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2.Tenses i) Underline and correct the wrong verb form. e.

g She went to the class and scold them. 1) They talked noisily until the chairman call for silence. 2) I went to his house and talk to him yesterday. 3) I want to visit her but could not make it. 4) You were never around when I need you. 5) The teacher gave us a lot of homework and tell us to finish it. 6) She could not decide which dress to buy but in the end she pick a red outfit. 7) I was very happy when I receive her letter. 8) Most of the people killed in road accidents were careless or do not obey traffic rules. 9) Whenever my neighbor goes to Perlis, she asked me to feed her cats. 10) Before I could give her the message, Pn Maria has left the office. 11) The window pane broke when someone throws a stone at it. 12) When I wrote a letter, I usually use a black ball-point pen. 13) We could not find her and neither do we know where she was. 14) There had been occasions in the past when examinations have to be postponed due to floods. 15) I sprang to my feet when I hear someone screaming.

ii) Sample essay- CW 1 Complete a narrative writing below by changing the verbs given in the brackets to the correct forms. Describe an occasion when you did something foolish which you regretted afterwards. Glasses I wish I had done it. If I had been more sensible, the accident would not have happened; but it is no use saying that now. One day at school last term, we ______ (do) not have much to do. The teachers ________(have) all gone to a staff meeting, and most of us in 5A ______ (are) chatting, joking and reading magazines. Arif, who _______ (has) to prepare for an overseas examination, _______ (is) the only one who ______ (is) studying. He _____ (has) a large Physics book in front of him and _____ (is) making careful notes in an exercise book. He (looks) so serious that I suddenly _______(have) a marvelous idea for a joke. I ________(creep) up behind him and quickly _________(snatch) his glasses from his face. The others in the class ___________ (roar) with laughter, as I _______(take) him completely by surprise. Even the girls on the other side of the room (giggle) one girl __________(tells) me to give the glasses back, but I ________(know) she _______(is) not serious. Everybody ______(is) enjoying the joke except for Arif. Please, he ________(begs),give me back my glasses. He ________ (stands) up and ________(moves) towards me. I ________(turn) round and _______(throw) them to Chong, who _______(is) behind me. Unfortunately Chong _________(isnt) expecting this and he _________ (laugh) but then the room _________(fall) silent. They ________ (are) expensive glasses with metal frames, and the lenses _________(are) tinted. Arif _______(has) to wear them in the sun as well as indoors.

Arif, Im sorry, I (appologise) lamely. I ________(mean) it as a joke.. Arif ________(does) not reply. Ill help you buy a new pair, I ___________(promise). But he _______ (isnt) listening to me. If he had been angry, it would have been better, ignoring me, he _________(makes) me feel very small. I _______(do) not know what to do. A lot of us in Form 5 ________(come) to school by bicycle or motorbike. Arif _______(has) a motorbike, given to him as a present by his father. I ______(am) rather jealous. Because I ______(come) on a bicycle, the same one that I ______(have) been using since I _______ (am) in Form 2. After school I _______(see) Arif go to the stand by the gates, pull out his motorbike, get on it and ride off alone. I _______(feel) sorry about what I ______(have) done, but I ________(think) that if I ________(can) find enough money for a new pair of glasses we ________(may) be friends again. I __________(manage) to borrow RM 150 that evening, and although it ______ (is) not really enough, I __________ (decide) to offer it to Arif at school the next day. But when I _______(go) into class the next morning, I ______(see) everyone listening attentively to Omar. I __________(wonder) why, for Omar _____(is) a quiet boy who ______(is) not normally the centre of attention. Then I _________(realize) that all my friends ________(are) starring at me. Omar ________(sees) me and ___________ (becomes) silent. I ________(go) to my desk and __________(whisper) to Michael, who _________(sits) in front of me, What that all about? Michael ________(does) not turn round. Its Arif, he ______ (says). He __________(crashes) on the way home yesterday. A car ________(hits) him. He _______(is) badly hurt. They have taken him to the University Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Dont worry, its not your fault, Chong __________ (adds). I _______(am) grateful to him for saying that, but I do not know if he really ___________(means) it.

GRAMMAR Subject-Verb Agreement i) Underline and correct the wrong verb used. e.g. Julias grandparents lives on the farm. 1) The teacher called Siew Ling and Mary who was standing outside the classroom. 2) The childs knees was bleeding and he was crying. 3) The canteen in our school sell many varieties of Malaysian cakes. 4) Is there many shopping complexes in Kuala Lumpur? 5) Mum and dad has given me the green light to visit you during the holidays. 6) There is a lot of co-curricular activities in my school. 7) I would recommend this book to every one who like science-fiction stories 8) Taman Rimba is one of the lattest attractions which tourists visits. 9) The shopping complex which is in Jalan Muda are stocked with fashionable clothes. 10) Anita who live in Hong Kong is a well-known singer. 11) Everbody know that John Ho is a wealthy man. 12) The documentary are shown to educate people about AIDS. 13) Noraini dont have much to say when I see her. 14) Fashions changes from year to year. 15) Neither David nor Sam like Art.

Sample Essay- CW 2 Write the correct verbs in the blanks. How I Can Make Myself a Better Person I am not perfect, like everyone else. There ________1 (be) many things which are not right with me. It ______2 (be) my dearest wish that I can correct my faults. The first thing which is wrong with me ______3 (be) my brutal honesty. I can never tell a lie. I always ________4 (tell) the truth, however hurtful it may be. If an ugly woman _______5 (ask) me how she __________6 (looks) in a new dress, I will unwaveringly answer, Very ugly! If someone ________7 (ask) me why I do not visit him, I will unflinchingly answer I ________8 (do) not like your wife. The way I speak________9 (do) not endear me to others. Only those who ____________10 (know) me very well _________11(know) that I have a very good heart in spite of the terrible things I ________12(say). However, recently when only five people attended my birthday party, I knew had to clean up my mouth or my circle of friends will disappear altogether. Another fault ________13(be) I talk too loud. People _______14(tell) me that if they __________15(listen) to me talking for too long, they will become deaf. My voice ________16(be) extremely loud. People _________17(have) also learnt not to tell me confidential matters. I would very loudly repeat what they __________18( have) told me and those within a hundred metres can hear and the secret __________19(be) no more a secret. Once a woman told me something and I repeated it loudly, What? Your husband __________20(be) having an affair with your maid? After that the woman became my sworn enemy. I am ________21(be) quite scared to talk to children for they will be invariably frightened by my thunderous voice and start to cry. I must learn to tone down my voice or nobody will want me around them. One more thing for which I ______22(be) not popular _________23(be) my argumentative nature. Talking to me _________24(be) like inviting me to start an

argument. I will argue about everything. I will not even let the most insignificant remark pass without expressing my views on it. Then, in no time we will be arguing. If I

_____________25(continue) behaving in this manner, nobody will speak to me. So I _______26 (have) to check my urge to argue about everything. These three weaknesses ________27(be) the reasons why I

_______28(have) almost no friends and why I _________29(be) so intensely disliked. I _________30(hope) I __________31(be) able to correct these weaknesses. Maybe I will have more friends and my life will not be so miserable.

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