Astro Chakras

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About "AstroChakras"

Planets and Chakras Current Planetary Energies Favorite Links Astrochakras Home Synchronicities Why "AstroChakras"?
In the practice of Yoga there are certain recognized centers of energy within the human body. In today's realm of wholistic health, chakras are frequently mentioned and referred to as centers of subtle life-force energy, or chi. Usually this referral is meant to imply a unity of body, mind, and spirit. As an astrologer with more than 32 years of working experience, I have noticed that the planets of our solar system correspond to the body's chakra centers. Little Mercury, traditionally recognized as the 'ruler of communication', corresponds to the Fifth Chakra within the throat, for instance. Although there is a lack of consensus among astrologers as to the proper correspondences, I have chosen to utilize the following relationships: 1st Chakra Saturn 2nd Chakra Pluto 3rd Chakra Sun and Mars 4th Chakra Venus 5th Chakra Mercury and Jupiter 6th Chakra Neptune 7th Chakra Uranus.

How Do Chakras Relate to the Energies of My Astrology Chart?

Just as wholistic health counselors and practitioners recognize the balance and harmony of body, mind, and spirit with the chakras; I use astrology to recognize your balance with yourself, the earth, and the cosmos. Imagine, if you will, that each of the planets is like a receptor. Lines of energy flow from each chakra to each corresponding planet, and from there the energies flow outward to the surrounding community of stars. Not all of our chakra or planetary energies flow smoothly. Just like a dam blocking a rivers flow, our inner energies can become blocked. What I have observed is that challenging aspects between planets may indicate a corresponding blockage within that particular chakra. Why is this important to know, you may ask? Because each chakra/planet corresponds to how we interact on a daily basis with others, and the environment. For instance, if Mercury is 'square' or 'opposed' (astrological terms representing obstacles and blocks) to a planet, its ability to communicate will be colored by the energies of that planet. (NOTE: For the sake of convenience, I may sometimes refer to both the Sun and Moon as 'planets'.) To further elaborate, if Mercury is square the Sun, for example, your ego tends to interfere with effective communication skills; Mercury square to Neptune may indicate an inability to put into words your imaginative visions; and if Mercury were square to Saturn, you may not be able to clearly deal with planning, goal-setting, and being organized. So, as you can see from these examples, different areas of your life are influenced depending upon which planets are being aspected.

The Correspondence of Each Chakra to Your Environment:

THE FIRST CHAKRA: Saturn represents "structures". Your skeleton is a structure that holds your body in place; it acts as a foundation. "Bones, foundations, security and structure" are all keywords for the 1ST Chakra. It represents the structures that you deal with in life in order to survive physically. If you are not able to deal effectively with the outer social structures of your world, then you tend to live from paycheck-to-paycheck in a dog-eat-dog world. This seems to be a very common problem in our Western Culture because we have forgotten how to ground ourselves with the energies of the Earth. People who are "grounded" have a strong sense of who they are. They know how to acquire what they need in order to comfortably survive. Nervousness and anxiety are conditions that result from not feeling grounded. Psychologically, it indicates that you are operating too much from your head - the ego. Take a deep breath, relax, and look around you. Are you safe where you are at? (1ST Chakra awareness puts you in the primal mode of "fight or flight".) If not, then you need to separate yourself from unsafe people and places. 1ST Chakra awareness is a serious energy that requires you to make some tough choices and decisions. Being "indecisive" and depending upon others to take care of you is a 1ST Chakra weakness. Please do not confuse security and your ability to live comfortably with "lots of money". HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE 1ST CHAKRA: Establish healthy routines. Drink lots of "FRESH" water, eat healthy foods that are as natural as possible; eat, sleep, exercise, and work at regular times. For example, eating late at night and drinking alcohol or doing drugs disrupts your sleep patterns, which in turn disrupt your hormones, which interfere with your daily activities. You want to establish "stability" - not predictability, that's too boring. Frequent changes of address are also very destabilizing. Allow yourself to experience being in nature: go to a park and walk barefoot through the grass; visit an arboretum, or plant a garden - even if it is just one flower! Hiking in the mountains, or just being around large rocks and stones is very grounding.
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THE SECOND CHAKRA: Pluto represents your ability to "change and transform", and when doing so, you are being "creative". Without "desire" - we can not "create"! At this point your everyday survival needs are being met, and you are now able to focus upon the more earthy, sensuous desires that life has to offer. Years ago I remember reading a yoga book that described the 2ND Chakra as "Her Special Place". Here, you crave and desire material and sensual pleasure. When people get too focused on these sensual stimuli, their perception of reality is limited by the so-called "5 senses". People at this level believe that things are real only if they can sense them. Remaining at this level invites "addiction", whether it is to drugs, sex, or anything that you find to be pleasureable. At the most basic level, people will express this creative energy through reproduction. The artists of our cultures are the people who have found this inner creative-self and are outwardly expressing it through their mediums. HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE 2ND CHAKRA: Honor your self by finding a hobby or activity that provides you with pleasure. Paint, draw, sing, act, dance, exercise your body, garden, construct bird houses, something that expresses WHO YOU ARE to others. If you are not sure what you want to do, then think back to when you were about 10-12 years old. What did you dream about doing with your life's energy that would make you happy and fulfilled? THE THIRD CHAKRA: The Sun and Mars are co-rulers of this chakra; and very appropriately, it corresponds to the "solar" plexus. This is a chakra of personal "power" and indicates your ability to be "sovereign". Think of the symbolic energies of the Sun and Mars. The Sun radiates its essence: it either blinds us (a negative expression of self-dominance), or it enables us to enjoy its presence by honoring our own inner essence ("Wasn't it a beautiful day"?). Mars becomes the warrior principle that either enjoys shoving others around, or responding to life's challenges with inner strength. People who lack courage to take a risk usually have a blocked 3RD Chakra; they are afraid to express themselves because they have not learned how to set limits. "This is who I am - and you can take it or leave it"! How many of us have the courage to let others know where we stand, especially when dealing with our families? We don't want to be "I-sol-ated". Where do you shine like the Sun, or do you hide your inner radiance? HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE 3RD CHAKRA: Practice acts of personal courage. Do what makes you happy, not what makes everyone else happy. When we fail to do so, we waste too much personal energy blaming others for not being able to do what we would rather be doing. Do it, be yourself! When you do so, others will recognize your individuality, and they will know what your limits are. They will respect you more because they will know what to expect of you. As long as you are allowing others to also be themselves, do not allow yourself to be swayed by accusation of "selfishness". NOTICE THAT THE FIRST THREE CHAKRAS HAVE TO DEAL WITH "SELF-AWARENESS". IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE THESE CHAKRAS IN BALANCE BEFORE MOVING ON TO THE HIGHER SPIRITUAL REALMS OF AWARENESS. THE FOURTH CHAKRA: This chakra is ruled by Venus; it corresponds to the "heart". Your ability to love (both loving to others, and being able to recieve expressions of love from others) acts as a "FULCRUM" between the lower 3 chakras of self-wareness, and the upper 3 chakras of your awareness of yourself in response to others. This chakra of "balance" is the first place where we are able to recognize that there is more to life than meets the eye, and we are able to perceive higher, spiritual realms. In yogic texts, this chakra is noted as the "sound of one hand clapping". Think about it, when you express acts of love, you do so without the thought of reward. The "reward" is that your action made yourself and others feel good. People who have suffered emotional hurts and woundings tend to block their 4TH Chakras. They are afraid to make themselves "vulnerable". This is a deliberate act of creating an "emotional wall" as a method of self-protection. HOW TO STRENGTHEN YOUR 4TH CHAKRA: Sadly, we have ALL experienced the pain of being hurt, trashed, and beaten-up. One of my favorite sayings is by Gandhi: "The person who has experienced great pain and sorrow, is able to have more compassion for those who are suffering". A closed heart chakra is from too much self-absorption, self-focus, and self-pity. Get beyond yourself! Get involved with others. Volunteer at your church, or within a social organization that needs help. At this chakra level you need to become aware of the "vibrations, magnetism, or resonance" that you feel when you are around others. Spirit will begin to provide you with "synchronicities" that will attract or direct you to people or events that are beneficial for your evolution as a soul. THE FIFTH CHAKRA: Jupiter and Mercury are the co-rulers of this chakra. People with this chakra open are very persuasive and charismatic; socially, they can be great orators, teachers, speakers, and writers. They have a natural ability to sense what people are thinking, and can put it into words. How many times have you listened to someone, and later realized that they were able to put into words ideas that you're only able to think about? When this chakra functions you are able to "speak your personal truth with conviction". This is exactly what the ancients referred to as "the power of the Word". Once you are able to speak your own Truth, then you are able to create your own reality through the power of your words. Use "reaffirmations", like, "I am strong, powerful, wealthy, loving, etc." When this chakra is not operating smoothly, you tend to limit your conversations to superficial concerns, and when someone asks you for a serious opinion, you may respond with, "If you really want to know...". HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE 5TH CHAKRA: Pay attention to all of the thoughts that you don't express. How often do you "bite your tongue"? Learn that it is OK to speak your mind. Most people do not speak their truth because they don't want to appear foolish. At this chakra you are able to speak words that come directly from the heart and Spirit, and most people may lack the courage or conviction to express their innermost beliefs. For instance, in writing this entire web-site, I have sat at my computer, quieted my mind, and allowed the words to simply flow out of me.
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THE SIXTH CHAKRA: Commonly referred to as "The Third Eye", this chakra is ruled by Neptune. People who are highly imaginative, coming up with original and insightful ideas have an open 6TH Chakra. Artists, musicians and inventors will frequently mention that the idea "just came to me". That's because they are allowing this chakra to "feel" incoming messages, "intuitions and dreams". Usually, the whole concept appears suddenly, and then they become driven in an effort to "share and express their message" to others. People with blocked 6TH Chakra's lack imagination, sadly. Even when provided with a visual image of an abstract concept (did you have problems with algebra or physics?) they may not be able to grasp the logic behind the idea. Wholistic concepts are difficult for these people to understand. People on drugs who experience "visions" are getting these strange realizations from this higher dimension. Because they lack conscious control it just flows out as disturbing patterns and concepts. HOW TO STRENGTHEN YOUR 6TH CHAKRA: In order for this energy to smoothly function you must have an awareness of yourself as a spiritual being, and the other 5 chakras must be in balance, otherwise the incoming "visions" creates a chaotic disturbance of images. During the Sixties there was nothing worse than a "hippy" who had "seen God" and rambled about snippets of Truth. Live a life-style that has supportive, sustaining, and healthy routines. Attend to your dreams (keep a journal of your dreams), meditate or pray at regular times of the day, and listen to your unconsciousness. How many times do you berate yourself by saying, "If only I had listened to myself"? If nothing else, keep a journal of all your ideas, mental images, hunches, "ah-ha" moments, and intuitions. This small practice will help you to verify your own spiritual gifts and abilities. By meditating and trusting my intuition, I was able to "know" a year in advance before both of my children were to be born. Being intuitive is nothing more than paying attention to the subtle flows of energy - it is not the dramatic stuff that you see in Hollywood's special effects! Allow yourself quiet moments so you can hear Spirit's whispers - everything you need to know is right there inside your mind, but it will not scream at you! THE SEVENTH CHAKRA: The planet Uranus corresponds to this center of energy. At this level of awareness you are able to see all events as a reflection of God's Will. (If you are uncomfortable with the term 'God', then substitute Spirit, Universal Force, Great Spirit, or however you choose to recognize this divine energy.) When out of balance, people trying to express this energy can become extremely depressed, full of obsessive thoughts, and confused. Because this energy/chakra operates at such a high vibrational frequency one must become selfless. Hanging onto ego-awareness brings up images of bleakness and morbidness. HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE 7TH CHAKRA: At this level, one must "become empty to become full". Many spiritual writings refer to the body as an empty vessel that best expresses its spiritual potentials when it allows itself to be moved by Spirit. Even in the world of sports, there are all kinds of anecdotes by athletes who claim they suddenly entered a quiet space, and they were able to perform physical feats that they were not otherwise capable of doing. Many people on a personal crusade will say that they had no need of sleep or food - they were driven by Spirit to perform a selfless act that was beneficial to others. In order for this chakra to function most effectively, one must have a clear understanding of their purpose for having incarnated upon this planet Earth.

For more information about chakras, meditate and practice visualization, or visit a library or bookstore. We all learn in our own special ways according to the requirements of our individual evolution, and none is better or worse than the other. ALL ASTROCHAKRAS WRITINGS ARE COPYRIGHTED 2003-2010.

"Let us use the different gifts allotted to each of us by God's grace..." Romans 12:6

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