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Mail Today, New Delhi /Saturday, March 3, 2012 March 3, 2012 Delhi, Chandigarh, Saturday,



ISTORY does not repeat itself for it is only historians who repeat it! This holds true for the ageing DMK chief M Karunanidhi, though not a historian proper.

Dravidian parties have lost the plot H

Having lost the plot, he has all the reasons to go back into history. Yet, his narrative of the past fails to enthuse or help resurrect the party. After a severe drubbing in the state elections and mounting legal problems, the old man of Gopalapuram appears to believe that history will come to his rescue. This was evident during the centenary of the Dravidian movement. Launching the year-long celebration earlier this week, Karunanidhi even revived the call to carve out a separate state Dravida Nadu. This was not all, for he expressed the desire to keep the Brahmins at bay, leaving them trembling with fear. The Dravidian movement had non-brahminism, state autonomy, and opposition to Hindi as its main planks in the initial years. But, the DMK today is a far cry from its idealistic past. Let alone voters, the DMK rank and file are hardly schooled in Dravidian ideology and history. It is well known they flocked to the party just to make easy moolah. And no wonder that criminalisation is also growing in leaps and bounds. The strong-arm tactics of the local leadership at various places are driving away sympathiers. Also, traditional loyalty among professional groups like lawyers and teachers has suffered a jolt. A party which has become synonymous with the cash for vote syndrome cannot expect the middle class voters to see it in favourable light. As if these are not enough, the ruling family is deeply divided. This is despite the fact that many in the clan are facing serious corruption charges, unity remains still elusive. If Kanimozhi has already spent six months in jail, the Marans may face a similar fate in the near future. Yet, it is not unusual for a family faction to try to undermine another, hurting the party in the process. It is obvious that the ageing

Jaya govt almost does a Mamata

IF THE rape of four hapless women of the Irula tribe by the cops in November last was shocking, the government taking a U-turn last week by maintaining that no such offence could be made out has baffled one and all. The irony is that it took such a stance before the High Court after the suspension of five police personnel of Tirukovilur in Villupuram district, suspects in this crime. Further, the Government had extended `5 lakh as compensation to each of the victim. While the state preferred to be in denial mode about the rape, it has admitted that the suspended cops

Authorites do a volte face on rape case

LOST CAUSE: DMK leaders at the centenary celebrations of the Dravidian movement in Chennai
patriarch could not bring together his over-ambitious family members, endangering a smooth succession. Dravida Nadu would rather appear easy for him! never lost sleep over colonial rule. In fact, they went out of their way to woo their colonial masters. In spite of its pro-British beginnings, the movement came to acquire a mass character in later years and led to the political empowerment of other backward classes in the state. To be fair, the Dravidian parties contributed to making mass politics more dynamic and certainly, the state has benefitted from governance being more responsive to the masses. And this was largely due to the Dravidian parties. However, in the last two decades, political morality has been on the wane and corruption is eating into the vitals of the Dravidian movement. While Jayalalithaas autocratic ways are well known, the DMK has become a family enterprise. Rather than looking for any real benefits from these two parties, the middle class in TN is looking for an escape route. For many, like noted Japanese Tamilologist Noboru Karashima, the Dravidian movement has outlived its utility. Ironically, now Karunanidhis only hope is Jayalalithaa. For, the mercurial AIADMK czarina, is famous for creating huge problems for herself. She has already dumped all her allies. Even though, she has been successful in keeping her partymen from running amok, she is quite capable of pulling off unpopular decisions and putting her political future at risk. The Congress steadily losing its base in the state is also adding to the woes of its ally, the DMK. Hence, the DMK could pose a formidable challenge to the AIADMK only when there is a political realignment in the state. Of course, Jayalalithaa is capable of uniting all the political forces against herself!

HE irrelevance of the DMKs antibrahmin postures is evident from the fact that Jayalalithaa, a Brahmin, could become Chief Minister of the state for a third time. Anti-brahminism as a political plank has lost its edge due to the compromises made by the Dravidian parties as well as the changing socio-economic conditions. The Dravidian movement had its beginning as an elite club opposed to the Brahmins growing influence in the administration. However, the Dravidian elite

were at fault for taking the women and children into custody at night when it was not warranted. It was after a hue and cry by the civil society that a case was registered on the complaint of the victims, including a pregnant lady and a minor girl, all of a family. According to the complaint, a police team in search of the accused in a theft case, took them to a nearby grove and committed the offence. Strangely, the medical examination of the victims was conducted almost after a week after the incident had occurred, while the DGP maintained in his affidavit that there was no evidence to prove forced sexual intercourse.

IN THE Ramayan, sage Viswamitra eliminated demons through his disciples Ram and Lakshman. Now, his devotees will be asking him to take on the nuke plant at Koodankulam. In order to dispel the perception that it is the Church which is behind the anti-nuke campaign, the leaders spearheading the protest have decided to perform a mass-ritual in the Viswamitra temple at nearby Vijayapathy. Next week, women would take out a procession of carrying milk-pots to seek his intercession in this issue and save them from the plant. Considered as a powerful deity in the region, people flock to the shrine mostly with petitions to protect

Viswamitra to take on nuke plant

them from enemies and evil spirits. Significantly, this is the only shrine for the famed sage in the south. This would prove that the movement is broad based and help counter the propaganda against us, says M Pushpa Rayan of the Peoples Movement Against Nuclear Energy. Also, this would provide an opportunity for the local populace to go into a festive mood as there has been no celebration since they launched the stir.

Mission to free sex from bondages

AFTER attaining fame, the next inevitable step appears to be politics. Having earned laurels as an anchor of a hugely popular TV talk show, transgender Rose Venkatesan aka Rose is all set to launch her own party. But her sole agenda is to Engineer from Louisiana Tech University in the US, holds very strong views on gender, marriage religion and caste. She says that it is not for transgenders alone. While she asserts that marriage as an institution has failed miserably from which women need to be liberated, she does not spare other social institutions. When the feelings of love and sex are so natural, caste and God are depriving the individuals of their rights. People continue to remain prisoners of the established codes. Persecution follows when someone, especially women, explore primitive emotions, reasons the young activist.

Transgender activist has entered politics

champion sexual freedom for all and the party will be christened Sexual Liberation Party of India. An activist closely associated with sexual minorities, the 32-year-old Bio-Medical

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