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Oral Communication

Video Self-Evaluation
Review the videotape of your speech. As you watch, answer the following questions. 1. How did you try to get the audiences attention? How effective was it?
In order to try to get the audience attention, I tried to emphasise on the boringness of doing homework, how depressing of a job it is to do a blogpost, then I introduce the idea of listening to your favourite playlist while doing homework on the blog. It was not really effective as I saw some student bored.


Did you clearly communicate your purpose (e.g. I am going to inform/convince you about/to)? How did you motivate your audience to listen to you?
I followed the Atyp rule, and I tried to get their attention by convincing them that if teachers are able to play music while grading your homework, they will be happy and hence grade nicer. I felt that this was a pretty good line as I was able to catch most of my class mate attention.


How was your speech organized? How clearly/logically did it progress? Could I stop paying attention to you and read your outline instead and still follow along easily?
I organised it in such a way that it is split into two parts, the first part, which is how to find and create a music player, then how to upload it onto the blog. Secondly was to upload an mp3 onto a blogpost, allowing readers to play music instantly, instead of having to wait for music video to buffer.


What were some of the transition words you used in your speech? Did you clearly indicate movement from one part of your speech to another? Why/why not?

In this speech I felt that I did not use much transition words.


Explain why your main points were/were not clearly presented.

One of the reason I felt that made me unable to clearly demonstrate what I was going to teach, was when my laptop ran out of battery. In my opinion I felt that this was my mistake as I did not prepare beforehand what to bring or take extra thoughts on what could have happened. Another reason why I felt my main points were not being demonstrated was because I was not articulating correctly.


Evaluate your conclusion. Did it connect seamlessly with the introduction and body? Did you give a clear sense of ending?
I felt that my conclusion connected with the head well as it re illustrate the importance of having music while doing your homework, how it can make homework not a chore, a you can listen to your favourite band while listening to music.


Evaluate your delivery. Were you loud enough/clear enough/energetic enough/varying your tone enough/connecting to your whole audience enough?
In my opinion I felt that I was not energetic enough, because I was doing a sit down speech, and I was varying my tone, I spoke in a monotone half of the time.


How did your use of voice, gestures, and bodily action enhance (or detract) from the message of your speech? What will you do to enhance the message of your speaking opportunities?
I did not use hand gestures as I was busy keeping my two hands on my computer


Did you appear sincerely interested and enthusiastic in the topic (your classmate) and in your talking with your audience? What did your body language and eye contact say to your audience? Give examples to support your answers.
In my opinion I felt that I was not very enthusiastic while doing this topic, and I felt that most of my classmate looks bored when I told them what I was going to teach.


Evaluate the overall success of this speech. What grade (A-F) would you assign this presentation? Why?
I would give myself a C because I felt that the technical problems were on my fault, and I was not making use of my actions and voice to the best extent.


Describe what you have learned from this speaking opportunity, and how you will use this information in the future.
I have learnt from his speech to be more prepared next time, and be sure to bring extra battery or be prepared for the worst, eg, Internet connection, battery power, projector connectivity.


What did you learn from this presentation that will help you prepare your future speech? List at least three things that you plan on working on. (To just practice is not a specific step exactly how will you practice?) a.
I have learn that if I was going to do another computer speech, I must learn how to vary my voice while working on my computer and keep eye contact with my audience


If I was going to this speech again, i would keep repeating my procedure over and over again, so much that I'm used to it, that I can speak and look at my audience at the same time while using the computer


I'm going to check for my comped battery power, and bring a hotspot connection for Internet connectivity as well as my battery charger.


Describe, in detail, the areas you will improve your public speaking and exactly how you will improve. Include a variety of specific steps you will take to improve your public speaking skills.
Through this speech, I was able to recognise the areas I need to put in effort at, such as becoming ready for the speech, be prepared, varying tone as well as hand actions.

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