Strategic Sourcing Process Rev3 Shared

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Plan & develop

Project planning and kick off
Define steering Comittee

3 4
Develop Sourcing Strategy

Transition and integrate

Profile spend

Execute Sourcing Strategy
Manage competitive bidding process

Measure and improve performance

Assess Supply Market

Identify demand drivers

Identify potential sources of supply Reconfirm scope desired outcomes

Communicate results,rationale and Establish joint supplier/Entreprise benefits to appropriate parties process improvement team

Assemble and train Sourcing team

Review, align and standardize specifications

Evaluate supply market/industry and economics

Identify key leverage points and improvement opportunities

Compile and analyze response

Finalize contractual agreements

Implement savings tracking system and report savings

Develop team Charter

Asses purchasing process effectiveness

Identify viable sources of supply

Develop sourcing strategy

Prepare for negociations

Plan the transition to new processes and suppliers relationships

Monitor contract compliance and address maverick buying


Identify stakeholders

Identify process improvement opportunities

Perform suppliers assesments

Develop quote process and package (RFI and RFP)

Manage negociations process

Internal transition

Benchmark the supply market on an ongoing basis

Documents size of buy

Review customer requirement issues and risks

Perform suppliers comparisons

Determine decision criteria

Identify recommended supplier(s)

Supplier transition

Monitor supplier performance and provide feedback to supplier

Develop category workplans

Identify supplier opportunities

Define negociation strategy

Gain agreement on recommendation Obtain final approvals

Manage the transition process

Communicate team scope

Communicate strategies

Develop savings tracking system

Award contract

Conduct training on new processes

Project charter
Key deliverables

Spec review Total Cost model

Request for information Supplier listing

Sourcing strategy Request for proposal

Supplier Selection Supplier letter of agreements

Transition plans Supplier contracts

Savings tracking On going improvement

Project kick off Communications

Strategic Sourcing process

Sourcing Strategy

Suppliers Selection & Qualification

Supplier Development

Production Monitor & Control

Define steering Comittee

Identify demand drivers

Identify potential sources of supply Reconfirm scope desired outcomes

Assemble and train Sourcing team

Review, align and standardize specifications

Evaluate supply market/industry and economics

Identify key leverage points and improvement opportunities

Develop team Charter

Asses purchasing process effectiveness

Identify viable sources of supply

Develop sourcing strategy


Identify stakeholders

Identify process improvement opportunities

Perform suppliers assesments

Develop quote process and package (RFI and RFP)

Documents size of buy

Review customer requirement issues and risks

Perform suppliers comparisons

Determine decision criteria

Develop category workplans

Identify supplier opportunities

Define negociation strategy

Communicate team scope

Communicate strategies

Project charter
Key deliverables

Spec review Total Cost model

Request for information Supplier listing

Sourcing strategy Request for proposal

Project kick off Communications


Dmarche stratgique ou tactique

Une dmarche globale d'entreprise


L'inopportunit du sourcing

Un raisonnement en cot global


Un cahier des charges contractualis formellement et dfini avec rigueur


Convaincre les partenaires potentiels chinois

Identifier ses partenaires

Vrifier sur place avant de formaliser

Le choix du bon canal

L'cart culturel dans la communication et la ngociation

Protger sa proprit intellectuelle

Formaliser et conclure votre ngociation


Optimiser la logistique
Le monde de la logistique en volution rapide

Suivre l'avancement de la production

Un contrle qualit indispensable

Une incidence relle sur les cots logistiques

Le Reporting

Le choix du mode de transport

Le risque social du travail en Chine

Rglementation, procdures internationales et douanires


Les moyens de paiement

Rgler un litige en cas de violation de la proprit intellectuelle

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