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MBTI Learning Profile

Name: Joseph D. Koontz Learning Community: Metro Richmond

Scores: Extroversion Interacting with world Focus on information Decision-making Judging Structuring 13 My Personality Type Is: SJ Explanation of My Characteristics/Type: Introversion/Extroversion I need to talk things out in almost all situations. At work and in my personal life, I need to have a dialogue in order to make decisions. I also gather strength from being with other people. At the end of the day, I need to tell my wife about my day and talk about the things that are bothering me. The same is true at work. If I get stuck with a project, I often will seek someone out to bounce ideas off of and that will often stimulate and rejuvenate me. Interestingly, I find that technology can be an outlet for my extroversion, even when I am by myself. Facebook, email, and other social medias like that can be a way to virtually talk things out or make me feel connected to other people. 47 Sensing 55 Thinking Intuition Introversion

Feeling 7 Perceiving

Sensing/Intuitive This characteristic dominates my personality and the way I approach new situations. I am a creature of habit and value tradition. I take comfort in routines and take the approach of if it is not broke, dont fix it. I need for things to be practical and make sense on a real world

MBTI Learning Profile

Name: Joseph D. Koontz Learning Community: Metro Richmond

level. I often question, how will this make a difference to me in my situation? I am very down to earth and I generally do not worry about things that are out of my control. My blind spot with this characteristic is complacency. I want to keep doing things the way I have always done them. That can make me resistant to change and skeptical of new ideas.

Thinking/Feeling Prior to this class, I was not aware of the scale associated with each preference. The degree to which someone has a preference is fascinating to me. I have a preference for feeling, but my score on the scale is only a 7. This is area where I see myself identifying with both sides of the scale. For example, I absolutely see the logic and factual data in situations, but I also tend to let the humanistic side override the logic. In my work environment, there are times when I prefer to get right to the facts or the problem at hand, but I also enjoy the interpersonal relationships. I tend to be friendly with people and make a point to remember things about their personal life. That is something that comes very naturally for me and is an area the people who work for me have commented on. I also tend to be very loyal to my school, my friends, and to the people who have helped me in the past. In my position as a school leader, I often need to force myself to take a thinking approach to things. That does not always come naturally to me and is something I am aware of.

Judging/Perceiving This is a preference that has changed for me over the years. When we were asked to guess what our preferences were, I guessed incorrectly in this area. I really identify with a lot of the P characteristics. I perceive myself to be flexible and adaptable, but over the past couple of years, I think that has changed somewhat. A combination of increased responsibility in my work life and having children has made me have a greater preference for a more regimented, purposeful day to day routine. I

MBTI Learning Profile

Name: Joseph D. Koontz Learning Community: Metro Richmond

find comfort in knowing things are settled and knowing there is a plan in place. Again, my score was only a 13, so I can see how I am not as steadfast on one side of the scale. This is an area where the word preference is spot on. I prefer to have a plan and focus on the task at hand, but when that doesnt happen and I need to be flexible, I can be. This is an area where I am much more a J at work and a P in my personal life.

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