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Supervisory Skills Training

PROGRAM SUMMARY The management and leadership skills training for supervisors focuses on the essential skills and qualities for effective management and leadership, building successful teams by honing the essential skills required to lead on the floor.


TRAINING METHODOLOGY Lectures Group Discussions Activities & Exercises Case Studies & Questionnaires Individual exercises Presentations Role plays and simulation exercises


Team Leaders Assistant Department Managers Department Managers Store Managers

PROGRAM OUTLINE Skill Level Functional Level

Skill Level Interventions

Motivation Leaders can improve motivation within their organizations by following this process: PRIDE system. Provide a positive working environment Recognize everyone's efforts Involve everyone Develop skills and potential Evaluate and measure continuously

Communication Skills Tearing down Communication Barriers Identifying Communication styles Analyzing your communication style Understanding various methods to manage opposite or varied communication styles Email etiquette Telephone etiquette

Conflict Management Recognize conflict issues that impact on performance. Identify and analyze conflicts and/or problems. Manage and resolve conflict effectively. Confront conflicts and problems in a non-hostile manner.

Time Management Recognize the value of effective time management to yourself Clarify own and your team's objectives, key areas of responsibility and priorities. Identify and overcome primary causes of poor time management Identify time wasters and personal preferences that affect performance Prioritize your tasks and cope more effectively with day-to-day demands

Achieve greater control through improved personal organization.

Customer Focus Initiating a customer focus Where does customer service fit in? How to examine the context in which the team operates and pinpoint any organizational issues likely to affect the way in which the team, serve their customers. What do we offer our customers? Seeking customer feedback How to find out what customers want and how they see you Best practice benchmarking How to convince your customer of the strengths of your service through a positive image To learn how to communicate with your customers Dealing with difficult customers How to make customer service a way of life

Coaching & Mentoring Skills Explore a peer coaching model Role of the mentor The three phases of the Mentoring Model Understanding Learning Styles Identifying Learning Opportunities Identifying the development needs of the employee Communication, Listening and Giving Feedback Skills Coaching, Counseling and Motivation Skills

Effective Team Management and Leadership Building a Successful Team Motivating to Achieve Results Keeping Communication Channels Open Enhancing Team Performance through Training and Development Personal Development

People Management Grooming & Etiquette Presentation Skills Interviewing Skills Performance Appraisal

Functional Level Interventions

Knowing your Role Job descriptions & KRAs Checklists to be maintained Performance Improvement Plan Your growth and career advancement

Operational Excellence Store Operating Expenses Store Profitability Store Margins Managing store margins and sales Controllable Operational expenditure Retail Metrics Store Assets Managing Stock Audits Catchment & Competition Monitoring the environment Managing the Environment Merchandising Planograming Finance- Finance schemes Inventory- Handling of defective stocks Perpetual Inventory Sales SOP

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