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Purpose: This invitation requests your attendance at a meeting to discuss your educational program/needs. You have the opportunity to participate in any meeting regarding your identification, evaluation, educational placement, and provision of a free appropriate public education. If an Individual Education Program Team is convened for this meeting, the Notice of Procedural Safeguards is attached. Student's Legal Name:__________________________________________ Birth Date: ___________________
(Last / First / Middle) (Parent / Guardian / Surrogate) (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy)

To: _________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

If contact is made by telephone: ________________




PURPOSE OF MEETING [ ] IEP Development/Review [ ] Evaluation Planning [ ] Eligibility Determination [ ] Secondary Transition Planning [ ] Consider ESY

[ [ [ [ [

] Functional Behavior Assessment ] Develop/Review Behavior Intervention Plan ] Manifestation Determination ] IEP Amendment ] Other ________________________________________

The meeting has been scheduled for:___________________________________________ at ____________________

(mm/dd/yyyy) (Time)

at the following location _____________________________________________________. If you are unable to attend this meeting please contact:

(Name of District Personnel)



Meetings addressing IEPs and placement are scheduled at a mutually agreed upon place and time by you and the school district. If you are unable to attend this meeting you may request participation through other means. You or the district may invite any individual to be a member of the IEP team who has knowledge or special expertise about your educational needs. Include name and role of those also invited to attend the meeting. Note: Must invite transition agency if student is at transition age. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

[ ] Notice of Procedural Safeguards is attached. The District must obtain parental consent regarding transition agency participation. [ ] I give my consent for transition agency participation. [ ] I do not give consent for transition agency participation.

(Parent / Guardian / Surrogate Signature)

(Parent / Guardian / Surrogate Signature)


September 2007 EED Format Invitation to Attend a Meeting Parent / Guardian

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