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To: RHES principal Site Management Team From: Heather Tucker Date: March 4, 2012 Subject: Media Center Evaluation

Based on the Georgia DOE 2011 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric the media center at Richmond Hill Elementary operates mainly in the proficient and exemplary range. Of the 20 categories our media center ranks in the proficient or exemplary range in 90%. We rank in the exemplary category in 30% of the areas. The strengths of our program include size, budget, and the amount of resources that are available to our students. Our budget has allowed a full time media specialist and a full time paraprofessional. This is a wonderful asset to students. The extensive use of volunteers also gives students more attention and guidance when they are in the media center. These strengths help us provide students with guidance and materials to strengthen their learning. According to the Georgia DOE rubric one of the things that we are weakest in is collaboration. We also fall in the basic range for administrative support.

Action Steps
Next year we plan on focusing on collaboration with teachers and administration. We believe that attending meetings with each grade level at least once a month can help the collaborative relationship. At the meetings we will deliver ideas and topics that we could possibly collaborate with the teachers on. We will use the curriculum maps from each grade level to pick the topics that we present to the teachers. Based on the rubric administrative support is the other area that falls in the basic range. Although we feel supported by the administration, we believe that there are a few steps that could move our media center from the basic range into the proficient or exemplary range. We feel like the addition of someone from the administration will help in this

process. We also feel that if we had administrative support in grade level meeting collaboration may strengthen. We feel as though increased collaboration and administrative support will help move other areas of the media center from the proficient category into the exemplary category. For example, we are currently operating in the proficient range for encouraging reading, viewing, and listening. Once collaboration with the staff increases the media center will providing students with support in the reading and language arts curriculum. This will help move our facility into the exemplary range for this category. In summary, we are very proud of our media center and the staff at our school. We look forward to expanding collaboration with the teachers and administration next year to build an even stronger media program at Richmond Hill Elementary School.

Heather Tucker

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