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Dragging the world towards wireless galaxy various sensors are already in a broad use Today as part of different devices or as standalone devices connected to a network usually toMonitor industrial processes, equipments or installations. The advancements in technology, wireless communications have enhanced development of small, low power and low cost devices. Such devices when organized into a network, present a powerful platform that can be used in many interesting applications. Bluetooth is a low cost, short-range, wireless technology with small footprint, low power consumption and reasonable throughput. Bluetooth wireless technology has become global technology specification for always on wireless communication not just as point to point but was a network technology as well.

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List Of Figures

1. Piconet.. 11 2. A Scatter net. 12 3. Wireless sensor network Architecture.. 14 4. A Bluetooth based smart pressure sensor node 16 5. Software Architecture of Gateway 18
6. Bluetooth hardware architecture 21

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INTRODUCTION The communication capability of devices and continuous transparent information routes are indispensable components of future oriented automation concepts. Communication is increasing rapidly in industrial environment even at field level. In any industry the process can be realized through sensors and can be controlled through actuators. The process is monitored on the central control room by getting signals through a pair of wires from each field device distributed control systems (DCS). With the advent in networking concept, the cost of wiring is saved by networking the field devices. But the latest trend is elimination of wires i.e. wireless networks. Wireless sensor network networks of small devices equipped with sensors, microprocessor and wireless communications interfaces. In 1994, Ericsson Mobile communications, the global telecommunication company based in Sweden, initiated a study to investigate, the feasibility of a low power, low cost ratio interface, and to find a way to eliminate cables between devices. Finally, the engineers at the Ericsson named the new wireless technology as Bluetooth to honor the 10th century king if Denmark, Harald Blue tooth (940 to 985 A.D). The goals of blue tooth are unification and harmony as well, specifically enabling different to communicate through a commonly accepted standard for wireless connectivity.

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SPREAD SPECTRUM Basic principle: Spread Spectrum modulation techniques are defined as being those techniques in which The bandwidth of the transmitted signal is much greater than the bandwidth of the original message, and the bandwidth of the transmitted signal is determined by the message to be transmitted and by an additional signal known as the Spreading Code. TYPES OF SPREAD SPECTRUM 1. Frequency hopping Spread Spectrum 2. Direct sequence Spread Spectrum

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FHSS is a very robust technology, with little influence from noises, reflections, other radio stations or other environment factors. In addition, the number of simultaneously active systems in the same geographic area (collocated systems) is significantly higher than the

equivalent number for DSSS systems. All these features make the FHSS technology the one to be selected for installations designed to cover big areas where a big number of collocated systems is required and where the use of directional antennas in order to minimize environment factors influence is impossible. Typical applications for FHSS include cellular deployments for fixed Broadband Wireless Access (BWA), where the use of DSSS is virtually impossible because of its limitations. Basic Principle The frequency of the carrier is periodically modified (hopped) following a specific sequence of frequencies.

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FHSS main parameters

FHSS is defined (in IEEE 802.11) in the 2.4 GHz band as operating over 79 frequencies ranging from 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz (country specific bands have different frequencies, defined in IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.11.d). Each of the frequencies is GFSK modulated, with a channel width of 1 MHz. The rates defined are 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps (there are products in the market operating at 3 Mbps, too)

System Behavior using FHSS

1.- Systems Collocation 2.- Noise and Interference Immunity 3.- The Near / Far problem 4.- Throughput 5.- Multipath Immunity 6.- Time and frequency diversity 7.- Security 8.- Bluetooth interference

Systems Collocation
The issue: How many independent systems may operate simultaneously without interference? For FHSS systems, IEEE 802.11 defines 79 different hops for the carrier frequency. Using these 79 frequencies, IEEE 802.11 defines 78 hopping sequences (each with 79 hops) grouped in three sets of 26 sequences each. Sequences from same set encounter minimum collisions and therefore may be allocated to collocated systems. Theoretically, 26 FHSS systems may be collocated, but collisions will still occur in significant the amounts. number To of lower FHSS the amount of collisions should to be acceptable around 15.





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All the above is correct for the case in which the FHSS collocated systems operate independently, without any synchronization among their hopping sequences. If synchronization is allowed, 79 systems could be collocated (theoretically), each one of themusing at any moment in time, one of the 79 available frequencies. However, this would require expensive filters in the radio circuitry.

Actual products require about 6 MHz separation allowing the collocation of about 12 systems, without any collision! While such synchronization is not always allowed in the unlicensed band of 2.4 GHz, it is common practice in the licensed bands. The possibility of having collocated systems without collisions, has a tremendous impact on the aggregate capacity / throughput of the installation as well as its efficiency in terms of bps per Hz (see Throughput section, later in this paper). For installations requiring big coverage and multiple collocated cells, it would be much easier to use FHSS. DSSS could be used, too, but then, mechanically collocated cells (antennas installed on same pole) should be made non overlapping cells at the radio level through the use of directional antennas But directional antennas means limited coverage requiring more systems to be installed which are difficult to design because of the collocation issueThis severe limitation of DSSS is in effect for the 2Mbps flavor of DSSS as well as for the 11Mbpsone.

2. Noise and Interference Immunity

The issue: Capability to operate when other radio signals are present in the same band. FHSS systems operate with SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of about 18 dB.DSSS systems, because of the more efficient modulation technique used (PSK), can operate with SNR as low as 12 dB.

3- Near / Far problem

The issue: The problems generated to a receiver by other active transmitters located in its proximity, are known as Near / Far problems. The interfering signals described above may be generated for example by a foreign radio transmitter located close to my receiver. The signals generated by the foreign transmitter,
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being received by my receiver at higher power levels, could blind it, making it unable to hear its partner. While the problem is critical in DSSS systems, if the receiver is FHSS, the worst case will be that the foreign transmitter will block SOME hops, forcing my FHSS system to work in less than optimum conditions, but allowing it to work!

4- Throughput
The issue: What amount of data is actually carried by the system (measured in bps). The RATE of a system is defined as the amount of data (per second) carried by a system WHEN IT IS ACTIVE. As most communications systems are not able to carry data 100% of the time, an additional parameter - the THROUGHPUT It is defined, as the AVERAGE amount of data (per second) carried by the system. The average is calculated over long periods of time. Obviously, the throughput of a system is lower than its rate. In addition, when looking for the amount of data carried, the overhead introduced by the communication protocol should be considered.

5- Multipath
The issue: Environments with reflective surfaces (such as buildings, office walls, etc.) generate multiple possible propagation paths between transmitter and receiver and therefore the receiver receives multiple copies of the original (transmitted) signal, shifted in time. The multiple copies of the original signal arrive at the receiver with different instantaneous amplitudes and phases. The mixing of these copies at the receiver results in having some frequencies canceling one another, while other frequencies will sum up. The result is a process of selective fading of frequencies in the spectrum of the received signal. FHSS systems operate with narrow band signals located around different carrier frequencies.Ifat a specific moment, the FHSS system is using a carrier frequency significantly faded as a result of multipath, the FHSS receiver could not get enough energy to detect the radio signal. (narrow rectangle in fig.3b). The resultant loss of information is corrected by retransmitting the lost packets.

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6- Time and frequency diversity

Both DSSS and FHSS retransmit lost packets, until the receiving part acknowledges correct reception. A packet could be lost because of noises or multipath effects. This capability of a system to repeat unsuccessful transmissions at later moments in time is known as time diversity. DSSS systems use time diversity, but the problem is that they retransmit on the same 22 MHz sub band! If the noise is still there or if the topography of the site did not change, and as a result the multipath effects will be again present, the transmission could be again unsuccessful! The multipath effects are a function of frequency. For same topography, some frequencies encounter multipath effects, while others do not. FHSS systems use time diversity (they retransmit lost packets at later moments in time) but they also use frequency diversity (packets may be retransmitted on different frequencies / hops). Even if some hops (frequencies) encounter multipath effects or noises, others will not, and the FHSS system will succeed in executing its transmission.

7.- Security
The issue: Protecting the transmission against eavesdropping IEEE 802.11 compliant DSSS systems use one well known spreading sequence of 11 chips, andcan modulate one of the 14 channel defined in the standard. As the sequence used is known, the carrier frequency is fixed for a given system, and the number of possible frequencies is limited, it would be quite easy for a listener to tune in on the DSSS transmission. Message protection should be achieved by encrypting the data. This option increases the price of the product, while lowering its performance, because of the processing power needed for the encryption process. In FHSS, the frequencies to be used in the hopping sequence may be selected by the user. In the unlicensed band, any group of 26 frequencies or more (out of the 79 available) is legal. To tune in, a listener should know the number of frequencies selected in the system, the actual frequencies, the hopping sequence, as well as the dwell time! The FHSS modulation acts as a
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layer 1 encryption process. There could be no need for application level encryption!

8.- Bluetooth / IEEE 802.15 WPAN interference

The issue: System behavior in the presence of Bluetooth / IEEE 802.15 collocated systems Bluetooth radio is a FHSS operating in the 2.4 GHz band, with a dwell time of 0.625ms (1,600 hops per second). When DSSS executes a transmission, it is using 22 MHz for the duration of the transmitted frame. When FHSS executes a transmission, it is using 1 MHz for the duration of the transmitted frame. The chances of having Bluetooth hitting the 22 MHz band used by DSSS are higher than the chances of it hitting the 1 MHz band used by FHSS. Based on the above observation, we can conclude that, basically, DSSS is more sensitive to Bluetooth interference than FHSS.

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Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz frequency band and use frequency hopping spread spectrum technique. A typical blue tooth device has a range of about 10 meters and can be extended to 100 meters. A Communication channels supports total bandwidth of 1 Mb/sec. A single connection supports a maximum asymmetric data transfer rate of 721 Kbps maximum of three channels.

In Bluetooth, a piconet is a collection of up to 8 devices that frequencies hop together. Each piconet has one master usually a device that initiated establishment of the piconet, and up to 7 slave devices. Masters blue tooth address is used for definition of the frequency hopping sequence. Slave devices use the masters clock to synchronize their clocks to be able to hop simultaneously.


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When a device wants to establishment a piconet it has to perform inquiry to discover other blue tooth devices in the range. Inquiry procedure is defined in such a way to ensure that two devices will after some time, visit the same frequency same time when that happens, required information is exchanged and devices can use paging procedure to establish connection. When more than 7 devices need to communicate, there are two options. The first one is to put one or more devices into the park state. Blue tooth defines three low power modes sniff, hold, and park. When a device is in the park mode then it disassociates from and piconet, but still maintains timing synchronization with it. Master of the piconet periodically broadcasts beacons (warning) to invite the slave to rejoin the piconet or to allow the slave to rejoin. The slave can rejoin the piconet only if there are less than seven slaves already in the piconet. If not so, the master has to park one of the active slaves first. All these actions cause delay and for some applications it can be unacceptable for eg : process control applications, that requires response from the command center (central control room). Scatter net consists of several piconets connected by devices participating in multiple piconet. These devices can be slaves in all piconet or master in one piconet and slave in other piconet. Using scatter net higher throughput is available and multi-hop connections between devices in different piconets are possible. i.e. theunit can communicate in one piconet at time so they jump from pioneer to another depending upon the channel parameter.


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The main challenge in front of Bluetooth developers now is to prove interoperability between different manufactures devices and to provide numerous interesting applications. One of such applications is wireless sensor networks. Wireless sensor networks comprise number of small devices equipped with a sensing unit, microprocessor, and wireless communication interface and power source. 1. An important feature of wireless sensor networks is collaboration of network nodes during the task execution. 2. Another specific characteristics of wireless sensor network is Data-centric nature As deployment of smart sensor nodes is not planned in advanced and positions of nodes in the field are not determined, it could happen that some sensor nodes end in such positions that they either cannot perform required measurement or the error probability is high. For that a redundant number of smart nodes are deployed in this field. These nodes then communicate, collaborate and share data, thus ensuring better results. Smart sensor nodes scattered in the field, collect data and send it to users via gateway using multiple hop routes.

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The main functions of a gateway are 1. Communication with sensor networks Shortage wireless communication is used. It provides functions like discovery of smart sensor nodes, generic methods of

sending and receiving data to and from sensors, routing. 2. characteristics. It provides functions for uniform access to sensors regardless of their type,
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Gateway logic It controls gateway interfaces and data flow and from sensor network. It provides an abstraction level that describes the existing sensors and their

location or network topology, inject queries and tasks and collect replies. 3. phenomenon. Tasking is a more complex operation and is used when a phenomenon has to be observe Over a large period of time. Both queries and tasks of time to the network by the gateway which also collects replies and forwards them to users. Communication with users Gateway communication with users or other sensor networks over the internet,

WAN, satellite or some shortage communication technology. From the user point of view, querying and tasking are two main services provided by

wireless sensor networks. Queries are used when user requires only the current value of the observed


The main goal of our implementation was to build a hardware platform and generic software solutions that can serve as the basis and a test bench for the research of wireless sensor network protocols. Implemented sensor network consists of several nodes and a gateway. Each smart node can have several sensors and is equipped with a micro controlled and blue tooth radio module. Gateway and smart nodes are members of the piconet and hence maximum seven smart nodes can exist simultaneously in the network.For example, a pressure sensor is implemented, as Bluetooth node in a following way. The sensor is connected to the Bluetooth node consists of the pressure sensing element, smart signal-conditioning circuitry including calibration and temperature compensation, and the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS). These features are built directly into the sensor microcontroller used for node communication control plus memory for TEDS configuration information.

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The architecture shown in figure can easily be developed for specific sensor configurations such as thermocouples, strain gauges, and other sensor technologies and can include sensor signal conditioning as well as communications functions.

Conditioned along sensor signal is digitized and digital data is then processed using stored TEDS data. The pressure sensor node collects data from multiple sensors and transmits the data via Bluetooth wireless communications in the 2.4GHz base band to a network hub or other internet appliance such as a computer. The node can supply excitation to each sensor, or external sensor power can be supplied. Up to eight channels are available on each node for analog inputs as well as digital output. The sensor

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signal is digitized with 16-bit A/D resolution for transmission along with the TEDS for each sensor. This allows each channel to identify itself to the host system. The maximum transmission distance is 10 meters with an optional capability to 100 meters. The IEEE 1451 family of standards are used for definition of functional boundaries and interfaces that are necessary to enable smart transducer to be easily connected to a variety of networks. The standards define the protocol and functions that give the transducer interchangeability in networked system, with this information a host microcomputer recognized a pressure sensor, a temperature sensor, or another sensor type along with the measurement range and scaling information based on the information contained in the TEDS data. With blue tooth technology, small transceiver modules can be built into a wide range of products including sensor systems, allowing fast and secure transmission of data within a given radius (Usually up to 10m). A blue tooth module consists primarily of three

functional blocks - an analog 2.4 GHz, Blue tooth RF transceiver unit, and a support unit for link management and host controller interface functions. The host controller has a hardware digital signal processing part- the Link Controller (LC), a CPU core, and it interfaces to the host environment. The link controller consists of hardware and software parts that perform blue tooth based band processing, and physical layer protocols. The link controller performs low-level digital-signal processing to establish connections, assemble or disassemble, packets, control frequency hopping, correct errors and encrypt data.

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Implementation Of Gateways
Complete software functionality is developed in java It can be implemented by the use of either bluetooth PCMCIA CARD or using infrared connection Java community undertook the first effort towards bluetooth stack API application Ex-JSR-82 JABWT

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Applications of Smart Sensor Networks

Military applications
Monitoring friendly forces, equipment and communition Reconnaissance of opposing forces and terrain Battlefield surveillance Battle damage assessment Nuclear, biological and chemical attack detection

Environmental applications
Forest fire detection Biocomplexity mapping of the environment Flood detection and Precision agriculture

Health applications
Tele-monitoring of human physiological data Tracking and monitoring patients and doctors Drug administration in hospitals inside a hospital

Indutrial safety
Monitoring building and vehicle Managing inventory control Monitoring the status of different machines in factories,along with the air pllution or fire monitoring.

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Bluetooth module Hardware Architecture

The CPU core allows the blue tooth module to handle inquiries and filter page request without involving the host device. The host controller can be programmed to answer certain page messages and authenticate remote links. The link manager(LM) software runs on the CPU core. The LM discovers other remote LMs and communicates with them via the link manager protocol (LMP) to perform its service provider role using the services of the underlying LC. The link manager is a software function that uses the services of the link controller to perform link setup, authentication, link configuration, and other protocols. Depending on the implementation, the link controller and link manager functions may not reside in the same processor. Another function component is of course, the antenna, which may be integrated on thePCB or come as a standalone item. A fully implemented blue tooth module also incorporateshigher-level software protocols, which govern the functionality and interoperability with othermodules. Gate way plays the role of the Piconets master in the sensor network. It controls establishments of the network, gathers information about the existing smart sensor nodes and sensor attached to them and provides access to them.

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Discovery of the smart sensor nodes

Smart sensor node discovery is the first procedure that is executed upon the gateway installation. It goals to discover all sensor nodes in the area and to build a list of sensors characteristics and network topology. Afterwards, it is executed periodically to facilitate addition of new or removal of the existing sensors. The following algorithm is proposed. When the gateway is initialized, it performs bluetooth inquiry procedure. When the blue tooth device is discovered, the major and minor device classes are checked. These parameters are set by each smart node to define type of the device and type of the attached sensors. Service class field can be used to give some additional description of offered services. If discovered device is not smart node it is discarded. Otherwise service database of the discovered smart node is searched for sensor services. As currently there is no specific sensor profile, then database is searched for the serial port profile connection parameters. Once connection strings is obtained from the device. Blue tooth link is established and data exchange with smart mode can start.

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Blue tooth represents a great chance for sensor-networked architecture. This architecture heralds wireless future for home and also for industrial implementation. With a blue tooth RF link, users only need to bring the devices within range, and the devices will automatically link up and exchange information. Thus implementation of blue tooth technology for sensor networks not only cuts wiring cost but also integrates the industrial environment to smarter environment. Today, with a broader specifications and a renewed concentration on

interoperability, manufacturers are ready to forge ahead and take blue tooth products tothe market place. Embedded design can incorporate the blue tooth wireless technology into a range of new products to meet the growing demand for connected information appliances.

-enabled data concentrator for data acquisition and analysis.

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G.I.Pottie, W.J.KaiserWireless Integrated network sensors,Communications of the ACM, May 2002. C.Shen, C.Srisathapomphatsensor networking architecture and application, IEEC personal communication. Aug,2001.

r networks, RTCBPA, June 2003.

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