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Tips on How to Apply for an Internship

A complete and professional application increases your chances of being invited to a personal interview. We have the same requirements for online applications as we had for traditional postal applications. The following presentation gives you some tips on what you should bear in mind or clarify before applying (pages 2-4). You will also see what requirements we have for your documents (page 5), your profile (page 6 and 7), and your cover letter (page 7). We ask you to provide us with certain information in your application. Our tips are designed to help you answer these questions simply and correctly (page 8). Incidentally, every application is read and processed by a staff member. We do not use automatic filters. We wish you the best of luck with your application!

Application Tips Before Applying

You have read the job posting and meet the requirements listed there. Please keep the following in mind: ! The internships we offer cannot be used to supervise degree theses or to employ work students. ! If a starting date or period for the internship is specified in the advert, there is no point in applying for a period that is significantly different. You know whether you will be doing a voluntary or a compulsory internship. In the case of a voluntary internship, both you and Beiersdorf are obliged to pay national insurance contributions.

Your university must confirm compulsory internships and their exact duration in writing (see If your internship exceeds this by even one day, the whole internship is regarded as a voluntary internship at least by the national insurance authorities.

Application Tips Before Applying

As we only employ enrolled students as interns, with very few exceptions, one of the following points must apply to you:

You are enrolled at a university for the whole duration of the internship and can prove this by providing a certificate of enrollment.
You have just completed your bachelors degree and now wish to do an internship as preparation for a masters degree. This internship may last a maximum of six months and must be completed within one year of graduation (the date you receive your bachelors degree. This applies only for candidates who do not require a work permit for Germany. You are a pharmacy intern or a food chemist doing a compulsory practical year or a legal trainee.

Application Tips Before Applying

If you are not a citizen of an old EU country you require a work permit and a residence permit. Otherwise we are not allowed to employ you. Either

you have a work and residence permit for the whole duration of the internship.
you are doing a compulsory internship at a German university and the duration of the internship does not exceed the confirmed duration of the compulsory internship. you are allowed to work 90 days in any calendar year and the duration of the internship does not exceed this period in the calendar year concerned. Nota bene: You have not yet worked anywhere else. .or you must apply for a work and residence permit. In this case you must allow enough time for this before the start of the internship as it can take weeks or even months.

Application Tips Documents

Please save complete application documents as attachments to your profile. For an internship, these comprise: your high school leaving certificate (or equal certificate) your Transcript of Records or most recent overview of grades your bachelors degree certificate, where applicable references from previous internships

relevant job references

Please avoid uploading seminar certificates, commendations etc., as 3MB of storage capacity is quickly used up. If possible, make sure scanned documents are A4 size. Do not attach any zipped or password-protected files. We cannot process or read these files. All attachments are collated into a single PDF file approximately one hour after you submit your application. You can then check that all files have been processed.

Application Tips Your Profile

Fill out the profile carefully and check it under the link Overview and Release. List internships, vocational training, and professional experience under Work Experience. You should only include jobs that are relevant. Under Education/Training, please list the schools and universities you have attended. You can also enter non-company training here. Under Qualifications enter language and IT skills. You may also rate your soft skills here. If you are not attaching a CV, your profile must not contain any gaps. Remember to include your communication data. In particular, make sure that your e-mail address is written correctly, otherwise you might not receive an invitation to an interview.

Application Tips Cover Letter

The cover letter should be concise and compelling. Do not repeat information that was given in your profile or CV. Make sure there are no spelling mistakes or typing errors.

Application Tips Release Profile

You must release your profile, otherwise we cannot process your application properly. You will be reminded of this again in the confirmation of receipt. If you still dont release your profile

Application Tips Multiple Applications

Apply for a maximum of two internships at the same time. Numerous applications do not increase your chances. In fact, they have the opposite effect as they come across as indecisive and not goal-oriented.

Application Tips The Questionnaires

Give concise and honest answers to the questions. Your application will be rejected if false details are given. Exact details concerning the starting date and potential duration of your internship are important. We can then look for a suitable placement for you. The following grading systems apply:
German grades 1,0 1,5 1,6 2,5 2,6 3,5 3,6 4,5 4,6 5,5 5,6 6,0 Very good Good Satisfactory Sufficient Deficient Insufficient ECTS grades A (Excellent) B (Very good) C (Good) D (Satisfactory) E (Sufficient) Fx (Insufficient) F (Failure)

For questions relating to enrollment, work permits, and compulsory internships, please refer to the information given in the tips.

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