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Cara Kerja Differential a) Saat Jalan Lurus Pada saat gesekan roda kiri dan roda kanan sama besar, maka differential case, pinion gear dan side gear merupakan satu unit (differential pinion, differential side gear dan shaft berputar satu unit secara bersama-sama dengan ring gear) sehingga pada saat differential case berputar, sidegear akan berputar dengan arah dan besar putaran yang sama, pada saat ini pinion gear tidak berputar pada porosnya akan tetapi hanya berputar bersama-sama dengan differential case. Akibatnya poros roda belakang akan berputar searah dengan putaran side gear. a) When the Straight Path At the time of the friction wheel left and right wheels the same size, then differential case, pinion gear and side gear is a single unit (differential pinion, differential side gear and the shaft rotates one unit simultaneously together with the ring gear) so that when the rotating differential case, side gear will rotate with the direction of rotation and the same, at this time pinion gear is not rotating on its axis but only rotates together with the differential case. As a result, the rear wheel axle will rotate in the direction of rotation side gear. b) Pada saat membelok kekanan Drive pinion memutarkan ring gear, ring gear memutarkan diffrensial case, diffrensial case menggerakan pinion gear melalui pinion shaft dan pinion gear memutarkan side gear kiri mengitari side gear kanan karena tahanan roda kanan lebih besar sehingga menyebabkan putaran roda kiri lebih besar dari roda kanan c) Pada saat membelok kekiri Drive pinion memutarkan ring gear, ring gear memutarkan diffrensial case, diffrensial case menggerakan pinion gear melalui pinion shaft dan pinion gear memutarkan side gear kanan mengitari side gear kiri karena tahanan roda kiri lebih besar sehingga menyebabkan putaran roda kanan lebih besar dari roda kiri b) At the time of turning to right Rotating the ring gear drive pinion, ring gear rotate diffrensial case, move the pinion gear diffrensial case through the pinion shaft and pinion gear side gear rotating around the left side the right gear for the right wheel is greater resistance thus causing rotation of the wheel left greater than right wheel c) When turning left Rotating the ring gear drive pinion, ring gear rotate diffrensial case, move the pinion gear diffrensial case through the pinion shaft and pinion gear rotating around the right side gear side gear wheels left because of custody left greater rotation of the wheel, causing a greater right than the left wheel

Fungsi diffrensial : Mereduksi kecepatan yang diterima dari propeller shaft untuk menghasilkan momen yang besar. Merubah arah putaran 90` ,selanjutnya putaran ini diteruskan keroda belakang melalui poros belakang ( gear axle shaft ) secara terpisah. Membedakan putaran roda kiri dan roda kanan pada saat membelok atau terjadi gesekan yang berbeda pada kedua roda belakang.

Komponen diffrensial : Nut dan washer berfungsi untuk mengikat com panion flange terhadap drive pinion DRIVE PINION COMPANION FLANGE berfungsi untuk memindahkan tenaga putar dari propeller shaft ke drive pinion Oil seal berfungsi untuk mencegah kebocoran oli dari diffrensial Ring gear berfungsi menerima putaran dari drive pinion melalui perkaitan gigi, sehimgga diffrensial case berputar Drive pinion gear berfungsi menuruskan tenaga putar dari propeller shaft yang selanjutnya dipindahkan ke ring gear Drive pinion Pinion shaft Side gear berfungsi untuk menerima putaran dari pinion gear yang selanjutnya ke poros roda belakang diffrensial case berfungsi merubah arah putaran propeller shaft 90 derajat yang selanjutnya diteruskan keporos roda belakang (rear axle shaft) membedakan putaran roda kiri dan kanan pada saat membelok oil singer spacer Drive pinion bearing Lock pin dan bolt Bearing adjusting nut dan bearing Pinion gear berfungsi untuk memutarkan side gear Trust washer

Kelengkungan (run out) ring gear batas yang diijinkan 0,1 mm Celah ring gear 0,1-0,20 Preload drive pinion 8-12kg.m Kencangkan baut tutup lager momen pengerasan 3,0-5,0 Ukur total beban awal Total beban awal saat mulai berputar 8,0-12,0kg.m

Diffrensial function: Reduce speed received from the propeller shaft to produce a great moment. Changing the direction of rotation 90 `, the next round keroda are relayed back through the rear axle (gear axle shafts) separately. Distinguish the wheels left and right wheel when turning or going on a different friction on both rear wheels. Diffrensial components: Nut and washer serves to bind the com panion flange of the drive pinion DRIVE FLANGE COMPANION pinion serves to transfer torque from the propeller shaft to the drive pinion Oil seal serves to prevent leakage of oil from diffrensial Ring gear to receive rotation function of the drive pinion through the docking gear, rotating case sehimgga diffrensial Drive pinion gear menuruskan function of propeller shaft torque is then transferred to the ring gear Drive pinion pinion shaft Side gear serves to receive the rotation of the pinion gear is next to the rear wheel axle diffrensial case serves to change the direction of rotation of the propeller shaft 90 degrees which then forwarded keporos rear wheels (rear axle shafts). distinguish left and right wheel when turning on Oil singer spacer Drive pinion bearing Lock pin and bolt Bearing and bearing adjusting nut serves to rotate pinion gear side gear Trust washer Curvature (run out) ring gear allowed limit of 0.1 mm Ring gear gap from 0.1 to .20 Preload drive pinion 8-12kg.m Tighten the cap bolts lager hardening moment from 3.0 to 5.0 Measure the total initial load The total initial load current begins to spin from 8.0 to 12.0 kg.m

ANALISA Keuntungan dengan bentuk roda gigi miring Permukaan gigi yang kontrak lebih banyak Suara lebih halus Pemindah tenaga lebih besar Keausan lebih lama

Kerugian dengan bentuk roda gigi miring Harga lebih mahal Efisiensi kurang Konruksi lebih rumit Diperlukan oli khusus

Cara pembongkaran Lepaskan mur pengunci Lepaskan oil seal yang digunakan SST 09308 - 10010 00 Lepaskan lager depan drive pinion lepaskan lager belakang drive pinion catatan lager / bearing depan,samping dan belakang dalam keadaan rusak drive pinion gear dan ring gear dalam keadaan rusak oil seal keadaan rusak pinion gear dan side gear tidak ada

aNALYSIS The advantage with a tilt gear The surface of teeth more contracts The sound is more subtle Shift more power Wear and tear for longer Losses in the form of slanted gears The price is more expensive Efficiency less Konruksi more complicated It takes a special oil How to disassembly Remove the locking nut Remove the oil seal is used SST 09308 - 10010-00 Remove the drive pinion front lager disconnect the rear drive pinion lager note lager / bearings front, side and rear in a damaged condition the drive pinion gear and ring gear in a damaged condition Oil seal damaged condition pinion gear and side gear is not there

Soal : Sebuah kendaraan mempunyai differential dengan jumlah gigi pada drive pinion adalah 15, dan pada ring gear adalah 60. Berapakah gear ratio differential, torsi pada roda jika torsi pada propeller shaft 20 kg.m, putaran pada roda sebelah kiri jika putaran propeller shaft 1000 rpm dan putaran pada roda kanan 100 rpm ? GR = 60 = 4 15 Torsi roda = 4 x 20 = 80 kg.m Rpm = 1000 = 250 rpm 4 Rpm roda kiri = rpm total rpm roda kanan = 500 100 = 400 rpm

Road Speed V = Rpm x 2 6 R x 60 1000 x TR x AR

Dimana : V = Road speed (km/jam) Rpm = Putaran mesin R = Jari-jari ban (m) AR = Gear ratio differential TR = Gear ratio transmisi Soal :

Sebuah kendaraan dengan putaran mesin 2000 rpm, dan ukuran ban 6.00 S 14 4PR, dengan gear ratio differential 4,2, serta gear ratio transmisi gigi 1 = 4,10, gigi 2 = 2,50, gigi 3 = 1,50, gigi 4 = 1,00, gigi 5 = 0,85, gigi mundur = 3,70. Berapakah road speed gigi 1,2,3,4,5 dan mundur ?

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