CoMmOnLy CoNfuSeD WoRdSsSs

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CoMmOnLy CoNfuSeD WoRdSsSs scrutiny. dallainces surfaced. Tactful sentences.

there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, renewed intrigue,,
Abjure and Adjure : Abjure means to "renounce" or "repudiate." Adjure means "request earnestly." The words have little in common other than their rarity and similarity of spelling, so they should not be confused. Adopted and Adoptive :Adopted and adoptive both mean "acquired through adoption," but they are not synomyms. One is the reciprocal of the other. A child with adoptive parents is adopted; parents with an adopted child are adoptive. The difference lies in who is doing the adopting. The parents adopt the child, so the child is adopted. The child is adopted by the parents, and so the parents are adoptive. Adverse and Averse: Adverse means "antagonistic." Averse means "feeling disclined." The word averse is more recognizable in two more commonly used forms: avert and aversion. Affect and Effect :These words are commonly confused, and the rules given to tell them apart are often wrong. Affect means "to influence" or "to produce an effect in." Effect means "consequence" or "that which is produced by an agent or cause." Many try to differentiate between the two by saying that affect is a verb, while effect is a noun. Unfortunately, it's not so simple. The word affect can also serve as a noun, meaning "observed or expressed emotional response," and the word effect can also serve as a verb, meaning "to become operative" or "to carry out," as in, "to effect changes." Aggravate and Annoy: Aggravate means "worsen." Annoy means "bother" or "exasperate" or "provoke." Many speakers and writers use aggravate to mean "annoy." Although aggravate has been used in this manner for four hundred years, considerable controversy over this use exists today. Some contend that using aggravate to mean anything other than "worsen" compromises the effectiveness of the word by blurring the distinction it has from similar words. Others argue that annoy can be said to mean "worsen one's temper," which suggests that aggravate is not so inappropriate to use as a synonym forannoy after all. My recommendation is to understand that aggravate means "worsen" and not "bother," but then feel free to use aggravate in contexts where it would be taken to mean "worsen one's temper" rather than "bother" or "irritate." Allude and Refer :Allude means to refer to something indirectly or covertly. Refer, without qualification, implies referring to something directly, by naming. Frequently allude is misused to mean "refer directly," but this is an abuse of an otherwise useful, specific word. Anxious and Eager :Anxious means "troubled" or "worried." Eager means "having keen interest" or "impatient expectancy." When anxious is used to describe someone's expectancy, it is often incorrectly used to mean "eager," which has a far more positive connotation. One may be anxious about an impending report card, but one would be eager to go on a long-awaited vacation. Chafe and Chaff : Chafe means "to make sore by rubbing" or "irritate or annoy" or "become annoyed." Chaff means "tease good-naturedly." Consequently, one should not become confused with the other. Compliment and Complement : Compliment is a "remark of praise." Complement is "something that completes." Note that free refreshments are complimentary; the word refers to the phrase "with our compliments." Continual and Continuous: Both continual and continuous describe an action or process that occurs over a long period of time. Continual, however, permits that the action may be interrupted by short breaks. Continuous means that the action never pauses. We live continuous lives, eating and sleeping continually. Deserts and Desserts : Most English speakers understand that deserts, with the accent on the first syllable, are a dry, arid lands, while desserts, with the accent on the second syllable, are a sweet things to eat after a meal. What is often confused is that when one gets what one is deserves, good or bad, one is getting one's "just deserts," accent on the second syllable but spelled like the dry, arid lands. Discomfort and Discomfit :Discomfort means "uneasiness or hardship" and "make uncomfortable." Discomfit means "disconcert" and "defeat; thwart." Discomfort comes from Middle English, from the Old French word desconfort. Discomfit comes from the Middle English word discomfiten, from the Old French word desconfit. Discrete and Discreet :Discrete means "discontinuous" or "individually distinct." Discreet means "judicious." The words are understandably often confused, but they should remain distinct. Effective and Effectual: Effective means "producing an effect" or "in effect." Effectual means "producing a desired effect." A law that is effective is only effectual when it is enforced. Energize and Enervate :Energize means "give energy to," while enervate means "to cause to lose vitality or energy." Sometimes enervate is mistakenly believed to mean "energize," and this is a grievous error, as enervate is actually an antonym ofenergize. Enormousness and Enormity: Enormousness means "largeness" or "immensity." Enormity means "depravity" or "wickedness" and also means a "crime" or "error." Frequently the word enormity is mistaken to mean "enormousness," which it does not. The two words do originally derive from the same Latin word, enormis, with the word enormity being derived through the French word enormite, but the distinction between the two English words has existed for hundreds of years. Flack and Flak : Flack is a noun that means "press agent" or "publicist" and a verb that means "to act as a press agent." Flak is a noun that means "anti-aircraft artillery" or "bursting of shells fired form anti-aircraft artillery" or, more commonly, "excessive or abusive criticism" or "dissension, opposition." If you criticize someone, you are giving them flak, not flack.

Flaunt and Flout :Flaunt means "display ostentatiously." Flout means to "disobey openly and scornfully" or "show contempt for." Some use one for the other, but confusing the two words is still widely seen as an error and best avoided. Forcible and Forceful: Forcible means "accomplished by force." Forceful means "powerful and vigorous." Something that is forcible can be accomplished with forceful effort. Fortuitous and Fortunate: Fortuitous means "happening by chance" or "accidental." Fortunate means "lucky." A fortuitous event may be, but is not necessarily, a fortunate event. Founder and Flounder: Founder means "to fail completely." Often it is used to refer to a ship, in which case it means, "to fill with water and sink." Flounder has a less severe definition; it means "to move clumsily or with difficulty" or "to make mistakes or become confused." Although the two words are similar in spelling, they are derived from different sources. Founder comes from the Latin word fundus, meaning "bottom." Flounder comes from Middle English, from the Anglo-Norman word floundre, of Scandinavian origin. We can flounder but recover, but when we founder, it's final. Full and Fulsome: Fulsome is sometimes mistaken as a synonym for full or fullest, when, in fact, its meaning bears no resemblance to full whatsoever. Fulsome means "cloying, excessive, and disgusting." Although both words have similar etymological roots, the English definitions are divergent enough to cause some gross misunderstandings when the words are confused, particularly in incorrect expressions such as "fulsome praise" and "fulsome apologies." Gambit and Gamut : Gambit is a strategic maneuver. Gamut is a full range or extent. Imply and Infer :Imply means to "hint or suggest without stating directly." Infer means "reach an opinion from facts or reasoning." The two terms are sometimes mistaken to be interchangeable. In actuality, they are quite distinct. The sender of an indirectly stated message is doing the implying, while a receiver that reasons what the message is is doing the inferring. Inanity and Inanition: Inanity means "foolishness" or "senselessness." Inanition means "lacking vigor." Incredulous and Incredible: Incredulous means "unbelieving" or "skeptical." Incredible means "unbelievable" or "hard to believe." If something incredible happens, you may be incredulous. Ingenious and Ingenuous: Ingenious means "clever and inventive." Ingenuous means "open, frank, and sincere" and also "naive, unsophisticated." The words have similar origins, hence the similar spelling, but their meanings have been distinct for centuries. Insulate and Insolate: Insulate means "to cause to be in a detached or isolated position" or "to prevent passage of heat, electricity, or sound into or out of." Insolate means "to expose to the sun's rays." Lightening and Lightning: Lightening refers to something illuminating or brightening. Lightning is what is accompanied by thunder during storms. Loath and Loathe: Loath is an adjective, meaning "disinclined" or "reluctant." Loathe is a verb, meaning "feel hatred or disgust for." Confusion often arises about not only what they mean but how they are pronounced. Loath has a soft thsound, while loathe has a hard th sound. Luxurious and Luxuriant: Luxurious means "supplied with luxuries." Luxuriant means "growing profusely." Some consider it acceptable to use luxuriant to mean luxurious, but the best policy is to keep the words distinct. Mucous and Mucus: Mucous is an adjective, as in, "a mucous gland." Mucus is a noun, as in, "There is mucus emanating from my mucous glands." Nauseous, Nauseated, and Nauseating :Nauseated means "caused to feel nausea." Nauseating means "causing to feel nausea." If you are nauseated, it is because something else is nauseating. There is no controversy about the meaning of these words, but there is much controversy over what nauseous means. Commonly, the word nauseous is used to mean "nauseated," but some maintain that it should only ever be used to mean "nauseating." In actuality, the word nauseous has meant both for over 400 years, and there is little reason to dispute an accepted usage of a word that dates back to the times in which the English language was at the summit of its development. Niggard and N***er: The word niggard, which means "miser," and its adjective form niggardly, have fallen under attack in recent years due to the relatively recent appearance of n***er, the similarly-spelled racial slur against African-Americans. The objection to the use of niggard on grounds of racial discrimination is unfounded. Apart from the similar spelling, the two words have nothing to do with each other. Historically and etymologically, the two words have had no relation; one did not derive from the other. Niggard comes from Middle English, which in turn comes from the Scandinavian word nig. The racial slur is a much more recent word, originating from the Middle French wordnegre, from the Spanish word negro, from the Latin word niger. These early variations were not considered racial slurs; the derogatory connotation only started showing up as recently as the mid-1900s Noisome and Noisy: Noisome means "harmful" or "offensive" or "disgusting." Obviously it does not share any shade of meaning with noisy, and so the two words should not be confused with one another. Passable and Passible: Passable means "capable of being passed." Passible means "capable of feeling or suffering; susceptible of sensation or emotion; impressionable." Passed and Past: Passed is a past tense verb. Past can be a noun, adjective, adverb, or preposition -- never a verb. Peccable and Peccant: Peccable means "capable of sinning." Peccant means "guilty of sinning."

Perspicacious and Perspicuous : Perspicacious means "having or showing insight." Perspicuous means "easily understood" or "lucid," or, when referring to a person, "expressing things clearly." Practicable and Practical: Practicable means "usable," while practical means "useful." Not all practicable things are practical, and not all practical things are practicable. Sanguine and Sanguinary:Sanguine means "hopeful" or "optimistic" or "confident." Sanguinary means "bloody" or "murderous." Obviously these are two words it's better not to confuse, lest you convey entirely the wrong idea about something. Stanch and Staunch: Stanch is a verb that means "restrain a flow." Staunch is an adjective that means "firm in attitude, opinion, or loyalty." Both words are pronounced the same way. The distinction is actually quite recent; a hundred years ago, the two words were treated as interchangeable spelling variants. Such is no longer the case, so it's important to distinguish one from the other. Stationary and Stationery: Stationary is an adjective that means "not moving." Stationery is a noun that means "writing paper and envelopes." Titillate and Titivate:Titillate means "stimulate pleasantly" or "tickle." Titivate means "adorn" or "spruce up." The similarity in spelling is coincidental. Titillate comes from the Latin word titillare, which means "tickle." Titivate is a newer word which comes from the earlier word tidivate, which is likely derived from the words tidy and elevate. Tortuous and Torturous:Tortuous means full of twists and turns. Torturous means "causing or involving torture or suffering." These words are sometimes confused because of their similar spelling, but there is no further similarity. Turbid and Turgid: Turbid means "unclear, obscure, confused, disordered" and, when referring to liquids, "muddy, thick, unclear." Turgid means "enlarged, swollen" and, when referring to language, "pompous, overblown grandiloquent." Because the two words are relatively uncommon, one is often confused for the other. Turbid comes from the Latin word turbidus, meaning "disordered," from turba, which means turmoil, possibly from the Greek wordturbe. Turgid comes from the Latin word turgidus, from turgere, which means, "to be swollen." Venal and Venial: Venal means "open to bribery" and "corruptible" and, when referring to conduct, "influenced by bribery." Venial means "pardonable," when referring to a fault or sin, and "trifling, not serious" when referring to misconduct. ACCEPT-to receive ex: He accepts defeat well. EXCEPT-to take or leave out ex: Please take all the books off the shelf except for the red one. AFFECT-to influence ex: Lack of sleep affects the quality of your work. EFFECT-n.,result, v.,to accomplish e:The subtle effect of the lighting made the room look ominous. A LOT (two words)-many. ALOT (one word)-Not the correct form. ALLUSION-an indirect reference ex:The professor made an allusion to Virginia Woolf's work. ILLUSION-a false perception of reality ex: They saw a mirage: that is a type of illusion one sees in the desert. ALL READY-prepared ex: Dinner was all ready when the guests arrived. ALREADY-by this time ex: The turkey was already burned when the guests arrived. ALTOGETHER-entirely ex: Altogether, I thought that the student's presentation was well planned. ALL TOGETHER-gathered, with everything in one place ex: We were all together at the family reunion last spring. APART-to be separated ex: The chain-link fence kept the angry dogs apart. OR My old car fell apart before we reached California. A PART-to be joined with e:The new course was a part of the new field of study at the university. OR A part of this plan involves getting started at dawn. ASCENT- climb ex: The plane's ascent made my ears pop. ASSENT-agreement ex: The martian assented to undergo experiments. BREATH-noun, air inhaled or exhaled ex: You could see his breath in the cold air. BREATHE-verb, to inhale or exhale ex: If you don't breathe, then you are dead. CAPITAL-seat of government. Also financial resources. ex: The capital of Virginia is Richmond. ex: The firm had enough capital to build the new plant. CAPITOL-the actual building in which the legislative body meets ex: The governor announced his resignation in a speech given at the capitol today. CITE-to quote or document ex: I cited ten quotes from the same author in my paper.

SIGHT-vision ex: The sight of the American flag arouses different emotions in different parts of the world. SITE-position or place ex: The new office building was built on the site of a cemetery. COMPLEMENT-noun, something that completes; verb, to complete ex: A nice dry white wine complements a seafood entree. COMPLIMENT-noun, praise; verb, to praise ex: The professor complimented Betty on her proper use of a comma. CONSCIENCE-sense of right and wrong ex: The student's conscience kept him from cheating on the exam. CONSCIOUS-awake ex: I was conscious when the burglar entered the house. COUNCIL-a group that consults or advises ex: The men and women on the council voted in favor of an outdoor concert in their town. COUNSEL-to advise ex: The parole officer counseled the convict before he was released. ELICIT-to draw or bring out ex: The teacher elicited the correct response from the student. ILLICIT-illegal ex: The Columbian drug lord was arrested for his illicit activities. EMINENT-famous, respected ex: The eminent podiatrist won the Physician of the Year award. IMMANENT-inherent or intrinsic ex: The meaning of the poem was immanent, and not easily recognized. IMMINENT-ready to take place ex: A fight between my sister and me is imminent from the moment I enter my house. ITS-of or belonging to it ex: The baby will scream as soon as its mother walks out of the room. IT'S-contraction for it is ex: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. LEAD-noun, a type of metal ex: Is that pipe made of lead? LED-verb, past tense of the verb "to lead" ex: She led the campers on an over-night hike. LIE-to lie down (a person or animal. hint: people can tell lies) ex: I have a headache, so I'm going to lie down for a while. (also lying, lay, has/have lain--The dog has lain in the shade all day; yesterday, the dog lay there for twelve hours). LAY-to lay an object down. ex: "Lay down that shotgun, Pappy!" The sheriff demanded of the crazed moonshiner. ex: The town lay at the foot of the mountain. (also laying, laid, has/have laid--At that point, Pappy laid the shotgun on the ground). LOSE--verb, to misplace or not win ex: Mom glared at Mikey. "If you lose that new lunchbox, don't even think of coming home!" LOOSE--adjective, to not be tight; verb (rarely used)--to release ex: The burglar's pants were so loose that he was sure to lose the race with the cop chasing him. ex: While awaiting trial, he was never set loose from jail because no one would post his bail. NOVEL-noun, a book that is a work of fiction. Do not use "novel" for nonfiction; use "book" or "work." ex: Mark Twain wrote his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when he was already well known, but before he published many other works of fiction and nonfiction. PASSED-verb, past tense of "to pass," to have moved ex: The tornado passed through the city quickly, but it caused great damage. PAST-belonging to a former time or place

ex: Who was the past president of Microsquish Computers? ex: Go past the fire station and turn right. PRECEDE-to come before ex: Pre-writing precedes the rough draft of good papers. PROCEED-to go forward ex: He proceeded to pass back the failing grades on the exam. PRINCIPAL-adjective, most important; noun, a person who has authority ex: The principal ingredient in chocolate chip cookies is chocolate chips. ex: The principal of the school does the announcements each morning. PRINCIPLE-a general or fundamental truth ex: The study was based on the principle of gravity. QUOTE-verb, to cite ex: I would like to quote Dickens in my next paper. QUOTATION-noun, the act of citing ex: The book of famous quotations inspired us all. RELUCTANT-to hesitate or feel unwilling ex: We became reluctant to drive further and eventually turned back when the road became icy. RETICENT-to be reluctant to speak; to be reserved in manner. Note that The American Heritage Dictionary lists "reluctant" as a synonym for "reticent," as the third definition. For nuance and variety, we recommend "reticent" for reluctance when speaking or showing emotion (after all, even extroverts can become reluctant). ex: They called him reticent, because he rarely spoke. But he listened carefully and only spoke when he had something important to say. STATIONARY-standing still ex: The accident was my fault because I ran into a stationary object. STATIONERY-writing paper ex: My mother bought me stationery that was on recycled paper. SUPPOSED TO-correct form for "to be obligated to" or "presumed to" NOT "suppose to" SUPPOSE-to guess or make a conjecture ex: Do you suppose we will get to the airport on time? When is our plane supposed to arrive? We are supposed to check our bags before we board, but I suppose we could do that at the curb and save time. THAN-use with comparisons ex: I would rather go out to eat than eat at the dining hall. THEN-at that time, or next ex: I studied for my exam for seven hours, and then I went to bed. THEIR-possessive form of they ex: Their house is at the end of the block. THERE-indicates location (hint: think of "here and there") ex: There goes my chance of winning the lottery! THEY'RE-contraction for "they are" ex: They're in Europe for the summer--again! THROUGH-by means of; finished; into or out of ex: He plowed right through the other team's defensive line. THREW-past tense of throw ex: She threw away his love love letters. THOROUGH-careful or complete ex: John thoroughly cleaned his room; there was not even a speck of dust when he finished. THOUGH-however; nevertheless ex: He's really a sweetheart though he looks tough on the outside. THRU-abbreviated slang for through; not appropriate in standard writing ex: We're thru for the day! TO-toward ex: I went to the University of Richmond. TOO-also, or excessively ex: He drank too many screwdrivers and was unable to drive home.

TWO-a number ex: Only two students did not turn in the assignment. WHO-pronoun, referring to a person or persons ex: Jane wondered how Jack, who is so smart, could be having difficulties in Calculus. WHICH-pronoun, replacing a singular or plural thing(s);not used to refer to persons ex: Which section of history did you get into? THAT-used to refer to things or a group or class of people ex: I lost the book that I bought last week. WHO-used as a subject or as a subject complement (see above) ex: John is the man who can get the job done. WHOM-used as an object ex: Whom did Sarah choose as her replacement? dessert and desert Dessert is a sweet dish, while the desert is hot, dry and full of sand. accept and except To accept means to receive or agree to something, while except means excluding. there and their The former is an adverb of place while the latter is a possessive pronoun e.g. Their house is over there. principle and principal Principles are beliefs, values or basic truths, while principal means the head of a school, or the main thing. advice and advise The former is a noun while the latter is a verb, so you can advise someone by giving them good advice. borrow and lend To borrow means to receive something as a loan, while to lend means to give something as a loan. E.g. Can I borrow your car? Sorry, I can't lend it to you today. despite and although These have a similar meaning but are used differently. Despite is a preposition while although is a conjunction. E.g. He won the race despite his injury. He won the race although he had an injury. Affect and effect The former is a verb while the latter is a noun, e.g. The effect of the war is enormous; it has affected all sectors of the economy. personal and personnel Your personal details include your name, age and nationality, while a personnel means the employees of a company. assure and ensure To assure someone means to remove doubt or reassure them, while ensure means to make certain that something happens. E.g. I assured him that you would be there, so please ensure that you get to the meeting on time.

Forms to Remember Accept, Except accept = verb meaning to receive or to agree: He accepted their praise graciously. except = preposition meaning all but, other than: Everyone went to the game except Alyson. We are currently updating these resources, but for more information on these words, plus exercises, see our document on accept/except and affect/effect. Affect, Effect affect = verb meaning to influence: Will lack of sleep affect your game? effect = noun meaning result or consequence: Will lack of sleep have an effect on your game? effect = verb meaning to bring about, to accomplish: Our efforts have effected a major change in university policy. A memory-help for affect and effect is RAVEN: Remember, Affect is a Verb and Effect is aNoun. We are currently updating these resources, but for more information on these words, plus exercises, see our document on accept/except and affect/effect. Advise, Advice advise = verb that means to recommend, suggest, or counsel: I advise you to be cautious. advice = noun that means an opinion or recommendation about what could or should be done: I'd like to ask for your advice on this matter. Conscious, Conscience conscious= adjective meaning awake, perceiving: Despite a head injury, the patient remained conscious. conscience = noun meaning the sense of obligation to be good:

Chris wouldn't cheat because his conscience wouldn't let him. Idea, Ideal idea = noun meaning a thought, belief, or conception held in the mind, or a general notion or conception formed by generalization: Jennifer had a brilliant idea she'd go to the Writing Lab for help with her papers! ideal = noun meaning something or someone that embodies perfection, or an ultimate object or endeavor: Mickey was the ideal for tutors everywhere. ideal = adjective meaning embodying an ultimate standard of excellence or perfection, or the best: Jennifer was an ideal student. Its, It's its = possessive adjective (possesive form of the pronoun it): The crab had an unusual growth on its shell. it's = contraction for it is or it has (in a verb phrase): It's still raining; it's been raining for three days. (Pronouns have apostrophes only when two words are being shortened into one.) Lead, Led lead = noun referring to a dense metallic element: The X-ray technician wore a vest lined with lead. led = past-tense and past-participle form of the verb to lead, meaning to guide or direct: The evidence led the jury to reach a unanimous decision. Than, Then used in comparison statements: He is richer than I. used in statements of preference: I would rather dance than eat. Than used to suggest quantities beyond a specified amount: Read more than the first paragraph. a time other than now: He was younger then. She will start her new job then. next in time, space, or order: First we must study; then we can play. Then suggesting a logical conclusion: If you've studied hard, then the exam should be no problem. Their, There, They're Their = possessive pronoun: They got their books. There = that place: My house is over there. (This is a place word, and so it contains the word here.) They're = contraction for they are: They're making dinner. (Pronouns have apostrophes only when two words are being shortened into one.) To, Too, Two To = preposition, or first part of the infinitive form of a verb: They went to the lake to swim. Too = very, also: I was too tired to continue. I was hungry, too. Two = the number 2: Two students scored below passing on the exam. Two, twelve, and between are all words related to the number 2, and all contain the letters tw.

Too can mean also or can be an intensifier, and you might say that it contains an extra o("one too many") We're, Where, Were We're = contraction for we are: We're glad to help. (Pronouns have apostrophes only when two words are being shortened into one.) Where = location: Where are you going? (This is a place word, and so it contains the word here.) Were = a past tense form of the verb be: They were walking side by side. Your, You're Your = possessive pronoun: Your shoes are untied. You're = contraction for you are: You're walking around with your shoes untied. (Pronouns have apostrophes only when two words are being shortened into one.) I/E Rule Write I before E Except after C Or when it sounds like an A As in "neighbor" and "weigh" i before e: relief, believe, niece, chief, sieve, frieze, field, yield e before i: receive, deceive, ceiling, conceit, vein, sleigh, freight, eight Exceptions seize, either, weird, height, foreign, leisure, conscience, counterfeit, forfeit, neither, science, species, sufficient Please see our four interactive exercises to practice these rules. -ible, -able Rule -ible If the root is not a complete word, add -ible. aud + ible = audible Examples: visible horrible terrible possible edible eligible incredible permissible -able If the root is a complete word, add -able. accept + able = acceptable Examples: fashionable laughable suitable dependable comfortable If the root is a complete word ending in -e, drop the final -e and add -able. excuse - e+ able = excusable Examples: advisable desirable valuable debatable

Some exceptions: contemptible digestible flexible responsible irritable inevitable

Try some exercises for spelling -ible and -able correctly. Please note we are in the process of revising our exercises. They will eventually be altered to reflect those revisions.

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