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A group of Norleyans chaired by Parish Councillor Alison Greasley has begun work on preparations for the villages celebrations of the Jubilee, over the long weekend 4-6 June. Some celebrations have already begun to take shape - such as the beer festival, live music and pram race at the Tigers Head but others still need to be organised. The group has come together to organize and co-ordinate various other events and to make sure that we are not running competing ones. And of course - to make sure there really is something for everyone, over the Jubilee weekend. So far main events planned include a street party lunch, childrens sports and games, and a scarecrow competition themed around the last 60 years.

Date 2/6/12 Evening 2/6/12 5/6/12 3/6/12 - AM evening 3/6/12 - PM 3/6/12 - PM Event Description Fireworks at Tigers Head Beer festival at Tigers Head Special Church Services Big Lunch Childrens games and activities back of Tigers Head. Pram race, Tigers Head Tigers Head - Tug of War, Bouncy castle, Other childrens /family activities. Wednesday Club Tea and Entertainment Band Cheeky Monkey Tigers Head Scarecrow Trail around Norley weekend closes at Village Hall for tea, and exhibition.

March 2012

Royal Goings On In Norley

Lead organiser Tracey and John Whitlow Tracey and John Whitlow St Johns and Methodist churches Angela Askwith Nick Taylor

4/6/12 - PM 4/6/12 - PM

Tracey and John Whitlow Tracey and John Whitlow

4/6/12 - PM 4/6/12 Evening 5/6/12

Wednesday Club Tracey and John Whitlow

Entries will be sought from groups, and private households, and villagers will be encouraged to walk the village on the last day of the Bank Holiday, the Tuesdays, to see them all. These events complement the events already planned around the pub, many of which happen on the Monday. The events will commence with fireworks on Saturday night, and close with tea at the Village Hall on Tuesday. There will be an exhibition of Norley over the last 60 years, at the Hall. We are particularly keen on photographs of Norley and any written accounts. Overall, a full and exciting weekend. Small groups are thinking about the ideas in the draft timetable shown below - not all of these have been worked through fully or consulted on properly, with all interested

News Inside
A while on the tiles............................................ If you down in the woods .....................FC plans Norley Life........................................circa 1903 Fenestrial Serenade ......................... for the VH Ticket to Ride ................................................... Keep em for Karen 1

A good turnout for the first Jubilee Celebrations meeting

Norley NewsMarch 2012

parties. We will be doing this but in the meantime, if there is something you think we should know, please do get in touch. Even more important, are you willing to help run any of these activities? The whole purpose is to get villagers involved please let us know if you are willing to help. The calendar of events needs all kinds of help if no one comes forward it may not be possible to run some of them. It really will be worth it if you dont often get involved in village activities, what could be a better opportunity to get to know more of your neighbours. And if you do, then why change the habits of a lifetime? Chair of the steering group Alison Greasley said; This is a fantastic opportunity for the people of Norley to come together on this occasion of national importance. The enthusiasm of those who have already started to get involved has been great. We hope all will take the time to play a part. Young and old, this will be a day to remember The table below shows the ideas we have had so far. Further ideas are still welcome, but time is now in short supply. If you have any further thoughts, please send them to the usual address ( as soon as you can. There are other ways you can help: do you have any Union flags you could lend to us? We also need pictures of old Norley to display. There will be a further meting of the large organizing group on March 26, 7.30 at the Tigers Head. All are welcome to attend, to lend their ideas and assistance, or just to find out what is going on. We urgently need to know who intends to take part in the Jubilee Scarecrow Trail: could you please therefore return the attached form via the shop as soon as possible. Alternatively please e-mail the details to the usual address at
Jon Wild & Kate Greenhalgh

Kids Eye View Of Norley Immortalized In Clay

Landmarks of Norley are to be commemorated in a soon to be unveiled plaque handmade by the children of the village. Pupils of Norley C of E Primary School set to work making clay tiles for the project last Spring. And by autumn they were ready to fire. But setbacks made completing the mammoth task a feat of logistics. Six months on, as the budding ceramicists finally put finishing touches to their masterpiece, art teacher, Stella Coote reveals it has already received praise from a famous face.

By Kate Greenhalgh The entrance lobby of the village hall is very dull and tells visitors nothing about the Norley and it's environment. Following a generous donation from Norley Horticultural Society, the village hall committee agreed to approach Norley School to see if they would like to be involved, making this a truly community enterprise. Helen Kelly, the class 3 teacher, came up with the idea of a ceramic tile


Make up a 6-8 person Team or come and join a team for an entertaining

Quiz Night & Hotpot Supper


Saturday 24th March


Norley Jubilee Scarecrow Trail

Name/Club etc.

Norley Village Hall 7.00pm

for a 7.30pm prompt start


Tickets: 10 each
to include Supper (Hotpot or Veggie alternative meal plus a range of Desserts) and are available from:

Do you intend to participate in the Jubilee Scarecrow Trail?

Brian Coglan (01928 787426)

If so, what is your idea for your Scarecrow?


Norley News March 2012

plaque, with children making individual tiles depicting different village features. It all took far longer than we anticipated but we hope that everyone will regard this a a great piece of children's artwork, celebrating the skills and talents of the pupils of Norley School, something that will enhance the village hall for many years to come. Penny Clark Village Hall Committee When, last April, Stella was tasked with helping a class of eight to ten year olds to design and make a plaque to be hung in Norley Village Hall, she knew it would be a big project. The four foot square plate was to be a collage of tiles, each individually designed and handmade by one of the children, with a Norley theme. Each six inch tile is a 3D depiction of a local landmark. The children chose places that meant the most to them, said Stella, who has been teaching art at the school on Thursdays for almost four years. The young ceramicists were very hands on drawing designs, rolling the clay out, and making and painting the pieces. And by September they were ready to bake their mini masterpieces, but there was a hitch. We struggled to find

someone to fire them said Stella. Eventually Helsby High School saved the day, allowing Stella to use their kiln. Afterwards the production line got to work again, painting the relief clay designs, depicting buildings, trees and daffodils among other things. It was quite testing for them said Stella, explaining that the creative bright designs used a limited colour pallet and relied on artistic flair. I hope people of Norley will be able to recognise just from the tiles which bit of Norley it is. I didnt think it would take quite this long, she said, referring to it as a labour of love. There were some problems and I feared we might drop a tile, so Im pleased its all stuck down. They really worked very hard on it. It is a testament to their powers of concentration. It is anticipated that an unveiling ceremony will be held at the Village Hall in a couple of months. But the plaque has already received the thumbs up from Stellas famous Opera singer sister, Alice Coote. The mezzo-soprano whose family moved to Gallowsclough Lane in 1976, attended Norley Primary School as a child. And that is where her love of music began, Stella said. It was her happiest school memory, she added. Today Alice is kept busy with a flourishing international singing career, but she recently made time to visit the school, admire the tiles and catch up with her former teacher, Mrs Jones. Stella hopes the reception from Norley people will be just as enthusiastic. She said, Hopefully people will like it. Art is a subjective thing.

Mike Kay
Norley 01928 787292 Local Reliable Established for over 25 years. Prompt attention to all your property repairs and maintenance. ROOFING GUTTERING FACIAS BLOCKED DRAINS etc

Norley Village Hall

Car Boot Sale

Bank Holiday Monday 9th April from 8am Indoors/Outdoors Refreshments Free Admission
Book spaces from 7 by contacting Marie Cliffe 01928 788181
Norley Village Hall will be having its own indoor table so if you have items that you would like to donate please contact Penny Clarke 01928 787496. There will be no Spring Car Boot sale because of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

No job too small!!

Very Competitive RatesNon Vatable Please call anytime01928 787292

Norley NewsMarch 2012

Norley News March 2012

The Delamere Project

Proposed Improvements to Facilities at Delamere Forest The Forestry Commission is presently examining ways in which to improve the visitor experience at Delamere and that of our neighbours and is currently undertaking work to formulate plans and secure investment and will lead to the submission of planning applications. The Forestry Commission would like to share its initial proposals and seek feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, local residents and the Parish Councils. A draft forest-wide Masterplan has been produced and this consultation process will lead to two planning applications being submitted under the Masterplan. Plans will be submitted for a proposed new visitor hub at Linmere and a cabin development in the Kingswood area. The initial plans are available for viewing from 23rd

February on our website at: We are very keen to receive comments on these draft plans either in writing or by email. The consultation period will run from 23rd February end of March. There will be 3 open sessions at the Information Centre at Linmere if you wish to come and discuss the draft plans. Tuesday 6th March 10am Noon Wednesday 7th March Noon 5pm Thursday 8th March 5pm -8pm The draft plans will also be on display from 23rd February at the Information Centre at Linmere. Any comments received will be considered and will inform the proposals which will form part of the planning applications. Your views are important to us. Should you wish to discuss any matters or make comment t h e n p l e a s e e m a i l : or write to The Forest Manager, Delamere Forest, Linmere, Delamere, Cheshire CW8 2JD.

My life in Norley 1903 1910

By Mr. E Lewis Extracted from The First Hundred Years 1882-1982, a Norley Central Methodist Church booklet published 30 years ago. I was born in 1899. My home being in Cow Lane, I lived on the outskirts of the village. The earliest memory of village events I have is one of national importance held in Norley Hall field with a military band in attendance. This was probably the Coronation of King Edward the Seventh. The next memory I have is being carried through the snow to the Sunday School party at the Temperance Hall by my father. Life in Norley in those days was like most other villages very rural in character with its church, three chapels, one C. of E. Day School, two public houses and one off licensed house, and several shops and bakeries. The population appeared divided thus: Church of England adherents were usually Tories and supporters of the public houses, and also members of the Ancient Order of Foresters (with headquarters at the Foresters Hall situated near to the Tigers Head Inn). The other half of the village were the Rechabites who were liberals, total abstainers, Methodists, and had their headquarters at the Temperance Hall opposite to the Central Methodist Chapel.

Brian Wainwright
WHITBYS LANE GARAGE Whitbys Lane Winsford CW7 2LZ 01606 593619
Norley NewsMarch 2012 5

The Day School is still used today as it was then, and since it was a Church of England school the only official figure we ever saw was the vicar, the Rev. Nunn. Mr. Sumner, the headmaster, always had us on our best behavior when his reverence paid us his weekly visit. In these times the village boasted two houses of importance viz Norley Hall owned and occupied by a family named Woodhouse, later Bell, and Norley Bank owned and occupied by Col. Lascelles. Both were typical upper class residences, owning a number of farms and cottages including laundry houses and extensive outbuildings. They employed quite a large number of workers who usually lived in what was known as tied cottages, or in other words the house went with the job. Norley had more than its share of grocers shops, which in two instances included corn and cattle food, and three of the shops had their own bakeries. Two butchers shops and slaughterhouses were to be found, and one slaughterhouse that killed and dresses pigs only, which were sold to a wholesale pork butcher in Warrington, transported there by horsedrawn vehicle. No village was complete without its

sweet shops. Norley had two, one serving a dual purpose having one window displaying sweets and the other displaying wallpaper. The off licensed premises, known then as now as the Crown Inn, also sold sweets and groceries. Bread and confectionary was supplied by horse drawn vans over to a number of adjoining villages which had no bakery. One sad incident which I remember occurred at the larger of the two butchers establishments. A bullock from Norley Hall was slaughtered and found to be infected with anthrax, a deadly cattle disease. The slaughterman became infected and died. The carcass of the bullock had to be burnt on the premises, and I well remember seeing the fire smoldering away for a week or more as we went to and fro to school, the spot being quite near to the road. One of Norleys most interesting characters was Tailor Yearsley who employed a number of men in his workshop making hunting and various other liveries for the local gentry from many other villages than Norley. He also had a special hobby which was the breeding of Indian Game Poultry, as Cock Fighting still took place at secret spots around.

Sponsor Your Norley News

We are deeply grateful to our advertisers, and the Parish Council who have supported us over the years. All volunteers with the NN give their time for free of course, be they editors, or delivery volunteers. BUT we need extra funds! If you are willing to sponsor us it will help us carry on, and to provide the Norley News you want. All you need to do is to leave your donation at the shop in an envelope with the tear off slip below. Thanks!

YES I do want to support the Norley News Name email address Donation ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................

I WOULD/WOULD NOT like my name to be included in any lists of sponsors that might be published in the future. 6 Norley News March 2012

Poultry breeding also was carried out on a larger scale at Moss Farm, the special line being Barred or Plymouth Rock. The whole farm was given over to this special business. Farming was the only other and main business carried on in the village, with butter and eggs, dresses poultry etc being sold at Fridays Northwich market. Club Day was a special event each year, which was a parade of all the members of the Rechabite Temperance Society complete with regalia and two brass bands one at the head and one in the centre. The procession marched through and around the village, starting and finishing at the Temperance Hall. It was followed by tea in the Hall, and then over to Royles fairground on the Hall field and the field opposite. There were roundabouts, swings, coconut shies etc, with sports for the children and the big event of the evening was the mens Tug-of-War. The village postman, Sam Partington, was a jolly member of the community, one of his habits being to have a good guess who your letter was from, or if unsealed to guess what firm or company were sending a bill for goods or an overdue account. Too noisy characters were the above mentioned Tailor Yearsley and Sammy Walker who lived next door to each other, and practiced the trumpet and the violin respectively. As they lived on an elevated road they could be heard for a considerable distance. One interesting sight on our way home from school was at the smithy, when sometimes we were lucky enough to see the smiths putting the red hot iron rims on the wheels of a farm cart. This process involved making a ring of fire to heat the iron equally before fitting it to the spokes of the wheel. This then was the pattern of life in those bygone days in

Norley when every village event was looked forward to and enjoyed, and when everyone knew each other, making the community spirit so real.

No More Dog Mess Please!!

By the time this goes to press the council 'pavement team' will have cleared up existing fouling on all paths and verges around the village, including pytchleys hollow. The dog warden will have put up some notices around warning of fines and prosecution to offenders. As dog walkers ourselves we know that it takes less than 5 seconds to pick up and bags are a few pence each so no excuse. If you see anyone not picking up, the council only need the persons address and they will do the rest. Dog mess is dangerous as well as unpleasant especially if carried into the school on childrens shoes. Please help us keep our village clean and pleasant to walk in.

What a Load of Rubbish!

The Parish Council is becoming increasingly worried about items of rubbish being left around the village - on roadsides, and on private land. They ask Norleyans to please think about their fellow villagers and those who visit Norley. Nothing leaves a worse impression of the village and its people than discarded items by the wayside.

St Johns Church, Norley

Hollow Lane Kingsley (Next to the Horseshoe Inn) www elegancehb@btinternet.comtel 01928 787870

Coffee Morning, plus Stalls & Raffle

[White ElephantBooksJigsawsProduceCakes]


Saturday 10th March


Skin Hydration & Relaxation Hydrating Body Wrap

with full body exfoliation and a relaxing scalp massage.

Norley Parish Centre

from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Entrance: 1
For more details or Donations for stalls (very welcome!) contact Brian Coglan (01928 787426)

Only 40 ( save 14 )

Applies like a polish on natural nails, and lasts up to 2 weeks. Dries instantly so you can leave the Salon without any smudges.

open Tues & Thurs 9.30 7 Fri 9.30 5 Sat 9.30 - 4
Other times available by prior appointment. Please Book appointments early to avoid disappointment.

Norley NewsMarch 2012

Sweet Music for the Village Hall

Hoping to raise money towards the Village Hall Windows appeal, Norley composer Arnold Ashbrook thought it would be an idea to get together with Ashton Hayes lyricist Roy Green, to see if they could come up with a collection of original songs. Having met last year at the Kingsley pantomime Aladdin and his Amazing Lamp, with Roy playing the part of Widow Twankey and Arnold as the resident musician and writer, they discovered that they had both been writing songs for many years. They thought it would be interesting to see if they could pool their talents. So Roy set to work last summer on the lyrics, emailing them to Arnold as they were completed one by one. Arnold then started work on the melodies. By the late autumn seven new songs had been completed, and it was time to start to record the CD, titled Believe in Love, at Roys Ashton Hayes studio. Two other songs were included to complete the CD a song from Aladdin sung by Jaynie Blanchard and a song the lyrics of which had been written many years ago by Arnolds father Peter, Song to a Rose. The CD is now on sale, at 4 with proceeds going to the Windows fund. So far sales have ben going well.

To get your copy look into the Tigers Head and the Village Stores, both of which will be stocking them. Or contact Arnold direct on 01928 788108.

Free Insulation
Offer For All Cheshire West & Chester Householders Householders throughout West Cheshire are being urged to cash in on the chance to insulate their homes for free. From this month, Cheshire West Warm Zone (CWWZ) is offering all homeowners and private tenants the chance to improve the energy efficiency of their property, cut their fuel bills and protect the environment, subject to survey. The special scheme has been made possible thanks to additional funding from Scottishpower, enabling the Warm Zone to provide thousands of homes with cavity wall and loft insulation measures during 2012. Applying for the free insulation couldnt be easier. Simply telephone CWWZ on freephone 0800 0337873, or local number 0151 356 6484, or visit the website CWWZ will then arrange to carry out a free energy survey at your home, to determine what work is needed, and organise installation. Since September 2011, CWWZ has installed insulation at almost 600 homes across Cheshire West and Chester, and received a total of 2,500 self-referrals from homeowners.
Carol Halpin - Centre Manager, The Edge

The Dial a Ride Scheme

is a door to door transport scheme for people who find using public transport difficult. All the minibuses used are wheelchair accessible. Passengers have to pre-register and bookings are taken the day before the passenger wishes to travel. The service operates in the Northwich, Winsford and Frodsham areas. To use the Dial a Ride you must complete a membership form and become a registered user, to receive a membership form or for general enquiries or bookings please ring 01606 784100. Download an application form here.
2 musicians in collaboration for the Village Hall

Norley News March 2012

Northwich Dial a Ride operates Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, 08.45am 16.30pm. Bookings are taken the day before you wish to travel between 9am and 11am. The booking line number is: 01606 784100. Winsford Dial a Ride - operates Monday to Friday. 08.45am 16.30pm. Bookings are taken the day before you wish to travel between 13.00pm and 15.00pm. The booking line number is 01606 784100. Frodsham Dial a Ride - operates Monday 09.15am to 14.00pm from Frodsham to Northwich and Thursday 09.15am and 16.00pm around the Frodsham area. Bookings are taken the day before you wish to travel between 9am and 11am. The booking line number is 01606 784100.

Application for Dial a Ride Membership

First name .......................................................................... Surname ............................................................................ Address .............................................................................. ........................................................................................... Postcode ............................................................................ Telephone .......................................................................... Date of birth........................................................................ Any disability or medical condition which our drivers should know about ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... Telephone contact in case of emergency Name.................................................................................. Phone ................................................................................. Please circle yes or no to each of the following Do you receive the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance Yes/No Do you receive Attendance Allowance Yes/No Do you receive a War Pensioner Disablement Pension Yes/No Are you a blue badge holder Are you registered blind Do you use a wheelchair If yes is it powered/ manual/folding Can you transfer from your wheelchair to a seat easily Yes/No If you answered No to any of the questions above please describe your mobility problem and why you think Dial a Ride is for you Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................

Please sign and return this form to Dial a Ride at the address below Signed .................................................................................. Date......................................................................................

Dial A Ride Waterside House Navigation Road Northwich Cheshire CW8 1BE Tel: 01606 723180
Norley NewsMarch 2012 9

Parish Council Draft Minutes

NORLEY PARISH COUNCIL WANT TO SHARE THE MINUTES OF THEIR LAST MEETING WITH PARISHIONERS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND THESE FOLLOW. PLEASE DO NOTE THAT THE MINUTES ARE STILL DRAFT AND HAVE NOT BEEN AGREED BY THE COUNCIL AND CHAIR, YET. THEY MAY NOT, THEREFORE, BE THE FINAL VERSIONS. 80 Neighbourhood Plan. (i) Councillor John Davidson provided an update from the Neighbourhood Planning Group in the village. He was voted in as Chairman at their first meeting, and a Steering Group had been formed, from members of the village. This Steering Group will meet with representatives from Tattenhall on 24/02/12, the purpose, to enquire about procedures, share good practises, and agree the way forward. The group have secured 3,000.00 funding for 2012/2013 year from CWAC, along with 3,000.00 for the same period from the Parish Council. (ii) Clerk provided Councillor Davidson with a questionnaire from Vicki Crank from Harper Adams University requesting information about Neighbourhood Plans, for him to complete and return to Vicky. (iii) Clerk explained that it was not possible to share the full Register of Electors with the Neighbourhood Planning Group due to regulations, but would support them in any way that she could. Councillor Davidson to obtain guidance from Jeremy Owens CWAC on what information would be available. 81. Affordable Housing Councillor Greenacre had provided all members with the minutes of the Affordable Housing meeting with Plus Dane.

Chairman informed the Council that in his absence, the Affordable Housing Committee had been created incorrectly and that the committee has to be appointment by the full council, with several decisions then becoming necessary: What the Committee will do Whether they will need any delegated powers How long the committee will remain in existence The terms of reference, setting out the number of members, with these members being appointed each year at the annual meeting held in May All meetings must be run on the same basis as council meetings, with a minimum of 3 clear days public notice and the same rules as the full council. Clerk apologised to the Council as she had failed to advise them correctly at the Parish Council meeting on 30/11/11. Clerk instructed to arrange a meeting on 27/02/12 at 7.30pm, for the Chairman, and Vice Chair to meet with the members of the Affordable Housing Committee to agree/ draft the above, with these details being presented to members at the next full Parish Council meeting. 82. Planning Applications/ Decisions Planning Applications 11/05931/FUL Windy Ridge School bank, raise roof height, two storey side extension and erection of two storey garage. Whilst the Parish Council have no objection to the extension to the house, they wish to point out that the plans are incorrect. The new garage causes concern, as this could easily be converted to ancillary accommodation, and conditions must be set that ensures this can not, in the future, be sold separately to the house. The triangle of land immediately outside Windy Ridge is used by the village

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10 Norley News March 2012

(e.g. for the Christmas tree light-up and carol service) It is also the access to the property. This has not been a problem in the past as the previous owner had no car. It is easy to see that it could become a problem once cars start to come and go regularly, as they surely will especially during the building works. Indeed, the area of the triangle around the access is already becoming churned up and muddy. The Parish Council would like to suggest that permission for the build is granted providing that the access is moved so that vehicles no longer cross the triangle. 11/05966/FUL Holly Mount Fingerpost Lane demolition of existing house and replacement dwelling. The chairman read aloud for the benefit of members 2 letters from residents wishing to object against this development. Mr Frank Smith attended the meeting to voice his support for this application, and to ask why the Parish Council had felt it necessary to single this property out in the village to be considered for Listing as a Historical Building. The Parish Council agreed that all historical buildings would be considered by the Neighbourhood Planning Group in due course, but felt; this is such an iconic house, that an application for Listing must be made immediately. Clerk instructed to complete this application. 11/05656/FUL Two Dees Norley lane Norley Parish Council had no objections to this development. 11/05614/FUL Charleston Blakemere Lane Norley Parish Council had no objections to this development. 11/02455/FUL Home Farm this application was made in June 2011, clerk followed up this outstanding application, and has been informed by CWAC that they are awaiting information from the applicant. 12/00281/FUL Flaxmoss Cottage Flaxmere Conversion of

garage to kitchen, with incorporation of dorma windows to front and rear of useable loft space. This looks like ancillary accommodation. This is over development of the site, and doesnt bare any resemblance to the original property. Planning Officers must be aware that this property boarders a RAMSAR site. 12/00394/FUL Land adjacent Beech Knoll School Lane, Agricultural Building. Norley Parish Council feels that this building will be too close to the road, and if it is ever to house animals, will be too close to the adjoining houses. There is a fire risk which must be considered. The building is far too big for the 8 acre site. A condition must be set that ensures this is not converted to an agricultural engineering block. Decisions 11/05491/FUL Two storey side extension and single storey rear ext4ension (demolition of garage and conservatory) Pinewood School Lane, permitted subject to conditions. 83. Correspondence (i) Email received from Emma Stevens providing information concerning Local Leaders and the Olympic Games. (ii) Email received from Adrian Whitehead Network Steward CWAC, informing the council that an inspection on Post Office lane had founds grids to be blocked which had caused puddles to form on the road. A jetting order has been raised in order to have them cleared. (iii) Email received from Mark Simmons CWAC in regard to Arc Angle town status for Northwich. The Parish Council agreed not to support this at this time. (iv) Letter received from Emma Stevens, inviting members to Local Council Assembly meeting on 01/03/12, Councillor Wild agreed to attend. Clerk to email details to him. (v) Email received from Sue Smith concerning clerks

Norley NewsMarch 2012


pensions. Clerk to obtain further information. (vi) Letter received from David Barnes concerning affordable houses. Copy passed to Councillor Greenacre. Clerk instructed to write and thank Mr Barnes for his letter. 84. Dissemination of Information about CWAC and other public initiatives to Norley Residents. Clerk instructed to forward information to all Norley Society, clubs and groups ongoing. 85. Accounts (i) Clerk given permission to administer the Councils Accounts from 2012/2013 electronically. (ii) Payment 85.00 Mr J Woodward internal audit fees 10/11 passed for payment. (iii) Payment 82.00 Society of Local Council Clerks passed for payment. 86. Flaxmere Moss Following a request to Norley Parish Council to have the condition of the above assessed due to lack of maintenance over recent years Rachel Garnett of Nature England made a site visit on 09/01/12. She was met by a number of parishioners with local knowledge and interest of the Moss, to carry out an

inspection and consider any work which was required to bring the Moss back to its optimum state. Flaxmere Moss is a SSSI and a RAMSAR site, CWAC and NPC hold a watching brief and nothing else over the Moss under section 9 of the 1965 Commons Registration Act placed by a commons commissioner at a court hearing on 26/01/77. Because of the status of the Moss any work or action upon it has to be approved and supervised by Natural England. Amongst the issues which were discussed during the visit, which was Mrs Garnetts first to the site where:The water level of the Moss considered to be too low The removal of the birch saplings to prevent moisture loss and seedlings The removal of a number of scots pines to prevent seeding The removal of beehives to allow the Moss to recover from continual access trampling and the removal of the boardwalks The management of the large willows adjacent to the cottages talk to NPC before any work takes place. The removal of the midden at Flaxmere Hall to prevent nutrient contamination of the Moss. 87 Any Other Business


Wednesday 11 April 7:30 at The St Marys Centre, Chester

Conductor Richard Howarth Cello Peter Dixon

Play a programme of Elgar, Barber, Vaughan Williams, Watson and Tchaikovsky

Admission by ticket only 15 including wine and a buffet Contact Stan Smith 0151 339 5219
12 Norley News March 2012

The Tigers Head

Pytchleys Hollow, Norley 01928 788309

(i) Clerk to write to CWAC in regard to the increasing litter problems in the village. Norley News also to run an article to this effect. (ii) Community Land Trust to be placed as an agenda item for the next meeting.
Megan Rosney Norley Parish Council Clerk

NVH 100 Club

Mothers Day Sunday 18th March 2 courses with coffee 10.95 3 Courses with coffee 13.95 Children under 10: 6.95 & 8.95 With a free gift for Mum
winners are as follows December 2011: No. 78 Roy Newall; No. 57 Rod and Mel Mountney January 2012: No. 109 Ruth Broome; No. 72 Mark Rutherford February 2012: No. 20 Mr and Mrs E Bryan; No. 95 Mrs PE Cheers

Norley WI meeting
Thursday 9th February After Jerusalem visitors Jacky Oliver and George and Gwyn were welcomed. A group delegate is needed. The next meeting is on February 20th at 10am. Sophie explained the meaning of PAL (Public Affairs Link) and pros and cons of things in the public domain. Memory and sleep will be the topic on the next lecture on March 23rd at 1~30pm in the Woodford Centre 3 for non representatives. Stewards are needed for the refreshments for the Cheshire Show and also for stewarding and exhibits. On Thursday 15th March 7~30pm in Hartford Church Hall Adam Partridge will discuss your antiques. Sandiway WI are hosting a Quiz on Feb. 25th.

Thursday 19th April

Theme Night: Mexican Come and dine Mexican style 3 Course meal and a glass of wine 18.95 for 18.95 (10%discount for groups of 6 or more)

Bookings essential

Thursday Nights In to Win If youre not in you cant win!! Results for the last 3 months
01/12/11 08/12/11 15/12/11 22/12/11 29/12/11 05/01/12 12/01/12 19/01/12 26/01/12 02/02/12 09/02/12 16/02/12

Sunnyside Bungalow, Fingerpost Lane Linden House, School Bank Eccolo, Ashton Road The Old Vicarage, Norley Rd Bramley Edge, Cow Lane Holly Cottage, Blakemere Ln Wynhill, School Lane 35 Hatchmere Park The Hollows, Post Office Ln Delawood, Blakemere Lane Greenslade Farm, Norley Rd Forest Mere, Delamere Road

lost pot!
155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210

Norley NewsMarch 2012


Sport and leisure ~~ Walk on 9th March ~~ Contact Anne Palmer 01928 787430 The Handbell ringing was a great success. Reminder ~~ King & I March 13th ~~ Skittles and meal at The Bickerton Poacher 13 to be paid asap and Meadow Bank on May 2nd. Diamond Jubilee celebration will be held at our meeting in the hall on June 7th (Please note the change of date) There will be a small charge but it will be for members only who are invited to dress up. Food and drink is on the menu. August 9th ~~ Outing to Grappenhall Hayes Walled

Garden 6-30 to 8-30pm. Feb 5th 2013 The Lion King at the Palace in Manchester, money needed at March meeting 47-50. Feb 24th Meet at Village Hall 10am for Rode Hall Snowdrop walk Cheshire Show We are entering. Sophie is looking for rope. fishing nets, a paddle and a lobster pot. Can anyone help? Flowers donated to Marie Cliffe for her 90th birthday. After tea the Speaker was Brett Connolly who joined the Royal Marine Commandos at 16and a half, and was then


Introducing Scott Desert, a Norley resident who is setting up his own local architectural practice, Scott Architecture. Scott lives with his family in Norley, having travelled around the world. and lived in places as varied as the Bahamas and Anglesey. He thinks this range of living experience has widened his outlook as an architect and has contributed to his store of fresh ideas. Scott has paid his dues in terms of training studying at Manchester and Leeds, and spending a year in London, gaining experience in the design and building of luxury residences. So why Norley? Well family of course, but also Scott is a keen golfer! He has been asked to help with designing improvements to his golf club at Delamere, in fact. And he will still work in other places such as London from time to time. Scott says he plans to specialise in luxury residential property, and he has a great interest in sustainable building, including use of new technology to reduce carbon footprints. As well as helping the planet, such designs can help to keep costs down, through reduced bills of course, but also by making use sometimes of grant funds available. Another specialism of Scotts is bespoke detailed design work in areas such as joinery and bathrooms, moving closer to the territory of interior design. Scotts work in London saw him cover the whole range of responsibilities from drawings, to planning permission, project management and site visits. Some architects specialise in just part of the recess, but Scott finds the full range of the work exciting. He would be interested in speaking to anyone from Norley who may be looking for help with feasibility studies, planning applications, appraisal design, and all kinds of architectural advice, be this for a new build, extension or other project.


Norley News March 2012

discharged with a leg injury at 17. Thereafter he joined the Territorials, signing on annually for several years before signing up for 3 years and was then sent to Iraq a short time after his daughter was born. His wife was obviously not best pleased. He was assigned to the Royal Artillery Battery of Territorials in May of2004. He was given warnings about bombs but just as dangerous were the spiders and scorpions. After trying to acclimatise in cold and damp Wales (Temperature 30 degrees at 3am) he flew to Basra in a Hercules, where they were told to drink 9 litres of water every day because of the heat. The job was to escort the water tankers using soft skinned landrovers which were not quite right for the job. There was terrible poverty with locals trying to get jobs round the camp. He got married in the August and was then sent back. He was part of the group which found Chemical Alis house with a mortar bomb embedded in it. It is a very beautiful country where the people and the families are not unlike our own. Sweets, pens and water were the most special gifts we could give their children. After he returned he suffered awful depression and things got very hard for him, but he overcame all his problems and over all he felt that the experience had enriched him. He went back to his work as a policeman feeling rather out of place but his colleagues and friends helped a lot. He left the TA in 2006 and summed up his whole experience as One massive enriching experience Next meeting in the Village Hall will be March 8th at 730pm. A day in the life of a magistrate with Mrs Kate Cawley. Vote of thanks ~ Elsie Naylor. Teas ~ Kate

Coming soon
Childrens' Dance Classes at Norley Village Hall on Thursdays from 4:30 6:00pm. To include: baby ballet, tap & street dance. Contact Sara 07837053539

Karen, looking forward to receiving your favourite recipes

Replacement Double Glazed Units
Fed up of trying to see through those misty/failed double glazed units? Units can be replaced in wood, pvc, and aluminium. Glazing for windows, doors, patios, roof lights, and greenhouses Call Kevin or Sue on 01928 787256 Free quotes given Your local independent tradesman 30 years experience All types of glazing work undertaken

Simpson and Ann Hilditch. Competition ~ A Legal Anecdote. Members and non-members of Norley WI are warmly invited to a Spinning talk and demonstration with opportunities for 'hands on experience'. If you'd never had a go at spinning now's your chance! This is an additional WI event and will start at 7:30 on Thursday April 26th. There will be a small charge to include refreshments.
Mary Ramskill

Norley C of E Primary School Newsletter March 2012

Dear Readers, As we enter the period of Lent, we have been busy reflecting on what we would like to do differently, and to have another go at our new year resolutions we are looking forward to our annual Easter service and working with the new Parish Youth worker whom the Parish welcomed at the family service at the beginning of March. There are a number of events planned in school up to Easter, and we hope you enjoy reading about them in forthcoming issues events connected to World Book Day including a visit by a Poet, a Federation Art Day for upper juniors on drawing and painting portraits and visit to Walker Art Gallery and World museum for KS2 to name but a few!
Mrs Ann Griffiths HT, staff and children at Norley CE School

Norley NewsMarch 2012


Graffiti Wall
Last year Class 3 were discussing graffiti, in their literacy lesson. What it is and who does it. We had a debate about wheteher we thought graffitti was good or bad. We thought it looked good in certain places but could be vandalism if in the wrong places. We wrote our names in graffiti and then everyone sent a persuasive letter to Mrs Griffiths asking whether we could have a graffiti wall, in our playground, giving reasons why we wanted one. This year we have had a breakthrough, when term started a board appeared on the wall, a graffiti wall. The school owes the PTFA a huge thank you and in particular to Mrs Paget, who organised the board being made, for with out their fund raising we wouldnt have the wall. The board is on the way round to the entrance for children, not the main entrance. It is a chalk board and we hope you will enjoy looking at our pictures and doodles.
Hannah and Rhyse, Class 3

'Allo 'Allo
will now take place on Saturday 13th October

Banksy Beware

Trading Standards are aware that an email entitled 'Population Census: a message to everyone - act now' is being circulated, allegedly in the name of National Statistician, Jil Matheson. This email demands individuals provide further personal information, supposedly for the Census and threatens fines for non-compliance. This email is a scam and a hoax. It has no connection whatsoever with the National Statistician, the 2011 Census or the Office for National Statistics. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND We believe the links in the email could download malware to any computer where the user clicks on the links. This could put your personal data, including financial information, at risk. Anyone receiving this, or similar emails, should delete them, not open any links and certainly not provide any information. For more information on how to protect yourself from this type of threat, please see If you wish to, please report receipt of any such suspicious emails to The Office for National Statistics takes the protection of

Norley WI Programme 2012

Vote of thanks Elsie Naylor Teas Kate Simpson, Anne Hilditch Competition: Legal Anecdote

June 14th Coffee Evening July 12th HATS WORN BY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Kay Basford
Vote of thanks Di Ramsbottom Teas Katherine McVicar, Mary Ramskill Competition: An Interesting Hat

Vote of thanks Katherine McVicar Teas Di Ramsbottom, Anne Palmer

November 9th AGM & Quiz December 13th CHRISTMAS CAKE DECORATIONS MADE EASY Mrs Joan Williams
Vote of thanks Marion Thomas Teas Alison Penny, Jane Holmes Competition: Christmas Decoration


Vote of thanks Mary Ramskill Teas Rita Gadd, Vaughan Wynne Competition: Painting or photo of a dog



September 13th MOTHERS RUIN GOES FRUITY Rosie Sedjwiek

Vote of thanks Gill Harrison Teas Alison Wallace, Judith Hull Competition: Cocktail Recipe

Christmas Dinner 2012 Saturday 8th December

Unless otherwise stated All meetings will be held In Norley Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. Dates as shown


Vote of thanks Pat Sweetingham Teas Natalie Bushell, Jane Sayers Competition: Dairy Recipe

October 11th ANANBABAN LEPROSEY Hospital Sylvia Crossley Bring & Buy


Norley News March 2012

personal census information extremely seriously. Collection of census data was completed last year and no further requests will be forthcoming from the Office for National Statistics relating to the 2011 Census. The statement will shortly be added to the ONS web site Please pass this information to family members, friends, neighbours and anyone you think maybe vulnerable. Identity Scams. I have been made aware of the resurgence of the scam where an email or letter is sent to an individual from a source purporting to be genuine when actually it is not. Examples of the like are suggestions you are owed refunds from store accounts, inheritance, are a prize winner. Whilst this is not an exhaustive list the constant in them is the fact that they require you to provide personal information including bank details and are unwarranted approaches. Please be careful and verify the authenticity of any request for personal details before you share them. New Non-Emergency Number 101 The 101 new non-emergency number went live on 23rd November 2011 and provides the public with a memorable number to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response such as: if their car has been stolen; if their property has been damaged or vandalised; where they suspect drug use or dealing; if they want to report a minor traffic collision; if they want to provide information about crime The introduction of 101 is part of a national programme to make it easier for members of the public to contact police in a non-emergency, where an immediate police response is not required. From the 23rd November 101 replaced the

forces previous non-emergency number 0845 458 0000 Calls to the 101 non-emergency number will cost 15 pence for the entire call, no matter how long the call or what time of day it is. This applies to both land lines and mobile phones.
Inspector Keith Curbishley 0845 458 6393

Wednesday Club
events for March 7th Tombola 14th Keith - guitar and vocalist 21st Hot Pot Lunch 28th Club Meeting
Joan Barclay

Thanks To All Our Sponsors

for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our advertisers and the Parish Council contributes towards the cost of community advertising, but it is sponsorship money that makes it possible to produce 10 issues a year. So, if any reader wishes to become a sponsor and help us in the continuing development of the News, please contact Penny Clarke 2 The Spinney, Norley, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email Liz and Tony Lavin Katy Percival Frodsham & District Choral Society The Wednesday Club Bill & Libby Appleton Les & Gladys Archer Sophie & Martin Gambrell Mary Ramskill Joan Hunt Helen Welburn Mrs I Preston Monica Stewart Norley Horticultural Soc

Norley NewsMarch 2012


Tony & Katie Simpson James & Megan Posnett Bob & Ruth Downes Pauline & Mike Kay The Basnett Family Barbara Jones Norley Bowling Club Marie Cliffe Gill & John Lunt 1st Norley Scout Group, Norley WI Mary Owen Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x13) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook Pat Dixon Stephn Douglas Bruce & Ruth Lane Liz Robinson Frazer & Katrina Higson John & Maureen Lewis

Advertising & Editorial Info

05.7 00.51 00.51 00.03 hgih mm531 x ediwmm09 hgih mm472 x ediw mm09 hgih mm531 x ediw mm581 hgih mm472 x ediw mm581 egaP retrauQ egaP flaH egaP flaH egaP lluF

Please send your ads in a graphic format, preferably JPEG or higher res PDF, including fonts and embedded images. Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation advertising is FREE! All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for a pro forma invoice. All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments (and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you wish to add email addresses or website details. All copy and adverts for the Apr 2012 issue to be with us by 16 Mar 2012, preferably by email.

Norley Directory
Parish Council ~~ Dennis Ford (Chairman) ~ 01928 788398 MP ~ Graham Evans MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA tel: 020 7219 7183 email: Frodsham Police Stn:~ CAT (Community Action Team) 0845 458 6393. For Non-Emergency Dial 0845 458 0000 In an Emergency always dial 999 Home Watch Officer:~ Liz Biddle, Cheshire West and Chester 01244 614291 It is possible to leave a message for your local police team, based at Frodsham police station, to ask for advice or information about non urgent, community police matters. Our local community police team are based at Frodsham police station - 0845 458 6393. An officer will return the call within 24 hours Bus Service Number 48 to Frodsham via School Bank, Hough Lane and High St: 0930, 1130. 1330. 1535. 1730 - Last bus from Northwich 1705 to Northwich via High St, Hough Lane and School Bank: 0756. 1036. 1236. 1436. 1636. Last bus from Frodsham Co-op 1609 St. Johns Parish Church ~ Rev Pete Rugen ~ Ruth Downes 01928 788748 ~ the Parish Room can be hired Norley Methodist Church ~ Revd Pat Christopher 733180 ~

Schoolroom for hire ~ contact Ruth Lane 788071 Sunday School 10-45 am Hazel Dale 787216 Craft Club ~ Alison Twinn 01829 760371 Walks ~ Bruce Lane 788071 ~ Walks on the 1st Wed each month. Everyone welcome! Cheshire Wildlife Trust ~ Bob Greenwood 01928 788475 THE STORES (Our village shop) ~ USE IT, OR LOSE IT ~ 01928 788044. Opening Hours: Mon & Tues 7am to 7pm Weds 7am to 2pm Thurs & Fri 7am to 7pm Sat 8am to 1pm Sun 8am to 1pm Norley C.E Primary School ~ Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths ~ 01928 788471 ~ Fax 01928 787554 Norley Mothers & Toddlers ~ 0-5s ~ 10 til 12 Weds at Norley CE Primary School. Further details from Louise Lee 01928 787287. Village Hall ~~ Available for Hire. To book, call Marie 01928 788181 (on behalf of the management committee). Hall hire facilities include, equipment, bar space, tables, chairs, heating etc Mobile Library Every other Wednesday: Norley School Car Park 11.00 to 11.15 am Norley Nursery Park 11:20 to 11:35 am Hatchmere Fortune Palace 11:40 to 12:10 pm For more information contact Northwich Library on 01606 44221 or log on to Scouts (in the scout hut in Crabmill Lane) ~ (Age 10 to 13) Tuesdays 7-30 to 9 pm. Beavers Tuesdays 6-7 pm Cubs Mondays 6-45 to 8-15pm More details from Bruce Lane ~ 01928 788071 The hut


Norley News March 2012

is also available for hire. Contact Contact Les Bennion 787636 Guides ~ Sue Clough 01606 333733 W.I ~ 2nd Thursday in the month 7-30 pm in the Village Hall ~ Di Ramsbottom 01928 788 969 Wednesday Club (Over 60s) ~~ Wednesdays 2-4 pm Village Hall ~~ Joan Barclay 01928 788394 Bingo ~ Every other Monday in the Village Hall ~ Ruth Broome 788026 Bowls behind the Village Hall ~ Eric & Barbara Bryan 01928 788203 Bowls at the Tigers Head ~ Trevor 01928 788309 Horticultural Society ~~ Margaret Worrall 01928 788278 Junior Badminton meets most Thursday evenings during term time from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Norley village Hall. We offer Professional Coaching for only 2 per session. New members aged 8 & over are always welcome! For more details phone Norma Kelly on: 01606 881941 Ladies Badminton: Shirley Craven 787251 Cheshire West & Chester Council ~ 0300 1238123 or e.mail There are various voluntary/not for profit organisations operating in Vale Royal who may be able to offer advice, or arrange for work to be carried out in residential properties eg: ARENA Options Ltd ~ Care & Repair Services 0845 142 2064 Weaver Horizon (part of Weaver Vale Housing Trust) maintenance team will quote for all types of maintenance work for private home owners 01606 813452

Help the Aged ~ Handy Van Scheme 01255 473999 Furniture Finders ~~ Donate or collect furniture (recycling) at Winsford. 0845 0264727 email ~ ~ website: Rural Buses ~ 01606 810 660 (Door to Door ~ Book the day before your journey) Travel for Over 60s and disabled persons ~ Wyvern House ~ 01606 867928 Age Concern ~ David Goodwin 01606 888921 Pensions Office ~ 0845 60 60 265

Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928 787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971, 07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610 403 or Private Taxi Hire ~ Billinge Travel ~ Airport Runs, Social evenings and days out. Ian Bettley 01829 732036 ~ 07773 119 631

M.P. Building and Joinery (Based in Norley) All Aspects of Building and Joinery


Brown Moss Farm, Norley Road, Norley WA6 6LJ tel: 01928 787500 email:

Odd Jobs A Treat

Extensions and Renovations Complete Loft and Garage Conversions Windows, Doors, Soffits, Facias and Gutters Solid Wood Flooring and Floor and Wall Tiling Driveways, Paths, Concrete Bases & Footings Timber Garden Buildings, Workplace, Office or Storage Plumbing, Painting, Brickwork,Plastering and Roofing Time served tradesmen over 30 years of experience Insurance covered, All work Guaranteed For a free estimate & advice call Mark on 01928 787046 or on 07932695311

Long established 100% equine veterinary clinic based in Norley Practice covers most of Cheshire, extending to Southern Lancashire, South West Greater Manchester, Merseyside and The Wirral Excellent purpose built facilities 24 hour Emergency Cover Most advanced and portable digital X-ray equipment Ultrasound, Endoscopy, ECG and In-house laboratory facilities All our vets and staff are experienced riders and horse owners themselves No call out charge for Norley patients!

Norley NewsMarch 2012



Norley News March 2012

Norley NewsMarch 2012



Norley News March 2012

Christians Together in Norley

Churches and Clergy
St John the Evangelist, Norley Vicar: Curate: Revd Peter Rugen Revd Gill Stanning 01928 787180 01928 788623

Norley Methodist Church Minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01829 741022

Roman Catholic
St Lukes, Frodsham Priest: Mgr Peter ONeill 01928 733127

Church Services
The nearest Roman Catholic Church is St Lukes, Frodsham. Services normally are;
Sunday Mass Weekdays 9 am, 11 am 9.30 am except Saturday 6.00 pm Tuesday when 7.15 pm

Norley Anglican and Methodist Services MARCH

9.30am 10:45am 11.15am 6.30pm

Sunday 4th March

CW Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship Evening Worship St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist

Sunday 1st April

9.30am 10:45am 11.15am 6.30pm


Palm Sunday
St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Holy Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship Evening Worship

Sunday 11th March

9.30am 10.45am 6.30pm CW Communion Holy Communion Evening Prayer St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Joint service for Norley Methodists and Anglicans at St Johns, Norley

Thursday 5th April


Maundy Thursday
St Johns, Norley

CW Communion

Friday 6 April
11.00am Morning Worship

Good Friday
Norley Methodist

Thursday 15 March
10.00am CW Communion


Sunday 8th April

St Johns, Norley 8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 6.30pm BCP Communion All Age Worship + Holy Communion Family Worship Easter Praise

Easter Day
St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist

Sunday 18 March
8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 10.45am 6.30pm BCP Communion Norley@9 Morning Worship Morning Worship Evening Worship

Mothering Sunday
St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

Sunday 25 March
10.00am 10.45am 6.30pm 6.30pm Worshipping Together All Age Worship Contemporary Worship Holy Communion St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist St Johns, Kingsley Norley Methodist

You are welcome to join these activities:Tuesdays

7 March 14th March 15 March 22 22
nd th th

10.00 12.00
Meet 9.45am Noon 2.00pm Noon 1.30pm

March March


Craft Club at Norley Methodist Church. Contact Alison Twinn (01829 760371) for information First Wednesday Walk around Pick Mere meet at Norley Methodist Contact Ruth Lane (788071) for details Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church contact Joan (01606 301198) by th Sunday 11 March if you want to attend Norley Ecumenical Ladies Group at Norley Parish Centre - Contact Joan Loukes (788874) Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church Joan (01606 301198) by th Sunday 18 March if you want to attend Thursday Club at Norley Methodist Church contact Ruth (788071) for info

Norley NewsMarch 2012


Whats On In Norley March and April 2012

Day Dates


Time Details

Village Hall Diary

For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Marie Cliffe tel 01928 788181

Monday Mar 12 26 April 9 23 Monday April 9 Tuesday Mar 6 13 20 27 April 3 10 17 24 Tuesday Mar 6 13 20 27 April 3 10 17 24 Tuesday Mar 6 13 20 27 April 3 10 17 24 Tuesday March 6 Tuesday March 27 Wednesday Mar 7 14 21 28 April 4 11 25 Wednesday Mar 7 14 21 28 April 4 11 18 25 Thursday March 29 Thursday Mar 8 April 12 Thursday April 26

Bingo Car Boot Sale Ladies Badminton

Eyes down 7.30 pm Everybody welcome! Contact Ruth Broome 788026 To book a table inside or an outside pitch contact Mari Cliffe 01928 788181 1 :00pm 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251

Private Badminton Group 5:00 6:00 pm Senior Badminton Norley Village Hall Management meeting JNCOT trustees meeting Wednesday Club
7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 7:30 Contact Jon Wild 01928 788282 7:15 contact Pauline Coglan 01928 787426 2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394 7 :00 8:00 Contact Sara 07837053539 12:00 4:00 pm 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 7:00 for 7:30 Contact Brian 787426 See ad in this NN for more details 4-6pm Contact Mari Cliffe 01928 788181 All day

Zumba Classes Private booking W.I. W.I. Wool spinning demonstration and talk Senior Badminton

Friday Mar 2 9 16 23 30 April 6 13 20 27 Saturday Quiz\Night Mar 24

Sunday Mar 4 11 18 25 April 1 15 22 29 Sunday April 8 Sunday April 15

Private booking Setting up inside for Car Boot sale Cycling Club event

School Hall Diary

For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson 01928 788471

Thursday Mar 29 Tuesday May 1

Parish Council Meeting Parish Council Meeting

7pm 7pm

Other Events
Saturday Mar 10

Coffee Morning plus Stalls & Raffle

Norley Parish Centre 10.30 12.30 Full details from Brian Coglan 01928 787426


Norley News March 2012

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