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1) Lengkapkan jadual di bawah (20m) Nutrisi Karbohidrat Sumber Nutrisi 1) Roti 2) Nasi 3) Bijirin 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) Ikan Daging Susu Fungsi

1) Membekalkan tenaga Kepada tubuh. 1) Membina sel-sel baru dan membaiki tisu-tisu 1) Sebagai penyimpanan tenaga



Makanan berminyak 2) Coklat 3) Makanan berlemak 1) Kalsium 2) Vitamin D 3) Vitamin B

Garam mineral

1) Membantu menguatkan tulang

2) 6 step receiving and inspecting food (12m) a) Inspecting food immediately upon delivery b) Schedule deliveries during off-peak hours. c) Mark all item for storage with arrival date or use by date.. d) Plan ahead for the arrival of shipments. e) Train employees properly inspection. f) Keep receiving areas with hight and clean.

3)Cross contamination can be happen during preparation. Describe the method for preventing areas contaminations during preparation. Answer Prepare raw meat from cooked / ready to eat foods. Use specific container for each food. Assign specific equipments for each food. Practices food personal hygiene. Clean and sanitize food contact surface after each task.

Consider using gloves for food preparation and services.

4) What are your responsibilities to ensure your meal that your serve is safe to eat and can attract peoples trust to dine at your restaurant when you run a restaurant and at the same time, you are foodhandler there? ANSWER Berpakaian kemas. Kuku mestilah bersih & pendek. Makanan sentiasa ditutup. Memakai sarung tangan semasa menyediakan makanan. Gunakan peralatan yang bersih.

5) Handwashing is one of important thing in our daily life. Write down the right hand washing procedure.

Wet your hand with hot running water. Apply soap. Rub hands together for at least 20 second. Rinse under fingernail and between finger. Rinse hand thoroughly under running water. Dry hand

6) Give example of food hazardous Staphy lococci Shigella Clotridium perfingers Samorella Hepatitis A

7) People will feel comfortable living or dine at a clean and tidy area. From your opinion as a customer and fature hoterlier, what the expactiation of sanitation in food service industry or area. Uses of clean equipment Environment of restaurant clean and tidy Food from clean sources Food handler always take good care about their sanitation

All the server always in clean

8) You will lose your customer if they judge you as an unsafe food handler. List down the causes that may be lead you to this situation. Penampilan yang tidak kemas dan kotor. Makanan terbiar tanpa ditutup Menyentuh makanan dengan tangan Menggunakan peralatan yang kotor Restoran dipenuhi lalat

9) Berikan definisi pemakanan sihat dan badan yang sihat. *Pemakanan sihat adalah gaya atau cara pemakanan yang betul yang mana mengandungi semua kelas makanan atau nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh badan.Semua kelas makanan tersebut perlulah dalam kuantiti dan kadar yang betul mengikut keperluan badan seseorang.

10)Write down the key of food preparation practice. Prepare food in small batch Stone prepare food quickly Chill ingredient prior to use Use properly cooked / cooked left over meats Keep shell egg 40 0f (5 0f) or below until use. Wash fruits / vegetable before cutting, combining & cooking

11)List down safe foodhandler and unsafe foodhandler. SAFE FOODHANDLER Keep self clean Avoids unsanitary habit at work Report illness Wear clean, appropriate clothing Stay healthy Practise hand hygiene

UNSAFE FOODHANDLER Diagrobed with foodborne illness

Touch anything that may contiminated their hand Expored to an ill person Have infected resions Show symptoms of gastroin testional illness

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