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1. A child with leukemia is being discharged after beginning chemotherapy.

Which of the following instructions will the nurse include when teaching the parents of this child? A. B. C. D. provide a diet low in protein and high carbohydrates avoid fresh vegetables that are not cooked or peeled notify the doctor if the child's temperature exceeds 101 F (39C) increase the use of humidifiers throughout the house

2. A client with hemophilia has a very swollen knee after falling from bicycle riding. Which of the following is the first nursing action? A. type and cross-match for possible transfusion B. initiate an IV site to begin administration of cryoprecipitate C. monitor the client's vital signs for the first 5 minutes D. apply ice pack and compression dressings to the knee 3. A client and her husband are positive for the sickle cell trait. The client asks the nurse about chances of her children having sickle cell disease. Which of the following is appropriate response by the nurse? A. one of her children will have sickle cell disease B. only the male children will be affected C. each pregnancy carries a 25% chance of the child being affected D. if she had four children, one of them would have the disease 4. An 8 year old child has been diagnosed to have iron deficiency anemia. Which of the following activities is most appropriate for the child to decrease oxygen demands on the body? A. Dancing B. playing video games C. reading a book D. riding a bicycle 5. A 16 month old child diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease (KD) is very irritable, refuses to eat, and exhibits peeling skin on the hands and feet. Which of the following would the nurse interpret as the priority? A. applying lotions to the hands and feet B. offering foods the toddler likes C. placing the toddler in a quiet environment D. encouraging the parents to get some rest 6. Which of the following should the nurse do first after noting that a child with Hirschsprung disease has a fever and watery explosive diarrhea? A. Notify the physician immediately B. Administer antidiarrheal medications C. Monitor child ever 30 minutes D. Nothing, this is characteristic of Hirschsprung disease 7. A newborns failure to pass meconium within the first 24 hours after birth may indicate which of the following? A. Hirschsprung disease B. Celiac disease C. Intussusception D. Abdominal wall defect 8. When assessing a child for possible intussusception, which of the following would be least likely to provide valuable information? Page 1 of 15

A. B. C. D.

Stool inspection Pain pattern Family history Abdominal palpation

9. After teaching the parents of a preschooler who has undergone T and A (Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy) about appropriate foods to give the child after discharge, which of the following, if stated by the parents as appropriate foods, indicates successful teaching? A. meatloaf and uncooked carrots B. pork and noodle casserole C. cream of chicken soup and orange sherbet D. hot dog and potato chips 10. A child diagnosed with tetralogy of fallot becomes upset, crying and thrashing around when a blood specimen is obtained. The child's color becomes blue and respiratory rate increases to 44 bpm. Which of the following actions would the nurse do first? A. obtain an order for sedation for the child B. assess for an irregular heart rate and rhythm C. explain to the child that it will only hurt for a short time D. place the child in knee-to-chest position 11. Which of the following would the nurse perform to help alleviate a child's joint pain associated with rheumatic fever? A. maintaining the joints in an extended position B. applying gentle traction to the child's affected joints C. supporting proper alignment with rolled pillows D. using a bed cradle to avoid the weight of bed lines on the joints 12. Which of the following health teachings regarding sickle cell crisis should be included by the nurse? A. it results from altered metabolism and dehydration B. tissue hypoxia and vascular occlusion cause the primary problems C. increased bilirubin levels will cause hypertension D. there are decreased clotting factors with an increase in white blood cells

13. Which of the following should the nurse expect to note as a frequent complication for a child with congenital heart disease? A. Susceptibility to respiratory infection B. Bleeding tendencies C. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea D. Seizure disorder 14. While assessing a newborn with cleft lip, the nurse would be alert that which of the following will most likely be compromised? a. Sucking ability b. Respiratory status c. Locomotion d. GI function 15. When providing postoperative care for the child with a cleft palate, the nurse should position the child in which of the following positions? Page 2 of 15

a. b. c. d.

Supine Prone In an infant seat On the side

16. Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be inappropriate for the infant with gastroesophageal reflux (GER)? a. Fluid volume deficit b. Risk for aspiration c. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements d. Altered oral mucous membranes 17. Which of the following parameters would the nurse monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of thickened feedings for an infant with gastroesophageal reflux (GER)? a. Vomiting b. Stools c. Uterine d. Weight 18. An adolescent with a history of surgical repair for undescended testes comes to the clinic for a sport physical. Anticipatory guidance for the parents and adolescent would focus on which of the following as most important? A. the adolescent sterility B. the adolescent future plans C. technique for monthly testicular self-examination D. need for a lot of psychosocial support 19. When developing the teaching plan for the parents of a 12 month old infant with hypospadias, which of the following would the nurse expect to include as most important? A. assisting the child to become familiar with his dressing so he will leave them alone B. encouraging the child to ambulate as soon as possible by using a favorite push toy C. forcing fluids to at least 250 ml/day by offering his favorite juices D. preventing the child from disrupting the catheter by using soft restraints

20. A school-aged client admitted to the hospital because of decreased urine output and periorbital edema is diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. Which of the following interventions would receive the highest priority? A. assessing vital signs every four hours B. monitoring intake and output every 12 hours C. obtaining daily weight measurements D. obtaining serum electrolyte levels daily 21. When positioning the neonate with an unrepaired myelomeningocele, which of the following positions would be most appropriate? A. supine the hip at 90 degree flexion B. right side-lying position with knees flexed C. prone with hips in abduction D. semi-fowler's position with chest and abdomen elevated 22. A 4 year old with hydrocephalus is scheduled to have a ventroperitoneal shunt in the right side of the head. When developing the child's postoperative plan of care, the nurse

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would expect to place the preschooler in which of the following positions immediately after surgery? A. on the right side, with the foot of the bed elevated B. on the left side, with the head of the bed elevated C. prone with the head of the bed elevated D. supine, with the head of the bed flat 23. A hospitalized preschooler with meningitis who is to be discharged becomes angry when the discharge is delayed. Which of the following play activities would be most appropriate at this time? A. reading the child a story B. painting with water colors C. pounding on a pegboard D. stacking a tower of blocks 24. When assessing the development of a 15 month old child with cerebral palsy, which of the following milestones would the nurse expect a toddler of this age to have achieved? A. walking up steps B. using a spoon C. copying a circle D. putting a block in cup 25. Which of the following foods would the nurse encourage the mother to offer to her child with iron-deficiency anemia? A. rice cereal, whole milk, and yellow vegetables B. potato, peas, and chicken C. macaroni, cheese and ham D. pudding, green vegetables and rice 26. Because of the risks associated with administration of factor VIII concentrate, the nurse would report which of the following? A. yellowing of the skin B. constipation C. abdominal distention D. puffiness around the eye

27. When teaching the mother of an infant who has undergone surgical repair of a cleft lip how to care for the suture line, the nurse demonstrates how to remove formula and drainage. Which of the following solutions would the nurse use? A. Mouthwash B. providone - iodine (betadine) solution C. a mild antiseptic solution D. half-strength hydrogen peroxide 28. When the infant returns to the unit after imperforate anus repair, the nurse places the infant in which of the following position? A. on the abdomen, with legs pulled up under the body B. on the back, with legs extended straight out C. lying on the side with hips elevated D. lying on the back in a position of comfort 29. Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate concerning urinary tract infections (UTI) in children? A. A negative urinalysis rules out UTI in children < 2 years of age. Page 4 of 15

B. Children with multiple UTIs should be evaluated for abuse. C. Infants younger than 3 months of age with a UTI should be admitted for intravenous antibiotics. D. Neonatal boys are more prone to UTIs than girls.. 30. A 6-year-old boy is returned to his room following a tonsillectomy. He remains sleepy from the anesthesia but is easily awakened. The nurse should place the child in which of the following positions? A. Sims. B. Side-lying. C. Supine. D. Prone. 31. Which of the following signs and symptoms would observe in a child diagnosed of laryngotracheobronchitis? A. predominant stridor on inspiration B. predominant expiratory wheeze C. high fever D. slow respiratory rate 32. A nurse is caring for an infant that has recently been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Which of the following clinical signs would most likely be present? A. Slow pulse rate B. Weight gain C. Decreased systolic pressure D. Irregular WBC lab values 33. Which of the following can indicate left-sided heart failure in an infant? A. fever B. low appetite C. increased respiratory rate D. crying 34. When assessing a child with a cleft palate, the nurse is aware that the child is at risk for more frequent episodes of otitis media due to which of the following? A. Lowered resistance from malnutrition B. Ineffective functioning of the Eustachian tubes C. Plugging of the Eustachian tubes with food particles D. Associated congenital defects of the middle ear. 35. Which of the following should the nurse expect to note as a frequent complication for a child with congenital heart disease? A. Susceptibility to respiratory infection B. Bleeding tendencies C. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea D. Seizure disorder 36. The nurse is caring for a 4-year old with cerebral palsy. Which nursing intervention will help ready the child for rehabilitative services? A. Patching one of the eyes to strengthen the muscles B. Providing suckers and pinwheels to strengthen tongue movement C. Providing musical tapes to [provide auditory training D. Encouraging play with a video game to improve muscle coordination 37. The mother of a 3 year old with esophageal reflux asks the nurse what she can do to lessen the babys reflux. The nurse should tell the mother to: A. Feed the baby only when he is hungry Page 5 of 15

B. Burp the baby after feeding is completed C. Place the baby in supine with head elevated D. Burp the baby frequently throughout the feeding 38. The mother of a child with hemophilia asks the nurse which over the counter medication is suitable for her childs discomfort. A. Advil (Ibuprofen) B. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) C. Aspirin (acetylsalicytic acid) D. Naproxen (Naprosyn) 39. An infant with tetralogy of fallot is discharged with a prescription of lanoxin elixir. The nurse should instruct the mother to: A. Administer the medication using a nipple B. Administer the medication using a calibrated dropper in the bottle C. Administer the medication using a plastic baby spoon D. Administer the medication in the baby bottle with 1oz of water. 40. A 5-year old with congestive heart failure has been receiving Digoxin (Lanoxin). Which finding indicated that the medication is having a desired effect. A. Increased urinary output B. Stabilized weight C. Improved appetite D. Increased pedal edema 41. A 9-year old is admitted with suspected rheumatic fever. Which finding is suggested of polymigratory arthritis? A. Irregular movements of the extremities and facial grimacing B. Painless swelling over the extensor surfaces of the joints C. Faint areas of red demarcation ovet the back and abdomen D. Swelling, inflammation and effusion of the joints 42. A child with croup is placed in a cool, high-humidity tent connected to room air. The primary purpose of the tent is to: A. Prevent insensible water loss B. Provide a moist environment with oxygen at 30% C. Prevent dehydration and reduce fever D. Liquefy secretions and relieve laryngeal spasm 43. The nurse is caring for an 8-year old following a routine tonsillectomy. Which finding should be reported immediately? A. Reluctance to swallow B. Drooling of blood-tinged saliva C. An axillary temperature of 99F D. Respiratory stridor 44. A 2-year old is hospitalized with suspected intussusception. Which finding is associated with intussusception? A. currant jelly stools B. Projectile vomiting C. ribbonlike stools D. Palpable mass over the flank 45. A 4-year old is admitted with acute leukemia. It will be most important to monitor the child for: A. Abdominal pain and anorexia B. Fatigue and bruising Page 6 of 15

C. Bleeding and pallor D. Petichiae and mucosal ulcers 46. A 6-month old client with ventral septal defect is receiving digitalis for regulation of his heart rate. Which finding should be reported to the doctor? A. Blood pressure of 126/80 B. Blood glucose of 110mg/dl C. Heart rate of 60 bpm D. Respiratory rate of 30 cpm 47. A priority nursing diagnosis for a child being admitted from a surgery following a tonsillectomy is: A. Altered nutrition B. Impaired communication C. Risk for aspiration D. Altered urinary elimination 48. An infant is admitted to the unit with tetralogy of fallot. The nurse would anticipate an order for which medication. A. Digoxin B. Epinephrine C. Aminophyline D. Atropine 49. In a child with suspected coarctation of the aorta, the nurse would expect to find A. Strong pedal pulses B. Diminishing cartoid pulses C. Normal femoral pulses D. Bounding pulses in the arms 50. A client is admitted with the diagnosis of meningitis. Which finding would the nurse expect in assessing this client? A. Hyperextension of the neck with passive shoulder flexion B. Flexion of the hip and knees with passive flexion of the neck C. Flexion of the legs with rebound tenderness D. Hyperflexion of the neck with rebound flexion of the legs 51. A 2 year-old child has just been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The child's father asks the nurse "What is our major concern now, and what will we have to deal with in the future?" Which of the following is the best response? A. "There is a probability of life-long complications." B. "Cystic fibrosis results in nutritional concerns that can be dealt with." C. "Thin, tenacious secretions from the lungs are a constant struggle in cystic fibrosis." D. "You will work with a team of experts and also have access to a support group that the family can attend." 52. Which nursing action is a priority as the plan of care is developed for a 7 year-old child hospitalized for acute glomerulonephritis? A. Assess for generalized edema B. Monitor for increased urinary output C. Encourage rest during hyperactive periods D. Note patterns of increased blood pressure

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53. The nurse is preparing a 5 year-old for a scheduled tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. The parents are anxious and concerned about the child's reaction to impending surgery. Which nursing intervention would be best to prepare the child? A. Introduce the child to all staff the day before surgery B. Explain the surgery 1 week prior to the procedure C. Arrange a tour of the operating and recovery rooms D. Encourage the child to bring a favorite toy to the hospital 54. The nurse is assessing a child for clinical manifestations of iron deficiency anemia. Which factor would the nurse recognize as cause for the findings? A. Decreased cardiac output B. Tissue hypoxia C. Cerebral edema D. Reduced oxygen saturation Answer B Tissue hypoxia When the hemoglobin falls sufficiently to produce clinical manifestations, the findings are directly attributable to tissue hypoxia, a decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. 55. Which of the actions for a 10 month-old infant admitted 2 hours ago with bacterial meningitis would be acceptable to add to the plan of care? A. Measure head circumference B. Place in airborne isolation C. Provide passive range of motion D. Provide an over-the-crib protective top Situation 5 Agata, 2 years old is rushed to the ER due to cyanosis precipitated by crying. Her mother observed that after playing she gets tired. She was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. 56. The goal of nursing care fro Agata is to: A. Prevent infection B. Promote normal growth and development C. Decrease hypoxic spells D. Hydrate adequately 57. The immediate nursing intervention for cyanosis of Agata is: A. Call up the pediatrician B. Place her in knee chest position C. Administer oxygen inhalation D. Transfer her to the PICU 58. . Agata was scheduled for a palliative surgery, which creates anastomosis of the subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery. This procedure is: A. Waterston-Cooley B. Raskkind Procedure C. Coronary artery bypass D. Blalock-Taussig 59. When Agata was brought to the OR, her parents where crying. What would be the most appropriate nursing diagnosis? A. Infective family coping r/t situational crisis Page 8 of 15

B. Anxiety r/t powerlessness C. Fear r/t uncertain prognosis D. Anticipatory grieving r/t gravity of childs physical status 60. Which of the following statements by the family of a child with asthma indicates a need for additional teaching? A. We need to identify what things triggers his attacks B. He is to use bronchodilator inhaler before steroid inhaler C. Well make sure he avoids exercise to prevent asthma attacks D. he should increase his fluid intake regularly to thin secretions 61. While assessing a male neonate whose mother desires him to be circumcised, the nurse observes that the neonates urinary meatus appears to be located on the ventral surface of the penis. The physician is notified because the nurse would suspect which of the following? A. Phimosis B. Hydrocele C. Epispadias D. Hypospadias Situation: A third grade girl experiences a generalized tonic-clonic seizure at school. She has no history of seizure disorders nor of any other chronic health problem. 62. The school nurse is called to the classroom and arrives while the child is still in the clonic phase of the seizure. The nurses first priority would be to A. have the other children leave the room B. move furniture and other objects out of the way C. obtain a description of the events preceding the seizure D. place a padded tongue blade between the childs teeth 63. Immediately following the seizure, the nurse notices that the child has been incontinent of urine and is very difficult to arouse. Based on this information, the nurse would A. ask the teacher if the child has had previous problems with urinary incontinence awaken the child every 3 to 5 minutes to assess mental status perform a complete neurologic check every 3 to 5 minutes D. place the child in a side lying position, stay with her and allow her to sleep. 64. The child is hospitalized for a diagnostic work up. The physician orders Phenobarbital. The nurse plans to teach the parents about the drug, stressing the need to A. pay careful attention to oral hygiene, especially in the gum area B. discontinue the drug if the child becomes drowsy C. increase the dose by 5 mg per day if breakthrough seizures occur D. notify the physician if severe headaches and skin rash occur 65. The child continues to have seizures. The physician orders Phenytoin (Dilantin) in conjunction with the Phenobarbital. The nurse and mother discuss the safe and effective use of this drug, including which of the following measure to increase safety and effectiveness? A. assess for a pink tinge in the childs urine B. not giving phenytoin with over the counter medications C. limiting the childs exposure to the sun Page 9 of 15

B. C.

D. giving phenytoin in an empty stomach 66. When planning for teaching the child and family about pharmacological treatment of seizures, the nurse should emphasize that the child A. should cut back on the medications when side effects occur B. should never stop taking his medication abruptly C. will need less medication as he grows older D. will need to take the medication for the rest of his life 67. Which of the following statements made by the mother would indicate the she understands her childs medication therapy for seizures? I should A. call to refill the prescriptions as soon as the bottles are empty. B. make sure he takes his medications without asking the doctor. C. not give him any medications without asking the doctor. D. not worry about giving him his medication if hes vomiting. 68. While discussing plans for the childs discharge, the nurse teaches the parents about what actions to take when the child has a seizure. The nurse would judge the teaching as effective when the father states. Well A. restrain her arms and legs so she wont get hurt B. tilt her neck forward so that her tongue wont fall back into her throat. C. try to get her swallow an extra dose of Phenobarbital. D. Stay with her during the seizure and after its over. 69. A 3 year old girl is brought to the hospital by her parents. Her temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. The admitting orders read: Give Tylenol for temperature 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit of higher: sponge for temperature greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit; obtain blood cultures for temperature 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Based on these orders, the nurse would A. do nothing the temperature is below 102.2 B. give acetaminophen, obtain blood cultures, and sponge the child C. give acetaminophen, and obtain cultures D. give acetaminophen 70. The physician performs a lumbar puncture and the CSF sample is sent to the laboratory for testing. The nurse should then A. assess the child for discomfort at the insertion site B. encourage the parents to hold the child C. makes sure the child lies flat for at least 12 hours D. place the sandbag over the puncture site for 3 hours 71. The child is restless and irritable during the acute stage of meningitis. The nurse should A. decrease conversation with the child B. keep extraneous noise to a minimum C. avoid bathing D. perform treatments quickly Situation: An acutely ill 13 year old boy is admitted to the hospital with edema of the ankles and eyelids and complaining of a sore throat. His mother says she noticed that his eyelids are swollen when he gets up in the morning, but that the swelling usually goes away. She became worried when he told her his urine was brown, and she then took him to the doctor. The clients pulse rate is 66 and his blood pressure is 138/95 mmHg.

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72. The nurse knows that another related symptom is a change in voiding, and thus would ask the mother A. Has he stopped urinating? B. Has he been wetting the bed lately. C. Has he noticed any decrease in his urine output. D. Is it painful when he urinates? 73. The physician orders a throat culture, which is possible for streptococcus. The clients mother reports that he is allergic to penicillin and the physician has ordered amoxicillin. The nurse should A. ask the mother if the chills is also allergic to amoxicillin B. do nothing; the clients allergy is to penicillin, not amoxicillin C. give erythromycin instead; it has the same action as amoxicillin D. notify the physician of the allergy, the order needs to be changed. 74. The clients fluid intake is restricted to 1,000 ml per 24 hours. Which of the following fluids would the nurse consider to be appropriate for the clients condition and effective at preventing excessive thirst? A. ginger ale B. ice chips C. lemonade D. tap water 75. The mother asks the nurse what she could have done to prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia. The nurse should respond that solid foods should be introduced into an infants diet at age A. 1 to 2 months B. 5 to 6 months C.8 to 10 months D. 10 to 12 months 76. The mother asks the nurse about the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and infection. The nurse should teach the mother that A. little is known about iron deficiency anemia and its relationship to infection in children B. children with iron deficiency anemia are more susceptible to infection than other children C. children with iron deficiency anemia are less susceptible to infection than other children D. children with iron deficiency anemia are no more susceptible to infection than other children 77. The nurse teaches the parents about leukemia. Which of the following descriptions given by the mother best indicates that she understood the nature of leukemia? A. The disease is infectious in nature and characterized by increase in white blood cell production. B. The disease is neoplastic in nature and characterized by a proliferation in immature white blood cell. C. The disease is inflammatory in nature and characterized by solid tumor formation in the lymph nodes. D. The disease is allergic in nature and characterized by increasing circulating antibodies in the blood stream, 78. Laboratory findings show that the child is anemic. The nurse explains to the parents that the anemia is most likely has resulted from blood loss and A. adequate dietary iron intake B. decrease RBC production Page 11 of 15

C. increased destruction of RBC by lymphocytes D. progressive replacement of bone marrow with scar tissue 79. Which of the following statements would the nurse use to describe to the parents why their child with leukemia is prone to infections? A. play activities were too strenuous B. vitamin C intake has been inadequate over a period of time C. RBC were inadequate for carrying oxygen for tissue nourishment D. WBC were incapable of handling an infectious process. 80. The child is scheduled for a bone marrow aspiration. The nurse should prepare her for entry of the needle over which of the following bone sites? A. radius B. sternum C. cervical vertebrae D. posterior iliac crest 81. Methotrexate (Amethopterin) is administered to a child with leukemia by injecting it into the spinal canal. The nurse explains to the parents that this type of drug is called A. subdural B. intrathecal C. intraosseus D. intra arterial Situation: A 3 year old is hospitalized for observation. He has marked dependent edema and hypoalbuminemia and his urine is frothy, but he is free from infection. 82. When assessing the childs vital signs, the nurse would expect to observe A. BP 100/60 mmHg B. temperature 100 degree Fahrenheit C. PR 70/minute D. RR 16/minute 83. The nurse wishes to evaluate the childs status in relation to fluid retention. Evidence for decreased fluid retention would be A. decreased abdominal girth B. decreased blood pressure C. increase caloric intake D. increase respiratory rate

84. The parents and the nurse continue to plan for the childs care. In regard to the nursing diagnosis Fluid volume excess, the care plan would include A. limit visitors 2 to 3 hours per day B. observing strict bed rest C. testing urine for blood every shift D. weighing the child before breakfast 85. The child responds to treatment and is ready to go home. When helping the family plan for home care, the nurse would instruct the parents to A. administer pain medication whenever necessary B. keep the child away from anyone with infection C. notify the physician of an increase in the childs urine output D. test the urine daily for blood

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86. The child with UTI is found to have vesicourethral reflux. The nurse explains to the parents that vesicourethral refluxcontributes to the development of UTI because it A. prevents complete emptying of the bladder. B. causes urine backflow into the catheter C. results in painful bladder spasm D. provides an entry for bacteria 87. When assessing a child with myelomeningocele, the nurse would expect to see a A. cyst containing serosangiunous fluid B. skin covered sac containing bits of hair located on the sacral area of the Spine C. soft sac containing fluid and meninges located anywhere on the spine D. a soft sac containing spinal fluid, meninges, spinal cord, and nerve roots protruding through a bony defect in the spine 88. When planning the nursing care for a neonate with myelomeningocele before the surgical repair of the defect, the nurse should include A. applying thin layers of tincture of benzoin to the defect B. covering the defect with a dry, non adherent dressing C. covering the defect with moist, sterile saline dressing D. leaving the defect exposed to air. 89. The mother asks the nurse to define Cerebral Palsy. The nurses best response would be, Its a term applied to impaired nerve and muscle control as a result of A. injury to the cerebrum due to viral infection. B. malformation of the blood vessels in the ventricles due to inheritance. C. non progressive brain damage due to injury. D. progressive brain disease due to metabolic imbalances. 90. The nurse watches as the toddler with cerebral palsy unsuccessfully attempts to pick up his teddy bear with his right hand. The nurse would document the findings as rightsided A. diplegia B. hemiparesis C. paraplegia D. quadriparesis

Situation: A 3 month old infant os brought into the ER by the parents. The infant is not breathing, and a tentative diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome is made. 91. What would be the best action for the nurse to take in regard to the parents? A. offer to telephone their pastor B. tell them that the doctor will talk with them soon C. ask another client to sit with them D. accompany them to a private area and stay with them. 92. The parents have been told that the infant has died. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care to assist the parents with their grieving process? A. reassure them that the infants death was not their fault B. provide an opportunity for them to see the infant C. ask them if they would like to call their pastor Page 13 of 15

D. give them a package containing the infants clothing 93. Before the parents leave the hospital, the nurse evaluates their understanding of the cause of their infants death. The parents should know that the etiology of SIDS is A. unknown B, apnea C. infection D. cardiac dysrhythmias Situation: A 3 year old child is admitted to the hospital with bronchopneumonia. The child has also cystic fibrosis. 94. The nurse would assess for which of the following signs and symptoms to help provide pertinent diagnostic data? A. weight loss and vomiting B. cough and fever C. constipation and rash D. dysuria and rash 95. The child is to have postural drainage. The nurse should plan to carry out postural drainage shortly A. after meals B. before meals C. after rest periods D. before rest periods 96. The nurse determines that the childs mother understands about the pancreatic enzymes her child receives when she says they A. should be taken 1 hour before meals B. are to help with digestion C. are only needed when the child is sick D. should be taken 30 minutes after meals 97. In talking to the mother, the nurse would ask the type of stools her child had before the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis was made. The mother most likely would answer. A. hard and almost odorless B. bulky and foul smelling C. watery with an ammonia odor D. dry and odorless

98. The parents ask the nurse what activities their child can become involved in as he becomes older? The nurse should advise A. swimming and bowling B. football and track C. music and soccer D. basketball and golf 99. On initial assessment to a child experiencing an acute asthma attack, the nurse would be most concerned about the childs A. shortness of breath B. loose cough C. absence of wheezing D. expiratory wheezing 100. The mother of a child with asthma tells the nurse that the child wants a pet. Which of the following pets should the nurse tell the mother is most appropriate? Page 14 of 15

A. cat B. fish C. dog D. bird

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