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MichaeI DeRoker - Producer
WonderIand Pictures, Inc.
Dlrector's Note
by Kelth Adams
5IF4JDLFOJOH was born of a comedlc ldea: lmaglne lf there were two 1ack Nlcholsons trylng to klll
each other ln "The Shlnlng". Lxcept each one thlnks they're sane and the other one ls crazy.
A A comedlc ldea! 8ut thls ls a horror movle, lsn't lt! Absolutely. 5IF4JDLFOJOH wlll satlsfy what
horror enthuslasts expect of thls beloved genre: suspense, tenslon, paranola, atmosphere, a few
well placed "[ump scares", and a memorable score-- Not to mentlon murderous Satanlsts, severed
llmbs and twlsted nlghtmares of a demented Mother.
8ut wh 8ut what really lnterests me, and what | hope can set thls lm apart from the average horror lm, ls
the story of two very dlnerent brothers. They grew up together, yet they can't relate to each other.
They are not honest wlth each other. They don't trust each other. 8ut they need each other to
exhume the truth about thelr mysterlously dark chlldhoods. |n a way, 5IF4JDLFOJOH ls a relatlonshlp
movle, where the relatlonshlp becomes so toxlc, so psychotlc, that lt culmlnates ln the ultlmate
A And there's a comedlc aspect to lt. Only a slbllng knows what profoundly annoys you. An onhand
comment, an lll tlmed look, somethlng seemlngly trlvlal can cause a festerlng slbllng rlvalry to ex-
plode lnto bltlng anger. Posslbly vlolence. And that can be funny. |n lts dramatlc scenes, the tone
of thls lm wlll teeter on that edge of lndlnerence and rage.
|n a movle about brothers, castlng the two leads ls the most lmportant task at hand. we have to
feel the hlstory of thls relatlonshlp. |t's excltlng to lmaglne what talented actors wlll brlng to these
characters. The scrlpt glves them ample opportunlty to chew the scenery, but thelr chemlstry wlll
ultlmately make lt work.
TThe vlsual style of the lm wlll pay homage to the classlc era of the genre: wldescreen composl-
tlons, long shots, smooth, nowlng camerawork, and styllsh murder sequences. |t wlll be lmed ln
an archetypal horror locatlon: a creepy old lake house ln a remote lakeslde town. The house may or
may not be haunted, but lt denltely harbors the answers of a dark chlldhood.
| cannot | cannot walt to shoot the thlrd act of thls movle. |t ls the heart of the orlglnal concept and lt's
golng to be an all out assault. As a bllzzard rages and the murder mystery has nally unfolded, the
lsolatlon and paranola wlll boll over, and we wlll nd our characters deep ln a bloody ght. we wlll
be shocked. we wlll be terrled. And we mlght laugh a llttle. See you on the set!



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