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LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

PHY 802 Physics of sensors Text Book Handbook of Modern Sensors Physics; Designs and Applications by Jacob Fraden e-book cannot be uploaded in your UMS account; you please copy from my laptop
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12


Bansi Lal School of Sciences (to be updated)

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Sensors in human body Spring Term 2011-12

To see Sensor are eyes To hear Sensors are ear To taste Taste buds Feeling of touch Nerve endings To smell Nose
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12


Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12


Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Taste buds

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12


Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

How do you smell? Human nose has some 400 chemical receptors which smell by reading the odorants physical shape This theory has a flaw For instance, ethanol (which smells like vodka) and ethanethiol (which smells like rotten eggs) have essentially the same shape, differing from each other by only a single atom. (Ethanol is C2H6O, and ethanethiol is C2H6S.)

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Smell sensor (cont) Evidence has emerged over the past decade suggesting that at least part of a molecules scent comes from chemical receptors in the nose that pump current through the odorant molecule and cause it to vibrate in an identifiable way. Lacking a direct electrical hookup to the odorant, the noses receptors would likely transmit electrons via quantum tunneling, a well-studied process that allows electrons to hop through non-conducting regions if they are small enough. Tunneling is what allows charge to be stored in flash memory cells. It also forms the image in scanning tunneling electron microscopes and is a source of power wasted in microchips
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Definition of a sensor

A device that detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it. Examples Thermometer/thermo-couple /pyrometer for temperature measurement Heat energy in converted into Linear expansion in case of a thermometer Current/voltage in case of thermo-couple /pyrometer The estimated temperature is displayed
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Definition of a sensor (contd.)

Pressure Manometer/barometer/diaphragm gauge/capacitance pressure gauge/piezoelectric element Manometer/barometer; difference in heights of the liquid column; naked eye/ optical/electronic Diaphragm gauge; restorable deformation of the diaphragm/ mechanical/electronic Capacitance gauge; change in the capacitance of the capacitor; electronic Piezoelectric element; generation of voltage on application of pressure; electronic
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Sensors (contd) What happens in a mercury thermometer? Heat energy is converted into linear expansion of the Hg What happens in thermocouple/pyrometer? Heat energy is converted into electrical energy What happens in case of barometer/manometer? Pressure is converted into potential energy of the liquid What happens in piezoelectric pressure gauge? Pressure is converted into electrical energy by the piezoelectric element
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Sensors (contd.)
A sensor has two main parts (i) Part which senses the input and converts it into an output while preserving the information embedded in the input (ii) Part which converts the output of Part A such that the information embedded in input can be seen/recorded. Part (i) is called a transducer while Part(ii) is the associated display system

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12


Examples Microphone: Sound energy into electrical energy

Diaphragm is the transducer while coil and magnet is part of the display system A transducer converts one form (input) of energy into another form(output) while preserving the information embedded in the input energy
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Performance parameters of a sensor 1. Sensitivity; output/input 2. Resolution; can distinguish between (input) and (input + d input) with d input approaching 0 3. Variation of output with input. Linear or nonlinear; range of a sensor

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Transfer function of a sensor

A sensor is a black box with input and output ports X(S) Y(S) sensor Y(S) = F (S) X(S) F(S) is called transfer function of a sensor Transfer function establishes the dependence of Y(S) on X(S) For an ideal sensor Y(S) should be a true representation of the input X(S)

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Some transfer functions Linear transfer function Y(S) = A X(S) +B X(S) = 0, Y(S) = B Explain?? dark response Logarithmic transfer function Y(S) =B+A ln X(S) Exponential function Y(S) = AeBX(S) Power function Y(S) = B0 + B1 exp[ AX(S) ]
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Estimated value from transfer function

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Sensitivity of a sensor
Y(S) = A X(S) +B A is the slope of the graph Sensitivity Output/input Examples???? Y(S) =B+A ln X(S) (equation of a st line with A as slope) Plot Y(S) and X(S) on a semi-log graph paper A will be sensitivity which can be found out from the slope of the graph
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Sensitivity of exponential transfer function sensor Y(S) = B eAX(S) lnY(S) = ln B + A X(S) Change of base for log e to 10 2.303 log Y(S) = 2.303 log B + A X(S) log Y(S) = log B + A X(S)/2.303 Equation of a straight line when plotted on log-log graph paper and slope M = A/2.303 Sensitivity A= 2.303 x M

Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

LPU/PHY802/Bansi Lal

Spring Term 2011-12

Sensitivity of sensors with non-linear transfer function

In case of a sensor with non-linear transfer function the sensitivity A is defined over a limited range A = d Y(S)/d X(S) (in some interval) A non-linear transfer function may be modeled by several straight lines ; this approximation is called piece-wise approximation
PHY 802 PPT 2.ppt
Lecture notes; only for internal use at Lovely Professional University

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