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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements

1.1 INTRODUCTION Highway, as we know, is one of the most essential elements of modern day traffic system, without which the 21st century traffic system itself will fail. As the name suggests, Highway means elevated way for the traffic to move without any discomfort and the name has got its origin from the roman era, dated back around 500 BC, who built roads at a higher ground level than the normal ground level. The traffic that can be carried depends on the highway pavement characteristics. Highway pavements can be classified into rigid pavements and flexible pavements mainly based on the materials used for construction. Though, Rigid Pavement has got many advantages over the Flexible Pavements, however, based on the Indian natural conditions and economy, the Flexible Pavement has been preferred most of the times. Flexible pavements are a crucial part of Indias strategy for building a high performance transportation network for the future. The increased volume of heavy goods vehicles coupled with an appreciable increase in allowable axle weights for these vehicles, has lead to dramatic increase in level of stresses exerted on pavement surfaces. Furthermore congestion and economic costs of road maintenance has resulted in need to enhance flexible pavement performance. Properties of materials in all layers of the road structure are of great importance for the life of the road. Several factors influence the performance of flexible pavements, for example properties of components (binder, aggregates and additives) and proportion of these components in mix. Over the years, many different types of materials have been proposed as additives in bituminous mixes. Investigations have revealed that properties of bitumen and bituminous mixes can be improved to meet the requirements of the pavement with the incorporation of certain additives or blend of additives. These additives are called bitumen modifiers and bitumen premixed with these modifiers is known as Modified Bitumen.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements On the majority of the worlds roads and airports, conventional penetration grades of bitumen are used as the binder for bituminous mixes. However, the working environment of our roads is becoming more complex and severe, year by year. In recent years, more interest is coming up in the use of polymer modifiers for bituminous mixes. For a polymer to be effective in road applications, it should blend with the bitumen and improve its resistance to various pavement distresses at low and high temperatures without making the modified bitumen too viscous at mixing temperatures or too brittle at low temperatures. In other words, it must improve the overall performance of the pavement. Two basic types of polymer used in modifying bitumen for road applications are elastomers and plastomers. Poly-ethylene is a plastomer used for improving the properties of bituminous mix used for flexible pavement construction. 1.2. USE OF WASTE PLASTIC IN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT Environmental issues are, now a day, of high importance. Plastic wastes, for an instance, possess great threat to the environment, especially in urban areas, in terms of its misuse, its dumping in the dustbins, clogging of drains, reduced soil fertility and aesthetic problem etc. As it is non-degradable, waste plastics are also burnt for apparent disposal, causing environmental pollution, which in turn damages the ozone layer that surrounds the earth, because of the liberation of poisonous gases like carbon monoxide. There are over 10,000 different kinds of plastic in the world, and it is so versatile and can be mixed with so many other elements that its uses are limitless. It is estimated that approximately 10 thousand tons per day (TPD) of Plastic waste is generated i.e. 9 % of 1.20 lakhs TPD of municipal solid waste (MSW) in India. They also have very long lifetime and the burning of plastics waste under uncontrolled conditions could also lead to generation of many hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) depending upon the type of polymers and additives used. However, the end-of-life plastics can be recycled into a second life application but after every thermal treatment, degradation of plastics takes place to a certain extent. Only 5% of all plastic is recycled, so we need to push for more plastic recycling practices in our daily lives.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Recent researches on road pavement shows that waste plastic can be mixed with bituminous mix for construction of road pavements, which can actually enhance the qualities of road pavement, in terms of strength, resistance, shelf life and economy, along with a better way of waste management for these waste plastics with causing minimum damage to the environment. Hence, here comes the concept of using the plastic wastes in molten states with bitumen while constructing the road pavement of highways. The waste plastic for our investigation has been procured from KK Plastic Waste Management Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. The waste plastic procured is having a specific gravity range of 1.03 and a Melting Temperature of 75C - 138C. Our sole aim is to find the optimum bitumen content as well as the optimum plastic content which can be efficiently used in the construction of Flexible Pavements for Highways. For that purpose, we have adopted the Dry process of mixing. 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT For the ease of understanding and better assimilation, the work is divided into various chapters. Chapter 1: This chapter gives a general introduction on the use of polymer modified bitumen as a way to improve the performance of bituminous mixtures, use of waste plastic in bituminous mix and waste management. Chapter 2: An overview of the study of literature pertaining to the research, scope and objectives of the present investigation. Chapter 3: The chapter presents determination of individual engineering properties of materials used. Chapter 4: The chapter presents determination of optimum bitumen content for the bituminous mix. Chapter 5: The chapter presents determination of optimum blend of waste plastic along with the bitumen. Chapter 6: This chapter summarises the study along with conclusions and scope for further study.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements


2.1 INTRODUCTION There have been various works on the use of waste plastic in the bituminous pavement. Some of the most noticeable works are listed below. Along with the literature review the scope and objectives of the investigation is also presented in this chapter. 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Dr. R.Vasudevan et al. in his paper Utilization of Waste Plastics in Construction of Flexible Pavements has given that the better binding property of plastics in its molten state has helped them in finding out a method of safe disposal of waste plastics, by using them in road laying. The aggregate is heated to around 170C. To that the waste plastics (carry bags, cups & thermocole made out of Polyethylene, Polypropylene & Polystyrene) after processing, is added. They get melted and coated over aggregate. Then the bitumen (160C) is added and the aggregate polymer- bitumen mix is used for road laying. The mix has higher Marshall Value, lower penetration value and resistance to water penetration. The benefits are many - Helps in safe disposal of waste plastics by a eco-friendly way; improved solid waste management; better environmental hygiene; reduction in the consumption of bitumen by 10%; No toxic emission; better road; withstand heavy load; No pothole formation; value added to waste plastics; cost is less; mix used for Rural & Highways roads. The plastics tar road has been already laid for 1500 km in India at different places like State Capitals as well as rural roads. The performance of these roads is good. Even after 24 months. The conclusions of their study were The polymer bitumen blend is a better binder compared to plain bitumen The blend has increased Softening point and decreased Penetration value with a suitable ductility When used for road construction it can withstand higher temperature. Hence it is suitable for tropical regions

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements It has decreased Penetration value. Hence its load carrying capacity is increased. The blend with aggregate has no stripping value. So it can resist the effect of water The Marshall Stability value is high. The bitumen required can be reduced depending upon the % of polymer added. It is a good saving too. A deliberate effort has been made to explore the possibilities of binding bitumen with plastic wastes to improve the quality of the road pavement by Dr. S. S. Verma through the journal paper, Roads from plastic waste, published in The Indian Concrete Journal, November 2008. The basic process involved in this study was that waste plastic is ground and made into powder; 3 to 4 % plastic is mixed with the bitumen. Plastic increases the melting point of the bitumen and makes the road retain its flexibility during winters resulting in its long life. It has been noticed prominently that use of shredded plastic waste acts as a strong binding agent for tar, making the asphalt last long. By mixing plastic with bitumen the ability of the bitumen to withstand high temperature increases. The plastic waste is melted and mixed with bitumen in a particular ratio. Normally, blending takes place when temperature reaches 45.5C but when plastic is mixed, it remains stable even at 55C. The vigorous tests at the laboratory level proved that the bituminous concrete mixes prepared using the treated bitumen binder fulfilled all the specified Marshall mix design criteria for surface course of road pavement. There was a substantial increase in Marshall Stability value of the bituminous concrete mix, of the order of two to three times higher value in comparison with the untreated or ordinary bitumen. Another important observation was that the bituminous mixes prepared using the treated binder could withstand adverse soaking conditions under water for longer duration. When the roads made up of waste plastic-bitumen blend and that of simple bitumen was compared, it was seen that the durability of the roads laid out with shredded plastic waste is much more compared with roads with asphalt with the ordinary mix. Department of Civil, MVJCE 5

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Roads laid with plastic waste mix are found to be better than the conventional ones. The binding property of plastic makes the road last longer besides giving added strength to withstand more loads. While a normal 'highway quality' road lasts four to five years it is claimed that plastic-bitumen roads can last up to 10 years. Rainwater will not seep through because of the plastic in the tar. So, this technology will result in lesser road repairs. And as each km of road with an average width requires over two tonnes of polyblend, using plastic will help reduce non-biodegradable waste. The cost of plastic road construction may be slightly higher compared to the conventional method. However, this should not deter the adoption of the technology as the benefits are much higher than the cost. Plastic roads would be a boon for Indias hot and extremely humid climate, where temperatures frequently cross 50C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving most of the roads with big potholes. Already, a kilometer long test-track has been tested in Karnataka using this technology. The government is keen on encouraging the setting up of small plants for mixing waste plastic and bitumen for road construction. It is hoped that in near future we will have strong, durable and eco-friendly roads which will relieve the earth from all type of plastic-waste. The conclusions of the study were Plastics will increase the melting point of the bitumen The use of the innovative technology not only strengthened the road construction but also increased the road life as well as will help to improve the environment and also creating a source of income Plastic roads would be a boon for Indias hot and extremely humid climate, where temperatures frequently cross 50C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving most of the roads with big potholes It is hoped that in near future we will have strong, durable and eco-friendly roads which will relieve the earth from all type of plastic-waste. Dr. M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu et al. in his paper Polymer Modified Bituminous Mixes has given that the optimum bitumen content related to bituminous mixes prepared with plain bitumen and polymer modified bitumen were determined as 5% and 4.8% (by weight of aggregate), respectively. Maximum fatigue life for plain and modified bituminous mixes was observed at binder contents 6% and 5.5% respectively.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 2.3 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF PRESENT INVESTIGATION Its being observed that various researches are going on around the world on the topic of use of waste plastic-bituminous mix for flexible pavement, yet there are no fixed mathematical details which could be used as a thumb rule for the construction of the same. Hence, the scope of our study is to evaluate the performance of Plastic tar flexible pavement road constructed using Polymer / plastic-bitumen blend, mixed with the aggregates. The Objective of our study is to evaluate the performance of the pavement constructed using waste plastic-bitumen blended bitumen, mixed with aggregates. From the literature survey, it was found that plastic can be blended with bitumen in two ways, viz, Wet process Dry process

Wet process: In wet process, plastic is directly blended with bitumen in molten state at high temperature. Then the plastic blended bitumen is mixed with aggregates at specified temperature to obtain the bituminous mix. Dry process: In dry process the waste plastic is directly heated with the aggregate till it gets coated to the aggregates. Then the bitumen is mixed with the plastic coated aggregates to obtain the bituminous mix. Since the available information on the numerical data related to the blending of waste plastic with bitumen is limited, we have undertaken this investigation where detailed experimental study has been initiated with the use of waste plastic with bituminous mix. The investigation is carried out under the following heads and is explained in detail in chapter 3, 4, 5 respectively.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 1. Determination of individual engineering properties of materials used. 2. Determination of optimum bitumen content of the bituminous mix. 3. Determination of optimum blend of waste plastic along with the bitumen.


3.1 INTRODUCTION Behavior of the bituminous mixture is affected by the properties of the individual components like aggregates and binder and how they react with each other in the system. Department of Civil, MVJCE 8

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements When bound by the bituminous binder, mineral aggregate acts as a stone framework to impart strength and toughness to the system. Because it is impervious to water, the binder also functions to waterproof the mixture. The viscosity of the bitumen is quite high at normal temperatures and has to be heated for proper mixing with the aggregate. The function of the binder is to completely coat the aggregate creating a stable mixture of aggregate and binder which resists the imposed stresses induced by the highway traffic and environment. The aggregate is usually obtained from quarry sites and is produced from the crushing of mined rock or gravel. Through the crushing operation, the fractured aggregate takes on a variety of shapes and sizes. Shape, texture, and angularity are among the properties of aggregates that have a significant effect on the performance of hot-mix asphalt. 3.2 MATERIALS The materials used in present study are given below:

Plain bitumen: 60/70 grade (PB 60/70) Polymer modified bitumen: Bitumen of grade 40 modified with waste plastic. Aggregates and filler: Crushed coarse and fine aggregates. Ordinary Portland cement is used as the mineral filler.

3.3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES The following tests were conducted on the aggregates to study their properties.

3.3.1 Specific Gravity The specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate was found out separately. Specific gravity of an aggregate is considered as a measure of the quality or strength of the material. The specific gravity of the granite aggregates vary from 2.6 to 2.9. The test was conducted as per IS 2386 (part III) 1963. 3.3.2 Impact Value

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Impact value is a measure of toughness of the aggregate. It is a measure of resistance to sudden impact or shock, which has a different effect than the resistance to gradually increasing compressive stress. Due to movement of vehicles on the road the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their breaking down into smaller pieces. Aggregate impact value is used to assess suitability of aggregates for road construction. Impact testing machine is used. The test was conducted as per IS 9376 1979. 3.3.3 Stripping Value

The test is conducted to determine the effects of moisture upon the adhesion of the bituminous film to the surface particles of the aggregate. This test is of significant value to ascertain the suitability of both bitumen and aggregates, because one particular aggregate may be satisfactory with one binder and unsatisfactory with another and the same being true for the binder. The more the stripping value, the poorer are the aggregates from the point of view of adhesion. Stripping value was measured by the static immersion method in accordance with IS 6241- 1971. 3.3.4 Crushing Value

The Aggregate crushing value gives a relative measure of resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. It is the percentage by weight of the crushed material obtained when the test aggregates are subjected to a specific load under standardized conditions, and is a numerical index of the strength of the aggregates used in road construction. Aggregates with lower crushing value indicate a lower crushed fraction under load and would give a longer service life to the road and hence a more economical performance. The test was done as per IS 9376 1979. 3.3.5 Combined Elongation and Flakiness Test

The particle shape of the aggregate mass is determined by the percentages of flaky and elongated particles contained in it. In combined elongation and flakiness test, the flakiness index is found for the non elongated aggregates. So a combined effect is obtained. Length gauge and thickness gauge is used to conduct the experiment. The test was conducted as per 3.3.6 IS 2386(Part-I)-1963.

Los Angeles Abrasion Test 10

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Due to movement of traffic the road stones used in the surface course are subjected to wearing action at the top. Abrasion tests are carried out to test the hardness property of stones and to decide whether they are suitable for the different road construction work. The principle of Los Angeles abrasion test is to produce the abrasive action by use of standard steel balls which when mixed with aggregates and rotated in a drum for specified number of revolutions which also cause impact on aggregates. The percentage of wear of the aggregates due to rubbing with steel balls is determined and is known as Los Angeles Abrasion value. The test was conducted as per IS 10070 1982. 3.3.7 Test Results

Various physical properties of aggregates were determined and the results are shown in Table 3.1 Table 3.1 Aggregate Properties Properties tested Sample no: Test results 2.608 2.725 2.604 2.519 2.666 2.550 0.687 0.674 0.652 0.671% 2% IS:2386 (PartIII)-1963 2.57 2.6 2.8 IS:2386 (PartIII)-1963 Average Specification IS Code

Specific S1 gravity of S2 coarse aggregate S3 Specific S1 gravity of S2 fine aggregate S3 S1 Water Absorption S2 S3


2.6 2.8

IS:2386 (PartIII)-1963

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Properties tested Sample no: S1 Impact value S2 S3 S1 Crushing value S2 S3 S1 S2 S3 S1 Flakiness Index S2 S3 S1 Elongation Index S2 S3 Test results 17.08 16.25 15.74 19.09 18.94 20.35 23.9 23.6 23.4 8.15 8.07 7.90 18.61 18.04 18.91 18.52% Max 25% IS:2386 (Part-I)1963 8.04% Max 25% IS:2386 (Part-I)1963 23.63% Max 30% IS:10070 1982 19.46% Max 30% IS:9376 1979 16.36% Max 24% Average Specification IS Code


Los Angeles abrasion value

3.4 BINDER PROPERTIES From a performance point of view, bitumen is one of the most important constituents of an asphalt mixture. The quality and properties of bitumen depend largely on the composition of the bitumen, which is mainly controlled by the crude oil and production process. Various tests conducted on bitumen are briefly presented. 3.4.1 Penetration Test Department of Civil, MVJCE 12

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Penetration is a measurement of hardness or consistency of bituminous material. It is the vertical distance traversed or penetrated by the point of a standard needle into the bituminous material under specific conditions of load, time, temperature and the distance that the needle penetrates into the asphalt cement is recorded in units of 0.1 mm. The test is used for evaluating the consistency of bituminous materials. The bitumen is graded in terms of its hardness according to the penetration value. The grading of bitumen helps to assess its suitability for use in different climatic conditions and types of construction. In warmer regions lower penetration grades are preferred to avoid softening whereas higher penetration grades are used in colder regions so that excessive brittleness does not occur. The procedure for penetration test was carried out as per IS 1203-1978 and the apparatus used is penetrometer. The test has been carried out on PB 60/70. 3.4.2 Softening Point Test The softening point of the bitumen is the temperature at which the substance attains a particular degree of softening. It is the temperature at which a standard ball passes through a sample of bitumen in a ring and falls through a height of 2.5 cm, when heated in water under specified conditions of the test. The determination of softening point helps to know the temperature at which a binder should be heated for various road use applications. The test was carried out as per IS: 1205-1978 using the ring and ball apparatus. The tests have been carried out on PB 60/70. 3.4.3 Ductility Test The ductility test gives a measure of adhesive property of bitumen and its ability to stretch. In a flexible pavement design, it is necessary that binder should form a thin ductile film around the aggregates so that the physical interlocking of the aggregate is improved. Binder material having insufficient ductility gets cracked when subjected to repeated loads and it provides pervious pavement surface. Ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in centimetres to which it will elongate before breaking when two ends of standard briquette specimen of the material are pulled apart at a specified speed and at a specified temperature. The test was carried out as per IS: 12081978 on PB 60/70. Department of Civil, MVJCE 13

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 3.4.4 Specific Gravity Test The density of a bitumen binder is a fundamental property frequently used as an aid to classify the binders for use in pavement jobs. The specific gravity value of bitumen is also useful in bituminous mix design. The density of bitumen is greatly influenced by its chemical composition. Increased amounts of aromatic type compounds or mineral impurities cause an increase in specific gravity. The specific gravity of bituminous material is defined as the ratio of the mass of a given volume of the substance to the same of an equal volume of water, the temperature of both being 27C. The test was carried out as per IS: 1202-1978.

3.4.5 Loss on Heating It is the loss in mass of water, oil and other constituents of bitumen when heated at a standard temperature of 163C for 5 h under specified conditions of test. The test was performed on PB 60/70 according to IS: 1212 - 1978 3.4.6 Flash and Fire point
This test is done to determine the flash point and the fire point of bitumen as per IS: 1209 1978. The principle behind this test is given below.

Flash Point The flash point of a material is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame causes the vapours from the material to momentarily catch fire in the form of a flash under specified conditions of the test. Fire Point The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame causes the material to ignite and burn at least for 5 seconds under specified conditions of the test.

3.4.7 Test Results Department of Civil, MVJCE 14

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Results of the various tests conducted for PB 60/70 are given in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3. Table 3.2 Properties of 60/70 Grade Bitumen Property Specimen Result no: 69 65 70 43 46 45 82 97 92 1.04 0.99 0.97 205 210 205 206.67 210
IS: 1209 1978

Average Specification

IS Code

Penetration S1 S2 S3 Softening point S1 S2 S3 Ductility S1 S2 S3 Specific gravity S1 S2 S3 Flash point In C S1 S2 S3






IS: 12051978

Min 75 90.33

IS: 12081978




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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Property Specimen Result no: S1 S2 S3 3.5 CONCLUSION Various properties of the materials used in the study were tested in the laboratory. Both aggregate and binder test results have found to meet the specifications. 240 250 245 245 270 Average Specification IS Code

Fire point In C

IS: 1209 1978

CHAPTER 4 DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM BITUMEN CONTENT OF BITUMINOUS MIX 4.1 INTRODUCTION The performance of a bituminous mix is measured in terms of its strength using Marshall Stability test and Indirect Tensile Strength test. The purpose of Marshall Test is to measure the strength of bituminous mixes that had been compacted to a standard laboratory compactive effort. This test is also used as part of the Marshall Mix design procedure for determining the optimum bitumen binder content, and in the quality control of bituminous mixtures. Indirect tensile strength values can be used to predict resistance of mix to permanent deformation. 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL FRAMEWORK Marshall Stability test and static indirect tensile test were conducted on bituminous mixes with ordinary bitumen of grade 60/70 to find the optimum bitumen content. The specimens were prepared with binder contents of 4%, 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6% Department of Civil, MVJCE 16

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements and 6.5%. Minimum three specimens were tested in each case and the average of these test results were taken for analysis. As per IS specifications the specimens has to be prepared with binder contents ranging from 3.5% to 7.5%. While preparing the samples it was noticed that the components were not properly mixed using binder content 3.5%. Since bituminous mix with 3.5% binder content is not practicable, we have not included the samples with 3.5% bitumen binder content for our investigation. 4.3. PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN Bituminous Concrete of Grade II (IRC: 29-1968) was selected for the study purpose. The gradation as per IRC is given in Table 4.1. The lower limit values of the cumulative percent by weight of total aggregate passing were used in the preparation of bituminous mix.

Table 4.1 Gradation for Bituminous Concrete Cumulative percent by weight of total aggregate passing. 100 80-100 70-90 50-70 35-50 26-38 18-29 13-23 4-10

IS Sieve (mm) passing 20 12.5 10 4.75 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

Following procedure was adopted for making the specimens for Marshall stability and indirect tensile strength tests:

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 1. Required quantity of aggregate as per grade II as shown in Table 4.1 was heated to a temperature of 1750C to 1950C 2. Then the required quantity of bitumen was heated to120 0C to 1400C to remove all air and water particles present 3. The heated bitumen was poured in to heated aggregate and mixed thoroughly (manually) 4. The mixture was heated to the temperature of 1500C 5. The mixture was poured in the cylindrical moulds of 10cm diameter and applied 50 blows on each side using Marshall Hammer 6. Cylindrical moulds with specimens were allowed to cool for 24 hours and then the specimens were removed from the moulds

4.4 MARSHALL STABILITY TEST (ASTM D: 1559-62 T) In Marshall Stability test, the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bituminous mixture is measured when the same is loaded at the periphery at a rate of 51mm per minute. The test procedure is used in the design and evaluation of bituminous paving mixes. There are two major features of the Marshall method of designing mixes namely, i) density-void analysis ii) stability-flow test 4.4.1 Density-Void Analysis The properties that are of interest include the theoretical specific gravity (Gt), the bulk specific gravity of the mix (Gm), percent air voids (Vv), percent volume of bitumen (Vb), percent void in mixed aggregate (VMA) and percent voids filled with bitumen (VFB). Theoretical Specific Gravity (Gt)

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Theoretical specific gravity Gt is the specific gravity without considering air voids, and is given by:

Where, W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix, W 2 is the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix, Wb is the weight of bitumen in the total mix, G1 is the apparent specific gravity of coarse aggregate, G2 is the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate and Gb is the apparent specific gravity of bitumen. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gm) The bulk specific gravity or the actual specific gravity of the mix Gm is the specific gravity considering air voids and is found out by:
Gm= WmWm-Ww

Where, Wm is the weight of mix in air, Ww is the weight of mix in water. Air Voids Percent (Vv) Air voids Vv is the percent of air voids by volume in the specimen and is given by:
Vv= Gt-Gm100Gt

Where, Gt is the theoretical specific gravity of the mix and Gm is the bulk or actual specific gravity of the mix. Percent Volume of Bitumen (Vb) The volume of bitumen Vb is the percent of volume of bitumen to the total volume and is given by:
Vb= WbGbW1+W2+WbGb

Where, W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix, W 2 is the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix, Wb is the weight of bitumen in the total mix, Gb is the apparent specific gravity of bitumen, and Gm is the bulk specific gravity of mix. Voids In Mineral Aggregate (VMA) Department of Civil, MVJCE 19

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Voids in mineral aggregate VMA is the volume of voids in the aggregates, and is the sum of air voids and volume of bitumen, and is calculated from VMA = Vv + Vb Where, Vv is the percent air voids in the mix and Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix.

Voids Filled With Bitumen (VFB) Voids filled with bitumen VFB is the voids in the mineral aggregate frame work filled with the bitumen, and is calculated as:

Where, Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix and VMA is the percent voids in the mineral aggregate. 4.4.2 Marshall Stability and Flow Specimens were prepared as per standards. Prior to the conduct of Marshall Test, specimens were immersed in water at 60C for 40 min. The test was performed with varying binder contents and the Marshall stability and flow values were determined.

Fig 4.1 Load Application in Marshall Stability Test Department of Civil, MVJCE 20

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Marshall Stability of a test specimen is the maximum load required to produce failure when the specimen is preheated to a prescribed temperature placed in a special test head and the load is applied at a constant strain (50.8 mm per minute) as shown in Fig 4.1. The vertical deformation of the specimen at the failure point expressed in mm is called the Marshall Flow value of the specimen. It is possible while making the specimen that the thickness slightly varies from the standard specification of 63.5 mm. Therefore, measured stability values are corrected to those which would have been obtained if the specimens had been exactly 63.5 mm by multiplying with appropriated correlation factors as shown in table 4.2 Table 4.2 Correction factors Length of Specimen 57.1 58.7 60.3 61.9 63.5 65.1 66.7 68.3 69.9 Correction Factors 1.19 1.14 1.09 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86

As per IRC: 29-1968, when the specimens are compacted with 50 blows on either face, the designed bituminous mix should fulfill the following requirements. Table 4.3 Design requirements of the mix Design requirements of the mix

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 1 2 3 4 Marshall Stability Value (Kg) (minimum) Marshall Flow Value, 0.25 mm units Voids in total mix, Vv % Voids in mineral aggregate filled with bitumen, % 340 8 to 16 3 to 5 75 to 85

4.4.3 Results The mechanical properties of the bituminous mixture of plain bitumen such as stability, flow, bulk specific gravity, air voids, voids in mineral aggregate and voids filled with bitumen are presented in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Marshall Stability Test results Using Conventional Bituminous Mix









1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

64 64.5 64.5 65.5 64 64 65 64 65 64.5 64

2.391493 2.394426 2.307188 2.452282 2.49 2.48 2.397206 2.328767 2.317829 2.315789 2.332008

1.577781 1.458922 1.4276731 1.3.20024 1.118178 1.118178 1.416428 1.259466 1.923999 2.009439 2.535506

73.02227 74.64187 80.06493 80.3569 81.72368 81.72368 77.9615 75.78922 67.23443 66.59682 76.89098

16.79 16.88 17.6 17.52 19.306 18.834 18.236 18.256 18.173 18.46 18.22

7.65 7.6 3.66 4.55 3.43 3.2 3.55 3.59 4.09 4.17 4.42



6 6.5

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements
2 63 2.307692 2.562187 76.72661 17.22 4.46

4.4.4 Determination of Optimum Binder Content Five graphs are plotted with values of bitumen content against the values of i. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gm) ii. Marshall Stability (S) iii. Voids in total mix (Vv) iv. Flow Value (F)
v. Voids filled with bitumen (VFB %)

Let the bitumen corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (Gm) be B1, corresponding to maximum Marshall Stability (S) be B2 and that corresponding to minimum voids ratio (vv) be B3, then the optimum bitumen content for mix design is given by Bo = (B1+B2+B3 )/3 The value of flow and VFB values are checked at the optimum bitumen content Bo and the flow value should be minimum and VFB value should be maximum at optimum bitumen content Bo. If not it should meet the specified design requirements of the mix as given by IRC: 29 -1968

Fig 4.2 Binder Content Vs Bulk Specific gravity From fig 4.2, the bitumen content corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (B1) is obtained as 5%

Fig 4.3 Binder Content Vs Marshall Stability Value Department of Civil, MVJCE B1=5% B2=5% 23

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements From fig 4.3, the bitumen content corresponding to maximum Marshall Stability Value (B2) is obtained as 5%

Fig 4.4 Binder Content Vs % Air Voids From fig 4.4, the bitumen content corresponding to minimum % of air voids (B3) is obtained as 5%. Thus the optimum bitumen content Bo =5%

Fig 4.5 Binder Content Vs Flow Value

B3=5% Fig 4.6 Binder Content Vs VFB From fig 4.5 and 4.6 it can be seen that the flow value is minimum and VFB value is maximum at optimum bitumen content Bo. 4.5 STATIC INDIRECT TENSILE STRENGTH TEST Bo=5% In Indirect Tensile Strength test (ITS), cylindrical specimens are subjected to Bo=5% compressive loads, which act parallel to the vertical diametral plane by using the Marshall loading equipment. This type of loading produces a relatively uniform tensile stress, which acts perpendicular to the applied load plane, and the specimen usually fails by splitting along with the loaded plane. The values of ITS may be used to evaluate the relative quality of bituminous mixtures in conjunction with laboratory mix design testing and for estimating the potential for rutting or cracking. 4.5.1 Determination of Indirect Tensile Strength Specimens prepared with PB 60/70 were tested. Three specimens were tested from each binder content. The static indirect tensile test was carried out as per ASTM: D4123-82(1995). The split tensile strength of bituminous mixes was determined by applying a compressive load to Marshall Specimen along the vertical diametrical plane, through two Department of Civil, MVJCE 24

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements steel strips 12.5 mm wide. The equipment used for the test is shown in Fig 4.2. The load was applied at a rate of 50.8 mm/min until failure occurred.

Fig 4.7 Load Application in Indirect Tensile Strength Test Based upon the maximum load carried by a specimen at failure in indirect tensile strength test, the indirect tensile strength in kPa is calculated from the following equation: Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) = 2F/LD, where F is the applied vertical load (kN), L is the mean thickness of the test specimen (m); D is the specimen diameter (m). 4.5.2 Results Results of the indirect tensile strength test on specimens are given in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 Indirect Tensile Strength Test results Using Conventional Bituminous Mix % OF BITUMEN CONTENT 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

I.T.S N 2943 3286.35 7651.8 5395.5 5199.3

Tensile Stress - N/sqmm 0.2952 0.32964 0.767521 0.541201 0.521521

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 6.5 4120.2 0.413281

Fig 4.8 Binder Content Vs Tensile Stress

4.6 CONCLUSION Marshall Stability test and indirect tensile strength test were used to evaluate various mechanical properties of bituminous mixes with different types of bitumen. Bo=5% From Fig 4.2 to 4.6 it can be seen that the maximum values of Marshall Stability value, voids filled with bitumen, bulk specific gravity and minimum values of percentage air void ratio and flow value are obtained at 5% binder content. From fig 4.8 it can be seen that the maximum indirect tensile strength of the samples tested is obtained at 5% bitumen content. Thus the optimum bitumen content related to conventional bituminous mixes made of 60/70 grade was determined as 5% from the Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Stress tests conducted.

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements

CHAPTER 5 DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM BLEND OF WASTE PLASTIC COATED AGGREGATE BITUMINOUS MIX 5.1 INTRODUCTION Polymer modified bitumen is emerging as one of the most important construction materials for flexible pavements. Use of plastic waste in the construction of flexible pavement is gaining importance because of several reasons, which are, the polymer modified bitumen shows better properties for road construction along with plastic waste management, otherwise considered to be a pollution menace, can find its use in this process and this can help solving the problem of pollution because most of the plastic wastes are non-bio degradable polymers. Various studies are being carried out to improve the quality of bitumen used in bituminous road construction. One of the results of such studies is to use polymermodified bitumen. Use of disposed plastic waste (especially plastic bags) is the need of the hour. The studies on the thermal behavior and binding property of the molten plastics promoted a study on the preparation of plastic waste-bitumen blend and its properties to find the suitability of the blend for road construction. 5.2 POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMEN In the construction of flexible pavements, bitumen plays the role of binding the aggregate together by coating over the aggregate. It also helps to improve the strength of the road. But its resistance towards water is poor. Anti-stripping agents are being used. A common method to improve the quality of bitumen is by modifying properties of bitumen by blending with organic synthetic polymers like rubber or plastics. Studies on this subject are going on both at national and international level. As we are solely Department of Civil, MVJCE 27

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements concentrating towards the blending of plastic with the normal bitumen-aggregate mix, we will explore the basic process of incorporating the plastic in the bituminous mix. This basic process involves four steps, namely Segregation of plastic Cleaning of plastic Shredding of plastic Collection of the shredded plastic

The Segregation process involves the collection of plastic wastes from various sources and separating then as per the thickness criteria (maximum thickness of 60). After the segregation process, the plastic wastes collected must go through a cleaning process and dried properly. Now comes the shredding process, where the plastic wastes will be shredded or cut into small pieces and different types of shredded plastic wastes are mixed together. Now the last step, that is the collection of the shredded plastic, the shredded pieces are sieved using 2.36 mm IS standard sieve and the portion retained in it is considered for the experiment. As far as blending of plastic with the bituminous mix is concerned, there are two ways of blending the plastic with bituminous mix, which are 1. Wet process. 2. Dry process. In our case we are implementing Wet Process to blend the plastic directly with the heated bitumen. 5.3 DRY PROCESS: In a nutshell, Dry Process can be defined as the process of mixing plastic with aggregate to obtain the plastic blended bituminous mix. The plastic fragments used are mainly the fragments of the disposed carry bags, films, cups etc, with a maximum thickness of 60, as discussed above The optimum bitumen content obtained from the test results was 5%. The polymer modified bitumen specimens were prepared by partial replacement of the bitumen content on optimum bitumen content with 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% .

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Minimum three specimens were tested in each case and the average of the test results were taken for the analysis.


The bitumen is heated to a temperature of around 120C to 140C The measured weight of waste plastic scraps are directly mixed with the heated aggregate. The plastic fragments get melted when it comes in contact with the heated aggregate and a plastic coated aggregate mix is obtained Now, the heated bitumen is poured over the aggregate-plastic mix. Mixing is done thoroughly and carefully so that a homogeneous mix is obtained. The mixture was heated to the temperature of 1500C The mixture was poured in to the pre-heated cylindrical moulds of 10cm diameter and applied 50 blows on each side using Marshall hammer Cylindrical moulds with specimens were allowed to cool for 24 hours and then the specimens were removed from the moulds

5.4 MARSHALL STABILITY TEST There are two major features of the Marshall method of designing mixes namely, i) density-void analysis ii) stability-flow test 5.4.1 Density-Void Analysis The properties that are of interest include the theoretical specific gravity (Gt), the bulk specific gravity of the mix (Gm), percent air voids (Vv), percent volume of bitumen (Vb), percent void in mixed aggregate (VMA) and percent voids filled with bitumen (VFB).

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements

Theoretical Specific Gravity (Gt) Theoretical specific gravity Gt is the specific gravity without considering air voids, and is given by:

where, W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix, W2 is the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix, Wb and Wp is the weight of bitumen and plastic respectively in the total mix, G1 is the apparent specific gravity of coarse aggregate, G2 is the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate and Gb and Gp is the apparent specific gravity of bitumen and plastic respectively. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gm) The bulk specific gravity or the actual specific gravity of the mix Gm is the specific gravity considering air voids and is found out by:
Gm= WmWm-Ww

Where, Wm is the weight of mix in air, Ww is the weight of mix in water. Air Voids Percent (Vv) Air voids Vv is the percent of air voids by volume in the specimen and is given as
Vv= Gt-Gm100Gt

Where, Gt is the theoretical specific gravity of the mix and Gm is the bulk or actual specific gravity of the mix. Percent Volume of Bitumen (Vb) The volume of bitumen Vb is the percent of volume of bitumen to the total volume and is given by:
Vb= WbGb+WpGpW1+W2+Wb+WpGpGb

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements where, W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix, W2 is the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix, Wb and Wp is the weight of bitumen and plastic respectively in the total mix, G1 is the apparent specific gravity of coarse aggregate, G2 is the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate and Gb and Gp is the apparent specific gravity of bitumen and plastic respectively.. Voids In Mineral Aggregate (VMA) Voids in mineral aggregate VMA is the volume of voids in the aggregates, and is the sum of air voids and volume of bitumen, and is calculated from VMA = Vv + Vb where, Vv is the percent air voids in the mix and Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix. Voids Filled With Bitumen (VFB) Voids filled with bitumen VFB is the voids in the mineral aggregate frame work filled with the bitumen, and is calculated as:

Where, Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix and VMA is the percent voids in the mineral aggregate. 5.4.2 Marshall Stability and Flow Specimens were prepared as per standards. Prior to the conduct of Marshall Test, specimens were immersed in water at 60C for 40 min. The test was performed with varying binder contents and the Marshall stability and flow values were determined. It is possible while making the specimen that the thickness slightly varies from the standard specification of 63.5 mm. Therefore, measured stability values are corrected to those which would have been obtained if the specimens had been exactly 63.5 mm by multiplying with appropriated correlation factors. Results

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements The mechanical properties of the bituminous mixtures containing polymer modified bitumen and plain bitumen such as stability, flow, bulk specific gravity, air voids, voids in mineral aggregate and voids filled with bitumen are presented in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 Marshall Stability Test results Using Plastic Blend Bituminous Mix



1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

65 65 64.5 65 65 65.5 65 64

2.38171 2.384462 2.38171 2.392786 2.384462 2.38171 2.384462 2.392786

1.885624 1.772239 1.892561 1.436326 1.786129 1.899498 1.793074 1.450264

72.61506 73.83083 72.54197 77.68407 73.67971 72.46904 73.60438 77.5162

22.094 21.4336 26.59 25.75738 27.75984 27.65831 19.07309 18.63663

3.64 3.55 3.3 3.24 1.38 1.46 1.6 2.3


5.4.3 Determination of Optimum Binder Content Five graphs are plotted with values of bitumen content against the values of i. Bulk Specific Gravity (Gm) ii. Marshall Stability (S) iii. Voids in total mix (Vv) iv. Flow Value (F) Department of Civil, MVJCE 32

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements
v. Voids filled with bitumen (VFB %)

Let the bitumen corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (Gm) be B 1, corresponding to maximum Marshall Stability (S) be B2 and that corresponding to minimum voids ratio (vv) be B3, then the optimum bitumen content for mix design is given by Bo = (B1+B2+B3 )/3 The value of flow and VFB values are checked at the optimum bitumen content Bo and the flow value should be minimum and VFB value should be maximum at optimum bitumen content Bo. If not it should meet the specified design requirements of the mix as given by IRC: 29 -1968

Fig 5.1 % Plastic Content Vs Bulk Specific Gravity From fig 5.1, the % plastic content corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (B1) is obtained as 8%

Fig 5.2 % Plastic Content Vs Marshall Stability Value From fig 5.2, the % plastic content corresponding8% maximum Marshall Stability B1= to value (B2) is obtained as 8%

Fig 5.3 % Plastic Content Vs Flow Value From fig 5.3, the % plastic content corresponding to minimum Flow Value (B3) is obtained as 8% B2= 8%

Fig 5.4 % Plastic Content Vs % Air Voids B3=8% Fig 5.5 % Plastic Content Vs % VFB Department of Civil, MVJCE 33

B0= 8% o = 8%

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements From fig 5.4 and 5.5 it can be seen that the flow value is minimum and VFB value is maximum at optimum plastic content Bo 5.5 STATIC INDIRECT TENSILE STRENGTH TEST In Indirect Tensile Strength test (ITS), cylindrical specimens are subjected to compressive loads, which act parallel to the vertical diametral plane by using the Marshall loading equipment. This type of loading produces a relatively uniform tensile stress, which acts perpendicular to the applied load plane, and the specimen usually fails by splitting along with the loaded plane. The values of ITS may be used to evaluate the relative quality of bituminous mixtures in conjunction with laboratory mix design testing and for estimating the potential for rutting or cracking. 5.5.1Determination of Indirect Tensile Strength Plastic blended bituminous specimens prepared were tested. Three specimens were tested from each binder content. The static indirect tensile test was carried out as per ASTM: D-4123-82(1995). Table 5.2 Indirect Tensile Strength results for Plastic Blended Bituminous mix % OF BITUMEN CONTENT 4 6 8 10

I.T.S N 7749.9 8142.3 9338.5 6375.5

Tensile Stress - N/sqmm 0.777361 0.816721 0.936707 0.6395

Fig 5.6 % Plastic Content Vs ITS 5.6 CONCLUSION

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B0 = 8%

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements Marshall Stability test and indirect tensile strength test were used to evaluate various mechanical properties of bituminous mixes with different percentage replacement of bitumen with plastic. From Fig 5.1 to 5.5 it is clear that the maximum values of Marshall Stability value, voids filled with bitumen, bulk specific gravity and minimum values of percentage air void ratio and flow value are obtained at 8% partial replacement of bitumen with plastic content. From fig 5.6 it can be seen that the indirect tensile strength of the samples tested is obtained at 8% partial replacement of bitumen with plastic content. Thus the optimum partial replacement of bitumen with plastic content for the mixes made of 60/70 grade was determined as 8% from the Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Stress tests conducted.


6.1 SUMMARY Using the test results furnished in the chapter 4 and 5 a comparative study of conventional bituminous mix and plastic blended bituminous mix is given below in table 6.1 with respect to the Marshall Stability Test results and Indirect Tensile Strength Test results. Table 6.1 Comparison of Conventional and Plastic blended mix Requirements of mix as per IRC: 29-1968 3.5% to 7.5% Conventional Bituminous Mix (CB) 5% Plastic blended Bituminous Mix. (PMB) 5%

Properties Optimum Binder Content

Remark 1. Values are meeting the requirements. 2. PMB mix was prepared

Department of Civil, MVJCE


Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements using the OBC value obtained using CB.


Optimum replacement of bitumen with plastic (OPBC)


1.OPBC is obtained from our experimental investigations 1. Values are meeting the requirements. 2. Comparable with Conventional mix 1. Comparable with Conventional mix 1. Values are meeting the requirements. 2. Comparable with Conventional mix 1. Values are meeting the requirements.

% Air Voids

3 to 5



Bulk specific gravity



% Voids filled with bitumen

75 - 85



Flow value (mm)




2. The flow value obtained for PMB is very less compared to CM

Marshall Stability Value (KN)

1. Values are meeting the requirements. 3 (min) 19.306 27.733 2. The % increase in Marshall Stability value is 43.63% 1.The % increase in ITS is 32.67%

Indirect Tensile Strength (N/mmsq)



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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements

Fig 6.1 Comparison of Marshall Stability Value

Fig 6.2 Comparison of Indirect Tensile Strength Value 6.2 CONCLUSION The objectives of the study were to evaluate the performance of polymer modified bituminous mixes through laboratory investigations. Aggregate and binder tests were conducted to assess the suitability of the materials used in the study. Various laboratory tests like Marshall Stability test and indirect tensile test were used to evaluate the characteristics of bituminous mixes. Based on the laboratory test results, the following conclusions were drawn. Various properties of the materials used in the study were tested in the laboratory. Both aggregate and binder test results have found to meet the specifications.

The optimum bitumen content related to conventional bituminous mixes made of 60/70 grade was determined as 5% from the Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Stress tests conducted

The optimum partial replacement of bitumen with plastic content for the mixes made of 60/70 grade was determined as 8% from the Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Stress tests conducted

In the indirect tensile strength test, it was obtained that the indirect tensile strength of bituminous mixes prepared with PMB 40 was higher compared with that of plain bituminous mixes. .

The Marshall Stability value of the mix can be increased by 43.63 by 8% partial replacement of bitumen with plastic and indirect tensile strength values an be increased by 32.67 by 8% partial replacement of bitumen with plastic.


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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 1. A descriptive test program including fatigue and permanent deformation tests with varying test temperature, loading conditions, etc need to be conducted to determine the life of the bituminous mixes and the resistance to plastic deformation. 2. A better comparison of conventional bituminous mix and polymer modified bitumen can be done by performing cost estimation for construction.

Fig 6.3 (a): Samples used for testing

Fig 6.3 (b): Apparatus used for testing

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Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements

1. Sabina, Tabrez A Khan. (2009), Performance Evaluation of Waste Plastics,

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

2. R. Vasudevan (2005) Utilization of Waste Plastics in Construction of Flexible

Pavements, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 625 015, Tamil Nadu INDIA 3. Dr. M.V.L.R (2009) Anjaneyalu Polymer Modified Bituminous Mixes, National Institute of technology Calicut. 4. S.S. Varma Roads from Plastics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 5. Dr. S.K. Khanna and Dr. C.E.G Justo (2001), Eighth edition, Highway Engineering. Department of Civil, MVJCE 39

Utilisation of Waste Plastics for Improving the performance of Bituminous Road Pavements 6. Dr. S.K. Khanna and Dr. C.E.G Justo (2007), Fourth edition, Highway Material Testing Laboratory Manual 7. E. J Yoder (2007), Principles of Pavement Design

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