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Project Execution Checklist

Project Name and Customer Project Type (Development,Maintenance,Prodn Support etc) Project Manager Project Start Date Project End date Team Size Current Phase of the Project Date of Review Sl.No Activity

Contract/SOW 1 Singed valid Master Services agreement available 2 Valid Contract available 3 Contract Reviewed , review comments tracked to closure 4 Contract Compliance Checklist Available -Highlight high risk elements 5 Contract Compliance - Verified for project on a periodic basis 6 In absence of contract, Is Work Ahead approval available 7 Deveations from MSA verified 8 Service Level agreement /Operational level agreement are available, and are inline with contracts/MSA 9 Valid SOW available 10 SOW reviewed , review comments tracked to closure 11 SOW Risk Mapped to Project Management Plan 12 Project Scope defined in SOW 13 Project Out of Scope defined in SOW Project Management Plan 14 Reviewed approved and baselined project management plan is available 15 Does the project employ subcontractor / supplier for developing / supplying any of the service components. 16 Tracability from Contract-SOW-PMP as applicable is available 17 Project Scope/Out of sScope defined in line with SOW/PMP 18 Configuration management plan is available 19 Static dynamic control libraries identified in SCMP 20 Project Life Cycle identified 21 Process tailoring defined 22 ETVXM (Entry,Task,Verification and Validation,Exit Criteria and Measurements ) deified for the phases 23 Project Schedule available and is baselined 24 Project Estimation/Re-estimation available 25 Basis of estimation available 26 Estimation risk identified 27 Evidence of Historical data used for estimation 28 Change Request - initiation to closure defined and tracked 29 Bug Fix- defined and tracked 30 Project Kick-off meeting available 31 Project MOM available and tracked 32 Does the project have approved Budget 33 Tools/software used have appropriate licensce 34 Customer supplied products identified 35 Acceptance criteria of deliverables defined/tracked 36 Has project identified milestones, schedule assumptions, constraints, task dependencies and defined budget & schedule? 37 Formal Acceptance of the deliverables available Project Metrics 38 Have all the SLAs been derived,monitored,tracked 39 Are the measurement objectives derived from Business objectives, Process Improvement objectives, Client requirements, etc.? 40 Project Specific Metrics defined and tracked 41 What are the various measurements collected What benefits are derived from these measurements?

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Contract/SOW HR 42 Has resource requirements been determined and there is a documented service delivery approach, reviewed & agreed with relevant stakeholders for the service being delivered by the projects? 43 Project Team Composition List available Project Training 44 Project team members trained to do the job or do they have necessary skill 45 Skill gap identified 46 Process training 47 Tools Training Sub-Contract 48 Have did you select the sub-contractor 49 how did you arrive at sub-contractor scope of work 50 how did you identify supplier roles and responsibilities for the project 51 What are the roles and responsibilities of Sub-contract manager /Where is it identified 52 how did you 53 1.Identify Process followed for the sub-contract management 54 2.Agree upon joint development/activites with the supplier 55 how do you handle Project Specific Process 56 how do you ensure that the Selected supplier deliver as commited with intended quality and projects timelines 57 .What are the reports you which you have agrred with your supplier to receive to monitor & Track the progress / status of the project ? 58 How are sub-contract management artifacts reviewed and approved? 59 how do you communicate with the supplier Team escalate issue with the supplier Team Requiremets 60 how did you arrive at the system requirements ?.how did you arrive at the system architecture design for your project 61 How do you ensure that the System requirement Analysis activity follows the defined standards / procedures etc 62 How are System requirement Analysis document reviewed and approved? 63 Is there any documented procedure that help you Develop the System requirement specification document-SRS for the project 64 How do you ensure that all customer requirements are captured 65 How do u track implicit and explicit requirements 66 How did u define interface requirements 67 how did you verify that the System requirement specification document is complete and correct 68 how did you verify bilateral tracability of system requirements to Customer requirements 69 How do you ensure that all internal / external stakeholder needs / expectations are documented and taken care of? 70 What are the various measurements collected System Requirements Analysis Phase 71 If there are changes to requirements during the course of the project how do you handle the changes ? How do you track these changes? 72 How do you check the impact of new requirements on other/existing requirements Testing * repeat the same set of Questions for ST/IT/RT/UT as applicable 73 how did you arrive at the system Integration Strategy 74 When is SIT strategy revisited 75 How and where are roles and responsibilities for performing system Integration test defined? Who is responsible for tsystem Integration testing, and how are they trained in it. 76 How do you ensure that the System Integration Testing activit follow the defined standards / procedures etc 77 How do you ensure that the deviations are taken care 78 How are System Integration test strategy System Integration test plan Regression test plan Regression test strategy document(s) reviewed and approved? 79 status tracked and monitored during the System Integration Test Phase

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Contract/SOWthere any documented procedure that help you Develop the SIT strategy,SIT Plan,regression test plan, 80 Is Regression test strategy for the project 81 how/where do you capture results of System Integration Testing 82 did you verify bilateral tracability of system architectural design to System Integration Test Specifications 83 Develop regression testing strategy and perform regression testing 84 How do you mange/track/maintain the changes to System Integration Test Strategy System Integration Test Plan Regression Test Plan and Strategy during the project life cycle Quality 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 explain how do you plan the Quality Assurance activity for your projects Is there any documented procedure that help you perform your roles and responsibilities how & in what phase does SQA get involved in project activities? What are the different training programs you have undergone to perform your activity? Did you have any external training to perform your activities? How do you verify requirements Vs Work product Who does the audit of yoour project explain how do you monitor/verify the progress of SQAP against the plan how do you assure quality across the project life cycle how do you track resolution on non-conformances

How are deviations found in audits/ inspection handled? What is the time frame for closing the findings? If findings are not closed, how do you resolve them? Design Phase 95 Approved baselined business requirements document available 96 Approved High Level design 97 What is the input for SW Design 98 How do you perform the Low level (Detailed) SW design activities in your project? 99 How do you ensure all the SW requirements are covered by Design 100 What tools, templates or guidelines are provided to you by the organisation to perform SW design activity in your project? Coding 101 How do you implement the SW units? How do you get it verified ? 102 How do you ensure the consistency between SW units and SW detailed design? 103 How do you ensure that the SW unit covers all the approved requirements ? 104 How do you ensure all the sw units are covered by its unit test specification ? 105 How do you plan for SW construction activities 106 How is the project progress monitored during SW construction phases ?

*How do you address SW construction issues? * How does code gets reviewed ? 107 Who reviews SW codes, unit test plan, procedures? 108 How do you ensure that the learning's from the project are passed on to the other people in the organization ? CR 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 How do you plan for Change request handling? How do you manage changes in your project? How do you analyse the change request? How do you assess the impact of change request? How do analyse and priotorise the change request? How do you plan for verification and validation of CRs ? How do you plan for Change Request implementation? How do you review and validate Change requests? How does change request gets closed?

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Sl.No Contract/SOW Meetings


117 Have all the Project Progress meeting as scheduled been conducted and MOM maintained? 118 Have all the intended stakeholders participated in the meeting? (Including project support and other affected

119 Have all the inter-group issues been discussed? 120 Have all issues been recorded in the MOM for tracking purpose? 121 Have all the actions been identified and recorded in the MOM? 122 Have all the issues been assigned with appropriate owners?

Configuration Management 123 Have CM activities been carried out as per the CM Plan defined in the PMP? 124 Have, all the Plan documents been baselined and being controlled? 125 Have all the change requests been documented and available in the Project Folder? 126 Have all change requests been analyzed for the impact on the project schedule, size and efforts? 127 Have all the detrimental impacts of changes been communicated to the customer and his approval been obtained for the revised schedule, effort & size estimates? 128 Has the CM audit been conducted as per the schedule? 129 Has the project back up plan been implemented as defined in the PMP? 130 Have CM tool, if any, identified in PMP been used? Risk Management 131 Have all the identified High risk contractual terms monitored and controlled, mitigated if occurred as per the plan?
132 Have all the identified risks monitored, controlled, mitigated if occurred as per the plan? 133 Has the effectiveness of the Risk Mitigation been assessed? 134 Has the Risk status been updated in the 135 Have any new risks identified during the execution of project been added to the PM Work Book/PMSmart?

136 Special audit (if any) conducted as in plan 137 Senior management review conducted as per plan. 138 Reviews for the designated work product executed as mentioned in plan 139 Review findings tracked to closure 140 Process and conventions stated in plan used 141 Review Metrics been collected

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Contract/SOW Status Reporting 142 Has the Project status report been made and shared with the customer at the agreed frequency identified in PMP?
143 Have all the issues identified in the status report been tracked to closure or the status is updated to reflect the

current status?
144 Has the Contract Risk Monitoring log reviewed by SM and sent to Contract Management Cell (CMC)?

QA Activities 145 Have all the QA activities been carried out as planned? 146 Have all the appropriate phase-end audits been conducted as planned? 147 Have all the identified deviations been recorded, corrective action implemented and the effectiveness of the corrective action assessed? 148 Internal quality audits have been conducted? 149 Any non-conformity identified? 150 Have all the non-conformities been eliminated by implementing the corrective action identified? Process Database 151 Have all the appropriate project information been updated in PDB(Info like, customer, project overview, etc.)?
152 Has the Learning in the project been captured and entered into PDB?

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Project Execution Checklist



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Project Execution Checklist



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Project Execution Checklist



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Project Execution Checklist



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