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Doctor, I have lost my memory! When did this happen? When did what happen?


Question & Exclamation Marks

Question and exclamation marks go at the end of a sentence instead of a full stop.
Questions often begin with the words: Who? How? When?



ould you have done something to avoid this?

Travelled by bus?


Question & Exclamation Marks

Write at least four questions of your own using the words and images shown below. how? when ?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __



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___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


Exclamation Marks
Its purpose in life is to replace the full stop in sentences, which show really strong feelings.
Exclamation marks can also replace full stops .

anger order

shout surprise


Exclamation or Question Marks

Waiter! Whats the turkey like? It doesnt like anything, sir. Its dead!


Write what each character is saying in the speech bubbles below.

Dont forget to use question and/or exclamation marks at the end.


Exclamation and Question Marks

Sketch your own scenes. Ask a colleague to fill in the speech bubbles.


Extended practice - Exclamation Marks

Now, try adding exclamation marks at the end of the following sentences or groups of words. Task 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Good gracious How clever of you I wish I was back at school Go away Ill never touch a curry again You dare How are you Never again What a fantastic time we had Dont do that

Now, check your answers see back pages


Extended Practice - Question Marks ?

There are some sentences you need to be careful with because they sound like a question, but are not. For example: I want to know what time it is. This is not a question; it is a statement. It tells you what the man said; it doesnt ask a question. The question the man asked would be:

Task 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Would you like some tea She asked me if I would like some tea I wish I was back at school again Did you go to the cinema last week I will never touch a curry again Have you got any cigarettes How are you What time do we finish When will my order arrive Did you get my message yesterday
What time is it?

Now, check your answers see back pages


Extended Practice - Question Marks

Continue adding question marks or full stops at the end of the following sentences or group of words. (Dont forget some statements can sound like questions) Task 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I know where she is Why did you choose that colour She asked if she could try my coat on Where did he go last night Who is the Prime Minister He had no idea why she refused to answer his text Where did you get that t-shirt What did you do during the holidays Ask someone where the post office is Can you tell me where the post office is

Now, check your answers see back pages


Extended Practice - Exclamation and Question Marks

Project 1A

Below are some answers that a well known character gave during an interview. Write the questions the reporter asked. Remember to use question and/or exclamations marks, where appropriate. Read out your questions to a colleague for feedback. Your questions Answers
The eleventh incarnation. An excited explorer of the universe. In a blue box through space. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Easy, the Daleks! To prevent them taking over the universe. Pond as I call her.

Project 1B

Write an interview with another celebrity or anyone you would personally like to interview.


Extended Practice - Exclamation and Question Marks

Suggested answers Task 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Good gracious! How clever of you! I wish I was back at school. Go away! Ill never touch a curry again. You dare! How are you? Never again! What a fantastic time we had! Dont do that!

Complete self assessment box below


Its holding me up

Not sure

Its not holding me up

Conjunctions Full stops Capitals


Extended Practice - Exclamation and Question Marks

Suggested answers Task 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Would you like some tea? She asked me if I would like some tea. I wish I was back at school again. Did you go to the cinema last week? I will never touch a curry again. Have you got any cigarettes? How are you? What time do we finish? When will my order arrive? Did you get my message yesterday?

Complete self assessment box below


Its holding me up

Not sure

Its not holding me up

Conjunctions Full stops Capitals

Extended Practice - Exclamation and Question Marks Suggested answers Task 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I know where she is. Why did you choose that colour? She asked if she could try my coat on. Where did he go last night? Who is the Prime Minister? He had no idea why she refused to answer his text. Where did you get that t-shirt? What did you do during the holidays? Ask someone where the post office is. Can you tell me where the post office is?

Complete self assessment box below


Its holding me up

Not sure

Its not holding me up

Conjunctions Full stops Capitals


Exclamation and Question Marks

Name Self Assessment of Writing Skills





I think I did

I did

Teacher Comments


Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life Write in complete sentences Punctuate sentences correctly: commas question marks and/or exclamation marks Proofread and revise writing for accuracy and meaning

Ws/L1.1 Ws/L1.3


Remember self assessment helps you work out how to improve, to identify the gap between your present skills and goals.


Corrections needed for this topic: 17 Targets for next written assignment:

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