Library system:

Problem Identification3

Execute Summary. 4 The Opportunity4 Goals. ..4 The Proposed Solution5

Client operations6 Resources Requirement..7

Problem Identification
The organization was using Simple excel program to save the records of students and books being borrowed. There were no security of the files and anyone could read them and edit them, if they get hand on that file. Also excel interface was normal usual one. They did not have any lists of books in their system, so they did not know how much books were being borrowed and how many books are left. Also their excel based system did not have the technique to deal with those students who violated the rules of library system. There was no Back up procedures or Recovery Procedures. To run the Library system they have to install Microsoft Excel. Also the excel based system did not have facility for un-returned books. The old system also does not have a log system which shows what was done at which time. So a person cant trace back the operation of someone on the excel system. The old system did not have proper reports and hence does not have proper interface to print the record of student or book or student receipt.

The Objective..
To make a Professional computerized base Library system with database and complete software which address every issue of Library system?

The Opportunity

The Organization will have the opportunity to be able to get updated information about their library books and who ever lend them also proving safe and secure environment for Library admin to manipulate whole library as a whole in a secure way... I have the following goals for this project.

Create a dynamic and Professional database with a lot of functionalities. Create an exciting look for database using their logo and color icons.

The Proposed Solution

I will take the existing material , currently in the form of rough pages, forms and some as excel files, logo and remnants of existing database and turn it into a exciting new Database with complete features. 1. I will login page which will require User name and Password and only authentic person can gain access... 2. After logging in, there will be menu showing every function of Library system. 3. I will make a menu by name of books which will show all books available 4. I will create a menu by name of (Borrowers) which will show how many people lend how many books. 5. I will create another menu by the name of (Issue) which will show which student lends a book and for how much time. 6. I will also include Back up, Restore, Book return, violation, students cards etc.

The client will have a nice interface with rich graphics and logos. To enter Library database a Login process will require. After login the admin or user can see a lot of options, which will help him in controlling whole library system. There will be a student Issue button, on clicking that and filling that form, the user can easily save the record of a book being borrowed, also the user can easily print the receipt. Similarly there is another form for Return list. When student returns a book, the user will enter it, and record will be cleared. If the student do not return book by its due time, then that student record will be added to unreturned list. There will be a book inventory will show all books and who ever borrowed them, and the user can easily take a print of it. The database also has Backup and recovery procedure. The user can take a back up of database with just one click, and user can recover that back up anytime. In last user can create new login user and password for others with different category. User can make a person user or admin. In admin all facilities are available involving backing up and Deleting all records, but in a person login as user he cant take back up or delete record or delete other user accounts.

Resources Requirements.
1. Visual Basic: The whole software will be made in visual basic. From login to back up procedure. The visual basic is the main tool for my software 2. Microsoft Access: For database connectivity I will use access. 3. Photoshop: To create logos and graphics I will use Photoshop.

Operating System
Windows Xp, Vista, 7


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