Virtual Reality Technology

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Did you know that while other big nation are researching or creating the next generation military

technology, we just bought night vision goggles just recently? It's a good thing, right? Not, it's miserable. The thing about that is night vision goggles were invented at the time of World War II and we only got it recently. That simply shows what condition the Philippine military has. It shows that Philippine military lacks military technology. Our military is way behind powerful nations. I know most of you think that we don't have military technologies but yes, we have. Some of the technologies that we have in the military are the network connection between bases and military stations around the Philippines. Yes, our military has network connection this provides them better and more precise communications around our country. The military has also got a hold on GPRS tracking system to monitor their soldiers movements and location. These are just some of our countries newly acquired technologies through the years.Our military also participated on joint exercises with the U.S. Military where they get to learn about a lot of new things and new technologies. There are a lot of new technologies around the world that our military can't get a hold on because of a lot of issues. Economic issue is one of them, money is equivalent to technology and technology is equivalent to power and that is what our countrys military lack.

Virtual Reality Technology

The virtual reality technology is one of the modern military technologies being used by the U.S. This is a part of the so-called Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 is the second generation of web development and design that aims to facilitate communication by allowing the users to create communities or social networks. Thus, the virtual reality technology allows interaction among multiple users in a three dimensional space, unlike the traditional design. They can modify and share information easily. This is used by the military and intelligence committee for training purposes. The use of this kind of technology is helpful because training missions can be repeated in numerous times. Also the worst scenarios can be practiced without the risk of injuries to the trainees. There is not also need for real military equipment, fuel and others to be used. Thus, this lessens the cost of having to use real technologies juts for training purposes. On the other hand, the trainees are not able to be exposed to the real feeling of being in a real battlefield. In using the VR simulator, the user is usually situated in a comfortable environment. It might be in an air-conditioned room to cool down the computers being used. In this case, the trainees are not able to be practiced and be immune to the feeling of running around in heat with a large backpack and heavy equipments. Moreover, there is still a threat in terms of security, CACI International, an Information Technology Company in the national interest of the United States that provides national security, defense, and intelligence-related solutions, has announced about a new task order being awarded under the U.S. Armys Strategy Services Sourcing (S3) contract vehicle. With a budget of only around P5 billion a year, the Armed Forces of the Philippines obviously lacks sufficient funds to rival the weaponries of other countries. But through the Filipinos ingenuity, the Philippine Military teamed with other schools and organizations have designed and created different military technologies that may not be in level with the weapons being used by the militaries of other countries but is still useful to the army of

the country.

Because of the lack of budget, the military was also forced to bring back two units of LVTH6A1 to provide additional firepower. The LVTH6A1 is the most powerful gun that can be mounted to any armored vehicle of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In addition to the 105mm gun, it also carries a .30 calibrate co-axial machine gun and one pistol mounted .50 calibrate machine gun. The two units of LVTH6A1 was not restored but received an additional frontal armor. If compared to the military soldiers of the other countries, our own military soldiers still have a long way ahead of them. To discipline both the military leaders and the military soldiers is a must. For the past few years, we were bombarded by different headlines in the newspapers regarding the corruption in the Philippine Military. _________________________________ [11] [12] d=de303d0d76a90b5786c278462e3d565e3c25 One of the biggest issues that the Philippine Military have faced is the corruption done by Philippine Army Major General Carlos Garcia, the highest ranking military officer to be put on trial, who was accused of accumulating over $2 million in cash and real estate on a $600 monthly salary. Another form of corruption that happened in the past year was about the luxury apartment complex seized by 300 young soldiers to protest graft among their senior commanders. In order to stop corruption inside the military, they have to be taught of their proper responsibility to the country that they are serving. Since the military plays a powerful and influential role in the country, they should always be reminded that no one is above the law, not even them who are the military leaders.

The development of military technologies and tactics has been highly proportional with modernization. In the past few years, many countries have been able to develop and acquire new military weapons. They have also discovered various techniques to defend their countries. However, in those years, the Philippines military has been left out in terms of both weaponry and army. In fact, it is said that some of the weapons used in the army are borrowed from the United States. This is mainly because the fund allocated in the military segment is insufficient to support the basic needs of the military. This includes the salary of the army as well as for acquiring the weapons to be used. According to research on the military expenditures of five countries, including Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore in a span of sixteen years, the expenditures of the Philippines military has been constantly the lowest among them. Another reason is that the people in position lacked the discipline and commitment in their work. Many military personnel just worked for the money and not because they want to protect the country. And because of that, the lack of salary has also been causing corrupt officials. Thus, this only makes it helpless for the Philippine military to flourish. In this regard, there is no opportunity for the country to further research and to develop better technologies and more creative tactics. If we cannot reach the current status of military of other countries, how can we be better than them?

As concluded, the Philippine Military is behind most countries when it comes to both its weaponry and the army of the country itself. This is just not because of the lack of monetary funds of the country but also from lack of discipline and the lack of will to discipline of both the military leaders and the military servants, and also, the Philippines as a whole. The government plays a big part in this problem too. To find a solution to this problem, we recommend that the government allot an even bigger budget not just for the Philippine Army but also to the whole of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. This is to ensure that our military would have sufficient money to be able to buy new weaponries that would be useful in combats. Just for the past year, defense officials have requested to increase the budget of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to P10 billion so that they could upgrade their fighting capabilities against rebels accelerate their goal to attain permanent peace. The budget will also serve as an additional funding to recruit more soldiers, repair military vehicles and buy more ammunition. But this request was provoke by the Senate because they said that the additional P10 billion is too big to fund just one department of the government. But, we think, that the additional budget is just appropriate for the AFP considering that the Philippine military equipments have been deteriorating significantly since the 90s. For the military soldiers, we recommend that the different leaders of the arms of the Armed Forces of the Philippines be responsible enough to give their people an even aggressive form of strategy when it comes to their trainings. They should also be taught severely about different ways of combats and of surviving, professionally. They should always be kept up-to-date with all the happenings both locally and internationally so that they would be physically and mentally ready when a combat arises.

Pay Raise. The fiscal 2012 budget includes a military basic pay increase of 1.6 percent. The pay raise is equal to the full increase in the Employment Cost Index, as prescribed by law, and it will keep military pay in line with raises in the private sector.

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