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Clouded Leopard

Phyla: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Pantherinae
Genus: Neofelis
By wikipedia Species: N. nebulosa
commons/7/7d/Neofelis_nebulosa.jpg Distinguishing Characteristics:
Chordata: A group of animals that
Closest Relative: Place in Food Chain: include the vertebrates. They all have
The Clouded Leopard’s closest The Clouded Leopard is a carnivore. pharyngeal slits (used by organisms in
relative is the Bornean Clouded Leopard, It eats other animals, such as deer, birds, feeding), and a post-anal tail.
which is also in the Neofelis genus. Both bearded pigs, monkeys, gibbons, squirrels, Mammalia: Vertebrate animals that
of these cats have a distinctively different porcupines, fish, domestic cattle, and have mammary glands (produce milk for
skull structure from other big cats. Just domestic chickens. All of its prey are young), sweat glands, hair, three middle
like the clouded leopard, its coat has dark- secondary and primary consumers, while ear bones (used for hearing), and a
edged almost cloud-like shapes. the clouded leopard is a third level neocortex in the brain. Most mammals
consumer. give birth to their young. Mammals are
Location on Earth:
warm-blooded and their brains regulate
The Clouded Leopard is found only in Adaptations:
endothermic and circulatory systems
Southeast Asia and ranges through The Clouded Leopard has the longest with a four-chambered heart.
southern China, the eastern Himalayas, canine teeth of any feline. This is thought Carnivora: Carnivores are meat-eating
northeast India, and southeast Asia. to be because of the animals that they fed animals. Felidae: Felidae is the
Because the last time a clouded leopard off of large land-dwelling mammals. The biological family of cats. These cats are
was seen in Taiwan was 1989, it is thought cat's legs are short and flexible, with large called Felids. Felids are strictly
to be extinct there. feet and keen claws to allow it to climb carnivores. Pantherinae: A subfamily of
Habitat: trees, where some of its prey lives. Also to Felidae. Neofelis: Compared to other
help the leopard climb, it has a tail as long big cats, this genus has a distinct
The preferred habitat of the Clouded as its body to maintain balance. difference in skull structure. "Neo"
Leopard are tropical and subtropical
Reproduction: means new, "felis" means small cat. The
forests at altitudes up to about 6,500 ft. A
name is fitting because it was a new type
clouded leopard lives in temperatures of 65 Clouded Leopards, like all cats
of small cat to scientists.
to 120 degrees. These cats can also be reproduce sexually and have internal
found in mangrove swamps and grasslands. fertilization. After a period of about 85 to
93 days a female will give birth to a litter
Routines or Niche: Laws protecting species
of anywhere from one to five cubs. At
Because the Clouded Leopard is such birth a cub has solid spots, rather than The World Conservation Union has the Clouded
a secretive animal, their behavior in the spots with dark rings. Cubs are also blind Leopard on its global Red List of endangered
wild is almost completely unknown. for about ten days, and after about five species, listing it as endangered.
Experts do know that Clouded Leopards weeks they are able to become active. The CITES or Convention on International
are very agile tree dwellers. Unlike lions, Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
these cats are generally solitary and do not Reasons for Endangerment:
Flora puts the Clouded Leopard under the
travel in prides, mainly interacting with The number of Clouded Leopards is Appendix l species, which bans international
other Clouded Leopards only to reproduce 10,000 and declining, according to the trade of the animal.
and care for young. At one time they were World Conservation Union. Because the The United States lists the Clouded Leopard
thought to only be active at night, but that Clouded Leopard's habitat are forests, under the Endangered-Species Act, which bans
has since been corrected, Clouded most of their habitats have been torn trade of the animal or any parts used in products
Leopards are active in the day also. When down, or will be if they haven’t been made from them.
hunting, Clouded Leopards have been already. It is also found that the Clouded
observed in captivity and prefer to attack Leopard is hunted for its use in Chinese
their prey from jumping out of the trees. medicinal preparations, also declining the References:
population. -
Interesting Information:
The Clouded Leopard is so secretive
that there is no sure estimate of their

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