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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Labs Course No CSE403T Course Category Cours Title NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY Courses with conceptual focus / presentation component Course Planner 15681 :: Sangeeta Sharma Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 4 0 0 4

Text Book:

1 Principles of Cryptography, William Stallings, Pearson Education. 5th edition.

Other Specific Book:

2 Security in Computing (Second Edition)', Charles P.Pfleeger, 1996, Prentice Hall International, Inc. 3 Cryptography & Network Security, Atul Kahate, TMH 4 Cryptography & Security , C K Shyamala, N Harini and Dr T R Padmanabhan 2011 ,Wiley-India 5 Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Bruce Schneier, John Wiley and Sons 6 Firewalls and Internet Security, Bill Cheswick and Steve Bellovin, Addison-Wesley 7 Security Technologies for the world wide web, Rolf Oppliger, Artech House, Inc.

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 8 Bellovin. S. and Cheswick W. Network Firewalls, IEEE communication Magazine 9 Jurisic, A. And Menezes, A. Elliptical curves & Cryptography, Dr. Dobbs Journals 10 Chess, D. The Future of viruses on the internet. Proceedings, virus bulletin International conference 11 Anderson, J. Computer security Threat monitoring and surveillance. Fort Washington, P.A.James P. Anderson Co. Relevant Websites

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 12 13 14

Salient Features OSI security architecture of different layers Key management and its uses Digital signature and its purpose to use

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Pedagogical tool Textbook/other Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Overview: Computer Security Concepts ->Reference :1,Ch 11.1 Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 2

The OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, Security Services

->Reference :1,Ch 11.2-1.3

Lecture 3

Security Mechanisms, A Model for Network Security ->Reference :1,Ch 11.5-1.6

Lecture 4

Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher ->Reference :1,Ch 2Model 2.1

Week 2

Lecture 5

Substitution Techniques- Caesar cipher, Mono alphabetic ciphers

->Reference :1,Ch 22.2

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Week 2

Lecture 6

Substitution Techniques- Play fair cipher , Hill Cipher

->Reference :1,Ch 22.2

Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 7

Substitution Techniques - Poly-alphabetic cipher,One-time pad cipher

->Reference :1,Ch 22.2

Lecture 8

Transposition Techniques

->Reference :1,Ch 22.3

Week 3

Lecture 9

Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard: Block Cipher Principles

->Reference :1,Ch 33.1

Lecture 10

Data Encryption Standard

->Reference :1,Ch 33.2

Lecture 11

Data Encryption Standard, A DES Example

->Reference :1,Ch 33.2-3.3

Lecture 12

The Strength of Des, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis,Block Cipher Design Principles

->Reference :1,Ch 33.4-3.6

Week 4

Lecture 13

Basic Concepts in Number Theory and Finite Fields: ->Reference :1,Ch 4Divisibility and the Division Algorithm, The Euclidean 4.1-4.2 Algorithm

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Groups, Rings and Fields, Finite Fields of The Form ->Reference :1,Ch 4GF(p) 4.4-4.5 Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 15

Polynomial Arithmetic, Finite Fields Of the Form GF ->Reference :1,Ch 4(2n) 4.6-4.7

Lecture 16

Advanced Encryption Standard: Finite Field Arithmetic, AES structure

->Reference :1,Ch 55.1-5.2

Week 5

Lecture 17

AES Transformation Functions, AES Key Expansion ->Reference :1,Ch 55.3-5.4

Lecture 18

An AES Example, AES Implementation

->Reference :1,Ch 55.5-5.6

Lecture 19

Block Cipher Operation: Multiple Encryption and Triple DES

->Reference :1,Ch 66.1

Lecture 20

Electronic Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining, Cipher Feedback mode, Output Feedback mode, Counter mode

->Reference :1,Ch 66.2- 6.6

Week 6

Lecture 21

XTS- AES Mode for Block Oriented Storage Devices ->Reference :1,Ch 66.7

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Week 6

Lecture 22

Pseudorandom Number Generation and Stream Cipher: Principles of Pseudorandom Number Generation

->Reference :1,Ch 77.1

Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 23

Pseudorandom number generators, Pseudorandom ->Reference :1,Ch 7Number Generation using a block cipher 7.2-7.3

Lecture 24

Stream Ciphers, RC4, True Random Number Generators

->Reference :1,Ch 77.4-7.6

Week 7

Lecture 25

Introduction to Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat's and Euler's Theorem

->Reference :1,Ch 88.1-8.2

Lecture 26

Testing for Primality, The Chinese Remainder Theorem, Discrete Logarithms

->Reference :1,Ch 88.3-8.5

Lecture 27

Public Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public-key cryptosystems

->Reference :1,Ch 99.1-9.2

Lecture 28

The RSA Algorithm

->Reference :1,Ch 10- Slides contain data and 10.1 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Week 8 Lecture 29 Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: Diffie- Hellman key exchange ->Reference :1,Ch 10- Slides contain data and 10.1 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Week 8

Lecture 30

ElGamal Cryptographic System, Pseudorandom Number Generation Based on a asymmetric cipher

->Reference :1,Ch 10- Slides contain data and 10.2;10.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 11- Slides contain data and 11.1-11.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 11- Slides contain data and 11.3-11.4 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 11- Slides contain data and 11.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 11- Slides contain data and 11.5-11.6 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 12- Slides contain data and 12.1-12.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 12- Slides contain data and 12.3-12.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 31

Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications od Cryptographic Hash functions, Two Simple Hash functions

Lecture 32

Requirements and Security, Hash functions based on Cipher Block Chaining

Week 9

Lecture 33


Lecture 34

SHA(Cont.), SHA-3

Lecture 35

Message Authentication Codes: Message Authentication Requirements, Message Authentication Functions

Lecture 36

Requirements for Message Authentication Codes, Security of MACS, HMAC

Week 10

Lecture 37

HMAC(Cont.), MACs based on Block Ciphers: DAA ->Reference :1,Ch 12- Slides contain data and and CMAC 12.5-12.6 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Digital Signatures, ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme ->Reference :1,Ch 13- Slides contain data and 13.1-13.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Lecture 38

Week 10

Lecture 39

Schnorr Digital Signature Scheme, Digital Signature ->Reference :1,Ch 13- Slides contain data and Standard 13.3-13.4 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 40 Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric Encryption ->Reference :1,Ch 14- Slides contain data and 14.1 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 14- Slides contain data and 14.2-14.3 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 14- Slides contain data and 14.4 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 14- Slides contain data and 14.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. Slides contain data and images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 15- Slides contain data and 15.1-15.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 15- Slides contain data and 15.4-15.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Week 11

Lecture 41

Symmetric Key distribution using asymmetric Encryption, Distribution of Public Keys

Lecture 42

X.509 Certificates

Lecture 43

Public-Key Infrastructure

Lecture 44

TEST (Syllabus upto Week 10)

Week 12

Lecture 45

User Authentication: Remote User Authentication Principles, Remote User Authentication using Symmetric Encryption

Lecture 46

Remote User Authentication Using Asymmetric Encryption, Federated Identity Management

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Week 12

Lecture 47

Pretty Good Privacy

->Reference :1,Ch 18- Slides contain data and 18.1 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 18- Slides contain data and 18.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 19- Slides contain data and 19.1-19.2 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 19- Slides contain data and 19.3-19.4 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 20- Slides contain data and 20.1-20.3 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 22- Slides contain data and 22.1-22.5 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 48


Week 13

Lecture 49

IP Security Overview, IP Security Policy

Lecture 50

ESP, Combining Security Payload

Lecture 51

Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Password Management.

Lecture 52


Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 53 Kerberos ->Reference :1,Ch 15- Slides contain data and 15.3 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files. ->Reference :1,Ch 16- Slides contain data and 16.1-16.3 images from William Stallings and are already uploaded under Course Files.

Lecture 54

Web Security: Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Objective Topic of the Homework Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Individual Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 4/6

Homework 1

To understand the Syllabus for the homework will be the topics covered till week 5. basics of network security and various cryptographic techniques. Understanding how to write a technical paper

Depending upon the performance of the students in the homework.

Term Paper 1

A topic will be assigned to each student on which proper study will Individual be carried out by the students and the conclusions will be presented in the form of a technical paper.

Based on the student's performance in the completion of the term paper. Based on the student's performance in the test.

3 / 11

Test 1

To test the Syllabus covered till Week 10. knowleadge of the students based on the syllabus taught till week 10.


11 / 11

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Homework,Term Paper,Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 The Data Encryption Standard 2 Advanced Encryption Standard 3 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange 4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

5 Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard 6 Digital Signature Standard 7 Digital Signatures Authentication Protocols 8 Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite 9 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail 10 Kerberos 11 Pretty Good Privacy 12 IP Security Architecture 13 Secure Electronic Transaction 14 Secure Socket Layer 15 Language based security 16 Block Cipher Design Principles 17 Message Authentication 18 The Code Red Worm 19 Academic Freedom and the Hacker Ethic 20 SNORT Intrusion Detection System 21 Achieving Electronic Privacy 22 The tiny encryption algorithm 23 The Block Cipher Square 24 Tiger: A fast new hash function


Approved for Spring Session 2011-12

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