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Assignment of Advanced Marketing

Submitted By:Name: - Malaviya jayesh. Patel rahul. STD: - T.Y. B.B.A. Div: - Marketing Roll No.:- 30, 39. Date: - 26/3/07 Topic: - Packaging the 5th P of Marketing.

Submitted To: Mr. Jayesh Desai.

Packaging the 5th p of Marketing




Product planning is an extremely significant function of marketing. Planning a product includes two types of sub functions. The first is product planning for development, which includes new product development, product improvement and product-wise decisions. The second is product planning for promotion, which includes branding, packaging and labeling. In the last few years, we have been witnessing a trend of more packaging and improved packaging of products. Packaging is a multidimensional, multi-disciplinary and dynamic art, science and technology to protect, preserve and present the product. The development of packaging is the sum of total of the talents of the designer, the researcher, the technician, the adverting man, the marketing expert, the sales department and the top management. Packaging may be defined as follow: The group of activities in product planning which involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product We define packaging as all the activities of designing and producing the container for a product. Packages might include up to three levels of material. The first is container of the product which is said primary packaging. Second is the material which protect the primary package is called secondary packaging. Secondary packaging provides some scope for promotion of product, E.g. Big cardboard boxes with different colors and different information. Third is shipping package. For example, Amul Ghee comes in a tin is primary packaging, cardboard box is secondary packaging and the corrugated box contains hundred tin is shipping package. the

Various factors that contributed to the growing use of packaging as marketing tools are increasing number of supermarkets (self service), consumer affluence as consumers are willing to pay more for convenience, appearance, dependability and prestige of product, company and brand image and new innovations done in packaging of products. Lets see the example of Tetra Pak. Tetra Pak, a major Swedish multinational, provides an example of the power of innovative packaging and customer thinking. Tetra Pak invented an aseptic package that enables milk, fruit juice, and other perishable liquid foods to be distributed without refrigeration, so dairies can distribute milk over a wider area without investing in refrigerated trucks and facilities. Packaging is heavily integrated into our daily lives, we see it all around us, on everyday items such as chocolate bars and potato chip packets- The main use for packaging is protection of the goods inside, but packaging also provides us with a recognizable logo, or packaging, we instantly know what the goods are inside.

B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration

Packaging the 5th p of Marketing Developing an effective package requires a number of decisions. From the perspective of both the company and consumers, packaging must achieve the following objectives: Identify the brand, Convey descriptive and persuasive information, Facilitate product transportation and protection, Assist at-home storage, and Aid product consumption. Trends in Packaging There are several factors which have resulted in a trend of increasing in packaging of products. These factors are increased competition, increase in education, increase in consumer affluence, changes in living habits, migration from rural to urban areas, more emphasis given to convenience and better service, etc. these factors have affected packaging in almost every type of industry such as in food products, most food products were considered to be unsuitable for packaging, but now many items are available in packaged form. The traditional packaging material like paper and glass have been substituted by several recently developed packaging materials such as aluminum foil, plastics, polythene, polystylene, etc. Moreover, there are several new trends in packaging for sales promotion purposes. There are several new technologies are developed for marketing through packaging such as follows: Kaleidoscopic Packaging: in this technique of packaging, cut-out figures, toys and cartons are printed on one or all the faces of the package. Retailers alter the faces or position of packaging at slight intervals in order to stimulate demand and accelerate sales. These are more common with breakfast foods like bread, biscuits, etc. Dual-Use Packaging: Another new trend is in the area of dual-use packaging. It has also been developed for sales promotion purposes. Here, packages are not mere containers, they are usable after the consumption of the product. Some examples are juices sold in a drinking glass, toothbrushes in a plastic containers, perfume in a bottle that may be used as a decoration piece. Multiple, Multi-Unit or Combination Packaging: In multiunit or combination packaging, two or more related items are packaged together in order to reduce the cost of packaging and save the buyers time in purchasing the items separately. The classic example is shaving set containing a razor, blades, shaving cream, shaving brush and after-shave lotion. Fractional Packaging: Fractional packaging is more common in food products, such as biscuits. This is aimed at keeping the product pure and safe till it is completely used. Indian industrialists are not logging behind the industries of the developed countries with regards to packaging.

B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration

Packaging the 5th p of Marketing The National Productivity Council, at the instance of the planning Commission, has prepared a scheme for the development of a package consultancy service for small scale industrialists. During the old years since independence, India has emerged as a major exporter of a variety of industrial and consumer products, and therefore, packaging has begun to play a dominant role in the marketing of products. It is not enough to have a packaging that merely protects the product or helps in its transportation. It has to be functional, economical and at the same time attractive too.

B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration

Packaging the 5th p of Marketing


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- P.K. Shrivastava - Shiva Publishers Distributors - Page No: 147 149

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B.R.C.M. College of Business Administration

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