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Celtia; Ancient Worlds

Classical References to Druids in Britain and Gaul Associated to Place: articles -- by * Vortigern Aedui (93 Articles), Historical Article table representing classical author's reference to druids in Britain and Gaul. Author Aristotle (attrib.) Dates 384-332 B.C. Text The Magikos, cited by Diogenes Laeterius (A.D. 225-250)Vitae 1.1 Succession of Philosophers 23, cited by Diogenes Laertius (A.D. 225250)Vitae 1.1 Themes Druids are barbarian philosophers of the Celts and Galatai Druids are barbarian philosophers of the Celts and Galatai

Sotion (attrib.) 2nd cen. B.C.

Polyhistor Cicero

c. 105-35 B.C. 106-43 B.C.

Cyril of Alexander (Archbishop A.D. 412- Polyhistor numbered the druids of Gaul 444)Contra Julianum 4 among the barbarian philosophers De Divinatione 1.90 De Bello Gallico 6.13-14 Divination by the druids; Diviciacus, and Aeduan contemporary of Cicero. Function of Druids Druids officiate at sacrifices Druids; the Gauls are descended from Dis. Bards/Druids/Manteis

Julius Caesar

100-44 B.C.

De Bello Gallico 6.16.1-3 De Bello Gallico 6.18.1

Diodorus Siculus Timogenes

c. 100 B.c. -

Biblioteke 5.31.2-5

80/75 B.C.-end cited by Amm. Marc. 15.9.4-8 1st century (Ammianus Marcellinus A.D. 330-c. 391) Bards/Druids/Euhagis B.C. 63/3 B.C.c. A.D. 21 Geographia 4.4.4 Historia Naturalis 16.249 Historia Naturalis 20.103-4 Bards/Druids/Ouateis Druid mistletoe cutting ceremony. Druid's use of plants. The druid's egg, sanguinum. A Vocontian put to death by Claudius for concealing one. Tiberius issued decree against druids, diviners, and physicians. Druids inhabit groves. They profess knowledge of the gods/soul. Druidic knowledge of heavens. They instruct the nobles and meet secretly in groves. Druids during Suetonius' attack on Mona. Druids prophecy end of the Roman Empire. Celtic Druids concern themselves with divination and wisdom. Druids are among the barbarian philosophers. Claudius suppressed the Druidic religion, also forbidden to Roman citizens by Augustus. Celtic Druids as 'Pythagorean' philosophers, seers, and magicians.



A.D. 23/4-79

Historia Naturalis 29.52

Historia Naturalis30.4 Pharsalia 1.450-8 De Chorographia 3.2.18-19 Annals 14.30 Histories 4.54 Orationes 49 Stromata 6, 3.33.2 Claudius 25 Philosophumena 1.25

Lucan Mela

A.D. 39-65 fl. c. A.D. 43 A.D. 56/7120/123 A.D. 40-112 c. A.D. 150-212 Early 2nd century A.D. c. A.D. 170-236

Tacitus Dio Chrysostom Clement of Alexandria Suetonius Hippolytus

Celtia; Ancient Worlds
See above. Druids pronounce by means of riddles and dark sayings.

Vitae 1.1 (see Aristotle, above) Diogenes Laertius fl. A.D. 225-250 Vitae 1.5


3rd century A.D.

Scriptores Historiae Augustae Alexander A female Gallic druid prophesied the defeat Severus 60.6 of Severus. Scriptores Historiae Augustae Aurelian 44.4 Aureleian asked female Gallic druids if the imperial power would remain with his descendents. A female druid prophesied Diocletian would be Emperor. Attius Patera descended from the druids. Phoebicus descended from the druids of Bordeaux.


3rd century A.D.

Scriptores Historiae Augustae Numeranius 14 Commem. Prof.4.7.10


4th century A.D.

Commem. Prof. 10.22.30

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