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Team Registration Form Team Name: _________________________________ Team Contact: _______________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ E-mail:


Caribbean Sand and Sea Sports Festival 2012 Team Registration & Payment Policy All teams registering for this tournament are required to pay a $1000TT non-refundable deposit at time of registration. All teams are responsible for their own branding (t-shirts). Also, should your team need to forfeit a game for whatever reason; you must notify officials at least 24hrs in advance. I understand and agree to comply with Caribbean Sand and Sea Sports Festival 2012 Registration & Payment Policy. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Please send or submit completed registration form with signature acknowledging Caribbean Sand and Sea Sports Festival 2012 Registration & Payment Policy & $1000TT non-refundable fee to Mr Paul Montano at Express House, Independence Square, Port of Spain (Trinidad) or Renmars Rest and Bar Pigeon Point and Barcode Sports Bar (Tobago) no later than March 12th 2012 at 12pm.




I NTRODUCTION CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTS FESTIVAL 2012 is a combination of beach competition challenges that aims to bring together different teams from Trinidad and Tobago. Teams will compete in the following sports on Saturday 7th April 2012 and Sunday 8th April 2012: o FOOTBALL o KAYAKING o VOLLEYBALL o DODGEBALL o TUG OF WAR Participants will compete in teams of no less (10) than persons and no more than (15) persons. Article 1: Ethics and values CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTS FESTIVAL 2012 TEAM combines the philosophy of outdoor sports with an absolute respect for nature and the environment. Any participant displaying xenophobic, violent or disrespectful attitudes to others, the environment, traffic rules and public or private property will be immediately disqualified (see Article on penalties by discipline).Participants will be responsible for any damages caused by their behavior. Article 2: Requirements for Teams and Participants

The following requirements must be met to participate in any discipline or category of CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTS FESTIVAL 2012 o Participants must be of legal age (18) on the day of the race. o They must understand and accept the terms of this present set of rules. o They must correctly complete all the registration steps and requirements. o They must accept the disclaimer in which the participant declares that he or she is participating voluntarily, under his or her responsibility

Article 3:

Event procedure and scoring system

3.1 Procedure CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTING FESTIVAL 2012 comprises five individual events held throughout the days of Saturday 7th April 2012 and Sunday 8th April 2012. Each team is expected to register the specified number of participants for each event. Football -Five(5) participants per team, Dodgeball-Six(6) participants per team, Kayaking- Two(2) participants per team, volleyball-six(6) participants per team and Tug of War All team members. Teams are allowed to substitute two (2) participants during the tournament as long as the required number of participants remains as specified. 3.2 Scoring system Each event is scored using a point system. For football, tug of war, dodgeball and volleyball, the winner will receive 10 points, first runner up 7 points and second runner up 5 points. For kayaking the winner will receive 20 points, first runner up 15 points and second runner up 10 points. The team receiving the most combined points will be the champion of CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTS FESTIVAL 2012. Article 4: Registration 4.1 Registration conditions o Registration in the event implies the understanding and unconditional acceptance of this present set of rules and the specific rules of your chosen discipline. o Each participant must fill out the required form with all the data requested. o Registration shall be effective once payment is received. o Team registration may be made by consensus among team members, or the organizers will facilitate contact with other registered participants with similar preparation to those who request it in order to form a team through the tournaments official email 4.2 Prices o The registration fee is $1000TT per Team o The registration fee includes: o Refreshments. o Coverage for round trip boat fare to Tobago. 4.3 Cancellations and/or change of numbers o Registration involves reserving a place, which means that the registration amount is not refunded in case of cancellation or forfeit. o In the case of cancellation due to emergency by one team member, the other team members can choose a substitute other than the two (2) other participants required. 4.4 Disclaimer and statement of physical fitness o Registration in the event implies acceptance of this present set of rules. Consequently, participants release the organizers from any liability concerning any potential health problems resulting from their participation in the event.

o Participants registering for the event understand that they are participating voluntarily and on their own responsibility in the competition and, therefore, release the organizers from any liability arising from the event and agree not to take legal action against the organizers, collaborators, sponsors or other participants, nor initiate any civil liability claim with these parties. At the time of registration, all participants must therefore check the box accepting this disclaimer in order to complete their registration. Article 5: Change in Events In case of cancellation of the event for reasons of force majeure and more than seven days prior to the starting date, there will be a full reimbursement of registration fees. If this cancellation occurs for reasons beyond the organizers control during the seven days prior to the starting time of the race, or the race is interrupted after it has started, there will be no refund. Article 6: Image rights The organizers reserve the exclusive image rights of the event, as well as any audiovisual and/or media exploitation of the competition. Any media or advertising project must obtain the consent of the organizers. Article 7: Amendment of rules The organizers may amend or change this present set of rules if they deem it necessary. Any changes shall be duly communicated to the participants. The completion of the registration process implies the understanding and acceptance of this current set of rules.


I ____________________________ (NAME IN PRINT) state that I am competing in CARIBBEAN SAND AND SEA SPORTS FESTIVALS 2012 solely by choice and therefore cannot hold the organizers or anyone associated with this event responsible for any injury received during the sporting events which include Football, Dodgeball, Kayaking, Volleyball, and Tug of War. I accept all liability for potential health problems or injuries resulting from the participation of this event.

______________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________ WITNESS

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