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Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.

3, 2012

- sg*-Semi Ti Spaces In Topological Spaces

S. Maragathavalli Department of Mathematics, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India * Abstract

In this paper we introduce the concept of -sg*-open sets and discuss some of their basic properties. Key words: -sg*-semi Ti spaces (, )-sg*-semi continuous maps.
1. Introduction

The study of semi open set and semi continuity in topological space was initiated by Levine[14]. Bhattacharya and Lahiri[3] introduced the concept of semi generalized closed sets in the topological spaces analogous to generalized closed gets introduced by Levine[15]. Further they introduced the semi generalized continuous functions and investigated their properties. Kasahara[11] defined the concept of an operation on topological spaces and introduced the concept of -closed graphs of a function. Jankovic[10] defined the concept of -closed sets. Ogata [21] introduced the notion of which is the collection of all -open sets in topological space (X, ) and investigated the relation between -closure and -closure. We introduce the notion -sg*-semi Ti (I = 0, , 1, 2) spaces. In section 4, we introduce (, )-sg*-semi continuous map which analogous to (, )-continuous maps and investigate some important properties. Finally we introduce (, )-sg*-semi homeomorphism in (X, ) and study some of their properties.
2. Premilinaries

Throughout this paper (X, ) represent non-empty topological space on which no separation axioms are assumed unless otherwise mentioned. For a subset A of a space (X, ), cl(A), int(A) denote the closure and interior of A respectively. The intersection of all -closed sets containing a subset A of (X, ) is called the -closure of A and is denoted by cl(A).
2.1 Definition


Let (X, ) be a topological space. An operation on the topology is a mapping from on to power set P(X) of X such that V V for each V , where V denote the value of at V. It is denoted by : P(X). 2.2 Definition [21] A subset A of a topological space (X, ) is called -open set if for each x A there exists a open set U such that x U and U A. denotes set of all -open sets in (X, ). 2.3 Definition [21] The point x X is in the -closure of a set A X if U A for each open set U of x. The -closure of set A is denoted by cl(A). 2.4 Definition [21] Let (X, ) be a topological space and A be subset of X then -l(A) = {F : A F, X F }

2.5 Definition [21] Let (X, ) be topological space. An operation is said to be regular if, for every open neighborhood U 1

Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012 and V of each xX, there exists an open neighborhood W of x such that W U V. 2.6 Definition [21] A topological space (X, ) is said to be -regular, where is an operation of , if for each x X and for each open neighborhood V of x, there exists an open neighborhood U of x such that U contained in V. 2.7 Remark [21] Let (X, ) be a topological space, then for any subset A of X, A cl(A) cl (A) -cl(A). 2.8 Definition [24] A subset A of (X, ) is said to be a -semi open set if and only if there exists a -open set U such that U A cl(U). 2.9 Definition [24] Let A be any subset of X. Then -int (A) is defined as -int (A) = {U:U is a -open set and U A} 2.10 Definition[24] A subset A of X is said to be -semi closed if and only if X A is -semi open.

2.11 Definition[24] Let A be a subset of X. There -scl (A) = {F: F is -semi closed and A F}. 2.12 Definition[20] A subset A of (X, ) is said to be a strongly g*-closed set if cl(A) U whenever A U and U is g*-open in (X,). 2.13 Definition[20] If a subset A of (X, ) is a strongly g*-closed set then X A is a strongly g*-open set. 2.14 Definition[20] A space (X, ) is said to be a s*Tc-space if every strongly g*-closed set of (X, ) is closed in it. 2.15 Definition [20] A space (X, ) is called (i) a -semi To space if for each distinct points x, y X, there exists a -semi open set U such that x U and y U or y U and x U. (ii) a -semi T1 space if for each distinct points x, y X, these exist -semi open sets U, V containing x and y respectively such that y U and x V. (iii) a - semi T2 space if for each x, y X there exists a -semi open sets U, V such that x U and y V and U V = . 2.16 Definition [24] A subset A of (X, ) is said is be -semi g-closed if -scl(A) U whenever A U and U is a -semi open set in (X, ). 2.17 Definition [24] A space (X, ) is said to be -semi T1/2-space if every semi g-closed set in (X, ) is -semi closed. 2.18 Definition[24] A mapping f: (X, ) (y, ) is said to be (, ) -semi continuous if for each x of X and each -semi open set V containing f(x) there exists a -semi open set U such that x U and f(U) V. 2.19 Definition [24] 2

Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012 A mapping f : (X, ) (Y, ) is said to be (, )-semi closed if for any -semi closed set A of (X, ), f(A) is a -semi closed. 2.20 Definition [24] A mapping f : (X, ) (Y, ) is said to be (, )-semi homeomorphism, if f is bijective, (, )-semi-continuous and f -1 is (, )-semi continuous. 2.21 Definition A subset A of (X, ) is said to be a set U such that U A cl (U). -sg*-semi open set if and only if there exists a -sg*-open

2.22 Theorem If A is a -semi open set in (X, ), then A is a -sg*-semi open set. 2.23 Definition A subset A of X is said to be -sg*-semi closed if and only if X A is -sg*-semi open. 2.24 Definition Let A be a subset of X. Then s*-scl(A) = {F : F is -sg* semi closed and A F} .

2.25 Theorem For a point x X, x s*-scl(A) if and only if V A for any V s*-SO(X ) such that x V. 2.26 Remark From the Theorem 3.12 and the Definition 3.25 we have A s*-scl(A) s*-cl(A) for any subset A of (X, ). 2.27 Remark Let : P(X ) be a operation. Then a subset A of (X, ) is -sg*-semi closed if and only if s*-scl(A)=A
3. -sg*-Semi Ti Spaces

In this section, we investigate a general operation approaches on Ti spaces where i = 0, , 1,2. Let : P(X ) be a operation on a topology .
3.1 Definition A space (X, ) is called -sg*-semi T0 space if for each distinct points x, y X there exists a -sg*-semi open set U such that x U and y U or y U and x U.

3.2 Definition A space (X, ) is called -sg* semi T1 space if for each distinct points x, y X there exists -sg* semi open sets U, V containing x and y respectively such that y U and x V. 3.3 Definition A space (X, ) is called a -sg*-semi T2 space if for each x, y X there exist -sg*-semi open sets U, V such that x U and y V and U V = . 3.4 Definition A subset A of (X, ) is said to be -sg*-semi g-closed if -scl(A) U whenever A U and U is a -sg*-semi open set in (X, ). 3.5 Remark From Theorem 3.16 and Remark 3.28 we have every -sg*-semi g-closed set is -semi g-closed. 3

Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012 3.6 Definition A space (X, ) is -sg*-semi T1/2 space if every -sg*-semi g-closed set in (X, ) is -semi closed. 3.7 Remark Let A be a subset of X. Then s*-scl(A) -scl (A). Proof Let x -scl(A) x {F:F is - semi closed and A F} x F where F is - semi closed and A F x F where F is - sg* -semi closed and A F x {F : F is - sg*-semi closed and A F} x s*-scl(A) Therefore, -scl(A) s*-scl(A). 3.8 Theorem A subset A of (X, ) is -sg*-semi g-closed if and only if s*-scl({x}) A holds for every x -scl(A). Proof Let U be -sg*-semi open set such that A U. Let x -scl(A). By assumption there exists a z s*-scl({x}) and z A U. It follows from Theorem 3.27 that U {x} . Hence x U. This implies -scl (A) U. Therefore, A is -sg*-semi g-closed set in (X, ). Conversely, suppose x -scl(A) such that s*-scl({x}) A = . Since s*-scl ({x}) is -sg*-semi closed set in (X, ), from the Definition 3.24, (s*-scl({x})c is a -sg*-semi open set. Since A s*-scl({x})c and A is -sg*-semi-g-closed set, we have -scl(A) s*-scl ({x})c. Hence x -scl(A) . This is a contradiction. Hence s*-scl({x}) A . 3.9 Theorem If s*-scl({x}) A holds for every x s*-scl(A), then s*-scl(A) A does not contain a non empty -sg*-semi closed set. Proof Suppose there exists a non empty -sg*-semi closed set F such that F s*-scl(A) A. Let x F, x s*-scl(A) holds. It follows from Remark 3.28 and 3.29, F A = s*-scl(F) A s*-scl ({x}) A which is a contradiction. Thus, s*-scl(A) A does not contains a non empty -sg*-semi closed set. 3.10 Theorem Let : P(X ) be an operation. Then for each x X, {x} is -sg*-semi closed or {x} c is -sg*-semi g-closed set in (X, ). Proof Suppose that {x} is not - sg*-semi closed then X{x} is not -sg*-semi open. Let U be any -sg*-semi open set such that {x}c U. Since U = X, we have -scl ({x}) c U. Therefore, {x} c is a -sg*-semi g-closed set. 3.11Theorem A space (X, ) is -sg*-semi-T space if and only if {x} is -sg*-semi closed or -sg*- semi open in (X, ). Proof Suppose {x} is not -sg*-semi closed Then, it follows from assumption and Theorem 3.10, {x} is -sg*-semi open. Conversely, Let F be -sg*-semi g-closed set in (X, ). Let x be any point in s*-scl(F), then {x} is -sg*-semi open or -sg*-semi closed. Case (i) : Suppose {x} is -sg*-semi open. Then by Theorem 3.27, we have 4

Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012 {x} F . Hence x F. Case (ii): suppose {x} is -sg*-semi closed. Assume x F, Then x s*-scl(F) F. This is not possible by Theorem 3.9. Thus we have x F. Therefore, s*-scl(F) = F and hence F is -sg*-semi closed. 3.13 Remark Let X = {a, b, c}, = {, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {a, c}}, define : P(X) be an operation such that for every A , A = A if b A, A = cl(A) if b A. Then (X, ) is - sg*- semi T0 but it is neither -sg*-semi T2 nor -sg*-semi T nor -sg*-semi T1.
4. (, )-sg*-SEMI CONTINUOUS MAPS Through out this chapter let (X, ) and (Y, ) the two topological spaces and let : P(Y) be operations on and respectively. P(X) and :

4.1 Definition A mapping f : (X, ) (Y, ) is said to be (, )-sg*-semi continuous if for each x of X and each -sg*-semi open set V containing f(x) there exists a -sg*-semi open set U such that xU and f (U) V. 4.2 Remark If (X, ) and (Y, ) are both -sg*-regular spaces then the concept of (, )-sg*-semi continuity and semi continuity are coincide. 4.3 Theorem Let f: (X, ) (Y, ) be (, )- sg*-semi continuous mapping. Then, (i) f (s*-scl(A)) s*-scl (f(A)) holds for every subset A of (X, ). (ii) Let be an operation, then for every -sg*-semi closed set B of (Y, ), f -1(B) is -sg*-semi closed in (X, ) Proof (i) Let y f (s*-scl(A)) and V be any -sg*-semi open set containing y. Then there exists a point x X and -sg*-semi open set U such that f(x) = y and x U and f(U) V. Since x s*-scl(A), We have U A and hence f (U A) f(U) f(A) V f(A). This implies f(x) s*-scl(f(A)). Therefore, we have f (s*-scl(A)) s*-scl(f(A)). (ii) Let B be a -sg*-semi closed set in (Y, ). Therefore, s*-scl(B) = B. By using (i) we have f(s*-scl (f -1(B))) s*-scl (B) = B. Therefore we have s*-scl(f -1(B)) (f -1(B)). Hence f -1(B) is -sg*-semi closed. 4.4 Definition A mapping f : (X, )(Y, ) is said to be (, )-sg*-semi closed if for any -sg*-semi closed set A of (X, ), f(A) is a -sg*-semi closed . 4.5 Theorem Suppose that f is (, )-sg*-semi continuous mapping and f is (, )- sg*-semi closed. Then for every -sg*-semi g-closed set A of (X, ) the image f(A) is -sg*-semi-g-closed. Proof Let V be any -sg*-semi open set in (Y, ) such that f(A) V. By using Theorem 4.3 (ii), f -1(V) is -sg*-semi open. Since, A is -sg*-semi g-closed and A f -1(V), we have s*-scl(A) f -1(V), and hence f(s*-scl(A)) V. It follows from the assumption that f(s*-scl(A)) is a -sg*-semi closed set. Therefore, s*-scl(f(A))) s*-scl(f(s*-scl(A)) = f(s*-scl(A)) V. This implies f(A) is -sg*-semi-g-closed. 4.6 Theorem Let f: (X, ) (Y, ) be (, )-sg*-semi continuous and (, )-sg*-

semi closed.

If f is injective and

(Y, ) is -sg*-semi T, then (X, ) is -sg*-semi T space. Proof Let A be -sg*-semi-g-closed set in (X, ). Now, to show that A is -sg*-semi closed. By Theorem 4.5, (i) and assumption it is obtained that f(A) is -sg*-semi-g-closed and hence f(A) is -sg*-semi-g-closed. By Theorem 5.4(ii), f 1(f(A)) is -sg*-semi closed in (X, ). Therefore, A is -sg*-semi closed in (X, ). Hence (X, ) is -sg*-semi T space. 4.7 Definition A mapping f : (X, ) (Y, ) said to be (, )-sg*-semi homeomorphism, if f is bijective, (, )-sg*-semi continuous and f -1 is (, )-sg*-semi continuous. 4.8 Theorem Let f: (X, ) (Y, ) be (, )-sg*-semi homeomorphism and (, )-sg*-semi closed. -sg*-semi T then (X, ) is -sg*-semi T space. Proof Follows from Theorem 4.5. If (Y, ) is

Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012

4.9 Theorem Let f : (X, ) (Y, ) be (, )-sg*-semi continuous injection. If (Y, ) is -sg*-semi T1 (resp. sg*- semi T2) then (X, ) is -sg*-semi T1 (resp. -sg*-semi T2). Proof Suppose (Y, ) is -sg*-semi T2. Let x and y be distinct points in X. Then, there exists two -sg*-semi open sets V and W of Y such that f(x ) V, f(y) W and V W = . Since f is (, )-sg*-semi continuous for V and W there exists two -sg*-semi open set U and S such that x U, y S, and f(U) V and f(S) W. Therefore, U S = . Hence (X, ) is -semi-sg*-T2 space. Similarly, we can prove the case -sg*-semi T1. 5. Conclusion

The -sg*-open sets, -sg*-semi Ti spaces, (, )-sg*-semi continuous maps may be used to find decomposition of -sg*-semi Ti spaces. We can also define separation axioms for the -sg*-semi Ti spaces.
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Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.2, No.3, 2012
Note 1: -sg* semi T2 From the Definitions, Theorem 3.11 and 3.12 and Remarks 3.13, 4.12 [24] -sg* semi T1 -sg* semi T -sg* semi T0

we get

-semi T0

-semi T2

-semi T1

-semi T







Where A B represent A implies B but not conversely.

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