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Act 3 Scene 1 Rewrote Kaden Peterson

Enter Mercutio and Benvolio Benvolio: I'm telling you, man, it's too hot for anything. Let's go back to the house and chill. The Bloods ain't around, and even if we see them ain't nothing happening. Mercutio: Man, your the one who waves his gun around at the club once he's had two drinks. Benvolio: Man, you playin, I ain't like that. Mercutio: Man, trust me, you fight with people because they're hair is different, they have the wrong shoes on, anything. Enter Tybalt and Petruchio Benvolio: Aww crap, it's the Bloods son! Mercutio: Do I look like I care? Tybalt (to Petruchio): Stay with me, I'll talk. What's poppin pimps? Mercutio: You wanna talk? Let's make it words and bullets. Tybalt: I can do that. Benvolio: In broad daylight? We're doing this somewhere private, or your leaving. The whole world's watching. Enter Romeo Tybalt: I ain't got nothing against you. Here's the guy I want. Romeo, you are a punk. Romeo: Tybalt, I ain't got no beef with you. I am not a punk. So, catch you later. Tybalt: That's not going to cut it. Grab your gun, now. Romeo: I never touched you. So chill out. Mercutio: Is that not enough? (Draw weapon) Get out of here!

Tybalt: What do you want? Mercutio: Your life. Think you can take me? Tybalt: I know I can. (Draw weapon and fight) Romeo: C'mon Benvolio, break this up. (Both draw weapons) HEY! THE POLICE ARE GONNA SHOOT US ALL UP. KNOCK THIS CRAP OFF QUICK! (Romeo attempts to break it up, and Tybalt stabs Mercutio) Petruchio: GET OUT OF HERE TYBALT. (Draw a gun) GO! (Tybalt leaves) Mercutio: I'm hit. DIE ALL BLOODS, AND DIE ALL CRIPS. Romeo: It's just one bullet, he'll be fine. Mercutio: No, I'm screwed. It's definitely enough. Benvolio: He's dead. (Tybalt returns) Benvolio: He's back! Romeo: Mercutio's dead. Call me a punk again, cause one of us is dying with him. v Tybalt: We'll see. (Fight, Tybalt falls, Romeo shoots him, Romeo leaves Enter Police Officer: What happened here? Benvolio: Tybalt came here, looking for a fight, and he got it. When Romeo and I broke it up, he killed Mercutio. When Tybalt came back, Romeo killed him. Officer: So Tybalt started all of this? Benvolio: Yeah. Officer: For Romeo acting out on another muderer, he shall be only kicked out of our city forever. everyone exits The End

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