Code No: SN 3311 P4 Section A (10 Marks)

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Code No: SN 3311 P4 SECTION A (10 marks) Answer all questions 1.

The table below shows four different organisms and their methods of asexual reproduction.

Organism (I) Amoeba

Method of asexual reproduction (a) Budding (b) Binary fission (c) Polyembryony (d) Parthenogensesis

(II) Hydra (III) Honey Bee (IV (IV) Fasciola

Which of the following is the correct pair of the organism and its method of asexual reproduction?

I (A) (B) (C) (D) b b c d

II a a b c

III c d d b

IV d c a a

2. Which of the following is not the difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Spermatogenesis (A) (B) (C) (D) Produces small gamete Produces four gametes Produces two spermatocytes in meiosis I Meiosis II occurs immediately after the meiosis I 2

Oogenesis Produces big gamete Produces one gamete Produces two secondary oocyte in meiosis I Meiosis II occurs when the sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 3. How does epigeal germination differ from hypogeal germination? I. II. III. IV. V. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. The cotyledons are above the ground. The epicotyl forms a hook and elongates. The hypocotyl forms a hook and elongates. The plumule are still enclosed within the cotyledons. Exposing to light will stimulate the straightening of the epicotyls.

I, III and IV only II, IV and V only I,II, III and V only II, III, IV and V only

Which of the following shows the right sequence the formation of male plant gametes? (A) (B) (C) (D) Microspore mother cell, Meiosis, Microspore, Mitosis, Generative Nucleus and Tube Nucleus Microspore mother cell, Meiosis, Microspore, Meiosis, Generative Nucleus and Tube Nucleus Microspore mother cell, Meiosis, Generative Nucleus and Tube Nucleus, Mitosis, Microspore Microspore mother cell, Mitosis, Generative Nucleus and Tube Nucleus, Mitosis, Microspore

5. Which statements are true about the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis? Spermatogenesis I II III The number of gametes produced per meiosis is four The size of gametes produced is big Cytokinesis results in an unequal 3 Oogenesis The number of gametes produced per meiosis is one The size of gametes produced is small Cytokinesis results in an SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 distribution of the daughter cells produced IV Meisosis occurs continuously and does not stop at any stage Process starts at the age of the puberty of a male equal distribution of the cytoplasm Meiosis does not occur continuously but stops at some stages Process starts at the development of the foetus of a female

(A) (B)

I, II and IV only I, IV and V only

(C) II, III, IV and V only (D) I, III, IV and V only 6. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) is important in embryo development. Based on the above statement, which of the following statements are true? I II III IV V (A) (B) (C ) (D) level of oestrogen increases when HCG is low level of progesterone decreases when HCG is low corpus luteum degenerates when HCG is low low HCG causes miscarriage level of progesterone increases when HCG is low

I , II and III only II, III and IV only I, II, III and I V only II, III, IV and V only

7. Which of the atomic orbitals form an bond when the orbitals overlap? 4 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 (A) (B) (C) (D) two sp2 orbitals two lateral p orbitals two opposing linear p orbitals an s orbital and an sp3 orbital

8. Which of the following alkene can exist in cis- and tran- forms? CH3 CH2 CH2 CH = CH2 CH3 CH = C (CH3 ) CH3 CH3 CH2 CH = CH CH3 CH3 CH2 CH(CH3) CH = CH2 9. What is the IUPAC nomenclature for the compound below? CH3 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH3 l l CH2 CH3 l CH3 (A) (B) (C) (D) 2, 5 dimethylheptane 3, 6 dimethylheptane 2- ethyl 5 methylheksane 5 - ethyl --2 -- methylheksane

10. Which of the following pair is correct ? 5


Code No: SN 3311 P4

Molecular formula (A) (B) (C) (D) C6H6 C2H6 C6H6 C2H2

Type of hybridization sp3 sp sp2 sp2

11. Give an IUPAC name for the following hydrocarbon. (CH3)3CCH2CH3 (A) (B) (C) (D) 2-methylpentane 2,2-dimethylbutane 1,1,1-trimethylpropane 1,1,2-trimethylpropane

12. The percentage composition of a compound P is C, 60.0%; H, 13.3% and O, 26.7%. Determine the empirical formula of P. (A) (B) (C) (D) C2H9O C3H8O C3H9O C2H8O

13. Which of the following graphs describes the variation of the magnetic flux density B with distance r from a long straight wire carrying a constant 6 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 current I ? (A)


r (A) B


14. An electron charge -1.6 X 10-19 C is moving with velocity 2.0 X 106 m/s at an angle 300 with the direction of an uniform magnetic field, B. 7 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 If the magnetic force exerted on the electron is 1.6 X 10-12 N, the magnitude of B is (A) (B) (C) (D) 5.0 T 10.0 T 15.0 T 20.0 T

15. An operational amplifier can be used as a differential amplifier. What is the function of a differential amplifier? (A) (B) (C) It acts as an oscillator. It inverts the input voltage by 1800 out of phase. It compares between input voltage and output voltage. (D) It amplifies the difference of positive input voltage and negative input voltage.



Code No: SN 3311 P4

Figure 1 Refer to figure 1, the purpose of resistor R2 is to (A) (B) (C) (D) increase the bandwidth. increase the gain of the amplifier. convert the amplifier into an inverting amplifier. limit the alternating input applied to the amplifier.

17. A proton moving with uniform velocity enters a magnetic field which is perpendicular to its direction. The proton will then move in a (A) (B) (C) (D) straight line as before. straight line parallel to the magnetic field. circle at a plane normal to the magnetic field. parabola at a plane normal to the magnetic field.


Code No: SN 3311 P4 18.



Figure 1

A current of 3 A flows in a 15.0 cm conductor as in figure 1. The conductor is in a uniformed magnetic field of 20 mT and at an angle of 600 between each other. The conductor experiences a magnetic force F. What is the magnetic force F acting on the conductor? (A) 4.5 x 10-3 N

(B) 5.2 x 10-2 N (C) 7.8 x 10-3 N (D) 9.0 x 10-3 N

19. An operational amplifier, or op-amp, is a differential amplifier. Op-amp has two input terminals, one output terminal and two terminals for external power supply.

Which of the following statement is the characteristic of ideal operational amplifier?


Finite bandwidth


Finite voltage gain 10 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4


Finite input impedance


Zero output impedance


30 k

3 k


24 kVout

Figure 2 Figure 2 shows an inverting amplifier. What is the voltage gain of the amplifier? (A) (B) (C) (D) 8 8 10 10



Code No: SN 3311 P4


1. Mother cell of embryo sac Embryo sac XE


W Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the simplified diagram of the development of a plants embryo sac.


Identify the parts that show the structure of the egg cell and the polar nuclei

The egg cell

: ___________________________________________

The polar nuclei :____________________________________________

(2 marks)


Explain how the process in Figure 1 occurs.



Code No: SN 3311 P4 __________________________________________________________




(4 marks)


The products of the double fertilization in plants are a diploid zygote (2n) and a triploid nucleus (3n). Explain briefly the development of the zygote and the triploid nucleus The zygote: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ The triploid nucleus: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 13 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 ___________________________________________________________ (4 marks)



State the type of asexual reproduction of these organisms: Paramecium : ____________________________________________ Hydra : ____________________________________________ (2 marks)



Figure 1 14


Code No: SN 3311 P4

Figure 1 shows the growth pattern of an organism. Explain why the curve appears to be discontinuous. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (3 marks)


( i)

If a girl ovulates on the 20th of August, estimate the period of her fertile phase and when her menstruation starts. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (2 marks)


As one oocyte is released from human ovary every 28 days, discuss what might happen to the egg cell. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 15 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 ___________________________________________________ (3 marks) (a) (i) Name the compound represented by the structural formula below. CH3 CH3 C CH3 _____________________________________________________ (2 marks) (ii) Draw the structure for 4-methyl-3-hexanone CH2 CH2 CH3

(2 marks)


Compound X is a mixture of two cis/trans (geometric) isomer. Its composition by mass is C = 47.1%, H = 6.5% and Cl = 46.4% (i) Calculate the empirical formula of X.

(4 marks)


The molecular formula is the same as the empirical formula. 16 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 Draw a diagram showing the two cis/trans isomers of substance X.

(2 marks) (a) What is geometrical isomerism? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (2 marks) (b) Ethane and ethene are hydrocarbons. ( i) Which one exhibit geometrical isomerism? ___________________________________________________ (1 mark) (ii) Based on your answer in (b) (i), draw the isomers.

(2 marks)



Code No: SN 3311 P4 (c) ( i) Complete the following table regarding the two hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon Ethane Ethene (2 marks) Molecular formula Type of hybridization


By using a suitable diagram, discuss the sp3 hybridization.

(3 marks)


A magnet that has been manufactured has magnetic fields. (a) A circular coil carries a current of 5.0 A. It has a radius of 3.0 cm and 50 turns. Determine the magnetic field strength at the centre of coil. (4 marks) (b) A current of 3.0 A flows in a solenoid of length 2.0 m. The diameter of the solenoid is small compared with the length of the solenoid. Determine the magnetic field strength at the centre of the coil and number of turns which the solenoid must have in order to obtain a magnetic field strength of 3.0 mT at a point inside the solenoid and far from each end of the solenoid. (6 marks) 18 SULIT

Code No: SN 3311 P4 (c) Suggest a method to make a magnet from an iron screw so that its head becomes North pole and its tail becomes South pole. (10 marks) 2. (a) Based on the definition of Faradays Law and Lenzs Law, give a relationship between Faradays law and Lenzs law. (4 marks) (b) Bar magnet

A G Figure 2 Figure 2 shows a bar magnet placed in a solenoid. It is observed that when the switch is closed, the galvanometer does not show any deflection. The bar magnet is then moved in and out from the solenoid, the galvanometer shows deflections. Explain the above observation. ( 6 marks ) (c) A transformer reduces the voltage from 240 V to 24V. A bulb with 24V 6 W is connected to the secondary circuit. If the current in the primary coil is 25 mA, calculate the efficiency of the transformer. Justify your answer on the causes of power dissipation in a transformer and suggest ways in overcoming it. ( 10 marks )


A magnetic field is a region where a magnetic force acts on a magnetic pole or a current carrying wire.



Code No: SN 3311 P4 (a) Explain the term magnetic field, B and draw clearly magnetic field lines due to a current, I flowing in a straight wire. (4 marks) (b) With the aid of a diagram, explain why when a moving electron is placed in a uniform magnetic field, it will move in a circular path. (6 marks) (c) Justify your answer whether it is possible for a charged particle to move with uniform speed: (i) (ii) (iii) in an electric field in a magnetic field in a combined electric and magnetic field. ( 10 marks) 2. Electromagnetic induction is the effect when a wire or coil is moved across a magnetic field. (a) Faradays law and Lenzs law are used to explain the phenomena of electromagnetic induction. What is the meaning of Faradays law and Lenzs law? (4 marks) (b) The primary coil of an ideal iron-core transformer has 1000 turns and the secondary coil has 50 turns. The primary coil is connected to an alternating voltage supply of 240 V. A 3.0 ohm resistor is connected to the secondary coil. (i) (ii) Determine the voltage across the secondary coil. (3 marks) Determine the current in the secondary coil. (3 marks) (c) In the real situation, efficiency of transformer is not 100%. Suggest methods increasing the efficiency of the transformer. (10 marks)



Code No: SN 3311 P4



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