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french emperor who acquired control of most of Europe Napoleon Bonaparte, cossica

Has reign is called the Golden Age since English power increased worldwide?
Queen Elizabeth, London England Jose rizal ,calamba laguna

his attempts at reform led to the collapse of the communist party of soviet union

Mikhail Gorbachev


political and spiritual leader of the 1979 islamic revolution which overthrew the last shah of iran

Who was the political and spiritual leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution which overthrew the last shah of Iran?
Ayatollah Khomenei

he developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world Thomas Edison
Who is the President of Uganda whose regime was notorious for its brutality? Idi Amin

he led china in the second sino Chiang Kai-shek

His philosophies which include the golden rule deeply influenced east Asia? Confucius

Communist Manifesto
Kal Marx military and political leader who transformed roman republic into an empire Julius Caesar

The king of Iran who unified the medes and the Persians?
Cyrus II of Persia

He made the Chinese communist party as the ruling party of china?

Mao Tse-tung He ran an authoritarian government through the Iran-Iraq war and the Persian gulf war?

Saddam Hussein

she expanded the british empire at the height of the industrial revolution
Queen Victoria.

he was the founder of the holy roman empire


his teachings inspired the reformation and the protestant tradition

Martin Luther. :)

He was believed by Muslims to guide all of mankind with the message of Islam? Mohammed he is known as the buddh
Gautama Buddha

the greatest scientist of 20th century who proposed the relativity

Albert Einstein

under his leadership japan formed alliances with the axis powers Hirohito physicist and astronomer who improved the telescope galielie galie explorer who reached the americas under the flag of castile
Christopher Columbus

a naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution Charles Darwin

founder of the kuomintang and the first provisional president of the republic of china
Sun Yat-sen

english poet and playwright who is considered as the most greatest writers
William Shakespeare

the president who rose to power through a military coup and ruled zaire for 32 years
Mobutu Sese Seko renowned for his chivalrous struggle against crusades Saladin

macedonian king considered as the most successful military commander in the history of Macedonia
Alexander the Great

the sun king who attempted to increasepower by fighting four major wars
Louis XIV

he was the leader of the civil rights movement who promoted non-violence and racial equality
Martin Luther King, Jr.

philosopher who founded the academy in Athens

spiritual and political leader who led the struggle for indian independence mahatma gnadhi he led the first successful attempt to circumnavigate Ferdinand Magellan one of the most significant and enduringly popular composers of european classic music Ludwig Von Beethoven the seventh secretary-general of the united nations kofi annan he is the composer of the age of enlightenment whose political ideas influenced the french revolution

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
his stand against slave power led to the american civil war Abraham Lincoln. communist revolutionary of russia and leader of bolshevik party

Vladimir lenin this painter is decribed to be the renaissence man

Leonardo da Vinci
promulgated the first laws in history Hammurabi. he described the principle of universal gravitation and three laws of motion

Isaac Newton
fuhrer and leader of the nazi party

Adolf Hitler
the lion of mali wha was a benefactor of islamic scholarship mansa musa the co founder and chairman of Microsoft

Bill Gates
a metal-worker and inventor who achieved fame for his contributions to printing Johannes Gutenberg an opposition politician during the presidency of Ferdinand Aquino the u.s president who played a significant role in the defeat of the axis powers and the creation Franklin roosevelt.

the meiji emperor who abolished feudalism in japan after 300 years of isolation born as karol josef wojtyla pope

olidified her grip on the throne with Julius Caesar

Cleopatra first president of south africa to be elected in a full represenatative democracy
Nelson Mandela Great mongol Genghish

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