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Why Western Roman Empire failed? Nobody knows the right answer to this question.

On one hand, failure wasnt quick; but on the other hand from the 2nd century, some things took place leading to the failure. First, The Roman Empire was very big. Territories were so large that communication was made difficultly. So one can say there are seeds of failure in this overexpansion of the Empire. It has arrived to a point we may call natural limits. On the north side, in todays Germany (west part), Teutoberger forest was in the way Romans whose basic military units are a century- a group of soldiers lined 5 to 20 with their shields in order to protect themselves and fight better. With this war formation, Romans could not pass the forest as they do in open land. Warrior (or barbaric as Romans call) tribes of north- they were practicing human sacrifice- were also making trouble in these lands; hence Romans were stack at that point. In the East, people called Pathians -They were nomads from Central Asia- were forming also a barrier for the Romans. Nobody has ever conquered Pathians, neither did Romans. They circle their enemies with their horses and use arrows until they kill them and that was a tactic that Romans cannot fight against. South part of the Roman Empire was covered mostly by deserts - Arabic peninsula and Sahara Desert- that was another natural limitation to the expansion of empire. In 120 BCE, Senate decided to stop conquer more territories. With closure of conquests, RE depleted two resources: One was gold and silver (their money was gold coins and they have a real value differently from our money today). Secondly, come the goods they were importing from East. From one hundred BCE they had developed a taste for oriental items such as silk, spices, jewels or medicine. They were not directly trading with China or Far East of course but these goods were coming either from central Asia and Afghanistan or by India (that will become later Silk Road and Spice Road). Romans at that time they were not producing something demanded by East, they were trading gold bullions. Since they lack gold, their trade with East was also stagnated. Note that using gold as the primary source of exchanges lasted till 19th century. There are in the meantime some socio-demographic changes that have an impact on fall of Roman Empire. As we mentioned before, there were three categories of legal status for people. There were slaves, free born citizens and free born noncitizens- last can be enslaved, but second not-. In the time of Augustus, it was decided that all free borns are Roman citizens and hence number of slaves decreased naturally. Some elite slaves were also able to buy their freedom. Price and cost of keeping slaves went up. Over time it became very difficult to find new workforce. Number of proletarians increased too and allotments paid by citizens has increased. Roman Empire seemed to acquire problems due to closure of expansion a road to bankruptcy. Because territories were large and population increasing, number of bureaucrats had risen. When the date was 300, senate wanted small farmers to pay taxes. But farmers didnt want to pay and demanded the protection of large farmers. Large farmers by the time started to act as local authorities and by 400s a lot of people (in the West part of empire) refused to pay taxes. Leaders of the Empire lost their authority and feeding an army became expensive and on the countryside landowners started to have their own armies. Slavery went on till invasion of Arabs in 7th century. Even if West collapsed, on the Eastern side there was a different story. Eastern RE carried on till 1453 as we all know. What about the economic arrangements that Polanyi talked about- that is reciprocity, redistribution and house holding in Roman Empire.

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