Omaoma: OMA Device Management (OMA-DM) OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)

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OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)

Provisioning Device Documentation v2.0 Revised Feb. 2012Provisioning Device Documentation v2.0 Revised Feb. 2012


OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)

OMA at a Glance

OMA Device Management is a device management protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) Working Group and the Data Synchronization (DS) Working Group. OMADM provides OTA activations, upgrades, and repairs transparent to the CDMA customers This application will eventually replace Handset Configuration Manager (HCM). Only specific types of device are OMA capable. To confirm which CDMA devices are capable, the following query can be run: select item_id, attr_code, sys_creation_date from EQUIPMENT_ATTR where attr_code = 'OMA_DM'; Not every AAM transaction includes an OMA device transaction. For example, AAM never sends to OMA on an ACT (Activation) service transaction if the device is not OMA-capable. AAM sends a transaction to OMA when changes are made in CSM such as equipment swaps, PTN changes, and Deactivations (DAC). The OMA DM Network adapter interface and Splitting and Formatting Rules exist in AAM. The interface is aligned to AAM architecture to ensure that AAM is able to send device programming payload to OMA DM via the SOAP/ XML interface for Ensemble CDMA subscribers. This allows OMA DM provisioning and query transactions for Ensemble CDMA subscribers. APPL ID: 6BL

OMA Quick Facts

SM Workgroup: SFWOPS-DEVICE-MGMT Manager: Neal Murphy (IT) (913) 4815400 Email Distro: Device Mgmt Platform Support Escalation: RPM Escalation IT, National Device, Lee Summit(Primary) and Dallas RDC(Backup) Retail postpaid Retail prepaid Wholesale postpaid Wholesale prepaid X X X X

Vendor: Mformation Technologies, Inc Provisioning GUI: AAM Network: CDMA IP Address: Ports: 40, Synchronous Throughput (Max. per hour) 45K Disaster Recovery: Co-located servers run concurrently with hot backup on two instances (plss7614 & plss7615).


OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)

What is OMA and why is it necessary? OMA-DM (Open Mobile Alliance Device Management): FOTA (Firmware Over the Air), PRL (Preferred Roaming List) updates for OMA defined handsets (determined by NMS). Provisioning through OMA is the final, and a very vital, step in provisioning a device for service in Sprints networks Do all changes in the billing system generate provisioning transactions to OMA? Mostly, but not all transactions. Activations/Deactivations for OMA-capable devices will generate a transaction from AAM to OMA What vendor supports the OMA? Mformation supports the OMA application used by Sprint. However, Sprint is going to take more ownership of responsibilities that were previously held by the vendor. What are the various names used for this device. OMA or OMA-DM. The Appl ID for the device is 6BL. Is this device is CDMA/iDEN/both CDMA and iDEN, Retail/Wholesale/both Retail and Wholesale, Prepaid/Postpaid/Both Prepaid and Postpaid? The OMA device is for CDMA subscribers only. It is for both Retail and Wholesale subscribers and both Prepaid and/or Postpaid. Note, the following Wholesalers use Telespree (Best Buy, I-Wireless, Boomerang, CBeyond, Credo, Hawaiian Telecom). All others use OMA. There has been news that Sprint will move from Telespree.


What types of transactions are generated in AAM for the OMA? Below are all the possible AAM Service level transaction types that can be used for OMA (as pulled from DEV_COMMANDS). TRX_NAME ACTALL CED CED CED CED CEDAIR CEDAIR CHN CHN DELALL QRY REFALL DVC_TRX_SFX 2 48 47 4 3 17 40 18 13 2 3 1 DVC_TRX_NM_CD ADDOMA ADDOMA KEYOUTOMA KEYOUTOMA ADDOMA ADDOMA KEYOUTOMA KEYOUTOMA ADDOMA DELOMA QRYOMA ADDOMA

How would a customer be impacted by a provisioning outage for OMA (the provisioning flow to OMA is impacted)? The customer would not be able to perform an initial activation. The device would not receive the Configuration Payload or Preferred Roaming List (PRL) update, associated with the initial activation. Previously activated customers would not be impacted by such an outage as their connection to OMA is not impeded by this type of outage. There is the capability to perform manual programing to initiate an activation for a device How would a customer be impacted by an IT outage for OMA (the OMA device is impacted)? The customer would not be able to successfully perform an Initiated Over-The Air activation, an Update Profile, or an Update PRL on their device.

OMA What types of provisioning errors could you expect from OMA? OMA has limited error responses due to the limited information that is passed in the transactions. The following are the possible errors for OMA: ADD EXP_DE(1031106##User cannot perform this action) EXP_DE(1111020##TAC not available in the system) EXP_DE(1161066##Group not found in the system is missing) EXP_DE(1161066##Invalid Phone Number) EXP_DE(1161132##MIN is not optional)EXP_DE(1161221##Invalid MIN) EXP_DE(1161234##MIN Already Exists) EXP_DE(FAILURE##Data error from OMA) KEYOUT EXP_DE(1161620##PRL ID must be alphanumeric) EXP_DE(1161621##Device does not support PRL service) EXP_DE(1121052##Handset does not support customization) EXP_DE(FAILURE##Data error from OMADM) REF EXP_DE(1111020##TAC not available in the system) EXP_DE(1161066##Group not found in the system is missing) EXP_DE(1161066##Invalid Phone Number) EXP_DE(1161132##MIN is not optional) EXP_DE(1161221##Invalid MIN) EXP_DE(1161234##MIN Already Exists) EXP_DE(FAILURE##Data error from OMA)

OMA What key values are passed in an OMA transaction in AAM? The key values passed on all AAM transactions on OMA are: MDN, ESN (Electronic Serial Number), MIN, and SKU. In addition, each request includes a date and time stamp.

What happens when a customer changes devices or cancels service? When a customer changes devices (swaps), OMA updates to the new device and performs IOTA based on the ESN. OMA ---> OMA: an Update is performed OMA ---> Non-OMA: a move to non-active status from OMA is performed When a customer cancels service completely (deactivations), OMA removes the device. Similarly, network changes from CDMA to iDEN will result in move to non-active status in OMA.

What is the difference between detach and a detach all command in OMA? The services are defined at the handset level (root handset, not ESN) so the handset will either have all of the services defined for it or they will not be in OMA. A Detach All removes all associations from ESN to MDN.


What triggers splitting provisioning transactions with Amdocs? Changes that involve an OMA capable device such as ESN changes, NAI changes, MDN changes, or MSID changes, will trigger a provisioning transaction.

OMA Provisioning Flow DSA





Handset / Wireless Device

What is the difference between OMA and DSA? DSA (99S) - Device Self Activation allows Sprint customers to initiate from their handset the following functions; ESN, CSA, MDN, PRICE PLAN Swaps as well as adding a new subscription. It also allows Air Card users to do ESN & Price plan Swaps as well as adding new subscriptions and new Sprint billing accounts. These self care functions would have to be done through the wired web or by calling Care if they were not done at the sales outlet. Client software on the device is called Device Self Service (DSS). The main difference is a client based application to allow account modification capability for CDMA customers. In contrast, OMA is a more transparent way for CDMA customers to activate service with minimal customer intervention.


OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)OMA Device Management (OMA-DM)

OMA Open Mobile Alliance is a standards body which develops open standards for the mobile phone industry. OMA-DM OMA Device Management is a device management protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) Working Group and the Data Synchronization (DS) Working Group. FUMO Firmware Update Management Object is an Open Mobile Alliance specification for updating the firmware of mobile devices over the air. OTA Over-the-air programming (OTA) refers to various methods of distributing new software updates or configuration settings to devices like cellphones. In the mobile content world, these include provisioning handsets with the necessary settings with which to access services such as WAP or MMS. IOTA Initiated Over The Air: Either CI (Client Initiated) The end user has the ability to update the PRL through the device settings or NI (Network Initiated) Batch files are submitted by Roaming Services and OMA IT for mass PRL updates PRL Preferred Roaming List - The PRL is a file in each CDMA device that guides the device to the most "preferred" network in an area. In all Sprint markets, the PRL helps to speed access to the Nationwide Sprint Network. In roaming areas, it allows Sprint to determine which roaming partner the device will acquire. All CDMA devices receive PRLs.

OMA TELESPREE The Telespree platform delivers secure authentication, OTA device programming and activation to any nonactive, non-provisioned wireless device without customer care or manual inputs. In addition to activations, Telespree's solution is a robust self-care platform that allows MVNOs and carriers to dynamically add customer service functions beyond the initial device programming as its business needs change. Account management functions such as plan and feature changes, balance inquiry and other self-care applications can be easily deployed as the Telespree platform is tied into the carrier's backend systems. The self-service solution helps carriers significantly lower customer support costs while enabling an improved end-user experience.

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